BPTI Research Seminars

Bi-weekly we are conducting research seminars where PhD students as well as senior researchers from TU Graz and external organisations are sharing and  discussing their research. The meetings are taking place at the BPTI social room. Here is the list of upcoming and past events:

  • 2025-February 6th, 9h30 Alexander Eckert, AIT
    High Performance Vision Systems
  • 2025-January 23rd, 9h30 Caterina Czibula, TU Graz
    Results and Prize Winners: Hair matters - the BPTI edition
  • 2024-December 12th, 9h30 Stanislav Zak, Erich Schmid Inst. of Materials Science
    Numerical modelling in micro-mechanics of materials
  • 2024-November 28th, 9h30 Florian Lindner, TU Graz
    Combining experiment and theory to study mechanical properties of porous materials
  • 2024-November 14th, 9h30 Stefan Vielhaber, TU Graz
    EOP Bleaching - Effect of Peroxide Addition
  • 2024-October 17th, 9h30 Caterina Czibula, TU Graz
    Introduction to Keratin Fibers
  • 2024-September 19th, 9h30 Lukas Lohninger, TU Graz
    Investigation on Liquid Penetration of machine glazed paper and its influential parameters
  • 2024-July 18th, 9h30 Paula Rubene, TU Graz
    Adsorption of xylan on pulp fibers
  • 2024-July 4th, 9h30 Anna Mayrhofer, TU Graz
    Fundamentals of barrier technology for fibre-based packaging
  • 2024-June 6th, 9h30 Ville Leminen, Lappeenranta University of Technology
    Packaging Research at LUT
  • 2024-May 23rd, 9h30 Maximilian Loist, TU Dresden
    Approaches on Dry Papermaking
  • 2024-March 14th, 9h30 Kartik Pondicherry, Anton Paar
    Applied Rheology – Soft Interfaces to Batteries
  • 2024-February 29th, 9h30 Irina Protsak, Univ. Vienna - Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis
    Designing a novel sorbent for targeted recovery of critical elements
  • 2024-February 15th, 9h30 Alexander Wagner, TU Graz
    Recycled Cotton Fibers as a raw material for papermaking
  • 2024-February 1st, 9h30 Lukas Hopf, TU Graz
    Flexibilisation of NSSC pulp fibers using the Fenton Reaction
  • 2024-January 18th, 9h30 Janis Zoder, TU Graz
    Implementation and Validation of the NREL Biomass Analysis Method
  • 2023-December 21st, 9h30 Martin Gjorgijoski, TU Graz
    Die harmonisierte CEPI-Methode: Eine umfassende Methode zur Bewertung der Recyclingfähigkeit von Papier
  • 2023-December 7st, 9h30 Lukas Pachernegg, TU Graz
    Ionic liquids and cellulose thin films – a study on interfacial interactions
  • 2023-November 23th, 9h30 Roman Poschner, TU Graz
    Fractionation of wood due to industrial chipping – Effects and potential for Kraft pulping
  • 2023-November 9th, 9h30 Alexander Maaß, TU Graz
    Long Term Curl of Printing Paper due to Ink Solvent Migration
  • 2023-October 12th, 9h30 Elias Klein, TU Graz
    Optimization of the photopolymerization of ionic liquids for novel membranes in redox flow batteries
  • 2023-2023-June 22nd, 9h30 Theresa Ebner, TU Graz
    Fracture toughness of paper and its relation to tear- and tensile strength
  • June 1st, 9h00 Alexa Scheer, TU Graz
    Exploring Ionic Liquid Interactions with Paper
  • 2023-April 19th, 9h00 Joel Pawlak, NC State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
    Porous- and fiber materials - engineering and applications
  • 2023-May 11th, 9h30 Robert Woodward, Universität Wien
    Hypercrosslinked Polymer Design and Implementation
  • 2023-March 17th, 10h00 Markéta Šámalová, Experimental Biology Department, Masaryk University
    Plant cell walls and their biomechanical properties
  • 2023-March 16th, 9h30 Greta Kloppenburg, Baumechanik und Numerische Methoden, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
    Multi-scale and multi-physical modeling of paper
  • 2023-March 2nd, 9h30 Christiane Helbrecht and Samuel Schabel, TU Darmstadt
    Paper Technology Research at TU Darmstadt
  • 2023-February 16th, 9h30 Jürgen Reitbauer, BPTI, TU Graz
    Image Analysis of Computer Tomogrphy Data with Dragonfly
  • 2023-January 19th, 9h30 Caterina Czibula, BPTI, TU Graz
    Exploring Brillouin Light Scattering for Lignocellulosic Fibers
  • 2022-December 22nd, 9h30 BPTI Researchers
    Paper Recycling: Research Brainstorming,
  • 2022-November 24th, 9h30 Bernd Oberdorfer, Strahlenmesstechnik, TU Graz
    Possibilities and limits of X-ray computed tomography
  • 2022-October 13th, 9h30 Kai Schulze / Thomas Steiner, BEST Bioenergy and Sustainable Technolgies
    CFD-modeling and simulation activities at BEST
  • 2022-September-15th, 9h30 Rosario Othen, Inst. Textile Technology, RWTH Aachen
    Nonwovens & Paper – Key Plattfom Technologies for Bio-Economy
  • 2022-July-14th, 9h30 Marlene Anzengruber, BPTI, TU Graz
    Polymerization of Ionic Liquids
  • 2022-June-30th, 8h30 Gil Garnier, Monash University, Australia
    Research in Cellulosic Materials
  • 2022-April-7th, 8h30 Marcella Frauscher / Andreas Nevosad, AC2T
    AC2T - Austrian Competence Center of Tribology
  • 2022-March-24th, 8h30 Julian Selinger, TU Graz / Aalto Univ.
    Growth of bacterial cellulose on waste substrates
  • 2022-February-10th, 8h30 Wolfgang Bauer / Martin Nagl, BPTI, TU Graz
    Application of enzymes in refining
  • 2022-January-13th, 8h30 Alexander Maaß, BPTI, TU Graz
    Dynamic curl measurement of A4 sheets
  • 2021-December-16th, 8h30 Alexander Wagner, BPTI, TU Graz
    Magnesium as alkali source in oxygen delignification
  • 2021-December-2nd, 8h30 Thomas Harter, BPTI, TU Graz
    Determination of stored mechanical energy in viscose fibre tampons using IR thermography
  • 2021-November-18th, 8h30 Carina Waldner, BPTI, TU Graz
    Impact of paper and liquid properties on liquid penetration
  • 2021-October 21st, 8h30 Jürgen Reitbauer, BPTI, TU Graz
    Structural properties of tissue paper
  • 2021-October 7th, 8h30 Chiara Czibula, BPTI, TU Graz
    Fines reduction and its influence on bleaching
  • 2021-September-23rd, 8h30 Eduardo Machado-Charry, Inst. Solid Stat Physics, TU Graz
    Graz µ-CT consortium: Latest news and perspectives
    ATTENTION: we meet at lecture hall i8, Inffeldgasse 13.
  • 2021-August-12th, 8h30 Anna Mayrhofer, BPTI, TU Graz
    Impact of Refining and Sizing on Liquid penetration for High Speed Inkjet Paper
  • 2021-July-29th, 8h30 Lukas Pachernegg, BPTI, TU Graz
    Copolymerized ionic liquid membranes for redox flow batteries
  • 2021-July-15th, 8h30 Patrick Petschacher, BPTI, TU Graz
    Optical properties of cellulose nancrystals
  • 2021-July-1st, 8h30 Teresa Jagiello, BPTI, TU Graz
    The influence of unoxidized and oxidized fitrate on oxygen delignification of pulp
  • 2021-June-17th, 8h30 Marko Zizek, BPTI, TU Graz
    The loading rate dependency of pulp fiber E-modulus