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Staff Policy

For TU Graz, it is the people in their vital role as talented individuals who contribute essentially to our international success in the world of education and science. Our governing bodies and managerial staff are therefore committed to the following principles:

Our Employees as a Success Factor

Appreciation and equal opportunities

First and foremost, TU Graz believes in appreciation, respect, tolerance and equal opportunities as well as academic freedom. We recognise core European values and emphasise a culture of ethical conduct. We not only live these values in our leadership culture, but also in our daily interactions, striving for a university that places an equal focus on people and performance.

Trust and individual freedom

We trust our employees and promote their personal responsibility and entrepreneurial thinking. This forms the foundation for intellectual freedom, diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration at TU Graz.

Attractive and stable working conditions

We consistently strive to ensure that TU Graz remains a reliable and attractive employer with a high level of job satisfaction among our employees. We achieve this through a balanced distribution of tasks and clear competencies and responsibilities along with support in balancing professional and private life.

Exchange of Information and Communication

Dialogue and increased exchange

We promote open exchange and in-depth communication. Our employees are encouraged to support the vision and mission of TU Graz and to enthusiastically pursue agreed goals. We also actively provide information on decisions and developments made by the university. Open dialogue and constructive exchange are of foremost importance to us in our daily work.

Feedback culture and participation

Constructive feedback is a vital source of learning and development for us. We take feedback from our staff seriously and include it in every decision-making process. We expect this feedback culture to receive support from all employees.

Promotion of Internationality and Diversity

International perspective and openness

TU Graz’s international orientation promotes openness towards other cultures, while also paving the way for global perspectives and diversified approaches from which we will reap long-term benefits.

Diversity and variety

We consider diversity a valuable resource that ensures creativity and innovation. For us, respecting and promoting diverse experiences and different ways of thinking is a crucial and fundamental attitude.

Personnel Management as a Key Task

Leadership culture and role model effect

People in leadership positions are expected to be role models who advance strategic goals but also conduct operational and strategic leadership tasks at TU Graz. This includes clearly communicating a subject area’s goals and implementing specific steps towards achieving these goals. Conducting appraisal interviews and setting joint goals together with employees are also seen as part of this approach.

Performance promotion and human resource development

We are committed to supporting an achievement-oriented culture and making successes visible and transparent while at the same time ensuring maximum freedom of research and teaching. Our managerial staff are responsible for living and promoting this culture and for continually investing in the further development of TU Graz staff.