Head of the group Separation Techniques

Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Erich Leitner
Phone: +43 (316) 873 - 32503
Office hours: by appointment via e-mail
Business Card 

Research interests

Head of the group Sensory Science

TU Graz, Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Siegmund

Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Barbara Siegmund
Phone: +43 (316) 873 - 32506
Office hours: by appointment via e-mail
Business Card

Research interests

Post Docs

PhD Students

Raimund Teubler
Dipl.-Ing. BSc

Phone: +43 316 873 - 32510

Master Students



We are grateful for all alumni and graduates, which were a personal and professional enrichment for our group and we wish them all the best in their future lives:  

Dorothea Leis Analytical Methods for the Characterization of Aroma Compounds in Wine and Grape Must
Iris Ragger Flavor analysis of heritage apple varieties
Thomas Lehner Ripening of mangoes - Effect of ripening on physical, chemical and sensory properties of the fruit
Valerie Ruppert Enzymatic Release of Aroma Active Aglycones in 'Ilzer Rose' Apple Juice and Wine
Martina Bloder Das Aroma der Apfelsorte Ilzer Rose in Abhängigkeit von Reifegrad und Lagerung
Thomas Flecker The Investigation of the Formation of Volatile Compounds in Unrefined Vegetable Oils and their Misleading Association with Residues from Solvent Extraction
Walter Weiss Charakterisierung von Kartoffeln mittels Hyper Spectral Imaging (HSI)
Daria Christine Winkler Investigation of the roasting, pressing and storage process of highly unsaturated oils
Andrea Jurek Spurenanalytische Methoden zur Charakterisierung von Bedarfsgegenständen
Susanne Robert Analytical and sensory characterization of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice
Valerian Kalb Parameters Influencing the Quality of Processed Horseradish
Samir Kopacic Odor development of polymer coated cellulose-based materials
Ulrike Heil Charakterisierung von primären und sekundären Aromastoffen alter Streuobst-Apfelsorten
Evelyn Wastl Geruchsmonitoring eines industriellen Prozesses
Dian Fedl Mehrdimensionale Gaschromatographie zur Bestimmung geruchsaktiver Verbindungen
Nicole Pabi Sortendifferenzierung von Holunder über das Aroma der Blüten 
Stephanie Flitsch Vergleichende Bestimmung flüchtiger Verbindungen aus Fahrzeuginnenräumen mittels SPME-GC/MS und Thermodesorption-GC/MS   
Helene Hopfer Identification of odour-active compounds in polyolefins
Eva Schrampf Charakterisierung von Stärken für den papiertechnologischen Einsatz mit Hilfe der Nahen Infrarotspektroskopie