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Current Events

TU Graz events

To see a summary of today’s events, select a desired day in the calendar or click on the respective weekly view (left in calendar) in the calendar week.
Rooms can be hired at TU Graz. Here you will find all the information about organising events.

Daniel Rueckert vom Imperial College London spricht in der BioTechMed-Graz Faculty Club Flagship Lecture über den jüngsten Erfolg ...
17. October 2018, 05:00 PM - 19:00

Siegfried Pint, Leiter Entwicklung Antrieb Architektur und Fahrzeugintegration bei der Audi AG Ingolstadt, spricht in seinem Vortr...
17. October 2018, 06:15 PM - 20:00

News and contacts regarding events

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Contact Event Calendar

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Communications and Marketing

Contact Event Service

Event Service
Patricia GÖTZ

Phone: +43 316 873 7191