N Enzinger Festigkeitsprüfung bei nicht ruhender BeanspruchungPraxishandbuch Werkstoffprüfung75-80 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Seyed M. Goushegir and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Friction spot joining (FSpJ)Joining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures61-99
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Lucian Attila Blaga, Gonçalo P. Cipriano, Arnaldo R. Gonzalez and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Taguchi design and response surface methodology for polymer-metal joiningJoining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures365-388
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Eduardo E. Feistauer and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Ultrasonic joining of lightweight alloy/fiber-reinforced polymer hybrid structuresJoining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures307-333
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Lucian Attila Blaga, Gonçalo P. Cipriano, Arnaldo R. Gonzalez and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Factorial design of experiments for polymer-metal joiningJoining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures337-364
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Sergio T. Amancio-Filho and Lucian Attila Blaga Friction riveting of polymer-metal multimaterial structuresJoining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures203-247
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André B. Abibe and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Staking of polymer-metal hybrid structuresJoining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures249-274
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S. T. Amancio-Filho and Lucian Attila Blaga Preface (Editorial)Joining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structuresxvii-xxi Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Rasoul Pouriamanesh, Kamran Dehghani, Rudolf Vallant and Norbert Enzinger Effect of Ti Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Weld Metals in HSLA Steels Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27, 6058-6068, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-018-3686-y
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Domonkos Tolnai, Tungky Subroto, Serge Gavras, Ricardo Buzolin, Andreas Stark, Norbert Schell and Norbert Hort Phase formation during solidification of Mg-Nd-Zn alloys Materials 11, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11091637
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Andreas Drexler A microstructural based creep model applied to alloy 718 International Journal of Plasticity , 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2017.11.003
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Serge Gavras, Ricardo H. Buzolin, Tungky Subroto, Andreas Stark and Domonkos Tolnai The effect of Zn content on the mechanical properties of Mg-4Nd-xZn Alloys (x = 0, 3, 5 and 8 wt.%) Materials 11, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11071103
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Ricardo Henrique BUZOLIN, Marta MOHEDANO, Chamini Lakshi MENDIS, Beatriz MINGO, Domonkos TOLNAI, Carsten BLAWERT, Karl Ulrich KAINER, Haroldo PINTO and Norbert HORT Corrosion behaviour of as-cast ZK40 with CaO and Y additions Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China / English Edition 28, 427-439, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1003-6326(18)64676-X
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Andreas Drexler Experimental and numerical investigations of the γ″ and γ′ precipitation kinetics in Alloy 718 Materials Science and Engineering A , 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.03.013
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S. Gavras, T. Subroto, R. H. Buzolin, N. Hort and D. Tolnai The Role of Zn Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg–Nd–Zn Alloys International Journal of Metalcasting 12, 428-433, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40962-017-0174-3
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K. V. Lalitha, Jurij Koruza and Jürgen Rödel Propensity for spontaneous relaxor-ferroelectric transition in quenched (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3 compositions Applied Physics Letters 113, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5053989
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Behzad Hassani, Rudolf Vallant, Fathallah Karimzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Enayati, Soheil Sabooni and Kasyap Pradeep EFFECT OF FRICTION STIR PROCESSING ON CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF CAST AZ91C MAGNESIUM ALLOY Surface Review and Letters , 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218625X1850213X
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Hajime Yamamoto, Takahiro Ogata, Satyanarayan Patel, Jurij Koruza, Jürgen Rödel, Atanu Paul, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Yuki Sakai, Mitsuru Itoh and Masaki Azuma Na1/2Bi1/2VO3 and K1/2Bi1/2VO3 Chemistry of Materials 30, 6728-6736, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b02379
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Surya D. Yadav, P. Vasantharaja, Florian Riedlsperger, S. Nagaraju and M. Vasudevan Zone-wise investigation of creep behaviour 9Cr–1Mo steel weld joints Materials Science and Technology 35, 1-18, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02670836.2018.1545283 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gunnar Picht, Valérie Bouvier, Stephan Frank, Jurij Koruza, Frank Felten and Gert Lindemann Ferroelastic Properties of PZT IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 65, 1542-1551, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TUFFC.2018.2860784
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Markus Gößler, Eva-Maria Steyskal, Markus Stütz, Norbert Enzinger and Roland Würschum Hydrogen-induced plasticity in nanoporous palladium Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9, 3013, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.9.280 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jan Schultheiß, Lisha Liu, Hans Kungl, Michael Weber, Laltiha Kodumudi Venkataraman, Stefano Checchia, Dragan Damjanovic, John E. Daniels and Jurij Koruza Revealing the sequence of switching mechanisms in polycrystalline ferroelectric/ferroelastic materials Acta Materialia 157, 355-363, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.07.018
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Haibo Zhang, Yiwei Zhu, Pengyuan Fan, Mohsin Ali Marwat, Weigang Ma, Kai Liu, Hongming Liu, Bing Xie, Ke Wang and Jurij Koruza Temperature-insensitive electric-field-induced strain and enhanced piezoelectric properties of textured (K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free piezoceramics Acta Materialia 156, 389-398, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.07.005
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Antonia Rabl, Maximilian Stummer, Michael Pfund, Altenmarkt Im Pongau and Norbert Enzinger Surface treatment for effective bonding in the sports industry Materials Testing 60, 128-133, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111132
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Zhongming Fan, Jurij Koruza, Jürgen Rödel and Xiaoli Tan An ideal amplitude window against electric fatigue in BaTiO3-based lead-free piezoelectric materials Acta Materialia 151, 253-259, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.03.067
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Y. A. Genenko, R. Khachaturyan, J. Schultheiß, A. Ossipov, J. E. Daniels and J. Koruza Stochastic multistep polarization switching in ferroelectrics Physical Review B 97, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.144101
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Phillip Haslberger, Wolfgang Ernst, Christian Schneider, Sylvia Holly and Ronald Schnitzer Influence of inhomogeneity on several length scales on the local mechanical properties in V-alloyed all-weld metal Welding in the World 62, 1153-1158, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40194-018-0636-0
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Nikola Novak, Florian Weyland, Satyanarayan Patel, Hanzheng Guo, Xiaoli Tan, Jürgen Rödel and Jurij Koruza Interplay of conventional with inverse electrocaloric response in (Pb,Nb)(Zr,Sn,Ti) O3 antiferroelectric materials Physical Review B 97, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.094113
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Hairui Liu, Philippe Veber, Jürgen Rödel, Daniel Rytz, Pavel B. Fabritchnyi, Mikhail I. Afanasov, Eric A. Patterson, Till Frömling, Mario Maglione and Jurij Koruza High-performance piezoelectric (K,Na,Li)(Nb,Ta,Sb)O3 single crystals by oxygen annealing Acta Materialia 148, 499-507, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.02.026
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Goncalo Filipe Pina Cipriano, Lucian A. Blaga, Jorge F. dos Santos, Pedro Vilaça and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Fundamentals of Force-Controlled Friction Riveting: Part 1 - Joint Formation and Heat Development Materials 11, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11112294 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matias Acosta, Rainer Detsch, Alina Grünewald, Virginia Rojas, Jan Schultheiß, Aleksandra Wajda, Robert W. Stark, Suman Narayan, Maciej Sitarz, Jurij Koruza and Aldo R. Boccaccini Cytotoxicity, chemical stability, and surface properties of ferroelectric ceramics for biomaterials Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101, 440-449, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jace.15193
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Goncalo Filipe Pina Cipriano, Lucian A. Blaga, Jorge F. dos Santos, Pedro Vilaça and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho Fundamentals of Force-Controlled Friction Riveting: Part II - Joint Global Mechanical Performance and Energy Efficiency Materials 11, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11122489 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Forstner, Christof Sommitsch and Fabian Fischer Induktionsschweißen von carbonfaserverstärktem Polyamid 66 im automobilen Karosseriebau Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 14, 233-278, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3139/O999.01042018 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zahra Silvayeh, Bruno Götzinger, Werner Karner, Matthias Hartmann and Christof Sommitsch Calculation of the intermetallic layer thickness in cold metal transfer welding of aluminum to steel Materials 12, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12010035
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S. D. Yadav, T. Scherer, G. V. Prasad Reddy, K. Laha, G. Sasikala, S. K. Albert and C. Poletti Creep modelling of P91 steel employing a microstructural based hybrid concept Engineering Fracture Mechanics 200, 104-114, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.07.027
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Dinesh Gundapaneni, James T. Tsatalis, Richard T. Laughlin and Tarun Goswami Simulation of ankle joint kinematics in sagittal plane using passive imaging data – a pilot study Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization , 1-13, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/21681163.2018.1473169
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Eduardo E. Feistauer, Jorge F. dos Santos and Sergio T. Amancio-Filho A Review on Direct Assembly of Through-the-Thickness Reinforced Metal–Polymer Composite Hybrid Structures Polymer Engineering and Science , 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pen.25022
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Cecilia Poletti, Romain Bureau, Peter Loidolt, Peter Simon, Stefan Mitsche and Mirjam Spuller Microstructure evolution in a 6082 aluminium alloy during thermomechanical treatment Materials 11, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11081319
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Florian Weyland, Andraž Bradeško, Yang Bin Ma, Jurij Koruza, Bai Xiang Xu, Karsten Albe, Tadej Rojac and Nikola Novak Impact of Polarization Dynamics and Charged Defects on the Electrocaloric Response of Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Ceramics Energy Technology 6, 1519-1525, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ente.201800140
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Reinhold Schneider, Katharina Steineder, Daniel Krizan and Christof Sommitsch Effect of the heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of medium-Mn-steels Materials Science and Technology , 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02670836.2018.1548957
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Zeng Gao, Jianguang Feng, Huanyu Yang, Jukka Pakkanen and Jitai Niu Friction stir welding of new electronic packaging materials SiCp/Al composite with T-joint Engineering Review 38, 352-359, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30765/er.38.3.12
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Leo Gusel, Vladimir Boskovic, Josef Domitner, Mirko Ficko and Miran Brezocnik Genetic programming method for modelling of cup height in deep drawing process Advances in Production Engineering & Management 13, 358-365, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14743/apem2018.3.296
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D. Preisler, J. Stráský, P. Harcuba, F. G. Warchomicka and M. Janeček High temperature mechanical properties and microstructure of Ti–Nb–Zr–Ta–O biomedical alloy Acta Physica Polonica A 134, 636-639, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12693/APhysPolA.134.636
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M. Stummer, M. Stütz, Adrian Aumayr and N. Enzinger Electron beam welding of Copper using Plasma Spraying for filler metal deposition Welding in the World 62, 1341-1350, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40194-018-0637-z
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Jürgen Fuchs, Christian Schneider and N. Enzinger Wire-based additive manufacturing using an electron beam as heat source Welding in the World 62, 267-275, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40194-017-0537-7
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Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, Bernhard Sonderegger, Surya Deo Yadav and Maria Cecilia Poletti Modelling and simulation of diffusion driven pore formation in martensitic steels during creep Materials Science and Engineering A 712, 466-477, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2017.12.010 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Markus Stütz, Florian Pixner, Josef Wagner, Nikolaus Reheis, Elmar Raiser, Heinrich Kestler and Norbert Enzinger Rotary friction welding of molybdenum components International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 73, 79-84, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2018.02.004 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Behzad Hassani, Fathallah Karimzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Enayati, Fabian Mutschlechner, Rudolf Vallant and Kamran Hassani The effects of friction stir processing on the wear beahvior of cast AZ91C magnesium alloy International Journal of Materials Research 109, 1-9, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3139/146.111598 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Armin Paar, Reinhold Schneider and Christof Sommitsch Influence of microstructural parameters of indefinite chill alloys on flexural strength and Young's modulus Materials Testing 60, 239-244, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111141 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schneider, Wolfgang Ernst, Ronald Schnitzer, Herbert Staufer, Rudolf Vallant and N Enzinger Welding of S960MC with undermatching filler material Welding in the World 62, 801-809, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40194-018-0570-1
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Dinis Garcia Nunes, Pedro Effertz, Luísa Quintino, Inês Pires, Franz Fuchs and N Enzinger Residual stresses in 18CrNiMo7-6 linear friction welded high strength steel chains The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96, 3703-3710, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-1850-z
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Maximilian Stummer, Norbert Enzinger and Christopher Weiß Thermo-mechanical testing of TiO2 functional coatings using friction stir processing Materials Testing 6, 818-824, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3139/120.111218 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Canelo-Yubero, Cecilia Poletti, Fernando Warchomicka, John Daniels and Guillermo Requena Load partition and microstructural evolution during hot deformation of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn matrix composites, and possible strengthening mechanisms Journal of Alloys and Compounds 764, 937-946, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.06.097
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Christian Hoflehner, Christof Sommitsch, Coline Beal, Jakob Six and Sergiu Ilie Influence of Thermal History on the Hot Ductility of a Continuously Cast Low Alloyed Cr-Mo Steel Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance , 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-018-3599-9 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marco Colombo, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Elisabetta Gariboldi, Rudolf Vallant and Christof Sommitsch Characterization of localized corrosion of heat treated Er- and Zr-containing A356 alloys in 3.5 wt% NaCl aqueous solution Materials and Corrosion , 1-13, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/maco.201810383 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katharina Steineder, Daniel Krizan, Reinhold Schneider, Coline Beal and Christof Sommitsch On the Damage Behavior of a 0.1C6Mn Medium-Mn Steel Steel Research International 89, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.201700378 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Angelina Orthacker, Georg Haberfehlner, Johannes Tändl, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Bernhard Sonderegger and Gerald Kothleitner Diffusion-defining atomic-scale spinodal decomposition within nanoprecipitates Nature Materials 17, 1101-1107, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-018-0209-z
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Domonkos Tolnai, Samuel A. Hill, Serge Gavras, Tungky Subroto, Ricardo Buzolin and Norbert Hort Intermetallic phase characteristics in the Mg–Nd–Zn systemMagnesium Technology 2018391-397
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L. Shao, M. Glatz, E. Gergely, M. Müller, D. Munter, S. Papst and T. Schreck Extending Document Exploration with Image Retrieval: Concept and First ResultsPoster at IEEE/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Horst-Hannes Cerjak, Bertrand Chanzy and Manel Akrout Extending the lifetime of the penstock of a Pumped Storage Plant by surface mechanical treatment of the welded jointThe International Journal on Hydropower & Dams Publikation in PURE anzeigen
N. Manente, Seyed M. Goushegir, J. F. Dos Santos, L.B. Canto and S. T. Amancio-Filho Improvement on fatigue performance of metal-composite friction spot joints based on the weld-bonding conceptANTEC 201, Paper Society of Plastics Engineers Publikation in PURE anzeigen
N.Z. Borba, S.C.M. de Macêdo, Jorge F. dos Santos, L.B. Canto and S. T. Amancio-Filho Direct-friction riveting of metal-cfrp overlap jointsANTEC 2018, Paper Society of Plastics Engineers Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R. Falck, J.F. dos Santos and S. T. Amancio-Filho Case studies on topology optimization for AddJoining metal-polymer hybrid structures12th International Seminar Numerical Analysis of Weldability Publikation in PURE anzeigen
S. T. Amancio-Filho Joining of Polymer-Metal and Composite-Metal Hybrid StructuresDevelopments in welded steel constructions Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Seyed M. Goushegir, K. Schricker, J.P. Bergmann, J.F. dos Santos and S. T. Amancio-Filho Influence of the Aluminum Pretreatment on the Mechanical Performance of Metal-Polymer Friction Spot Joints12th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada Publikation in PURE anzeigen
S. T. Amancio-Filho Friction-based joining of metal-composite multi-material structures: the future is hybridAeromat 18, 29th Conference and Exposition Publikation in PURE anzeigen
R. Falck, J.F. dos Santos and S. T. Amancio-Filho AddJoining of layered CFRP-aluminum hybrid structures: process feasibility and joint propertiesAeromat 18, 29th Conference and Exposition Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Hoflehner, Christof Sommitsch, Claudia Ramskogler, Jakob Six and Sergiu Ilie Influence of thermal history on the hot ductility of Ti-Nb a microalloyed steels7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zahra Silvayeh, Bruno Götzinger, Bernhard Fellner, Matthias Hartmann and Christof Sommitsch Untersuchung der mechanischen Materialeigenschaften in der Wärmeeinflusszone geschweißter EN AW-6063-BlecheTagungsband der 10. Ranshofener Leichtmetalltage198-209 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Josef Domitner, Christoph Woltsche, Florian Hönsch and Christof Sommitsch Numerical study on destructive testing of self-piercing rivet jointsProceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics 2018 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Zahra Silvayeh, Bernhard Fellner, Matthias Hartmann and Christof Sommitsch Influence of the E-coating process on the mechanical properties of aluminum weldsProceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics 2018 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Friedrich Krumphals, Alfred Krumphals, Michael Lasnik, Peng Wang, Sanjeev Kumar and Maria Cecilia Poletti Modelling the hot deformation behaviour of a Ti5553 alloy Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Drexler, Werner Ecker, Klemens Mraczek, Nicholas Winzer, Valentin Kokotin, Gregor Manke and Clemens Bergmann A step towards numerical evaluation of the local hydrogen susceptibility of punched and cold-formed advanced high strength steel (AHSS) sheets
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Goncalo Pina Cipriano, Jorge F. dos Santos, Pedro Vilaça and S.T. Amancio-Filho Modelling Material Flow in Friction Riveting of Polymeric Materials Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Carlos Alberto Belei Feliciano and S. T. Amancio-Filho On the feasibility of Friction Surfacing as an Additive Manufacturing technique Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Goncalo Pina Cipriano, Pedro Vilaça and S. T. Amancio-Filho Force-Controlled Friction Riveting - A Hybrid Joining Process Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Florian Hönsch, Josef Domitner, Christof Sommitsch and Bruno Götzinger Experimentelle Untersuchung und statistische Analyse wesentlicher Prozessparameter beim Stanznieten von 6xxx Aluminiumblechen Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schneider, Wolfgang Ernst, Rudolf Vallant and Norbert Enzinger Electron beam welding of wear-resistant steels Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Regina Eckhard, Peter Auer, Thomas Stern, Helmut Schober, Daniel Brandl and Josef Domitner Aluminiumpaneele für thermisch aktive Gebäudefassaden Publikation in PURE anzeigen