Julia Dröscher and Reinhard Brandner Prüftechnische Analyse des Einflusses der Brett- bzw. Elementbreite sowie Holzart der Querlagen auf die Scheibenschubkenngrößen von BSP Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer and Reinhard Brandner Historische Dachtragwerke: Beurteilung, realitätsnahe statische Analyse und Instandsetzung978-3-85125-433-4 Show publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Philipp Dietsch and Reinhard Brandner Reinforcement with self-tapping screws and threaded rodsReinforcment of Timber Structures - A state-of-the-art report161-182 Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer Value-added wood productsForest Products - Annual Market Review 2014-2015105-114 Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Georg Flatscher, Katarina Bratulic and Gerhard Schickhofer Experimental tests on cross-laminated timber joints and walls Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer Ausbildung in Graz mit starkem Praxisbezug - Forschungsbasierte Lehre und Meisterklassenprinzip am Institut für Holzbau und Holztechnologie der TU Graz Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Philipp Dietsch, Julia Dröscher, Michael Schulte-Wrede and Mike Sieder Scheibenschub von Brettsperrholz: Verifizierung einer Prüfkonfiguration und Parameterstudie Show publication in PURE
Andreas Meisel, Bernhard Wallner and Gerhard Schickhofer Tragfähigkeit und Verformungsverhalten druckbeanspruchter Blattverbindungen Show publication in PURE
Georg Flatscher and Gerhard Schickhofer Shaking-table test of a cross-laminated timber structure Show publication in PURE
Ulrich Müller, Andreas Ringhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard Schickhofer Homogeneous shear stress field of wood in an Arcan shear test configuration measured by means of electronic speckle pattern interferometry: Description of the test set-up Show publication in PURE
Andreas Meisel, Bernhard Wallner and Gerhard Schickhofer Tragfähigkeit und Verformungsverhalten von Kammverbindungen Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard Schickhofer Probabilistic models for the modulus of elasticity and shear in serial and parallel acting timber elements Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard Schickhofer Withdrawal resistance of self-tapping screws in unidirectional and orthogonal layered timber products Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer, Reinhard Brandner, Georg Flatscher and Gerhard Schickhofer Axial beanspruchte Holzschrauben in Vollholz, Brettschichtholz und Brettsperrholz Show publication in PURE
Philipp Dietsch and Reinhard Brandner Self-tapping screws and threaded rods as reinforcement for structural timber elements - A state-of-the-art report Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Philipp Dietsch, Julia Dröscher and Michael Schulte-Wrede Schubkenngrößen von BSP bei Beanspruchung als Scheibe Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Gerhard Schickhofer, Helene Bauer and Alexandra Thiel Mit neuen Tragelementen in die Zukunft des Holzbaus Moderner Massivbau aus Holz - vom Einfamilienhaus bis zum Hochhaus 157-174 Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Katarina Bratulic and Andreas Ringhofer Serial Correlation of Withdrawal Properties from Axially-Loaded Self-Tapping Screws Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12) Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ehrhart, Reinhard Brandner, Gerhard Schickhofer and Andrea Frangi Rolling Shear Properties of some European Timber Species with Focus on Cross Laminated Timber (CLT): Test Configuration and Parameter Study International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER), Meeting 48; ISSN 2199-9740 61-76 Show publication in PURE
Andreas Meisel Tragwirkung historischer Dachwerke und deren Verbindungen Schadfreies Bauen - Wunsch oder Realität? 183-194 Show publication in PURE
Milena Stavric, Albert Wiltsche and Thomas Bogensperger Generative Design for Folded Timber Structures Emerging Experiences in the Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture 673-682 Show publication in PURE
Matteo Izzi, Georg Flatscher, Giovanni Rinaldin, Massimo Fragiacomo and Gerhard Schickhofer Experimental tests on annular ringed shank nails for seismic resistant Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) structures L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia 1-11 Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard Schickhofer A Universal Approach for Withdrawal Properties of Self-Tapping Screws in Solid Timber and Laminated Timber Products International Network on Timber Engineering Research 79-98 Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Philipp Dietsch, Julia Dröscher, Michael Schulte-Wrede, Heinrich Kreuzinger, Mike Sieder, Gerhard Schickhofer and Stefan Winter Shear Properties of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) under in‐plane load: Test Configuration and Experimental Study International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER), Meeting 48; ISSN 2199-9740 181-201 Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Reinhard Brandner, Philipp Dietsch, Julia Dröscher, Michael Schulte-Wrede, Heinrich Kreuzinger, Mike Sieder, Gerhard Schickhofer and Stefan Winter CLT Diaphragms under in-plane shear - Evaluation of Test Results and Modelling Show publication in PURE
Konstantin Ganster Leitdetails für die Holz-Massivbauweise mit BSP "Das Sockeldetail" Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer and Manfred Augustin Gut geschraubt ist gut gebaut! Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Philipp Dietsch, Julia Dröscher, Michael Schulte-Wrede, Heinrich Kreuzinger, Mike Sieder, Gerhard Schickhofer and Stefan Winter Shear Properties of Cross Laminated Timber under in‐plane load: Test Configuration and Experimental Study Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard Schickhofer A Universal Approach for Withdrawal Properties of Self-Tapping Screws in Solid Timber and Laminated Timber Products Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Katarina Bratulic and Andreas Ringhofer Serial Correlation of Withdrawal Properties from Axially-Loaded Self-Tapping Screws Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ehrhart, Reinhard Brandner, Gerhard Schickhofer and Andrea Frangi Rolling Shear Properties of some European Timber Species with Focus on Cross Laminated Timber (CLT): Test Configuration and Parameter Study Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner and Markus Grabner Dem Laubholz eine Chance - Innovative Holzverwendung Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer and Georg Flatscher CLT - European Experience - Connections in CLT Elements - Theory | Research | Applications Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Georg Flatscher, Andreas Ringhofer, Gerhard Schickhofer and Alexandra Thiel Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) – Overview and Development Show publication in PURE
Andreas Ringhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard Schickhofer A Universal Approach for Withdrawal Properties of Self-Tapping Screws in Solid Timber and Laminated Timber Products Show publication in PURE

Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 24
A-8010 Graz

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Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 4619