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Overview: Media Service

The Media Service page contains press releases on current developments involving TU Graz as well as facts and figures and image material in print quality. The Media Service team is the central contact point for journalists, arranges contacts with interview subjects and supports members of TU Graz in their publicity work.
The ice mass of a glacier lies between two mountain ranges.

Improved Glacier Monitoring Using Satellite Radar

International researchers involving Graz University of Technology have used radar data to determine which glaciers in High Mountain Asia are growing or shrinking in which season. For parts of Central Asia and the Himalayas, the findings contradict previous assumptions.

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Communications and Marketing
Media Service

Barbara GIGLER
Press officer
Phone: +43 316 873 6006
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6006

Phone: +43 316 873 6066
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6066

Philipp JARKE
Phone: +43 316 873 4566
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 4566

currently on maternity leave

Seven people stand in a row and smile at the camera.

FWF awards funding for new Cluster of Excellence featuring TU Graz

In the collaborative project “Circular Bioengineering”, researchers at five universities are developing methods and processes for producing sustainable bio-based chemicals and materials. The funding amounts to 16 million euros.

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A picture of a quantum computer.

TU Graz Develops Hardware Architecture for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Integrating post-quantum security algorithms into hardware has long been considered a challenge. But a research team at TU Graz has now developed hardware for NIST post-quantum cryptography standards with additional security measures for this purpose.

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Four people, three men and one woman, smile into the camera.

Ceremonial launch of the TU Graz Cybersecurity Campus

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft constructs climate-friendly new building for high-tech research in Styria.

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Two men are standing at a desk looking at a computer screen. In the background is an MRI machine.

Better MRI Videos Thanks to New Machine Learning Method

Using smartly trained neural networks, researchers at TU Graz have succeeded in generating precise real-time images of the beating heart from just a few MRI measurement data. Other MRI applications can also be accelerated using this procedure.

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An e-motor lies on a tabletop, with a circuit board in the background.

Researchers at TU Graz Improve Small Electric Drives

Thanks to innovations in design, control and production technology, brushless drives for pumps and fan systems work more efficiently and quietly. Users of electrical appliances and the automotive industry do benefit.

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Bird's eye view: A combine harvester harvesting a field and loading the crop into the trailer of a tractor.

Sustainable Grain Cultivation with Perennial Wheat

In contrast to annual plants, perennial wheat offers a more diverse microbiome and has a significantly lower impact on soil and environment – as has just been proven by researchers at TU Graz’s Institute of Environmental Biotechnology.

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Two photos of women smiling into the camera, mounted next to each other.

ERC Starting Grants for Maria Eichlseder and Fariba Karimi

Two TU Graz computer scientists have been awarded the prestigious EU funding prize of almost 1.5 million euros each for their research into more efficient encryption systems and the influence of artificial intelligence on discrimination in online social networks.

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A machine presses from above onto a narrow wooden part that lies on a plastic part.

Alternatives in Car and Aircraft Construction: New Joining and Additive Manufacturing Processes Allow Adhesive-Free Joining of Wood and Metal

Using 3D printing technology and ultrasonic joining technique, researchers at TU Graz succeeded in attaining an extremely strong joining of the renewable raw material wood with metal and polymer composite.

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A man holds a pair of tweezers in his hand, four people stand in the background.

Dormant Capacity Reserve in Lithium-Ion Batteries Detected

Batteries undercut their theoretical capacity in practice, sometimes significantly. In a lithium iron phosphate cathode, researchers at TU Graz have now been able to observe exactly where the capacity loss occurs.

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