Johannes TändlFriction Stir Welding of Multilayered Steel - Fundamentals, Optimization, Testing978-3-639-42488-1Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Sommitsch, Klaus Reichmann and Ferdinand HoferUntersuchung der Überstruktur und der Domänen am Perowskit La0,4Sr0,6CoO2,71 mit einem Transmissionselektronenmikroskop978-3-85125-219-4Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Sommitsch, Klaus Reichmann and Ferdinand HoferEffect of the TiO2-modifications anatase and rutile on the solid-state synthesis of (Ba,Ca)TiO3-based ceramics with PTCR978-3-85125-203-3Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christof Sommitsch, Rene Radis, Alfred Krumphals, Martin Stockinger and Daniel HuberMicrostructure control in processing nickel, titanium and other special alloysMicrostructure evolution in metal forming processes337-383 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Enzinger and Horst-Hannes CerjakPower - HydroWhite Paper: Improving Global Quality of Life Through Optimum Use and Innovation of Welding and Joining Technologies94-95Publikation in PURE anzeigen
F. Warchomicka, C. Poletti, M. Stockinger and H. P. DegischerDetermination of the mechanism of restoration in subtransus hot deformation of Ti-6Al-4VTHERMEC 2011, PTS 1-4252-+Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Pavel Sherstnev, C. Melzer and Christof SommitschPrediction of precipitation kinetics during homogenisation and microstructure evolution during and after hot rolling of AA5083International Journal of Mechanical Sciences54,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dragan Djuric, Christian Höller, Michael Oberroither, Bernhard Sonderegger and Christof SommitschIn-situ-Aufschmelz-Methode zur Bestimmung der Hochtemperatureigenschaften von StählenMP Materials Testing54,
2012 DOI: in PURE anzeigen
Mihaela Albu, Peter Mayr, Ferdinand Hofer and Gerald KothleitnerComprehensive analysis of precipitates in rich chromium steels by means of electron energy loss spectrometry spectrum imagingMetallurgical analysis = Yejin-fenxi
2012 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Sonderegger, Ernst Kozeschnik and Christof SommitschModeling particle distances of coherent prolate- and oblate-shaped precipitates in bcc systemsMaterials Science Forum706-709,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dragan Djuric, Ozan Caliskanoglu, Christof Sommitsch, Sergiu Ilie and Dominik LeidingerUntersuchung des zweiten Duktilitätsminimums mikrolegierter Stähle mit einer neu entwickelten HeißzugprüfungBerg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte157,
2012 DOI: in PURE anzeigen
Lawrence Whitmore, Harald Leitner, Erwin Povoden-Karadeniz, Rene Radis and Martin StockingerTransmission electron microscopy of single and double aged 718Plus superalloyMaterials Science and Engineering A 534,
2012 DOI: Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Franz Hochhauser, Wolfgang Ernst, Rudolf Rauch, Rudolf Vallant and Norbert EnzingerInfluence of the Soft Zone on the Strength of Welded Modern HSLA SteelsWelding in the World56,
2012 DOI: in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich Krumphals, Barbara Reggiani, Lorenzo Donati, Thomas Wlanis and Christof SommitschDeformation behaviour of a ferritic hot-work tool steel with respect to the microstructureComputational Materials Science52,
2012 DOI: Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rene Radis, Christian Schlacher, Ernst Kozeschnik, Peter Mayr, Norbert Enzinger, Hartmuth Schröttner and Christof SommitschLoss of Ductility Caused by AlN Precipitation in Hadfield SteelMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science43,
2012 DOI: in PURE anzeigen
Klaus Günther Kerschbaumer, Gerhard Kukutschki and Rudolf VallantPraktischer Versuch an Messingventilen mittels des 5% Ammoniaktests zur Klärung von speziellen Schadensbildern der Spannungsrisskorrosion SpRKPraktische Metallographie/Practical Metallography
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Cecilia Poletti, Fernando Warchomicka, Martina Dikovits and Simon GroßeiberMicrostructure evolution of allotropic materials during thermomechanical processingMaterials Science Forum710,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Wilhelm Maurer, Wolfgang Ernst, Rudolf Rauch, Stefan Kapl, A. Pohl, Thomas Krüssel, Rudolf Vallant and Norbert EnzingerElectron Beam Welding of a TMCP Steel with 700MPa Yield StrengthWelding in the World56,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Simon Großeiber, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Sergiu Ilie, Bernhard Harrer and Hans Peter DegischerInfluence of Strain Rate on Hot Ductility of a V-Microalloyed Steel SlabSteel Research International83,
2012 DOI: in PURE anzeigen
Bernhard Sonderegger and Ernst KozeschnikParticle strengthening in fcc crystals with prolate- and oblate-shaped precipitatesScripta Materialia66,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mustafa Kicin, Rudolf Vallant, Matthew Galler, Sabine Ritsche and Norbert EnzingerEinfluss der Austenitisierungstemperatur auf das Umwandlungsverhalten vom Dualphasen StahlSchweiss- & Prüftechnik66,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stojan Vujic, Mohammad Farooq, Bernhard Sonderegger, Rolf Sandström and Christof SommitschNumerical modelling and validation of precipitation kinetics in advanced creep resistant austenitic steelComputer Methods in Materials Science 12,
2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Coline Beal, Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschElektronenstrahlschweißen - Schlüsseltechnologie für High-End AnwendungenInternationaler Fachkongress der Schweiß- und Verbindungstechnik JOIN-EX---Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hassan Zamani, Jan Patrick Hermani, Bernhard Sonderegger and Christof SommitschNumerical and experimental investigation of laser assisted side milling of Ti6A14v alloyMaterials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2012, MS and T 20121526-1533 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Chiradeep Gupta, Hiroyuki Toda, H. Hoshino, S. Yamauchi, M. Kobayashi, Christian Schlacher, Christof Sommitsch, Peter Mayr, A. Adachi, K. Usegi, Y. Suzuki and A. TakeuchiAnalysis of creep cavitation in advanced 9-12%Cr steels using 3-D characterization12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and StructuresC17-C18Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Brianda Rangel Francisco, Ricardo Henrique Buzolin, Roberto Ramon Mendonça, Victor Ferrinho Pereira, Erenilton Pereira Da Silva, E.B. Lima, Antonio Jose Ramirez Londono and Haroldo Cavalcanti PintoEFFECT OF THE TOOL OFFSET ON THE FRICTION STIR WELDABILITY OF DISSIMILAR JOINTS BETWEEN HIGH-Mn TRIP AND HSLA STEEL GRADESEFFECT OF THE TOOL OFFSET ON THE FRICTION STIR WELDABILITY OF DISSIMILAR JOINTS BETWEEN HIGH-Mn TRIP AND HSLA STEEL GRADES 8731-8742Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Md. Mizanur Rahman and Norbert EnzingerOn the modeling of austenite grain growth in microalloyed HS steel S700MCMicrostructure modelingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Cornelia Pein and Christof SommitschZerstörende und zerstörungsfreie Prüfung der Kriechschädigung eines 9% Cr Stahles (Projekt "Hot Pipes")Jahrestagung 2012 Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Posterbeiträge48-48Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Shoichi Nambu, Junya Inoue, Norbert Enzinger and Toshihiko KosekiCharacterization of friction stir welded multilayered steelProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research823-828Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerald Trummer, Klaus Six, Christof Marte, Peter Dietmaier and Christof SommitschAn approximate model to predict near-surface ratcheting of rails under high traction coefficientsProceedings 9th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems344-351Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Cecilia Poletti, Sergiu Ilie, Simon Großeiber and Hans Peter DegischerHot deformation behaviour of low alloyed steel Processing and manufacturing of advanced materials; THERMEC 2011; processing, fabrication, properties, applications2794-2799Publikation in PURE anzeigen
F. Warchomicka, Maria Cecilia Poletti and M. StockingerMicrostructural characterization of hot deformed Ti-6A1-4VTi 2011 - Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium729-732 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
P. Homporová, Maria Cecilia Poletti, M. Stockinger and F. WarchomickaDynamic phase evolution in titanium alloy Ti-6A1-4VTi 2011 - Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium737-740 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Dikovits, Maria Cecilia Poletti, F. Warchomicka, G. P. Chaudhari and V. PancholiHot deformation study by processing maps of N containing microalloyed steelTMS Annual Meeting503-510 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Hassan Zamani, Jan-Patrick Hermani, Bernhard Sonderegger and Christof SommitschNUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF LASER ASSISTED SIDE MILLING OF Ti6Al4V ALLOYThe Materials Science & Technology 2012 Conference and Exhibition proceedings1526-1533 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Semin Hadzic and Christof SommitschPrediction of Hot Tearing in Permanent Mold Steel Casting Using a viscoplastic Model with DamageMaterials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition86-86 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter Mayr, Christian Schlacher, Francisca Mendez Martin, Rene Radis and Christof SommitschAnalysis of low-stress creep testing data and its implication on the life-time prediction for 9-12% Cr steels12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and StructuresC24-C25Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Mitsche, Klemens Jantscher, Christof Sommitsch and Peter PöltInvestigation of Micro-Crack propagation tn the Nickel based alloy 80A during hot forming by 3D-EBSDElectron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today358-358Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschDas österreichische Kompetenznetzwerk für Fügetechnik K-Porjekt JOIN4+Tagungsband 8. Chemnitzer Symposium Füge- und Schweißtechnik27-32Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich Krumphals, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Mihaela Albu, Bernhard STAUDER, Rene Radis and Christof SommitschMicrostructure and Strength Evolution in G-AlSi7Cu0.5Mg According to Different Heat Treatment ParametersMMM 2012 -6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling5-5 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alfred Krumphals, Martin Stockinger, Fernando Warchomicka and Christof SommitschEvolution of Beta Grain Size During Beta Phase Processing of Ti-6Al-4VProceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium493-496Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Timoshenkov, Christof Sommitsch and Jürgen KlarnerAktuelle Tendenzen in der industriell bezogenen Modellierung der WarmumformprozessePIPES 2012Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kemal Mucic, Franz Fuchs and Norbert EnzingerLinear Friction Welding of High Strength ChainsProceedings: 9th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research ConferencePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Klaus Günther Kerschbaumer, Daniel Pölzleitner, Rudolf Vallant and Norbert EnzingerDas Korrosionsverhalten von MIG-geschweißten Aluminium-Blechen Al5083 und Al6181 im Neutral-Salzsprühnebeltest und die Auswirkung auf die VerbindungsfestigkeitDVS Congress 2012 Band 28637-46Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ronald Schnitzer, Martin Leitner, Michael Fiedler and Michael StoschkaNew developed filler metals for welding of high strength steelsProceedings to the 2nd International Welding and Joining Technologies Congress Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Milan Pudar, Malik Lemes, Florian Mittermayr and Rudolf VallantArtfremdes Fügen von Magnesium im KarosseriebauJOIN-EX 20121-9Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kemal Mucic, Jose Lopera, Franz Fuchs and Norbert EnzingerLinear friction welding of high strength chains: modelling and validationMathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena 10Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Wittwer, Nasrin Jank, Almedin Becirovic, Andreas Waldhör and Norbert EnzingerInfluences on the arc stability in the welding process of aluminum pin-structuresProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys795-800Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kemal Mucic, Franz Fuchs and Norbert EnzingerProcess optimization for linear friction welding of high strength chainsEUROJOIN8157-166Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alfred Krumphals, Christof Sommitsch and Martin StockingerModeling of two-phase grain structure in Ti-6Al-4V by using cellular automata6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and EngineeringPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Asmir Kuduzovic, Christof Sommitsch and Robert KienreichInfluence of Different Tempering Temperatures on Delayed Fracture Susceptibility of High Strength Quenched SteelMaterials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition104-104 Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Cecilia PolettiHot deformation of metal based materials: experimental and modellingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Cecilia Poletti, Martina Dikovits, Fernando Warchomicka and Alfred KrumphalsBehaviour of the beta phase in titanium alloys during and after hot deformationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Enzinger and Andres Loaiza-Espinosa2nd IIW European-South AmericanSchool of Welding and Correlated ProcessesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Klaus Günther Kerschbaumer and Rudolf VallantDas Korrosionsverhalten von MIG-geschweißten Aluminium-Blechen Al5083 und Al6181 im Neutral-SalzsprühnebeltestPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Timoshenkov, Christof Sommitsch and Jürgen KlarnerZelluläre Automaten als Werkzeug zur Abbildung komplexer Systeme – Rekristallisation Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Kemal Mucic, Jose Lopera, Franz Fuchs and Norbert EnzingerLinear friction welding of high strength chains: modelling and validationPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dilek Halici, Bernhard Sonderegger, Peter Mayr and Klaus ReichmannMicrostructural Evolution of the Heat-affected Zone in 9%Cr SteelsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alfred Krumphals, Martin Stockinger, Fernando Warchomicka and Christof SommitschModeling of two-phase grain structure in Ti-6Al-4V by using cellular automataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Shoichi Nambu, Junya Inoue, Norbert Enzinger and Toshihiko KosekiCharacterization of friction stir welded multilayered steelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schlacher, Peter Mayr, Chiradeep Gupta, Hiroyuki Toda, K. Usegi, Y. Suzuki and Christof SommitschInvestigation of Creep Damage in Martensitic 9‐12% Cr Steel Crosswelds using Synchrotron X‐ray Micro‐tomographyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Timoshenkov, Christof Sommitsch and Jürgen KlarnerJMatPro und seine Anwendung für die Vorhersage des Umwandlungsverhaltens von Stählen Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dilek Halici, Klaus Reichmann, Peter Mayr and Bernhard SondereggerMikrostruktur in der Wärmeeinflusszone von 9% ChromstählenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, S Nambu, J. Inoue, Norbert Enzinger and Toshihiko KosekiMechanical Properties and Microstructure of Friction Stir Welded Multilayered SteelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Zeng Gao, J.T. Niu, Friedrich Krumphals, Stefan Mitsche, Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschFE modelling of microstructure evolution during friction stir spot welding in AA6082-T6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Timoshenkov, Christof Sommitsch and Jürgen KlarnerSimulation der Produktion von Nahtlosrohren entlang der Prozesskette Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich Krumphals, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Zeng Gao, Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschNumerical Simulation of the Microstructure Evolution in Friction Stir Spot Welding of AA6082 and Physical Model Validation by Means of Hot TorsionPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, S Nambu, J. Inoue, Norbert Enzinger and Toshihiko KosekiMechanical Properties and Microstructure of Friction Stir Welded Multilayered SteelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Tändl, Coline Beal, Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschElektronenstrahlschweißen - Schlüsseltechnologie für High-End AnwendungenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martina Dikovits, Maria Cecilia Poletti and Fernando WarchomickaHot deformation study by processing maps of N containing microalloyed steelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schlacher, Peter Mayr, Chiradeep Gupta, Hiroyuki Toda, K. Uesugi, Y. Suzuki and Christof SommitschCreep and damage investigation of improved 9%Cr steel welded jointsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschInnovative Prozesse am IWS für fügetechnische HerausforderungenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Johannes Löffelmann, Kemal Mucic, Franz Fuchs and Norbert EnzingerSystematical research on welding parameters of the linear friction welding processPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Timoshenkov, Christof Sommitsch and Jürgen KlarnerAktuelle Tendenzen in der industriell bezogenen Modellierung der WarmumformprozessePublikation in PURE anzeigen
Andreas Hütter and Norbert EnzingerSimulation of Microstructure development during Brazing of CopperPublikation in PURE anzeigen
M. Dikovits, C. Poletti, F. Warchomicka, G. P. Chaudhari and V. PancholiHOT DEFORMATION STUDY BY PROCESSING MAPS OF N CONTAINING MICROALLOYED STEELPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Stojan VujicNumerische Modellierung und Validierung der Ausscheidungskinetik in hochentwickelten kriechbeständigen austenitischen Stählen Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Gerald Trummer, Klaus Six, Christof Marte, Peter Dietmaier and Christof SommitschAn approximate model to predict near-surface ratcheting of rails under high traction coefficientsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Mustafa KicinProjekt 2.7 „ABS“: Pressstumpf-, Abbrennstumpf- und HF-Schweißeignung von thermomechanisch gewalzten hochfesten mikrolegierten Stählen und Vergütungsstählen Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alfred Krumphals, Martin Stockinger and Christof SommitschModeling of two-phase grain structure in Ti-6Al-4V by using cellular automataPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alfred Krumphals, Christof Sommitsch, Martin Stockinger and Fernando WarchomickaModellierung der Kinetik von Korn- und Phasengrenzen im Zweiphasengebiet von Ti-6Al-4V zur Vorhersage der Kornvergröberung mittels zellularem AutomatenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Rudolf Vallant and Klaus Günther KerschbaumerWelded aluminium and magnesium alloys - corrosion and mechanical properties for refrigeration compressors in comparison with deep-drawing steel Alternativer Link: LinkPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Timoshenkov, Christof Sommitsch and Jürgen Klarner„Russian Way“ and MetallurgyPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Schlacher and Peter MayrAnalysis of low-stress creep testing data and its implication on the life-time prediction for 9-12% Cr steelsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Martina Dikovits, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Fernando Warchomicka, G. P. Chaudhari and Vivek PancholiHot deformation study by processing maps of N containing microalloyed steelPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Zeng Gao, J.T. Niu, Friedrich Krumphals, Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschFE modelling of microstructure evolution during friction stir spot welding in AA6082-T6Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Wittwer, Norbert Enzinger and Christof SommitschImpacts on the mechanical properties of aluminum base material due to pin weldingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Pfeiffer, Thomas Weinberger and Norbert EnzingerEinfluss der FSW-Schweißparameter auf die Mikrostruktur von Stahl DIN 1.4301Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Friedrich Krumphals, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Mihaela Albu, Bernhard STAUDER, Rene Radis and Christof SommitschMicrostructure and Strength Evolution in G-AlSi7Cu0.5Mg According to Different Heat Treatment ParametersPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Alfred Krumphals and Christof SommitschMikrostrukturmodellierung von Ti-6Al-4V während der thermomechanischen Behandlung mittels zellularem AutomatenPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dilek Halici, Bernhard Sonderegger, Peter Mayr and Klaus ReichmannMicrostructural Evolution of the Heat-affected Zone in 9%Cr SteelsPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Dilek Halici, Maria Cecilia Poletti, Martin Stockinger and Daniel HuberStudies on hot deformation of titanium aluminidesPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Md. Mizanur Rahman, Mihaela Albu and Norbert EnzingerOn the modeling of austenite grain growth in micro-alloyed HS steel S700MCPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Maria Cecilia Poletti, Fernando Warchomicka, Martina Dikovits and Simon GroßeiberMicrostructure evolution of allotropic materials during thermomechanical processingPublikation in PURE anzeigen
Institute of Materials Science and Welding Graz University of Technology Kopernikusgasse 24/I 8010 Graz - Austria
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