Duration of study: 3 years
Academic degree: Doktorin/Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften (Dr. techn.; translation: Doctor of Technical Sciences), equivalent to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); joint graduation certificate from TU Graz and Nanyang University of Technology
Language of instruction: English
Admission requirements: see requirements for doctoral programmes
Curriculum and statutes:
Sabine PREM
Phone: +43 316 873 6416
sabine.prem @tugraz.at
In my research, I focus on procedural modelling, generating 3D objects using programmes and algorithms – this an exciting area of research with a promising future, as more and more 3D objects are needed in media, industry and research. I would recommend this degree to everyone who wishes to make international contacts and get to know researchers from different cultures. I am still in touch with some of my fellow students and the connection to Singapore has also made it easier to publish in Asia. By working at 2 different universities, I gained a profound insight into my field of study and discovered new connections.
Admissions to doctoral studies are possible in the current semester at any time up to a maximum of ten days before the start of the general admission period of the following semester. Admission deadlines
Further informationen on registration and admission
International degree programme applicants: admission and application deadlines