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University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering

Unite! is a network of universities from currently nine countries in Europe. The network has been established to create a new model of a trans-European inter-university campus – for students, researchers and all staff. TU Graz has been a partner of this top-class alliance since November 2022.

Combining aspects of science, innovation and technology, this alliance is working to address the major societal challenges that will arise in the future. And it will transform European higher education – by offering multidisciplinary, multicultural and multilingual education, research and innovation involving regions and businesses.

Altogether, the nine universities have 280,000 students and 77,300 graduates annually.

Unite! Partners

Unite! News of TU Graz

Unite!'s Social Media Channels

Unite! in the intranet TU4U - Students

Unite! in the intranet TU4U - Employees, Teachers and Researchers

The TU Graz in Unite!

TU Graz was accepted as a future new member of the University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering (Unite!) in December 2021 and is a full member since November 2022.

Together with its eight Unite! partner universities, TU Graz submitted the Erasmus+ funding application in the area of Partnerships for Excellence – European Universities for the funding period of 2022–2026, which was approved by the EU Commission.

TU Graz is coordinating the work package Digital Campus and is acting as a co-coordinator for the area of quality assurance in the work package Management, Governance and Quality Assurance.

TU Graz contributes its experts and takes the lead regarding certain tasks and activities in all of the other nine work packages. Students and academic staff are represented in Unite! via their own platforms.

The European University Initiative

To create a European education area by 2025, the European Commission launched the European University Initiative in 2019. European Universities comprise transnational alliances of higher education institutions located all across the EU. These Universities apply an agreed-upon, long-term strategy, recognize and respect shared European values and promote the European identity. The initiative has been established to create a European campus, to increase student and staff mobility significantly and to promote the quality, integration and competitiveness of European higher education.

Unite! was selected in 2019 as one of the first 17 consortia to transform higher education as a European University and to take the cooperation among universities to a new level. The initiative receives funding primarily through Erasmus+.

Unite! Contacts at TU Graz

Sabine PREM
Key Liaison Officer TU Graz
Head of International Office – Welcome Center
Phone: +43 316 873 6416


Unite! Project Manager/Deputy Key Liaison Officer TU Graz
International Office – Welcome Center
Phone: +43 316 873 4922


Martin EBNER
Community/Cm 2 Coordinator – Digital Campus
Head of Educational Technology
Phone: +43 316 873 8540


The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Unite!'s Social Media Channels