"Ars Docendi": Dipl.-Ing. Paul Baumgartner received the state prize for excellent teaching.
Electrical engineer Paul Baumgartner from Graz and his team are the first Ars Docendi award winners from an University of Technology.
Institute of Fundamentals and Theory in Electrical Engineering
Spezial Prize for Young Teachers
DI Michael FUCHS, BSc
Institute of Electronics
Spezial Prize for Digital Teaching
May 2020
Award of the Study Prize 2019 of the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation to Dipl.-Ing. Nils MEYER-KAHLEN for his master's thesis as part of his studies in electrical engineering and audio engineering Master's Degree Programme Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering
January 2020
VWA Award Winners Electrical Engineering 2019
Our VWA Award Winners Electrical Engineering 2019 were also at the Ball der Technik 2020 and presented their VWA work with posters. Picture rights: alumniTUGraz1887/Lunghammer. From left to right: Felix Hasiba, Dean Wolfgang Bösch, Annabell Kassar, Luka Wibmer