TU Graz/


TU Graz Suche

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IFB - Cooperations

. Arnold Reusken und Dr. Sven Groß, Institute for Geometry and Applied Mathematics Hamburg University of Technology, Prof. Alexander Düster, Institut of Ship Structural Design and Analysis RWTH Aachen

AM:BM - Abschlussarbeiten

nachfolgende List von Themen stellt mögliche Themen für Bachelorprojekte und Masterprojekte dar, welche auf Wunsch angepasst werden können. Eigene Themenvorschläge sind jedoch auch möglich und werden gerne

ARCH - Wissenschaftliches Personal

Visitenkarte Alexander Grasser-Parger Dipl.-Ing. BSc Institut für Architektur und Medien Kronesgasse 5 8010 Graz grasser noSpam @tugraz.at Visitenkarte Alexander Grasser-Parger ist Architekt, Designer und

ARCH - Academic Staff

Business Card Alexander Grasser-Parger Dipl.-Ing. BSc Institute of Architecture and Media Kronesgasse 5 8010 Graz grasser noSpam @tugraz.at Business Card Alexander Grasser is an architect, designer and

AGNHB-LCA 20211216

Construction; https://www.agnhb.tugraz.at Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Alexander Passer, MSc. via email office.agnhb@tugraz.at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) is a technical-scientific research

ICG - Markus Rumpler

Selected Publications The following is a list of selected publications emerged during my work at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision. A full list of my publications can be found here . Journal

ICG - Markus Rumpler

following is a list of selected publications emerged during my work at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision. A full list of my publications can be found here . Journal Publications: Evaluations on

EAM - Archiv

. Stipendium des Hans List Fonds 2016 für Herrn Christian Paar Herrn Christian Paar wurde für seine Arbeit an seiner Dissertation „Thermal Design of Electric Traction Machines Integrates in Hybrid Electric

BPTI - News and Events

are sharing and  discussing their research. The meetings are taking place at the BPTI social room . Here is the list of upcoming and past events: 2024-March 14 th , 9h30 Kartik Pondicherry, Anton Paar

FELMI - 2010

Kraftwerke Publikation in PURE anzeigen Alexander Blümel, Harald Plank, Andreas Klug, Evelin Fisslthaler, Meltem Sezen, Werner Grogger and Emil List On the deconvolution of Kelvin probe force microscopy data

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