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Joint Doctoral Programme Visual Computing together with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Doctoral students undertaking research on visual computing can complete the Joint PhD Programme with the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore at the Doctoral School of Computer Science. Here is an overview of the advantages of this international programme:

  • Your doctoral thesis is supervised by renowned researchers at both universities.
  • You spend at least 1 year of your doctoral programme working in an academic capacity at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
  • You are awarded a joint graduation certificate from TU Graz and the Nanyang University of Technology.
  • You are employed as an academic member of staff at TU Graz throughout your entire degree programme.

Research topics

  • Visual computing technologies for interactive visual analysis of large data sets from measurement and simulation (in engineering, automotive industries, meteorology, medicine etc.)
  • New visual computing technologies for virtual prototyping (with applications in acceleration and cost reduction of design and production processes)
  • Visual computing technologies for constructing digital models of the real world (3D reconstruction, combination of real-time sensing with 3D models, surveillance, cultural heritage, tourism, traffic, location based services etc.)
You can find projects and calls for applications on the website of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization.

Duration of study: 3 years

Academic degree: Doktorin/Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften (Dr. techn.; translation: Doctor of Technical Sciences), equivalent to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); joint graduation certificate from TU Graz and Nanyang University of Technology 

Language of instruction: English

Admission requirements: see requirements for doctoral programmes 

Curriculum and statutes:

Information and Advice

Sabine PREM
Phone: +43 316 873 6416

The following could also be of interest

Application and admission

  • Apply to calls for applications with supporting institutes (see current openings at CGV) or by initiative application.
  • For initiative applications, please contact directly any of the supporting institutes or points of contact.
The selection committee decides whether you will be admitted.
In my research, I focus on procedural modelling, generating 3D objects using programmes and algorithms – this an exciting area of research with a promising future, as more and more 3D objects are needed in media, industry and research. I would recommend this degree to everyone who wishes to make international contacts and get to know researchers from different cultures. I am still in touch with some of my fellow students and the connection to Singapore has also made it easier to publish in Asia. By working at 2 different universities, I gained a profound insight into my field of study and discovered new connections.

Admission Deadlines

Admissions to doctoral studies are possible in the current semester at any time up to a maximum of ten days before the start of the general admission period of the following semester. Admission deadlines

Further informationen on registration and admission

International degree programme applicants: admission and application deadlines