Degree Programme Computer Science

Bachelor's Degree Programme CS

In the bachelor's degree programme, you will be prepared to enter the broad field of computer science and receive the knowledge and basic education you need to work in the complex domain of information technologies. You will deal with the fundamentals of and technologies and applications used in systematic and automated information processing.

In addition, you will learn methods and tools that you can use to understand complex systems in the natural sciences, technology and other areas of human life. You have the opportunity to specialise in subject areas such as software engineering, data science, machine learning, computer vision, or security. This programme enables you to apply logical thinking skills and solve analytical problems, as well as express your creativity and innovation.

During your studies you will have a chance to experience the tangible connection between theory and practice. You will learn more about current topics, such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, the Internet of Things, game development, IT security, machine learning, VR (virtual reality), data science, BCI (brain-computer interface). Furthermore, you will carry out smaller software projects or have the opportunity to work on a research project as part of your bachelor’s thesis.


Focus Areas

Fundamentals: You will learn the fundamentals of computer science as well as mathematical foundations of computer science, e.g. analysis, discrete mathematics, numerical computing, linear algebra, probability theory and statistics.

Software Engineering: You will learn more about topics such as systems programming, programming languages, operating system basics and software paradigms. In addition, you will explore human-computer interactions, computer graphics and machine vision and immerse yourself in the world of virtual and augmented reality.

Information Processing: Your research interests will include data management and data science as well as data structures and algorithms. You will learn how computers are constructed as well as how they are programmed and networked. In the area of information security, a focus is placed on cryptography and computer security.

Theory and Application of Computer Science: You will learn more about theoretical computer science and explore specific application areas, such as machine learning, algorithms and games, computer vision and artificial intelligence.

6 semesters
180 credit points
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
German, many courses offered in English

Master's Degree Programme CS

After completing the bachelor's degree programme, you can directly enrol in 1 of 3 master’s degree programmes with a total of 18 different majors.


Semester Plan


4 semesters
120 credit points
"Diplom-Ingenieurin" or "Diplom-Ingenieur" (Dipl.Ing. or DI), equivalent to the Master of Science (MSc)

Doctoral School CS

Want to top off your studies with a PhD? No problem at TU Graz!

Formal duration: 3 years
Average duration: 4 to 5 years
Doktorin/Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften
(Dr. techn.; trans.: Doctor of Technical Sciences, equivalent to the PhD)

Bachelor's Programme
Semester plan

Complete your bachelor's degree
Bachelorstudium abschließen


Master's Programme
Master's Curriculum


Procedures and documents in TU4U

Important news for students

Student representation CS, ICE, SEM
(find information about new curricula here)

Merit Scholarship 2019/20

Scholarship Grant 2020