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Promoting Talent at TU Graz: 330,000 euros awarded to talented students

11/24/2021 | TU Graz news | Studies

By Christoph Pelzl

The “TU Graz 100” programme aims to provide an education in science and technology to young people with excellent learning outcomes – regardless of their financial background. Now the first 36 talented students have received their scholarships in a festive setting.

The first 36 "TU Graz 100" scholarships were awarded at a ceremony. Pictured here: The Bachelor scholarship holders of the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering Era Troshani, Christine Michaelis, Jan-Philipp Schantl , Matthias Kuntner , Jakob Leifhelm, Sam Kische, Carlin Cornelius and Andreii Babkin (from left) with Rector Harald Kainz (far left) and Dean of Studies Ursula Augsdörfer (far right). © Lunghammer - TU Graz

The “TU Graz 100” initiative to promote talent currently comprises five different scholarship programmes in various disciplines. The number 100 stands for the number of scholarships that are to be awarded within the framework of the funding programme until 2023.

Award and motivation at the same time

“The scholarship awarded to you is both an award and an investment,” said TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz in his welcoming message as he addressed the first 37 scholarship holders who were awarded a TU Graz 100 scholarship. The majority of them come from Austria, but international students from Albania, Ukraine, Hungary, Croatia and Syria are also among them. They have been recognized for their achievements to date and the path they have taken, and through the scholarship they will receive financial resources to continue their education and realize their professional dreams.

Financial and non-material support

4,000 euros per academic year for a maximum of two academic years is the financial support for Bachelor’s students; Master’s students will receive 8,000. Based on the 36 scholarships that have now been awarded, TU Graz has handed out 328,000 euros* in this first phase of the award.
In addition, the young people receive individual support from liaison tutors. And they have the chance to network with renowned international companies such as AVL, Remus or Siemens. Together with the Styrian Federation of Austrian Industries, these companies are also cooperation partners of TU Graz 100. Recently, another major player, Huawei Austria, joined the initiative.

*164,000 euros per year for the period of 2 years.

List of the talented students awarded scholarships

TU Graz Bachelor Scholarships  

  • Stefanie Knothe (Faculty of Civil Engineering; Study programme: Geosciences)
  • Lena Mahringer (Faculty of Civil Engineering; Study programme: Civil Engineering Sciences and Construction Management)

The Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Martin Fellendorf (far left) and Rector Harald Kainz congratulated the two TU Graz 100 scholarship holders Lena Mahringer (left) and Stefanie Knothe. © Lunghammer – TU Graz

  • Karin Bergler (Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Study Programme: Electrical Engineering)
  • Paul Bernsteiner (Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Study Programme: Electrical Engineering)
  • Alan Derado (Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Study programme: Information and Computer Engineering)
  • Doris Juri (Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Study Programme: Electrical Engineering)
  • Vincent Valente (Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Study programme: Information and Computer Engineering)

The Bachelor students and "TU Graz 100" scholarship holders of the Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering Vincent Valente, Alan Derado, Paul Bernsteiner ,Karin Bergler, Doris Juri (from left) with Rector Harald Kainz (far left) and Dean of Studies Marcel Carsten Baunach. © Lunghammer - TU Graz

  • Andreii Babkin (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Software Engineering and Management)
  • Carlin Cornelius (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Computer Science)
  • Sam Kische (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Computer Science)
  • Matthias Kuntner (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Computer Science)
  • Jakob Leifhelm (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Computer Science)
  • Christine Michaelis (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Biomedical Engineering)
  • Jan-Philipp Schantl (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Computer Science)
  • Era Troshani (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Study Programme: Biomedical Engineering)

From left to right: Rector Harald Kainz with scholarship holders Era Troshani, Christine Michaelis, Jan-Philipp Schantl , Matthias Kuntner , Jakob Leifhelm, Sam Kische, Carlin Cornelius, and Andreii Babkin. The Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering Ursula Augsdörfer also congratulated. © Lunghammer - TU Graz

  • Viktoria Keusch (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy; Study Programme: Physics)
  • Elias Krainer (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy; Study Programme: Mathematics)
  • Jakob Krebs (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy; Study Programme: Physics) (was not present at the awards ceremony)
  • Ida Stettner (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy; Study Programme: Mathematics)

At the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy, Bachelor students Viktoria Keusch, Ida Stettner and Elias Krainer (from left) were each awarded a "TU Graz 100" scholarship for their achievements. Rector Harald Kainz (far left) and Dean of Studies Peter Grabner congratulated. © Lunghammer - TU Graz

  • Maximilian Liebminger (Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology; Study programme: Environmental Systems Sciences / Natural Sciences-Technology)
  • Anna Magdalena Schlegl (Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology; Study programme: Chemistry)

From left to right: The Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology Klaus Reichmann, the students Anna Magdalena Schlegl and Maximilian Liebminger and TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz. © Lunghammer - TU Graz

  • Francesko Berton (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Study programme: Mechanical Engineering)
  • Niklas Keller (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Study programme: Mechanical Engineering)
  • Josef Lackner (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Study programme: Mechanical Engineering)
  • Paul Wirth (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Study programme: Mechanical Engineering)

Received the "TU Graz 100" scholarships from Rector Harald Kainz (far left) and the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences Franz Haas: Paul Wirth, Josef Lackner, Niklas Keller and Francesko Berton (from left). © Lunghammer - TU Graz

ITalent South East Scholarships     

  • Csongor Hegedüs (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Master’s degree: Software Engineering and Management
  • Lisbora Likaj (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Master’s degree: Software Engineering and Management

The President of the Styrian regional group of the Federation of Austrian Industries Stefan Stolitzka (left) and Rector Harald Kainz presented Csongor Hegedüs and Lisbora Likaj with the ITalent South East scholarships donated by IV Styria. © Lunghammer - TU Graz

AVL Scholarships

  • Ghaith Ammoush (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Bachelor’s degree: Computer Science)
  • Michael Hofer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Master’s programme: Mechanical Engineering)

TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz with AVL scholarship holders Ghaith Ammoush and Michael Hofer, and with Christina Bramberger (AVL List GmbH; Talent Acquisition Permanent Staff). © Lunghammer - TU Graz

REMUS Scholarships

  • Andrea Astner (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Master’s programme: Mechanical Engineering)
  • Maria Rosa Ayas Ferrer (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Master’s programme: Production Science and Management) (was not present at the awards ceremony)
  • Anna Erlach (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Bachelor’s degree: Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics
  • Julia Kröpfl (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Bachelor’s programme: Mechanical Engineering)
  • Laura Ringelkamp (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences; Master’s programme: Production Science and Management) (was not present at the award ceremony)

The REMUS scholarships this year went to Anna Erlach, Julia Kröpfl and Andrea Astner (from left, here with Rector Harald Kainz). © Lunghammer - TU Graz

Siemens Scholarships

  • Magdalena Hinterkörner (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Master’s programme: Computer Science)
  • Mathias Oberhuber (Faculty of Informatics and Biomedical Engineering; Master’s programme: Computer Science)

The Graz branch manager of Siemens Herbert Tanner (right) did not miss the opportunity to personally present the TU Graz100 scholarships donated by Siemens to Magdalena Hinterkörner and Mathias Oberhuber. Rector Harald Kainz also congratulated the students. © Lunghammer - TU Graz  


The next application phase for TU Graz 100 scholarships for Bachelor’s degree programmes starts in May/June 2022; in the area of Master’s degree programmes some applications are still open. Information on this and other study programme financing options at TU Graz can be found online on the Scholarships for Students overview page.


Questions about scholarships can be send to tugraz100noSpam@tugraz.at, mentioning the scholarship programme.