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Certificate for Key Competencies

Entrepreneurial acting and thinking, intercultural and gender skills, languages ​​and a deeper understanding of the fundamental importance of science and technology for contemporary societies ‒ these are key competencies that are expected from university graduates today.

TU Graz offers its students a wide range of freely selectable courses on these topics. The courses are grouped into topic-specific "tracks", which can be completed with a certificate for key competencies.

Entrepreneurship ‒ Entrepreneurial acting and thinking


With a Key Competencies Certificate – Entrepreneurship, graduates prove their proficiency in the area of “entrepreneurial acting and thinking”. Graduates are able to start, design and manage companies on their own accord as founders or within existing organisations. They can recognise opportunities and know how to plan and utilise the necessary resources for seizing them.

All Details regarding Entrepreneurship ‒ Entrepreneurial acting and thinking

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Science, Technology and Society (STS)


With a Key Competencies Certificate – Science, Technology and Society (STS), graduates prove that they possess a deeper understanding of the fundamental importance of science and technology for contemporary societies. The Science, Technology and Society certificate is designed with interdisciplinarity in mind and based on the internationally established subject area "Science, Technology and Society Studies". It therefore provides graduates with a point of contact to all of the study programmes offered at Graz University of Technology. The certificate is intended to enable graduates to contribute responsibly to overcoming social challenges and to work towards the prosperous development of the economy, society and the natural environment.

All details regarding Science, Technology and Society

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Gender and Diversity

16 ECTS must be completed

The certificate for key competencies "Gender and Diversity" for students of Graz University of Technology promotes gender and diversity competencies as essential future competencies for research and development at universities, business and society. It integrates courses aimed at interaction and teamwork, taking into account protection against discrimination in terms of age, gender, ideology and other social factors. The certificate is open to students of all fields of study at Graz University of Technology, it is interdisciplinary in nature and includes links to all degree programs at Graz University of Technology.

All details regarding Gender and Diversity

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8 ECTS each must be completed.

The language competency levels of the certificate (A2 to C1) are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe.

All details regarding the certificate and the languages offered

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Students of TU Graz can find detailed information and FAQ about the Certificate for Key Competences on the intranet TU4U.


Timotheus HELL
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Higher Education and Programme Development