Welcome to ICTM — from basic reseach to applied technology

Welcome to the webpage of the Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Materials (ICTM) of Graz University of Technology. The Institute aims to use modern spectroscopic tools and synthesis methods to advance both pure and application-oriented materials research and energy science. Research refers to the design and understanding of materials, such as inorganic materials and polymers, for a sustainable society. Emphasis is put on energy materials and (solid-state) physical chemistry concerning the various reactions, kinetic phenomena and dynamic processes in electrochemical devices. Its main aim in teaching is to train students of all levels based on pure and applied research projects. Currently, ICTM supports both graduate and undergraduate students in four primary fields of study viz. Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry. It belongs to one of the largest Institutes at the TU Graz.

Currently, research at ICTM is concentrated in two main areas comprising the following sub-topics.

  Solid-State Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry

[subject area A, head: Prof. Wilkening]

research groups: Wilkening • Hanzu • Reichmann • Gollas • Koruza • Taucher-Mautner

  • diffusion phenomena and dynamic processes of small ions in solids 
  • (solid-state) electrochemistry incl. surfaces and interfaces (also buried ones)
  • materials for batteries and modern energy storage devices
  • chemical and electrochemical reactivity of ionic conductors 
  • electrochemical deposition
  • ceramic materials with special electric, magnetic and optical properties
  • mechanochemistry of ceramics
  • materials for supercapacitors

research teams in area A:  all groups


  Macromolecular Chemistry and Polymer Science

[subject area B, head: Prof. Trimmel]

research groups: Trimmel (Rath, Saf) • Slugovc 

  • porous polymers
  • materials for energy storage
  • advancement of polymerization techniques (in particular olefin-metathesis polymerization)
  • materials for solar energy conversion
  • rubber chemistry & technology

research teams in area B:  all groups


Current projects. The orientation of ICTM towards research in cooperation with partners from industry has been recognized by the establishment of several Christian-Doppler-Laboratories. ICTM had been the home to the CD Lab Lithium Batteries - ageing effects, technology and new materials. Currently, C. Slugovs runs a CD lab on Organocatalysis in Polymerization. Moreover, ICTM participates in the Center of Competence for Electrochemical Surface Technology (CEST) and in the Polymer Competence Center Leoben (PCCL). Numerous research projects – reflecting the institute's broad expertise in pure research – are executed in cooperation with national and international partners like the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Research Directorate-General of the European Union as well as industrial partners and SMEs.

Further Groups at ICTM

PCCL group, Polymer Chemistry

S. Spirk, partly hosted by ICTM 

Contact Information

Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials
Institut für Chemische Technologie von Materialien

Head | Leitung
Prof. Dr. Martin Wilkening

Stremayrgasse 9
A-8010 Graz - Austria

for initial contact:
Karin Krasser
(Assistant to Prof. Wilkening)
phone +43 316 873-32331

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