Journal Article
Ursula Mahlknecht and Reinhard Brandner Block shear failure mechanism of axially-loaded groups of screws
Andreas Ringhofer, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard Schickhofer Basic steel properties of self-tapping timber screws exposed to cyclic axial loading
Reinhard Brandner, Andreas Ringhofer and Tobias Reichinger Performance of axially-loaded self-tapping screws in hardwood
Reinhard Brandner Properties of axially loaded self-tapping screws with focus on application in hardwood
Konstantin Ganster, Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard Schickhofer Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen des hygrothermischen Verhaltens von Brettsperrholz am Beispiel einer Außenwand
Dominik Matzler, Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard Schickhofer Verdichtung von Dachräumen von Altbaubeständen mittels modularen Holzbaus
Conference/Workshop Article
Reinhard Brandner, Andreas Ringhofer and Johann Scheibenreiter Probleme und Lösungsansätze für die Verschraubung in Hartlaubholzprodukten Internationales Holzbau-Forum IHF'19 1-22
Reinhard Brandner, Andreas Ringhofer and Raimund Sieder Duration of Load Effect on Axially-Loaded Self-Tapping Screws Inserted Parallel to Grain in Soft- and Hardwood INTER - International Network on Timber Enfineering Research 1-20
Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard Schickhofer Product Characteristics of Self-Tapping Timber Screws INTER - International Network on Timber Enfineering Research 1-20
Michael Monsberger, Gerhard Schickhofer, Anna-Katharina Magg, Konstantin Ganster, Markus Neumayer, Thomas Bretterklieber and Christian Kaufmann Strategies for a safe integration of water-bearing MEP systems in prefabricated CLT room modules Proceedings of the 2019 Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit 397-404
Other Article
Katarina Bratulic, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard Schickhofer Investigations concerning screw press gluing (SPG) with special focus on CLT/GLT ribbed plates
Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard Schickhofer Hydrogen-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking (HISCC) of Self-Tapping Screws Applied in Different Timber Products

Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 24
A-8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0)316 873 - 4601
Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 4619