The Dual Career Service at TU Graz is aimed at dual career couples and families, providing support for couples with an academic education, when both people are pursuing a career.
The Welcome Center supports international employees prior to their arrival at TU Graz as well as during their time in Graz.
TU Graz provides its researchers with comprehensive services focussing on funding programmes and job postings, project management and administration, patents, inventions and technology evaluation, founding companies and the advancement of women in academia.
TU Graz provides support for its teachers in many ways – allowing them to maintain the high-quality of instruction offered and develop it even further – including innovative learning technologies, training and continuing education offers, and support and mentoring programmes.
Lectures held by experts and the subsequent discussions provide managers with the opportunity to focus on topics related to human resources management.
The Management Development Programme teaches young managerial staff at university the skills they need to meet the challenges of their increasing management responsibilities.
At the TU Graz Leadership Dialogue, managerial staff from all faculties focus on practical personnel management topics. This makes it possible to look at different perspectives and work together to find solutions specifically relevant for TU Graz.
The Expert Leadership Programme at TU Graz teaches managers from service units, staff units and deans' offices methods and tools for successful management. Focus is placed on testing acquired competences.
TU Graz supports scientists in their project work by providing continuing education in project management, which reflects the standard of the International Project Management Association (IPMA).
In the framework of the Advanced Leadership Programme, university managers focus on the topic of management: Developing knowledge of management, reflecting on managerial roles, final development of managerial competences, specific focus on selected managerial topics.
TU Graz offers individual coaching for managers to support them in meeting professional challenges.
The Representative for People with Disabilities supports people with disabilities or a chronic disease in the following situations:
Representative for People with Disabilities
Phone: +43 316 873 6144
See Representative for People with Disabilities
For a Parking Permit:
Buildings and Technical Support
Mario Hafner
Phone: +43 316 873 6587
The service department for Buildings and Technical Support will provide a parking space free of charge if a member of staff has a permit for a disabled parking space.