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Data Protection at TU Graz

Data protection is a strategic topic at TU Graz and is anchored in the staff unit Quality Management, Evaluation & Reporting.

General information on data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - GDPR) has been in force since 25 May 2018 and is directly applicable as an EU regulation in the member states of the European Union. In addition, it has also been applicable law in the member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) since 20 July 2018. The GDPR thus replaces the Data Protection Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC) and contributes to the harmonisation of data protection law in the EEA area. Numerous opening clauses enable national legislators to make independent regulations on various individual issues or sub-areas.

With the Data Protection Amendment Act 2018, the Austrian legislator amended the Data Protection Act (DSG, previously DSG 2002) as well as various other material laws (including the Research Organisation Act - FOG).

Implementation at TU Graz

In order to meet the requirements of data protection law, TU Graz has amended the data protection section of the statutes (in German: Satzungsteil Datenschutzordnung) and concluded a framework works agreement (in German: Rahmenbetriebsvereinbarung) to regulate data protection aspects in the area of processing employees' personal data.

In the data protection regulations section of the statutes, the data protection advisory committee for employees (rules of procedure in German: Geschäftsordnung) was set up to pass resolutions and the extended data protection advisory committee (rules of procedure in German: Geschäftsordnung) was set up to advise the rectorate on data protection issues.

In implementation of the legal provisions, TU Graz has established a coordination office on the topic of data protection.

Data protection coordination

Data protection coordination is part of the Quality Management, Evaluation & Reporting staff unit and is responsible in particular for planning and implementing the data protection strategy.

Core tasks

  • Planning and implementation of the data protection strategy
  • Advice on and implementation of data protection framework conditions in the areas of research, teaching and administration
  • Data protection supervision of projects in the context of digitalisation
  • Supervision of the internal data protection advisory committees
  • Contact point for those affected
  • Handling of data breach notifications
  • Interface to the external data protection officer
  • Supervision of the processing directory
  • Training and sensitisation of members of TU Graz
  • Carrying out data protection impact assessments

The Data Protection Coordination is a member of IG Datenschutz (Data Protection Interest Group of Austrian Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences).

Data Protection Officer

TU Graz has appointed x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH, Römerstraße 80a, 4600 Wels, as external data protection officer.

The tasks of the external data protection officer are to

  • Informing and advising the rectorate on the obligations arising from the GDPR and other data protection regulations
  • Monitoring and reviewing compliance with the GDPR and other data protection regulations as well as the data protection strategy, including the allocation of responsibilities, awareness raising and training of staff involved in operational implementation.
  • Review and documentation of reports to the supervisory authority
  • Training of employees with regard to the obligations arising from the GDPR
  • Cooperation and contact point for the supervisory authority

You can reach the data protection officer at datenschutzbeauftragternoSpam@tugraz.at.


Manuela BERNER
Head of the staff unit Quality Management, Evaluation & Reporting

The data protection coordination will be happy to help you with general concerns about data protection at datenschutznoSpam@tugraz.at.