

Welcome to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

The research activities at the 12 institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are trend-setting and leading in Austria in many applied and theoretical areas.

High technology from Graz is used in modern locomotives as well as on board of space missions, in weather radar as well as in automotive and medical diagnostic technology. The faculty is significantly involved in European and international research projects, but also in national programmes such as Kplus competence centres and Christian Doppler laboratories. Modern research and teaching requires inter-institute cooparation, as practiced at the faculty, for example in complex field calculations for new sensors, in digital signal processing, or in mobile robot applications.

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Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering
Inffeldgasse 18/EG
8010 Graz
AUSTRIA Tel.: +43 (0) 316 873 - 7110
Fax.: +43 (0) 316 873 - 107110