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Profiles of the Portfolio Companies

ACIB GmbH – Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology GmbH

ACIB GmbH The K2-Centre acib combines expertise from 10 Austrian scientific institutions with industrial biotechnology. Together with renowned international universities and national and international companies, they conduct integrated projects on precompetitive research on biocatalysis, bioprocess technology and enzyme and pharmaceutical protein production.

ACIB Website

ViF – Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH

COMET Programme: K2 Mobility

The purpose of the company is to conduct research and development work that leads to the virtual development of vehicles and associated services. The core of the research activities is the COMET programme K2 Mobility. In addition, numerous EU projects are carried out, for example, the overall management of the Virtual Vehicle Austria Consortium in the major railway project Shift2Rail.

ViF Website

MCL – Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH

The corporate goal is to develop and implement scientific knowledge in the field of materials science, including principles and methods of relevant process and manufacturing technologies and application methods, following the initiatives of the Austrian Federal Government and relevant programs at national and international levels. In the COMET programme, MCL operates the K2-Centre MPPE.

MCL Website

HyCentA Research GmbH

HyCentA stands for Hydrogen Center Austria and is dedicated to capitalizing on the role of hydrogen in technological applications. The goal of the company is to conduct research and development on alternative energy sources, particularly those based on hydrogen, but also from natural gas.

HyCentA Website

Know-Center Research GmbH

The Know-Center is Austria's Competence Centre for knowledge management and data-driven business solutions. It considered itself as an IT-interface between science and industry.

Know-Center Website

RCPE – Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH

The RCPE conducts research and development in the field of pharmaceutical engineering and related fields and bundles competencies in the fields of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology and Materials Science. In addition to the K1 programme RCPE in COMET, numerous research projects are carried out on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry and during plant construction.

RCPE Website

LEC – Large Engines Competence Center GmbH

The Large Engines Competence Center (LEC) is Austria's leading research institution in the field of combustion technology for large engines. The focus has been placed on the development of more environmentally friendly, efficient and robust large engines. The main objective of the COMET K1-Centre LEC Evolet – as part of the LEC GmbH - is to construct the foundation that enables a technological leap to be made to the next generation of gas and bi-fuel engines. Thus, the optimal use of these engines in diverse fields of application will be made possible.

LEC Website

Pro2Future GmbH

The COMET centre Pro2Future, set up in 2017, is dedicated to research on industrial information and communication technologies, especially in order to develop co-called cognitive products and cognitive production systems. The research agenda is purposely ambitious and visionary and is already thinking beyond industry 4.0. Put simply, the mission is to provide scientific support to companies in the ongoing digitalization process.

Pro2Future Website

BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH

BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH, as a biomass research centre, focuses on such topics as the thermal conversion of biomass, fermentation, bio-fuels and biomass power plants. At locations in Graz, Wieselburg and Güssing, BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH conducts research projects within the framework of a COMET K1-Centre, with support from other funding programmes or as part of industrial contracts.

BEST Website

PCCL – Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH

PCCL develops scientific knowledge in the fields of plastics engineering and polymer science as well as related fields. Within the COMET programme, PCCL operates a K1-Centre and the K-Project PolyComp.

PCCL Website

PBS Testing – Prüfinstitut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Schienenfahrzeugtechnik GmbH

The object of the company is to carry out research and development work in the field of operational stability and rail vehicle technology. The main focus of the company is a brake test bench for rail vehicles. Cooperation with industrial partners is to be further consolidated and expanded.

PBS Testing Website

TU Graz Business GmbH

TU Graz Business GmbH was founded to make proprietary software developments available to other universities/colleges but also to industrial companies. The company offers a wide range of services, ranging from product introduction and consulting to meeting individual IT needs.

EBS – TU Graz Errichtungs- und Betreiber GmbH

TU Graz Errichtungs- und Betreiber GmbH is an innovation cluster in the field of Electronic Based Systems (especially electronics and microelectronics). The target group of this innovation cluster and the associated research infrastructure are companies – start-ups, small and medium-sized companies as well as industry giants – and other research and development initiatives that implement innovations in the field.

EBS Website

VAH – Versuchsanstalt für Hochspannungstechnik Graz GmbH

The VAH is an accredited testing institute associated with the TU Graz Institute of High Voltage Engineering and System Performance. It conducts high voltage studies and tests as well as systems engineering studies and reviews of high voltage plants and equipment.

VAH Website


The object of the company is

  • the development, planning, construction as well as the operation and exploitation of the DATA HOUSE, which is implemented in close connection with the TU Graz,
  • the acquisition, consulting and support of company foundations (spin-offs, start-ups, etc.), product developments and services in the field of IT and data processing,
  • the acquisition and exploitation of real estate and rights equivalent to real estate (e.g. super-possession) at the property selected as the location for DATA HOUSE.

Science Park Graz GmbH

Science Park Graz, the shared academic foundation centre of TU Graz, the Medical University of Graz and the University of Graz, supports start-up activities within the framework of the AplusB federal programme. Since 2016, it also operates one the few Business Incubators of the ESA in Europe.

Science Park Graz Website

Holz.bau Forschungs GmbH

The use of timber as a building material in construction and the development and refinement of wood products to create stronger, more economical building materials are the subjects of holz.bau Research GmbH. In particular, holz.bau has conducted K-projects in the field of cross-laminated timber technology and focused on identifying fundamental elements that assure export success for the Austrian wood industry.

Holz.bau Forschungs GmbH Website

ALP.Lab GmbH

Testing and verification of components and systems for automated driving sets new challenges for researchers. ALP.Lab GmbH (Austrian Light Vehicle Proving Region for Automated Driving) provides test environments, test scenarios and services for this research. The company is a joint venture of automotive suppliers (AVL, Magna) and academic partners (Joanneum Research, TU Graz, Virtual Vehicle).

ALP.Lab offers access to public streets, dedicated test tracks, data recording technology and also a full simulation environment and in this way it is a unique test laboratory for the future of driving.

ALP.Lab Website

CEST – Competence Centre for Electrochemical Surface Technology GmbH

The aim of the COMET K1-Centre CEST is to combine developments for innovative and efficient processes and products in the field of electrochemical surface technology.

CEST Website

DIH Süd GmbH

DIH SÜD is a competence network that supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the south of Austria in their digital transformation.
The activities range from initial information to consulting and qualification to support in concrete innovation and research projects. SMEs are given easy access to know-how and the existing infrastructure of the partners.
The measures are focused on the following topics:

  • Production & manufacturing technologies,
  • Security
  • Data Science – knowledge from data
  • Digital business models & processes
  • Logistics
  • Human resources & young talents

DIH Süd Website

AIRlabs Austria GmbH

The goal of AIRlabs Austria GmbH is the establishment and operation of an Austria-wide innovation laboratory. This laboratory unites all key stakeholders, including users, industrial companies and research institutions, in the consortium and, thus, sustainably addresses the current and foreseeable future requirements regarding research, development and validation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

AIRlabs Austria Website

Wood Vision Lab GmbH

Establishing wood in new, future-oriented applications is the vision of the Wood Vision Lab. The focus is on wood hybrid components based on bio-based and recyclable concepts, which make it possible to qualify the regionally renewable and CO2-binding raw material wood into a high-tech material with a particular focus on lightweight mechanical engineering and vehicle technology applications.

Wood Vision Lab Website


CBmed GmbH – Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine

The aim of the COMET K1-Centre CBmed is to combine excellent research infrastructure, scientific expertise and medical knowledge with national and international companies to conduct systematic biomarker research in medicine.

CBmed Website

build! Gründungszentrum Kärnten GmbH

build! is geared towards supporting knowledge-based, technology-oriented start-up projects with potential for growth that are aiming to set up their headquarters in Carinthia. The initiative clearly focuses on ICT, microelectronics, electronics, and social entrepreneurship. In addition, build! forges a link between research institutions, relevant institutions at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, and TU Graz.

build! Website