The lecture "Photovoltaic Systems and their Applicaton" is the first in a series of ESEIA international lectures entitled "Sustainable Energy Innovation Systems for Climate Neutrality". The lecture series set up by the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance – ESEIA will provide a platform for perspectives exchange between different societal actors on what must be done to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
The lecture on PV Systems and their Applications will be delivered at TU Graz. The ESEIA Vice-President and Head of Energy Research at Tyndall National Institute Brian Norton (short CV on the bottom of the page) will introduce the topic, followed by a debate with the Managing Director at Graz Energy Agency Robert Schmied about challenges and opportunities for the City of Graz and the CEO at EET Christoph Grimmer about how companies and end-users can benefit. The Seminar is chaired by Martin Wilkening, TU Graz.
Join us for free for this exceptional seminar! We invite you to register before 5 October to make sure you can benefit from the seminar and after seminar drinks.
Professor Brian Norton PhD DSc DUniv(h.c.) FIAE MRIA is Head of Energy Research at Tyndall National Institute at University College Cork and Professor of Solar Energy Applications at TU Dublin, as well as Vice-President and Treasurer of the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance. He is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Ireland’s highest academic distinction, and a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. His awards include the CIBSE Napier Shaw Medal for the development of the degree-hour building energy-use correlation; the Energy Institute’s Roscoe Award which recognised his research comparing the embodied environmental impact of all renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and the American Association of Publishers PROSE Award for the book “Comprehensive Renewable Energy”. He has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Solaris Conference series and “Solar Energy” Journal Best Paper Award in Pho Photovoltaics.
6. October 2022, 19:00 - 21:00
TU Graz, Old Campus, Aula, Rechbauerstraße 12, 1st floor, 8010 Graz, Austria
Abhaltungssprache: Englisch
European Sustainable Energy Innovation alliance (ESEIA)
Tel.: +43 316 873 5281