Sustainability should be anchored at all levels of the university through the activities of the Advisory Board. For example, the Sustainability Advisory Board aims to integrate technology assessment in research and teaching, optimise energy and mobility management at TU Graz, develop measures to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, initiate (research) projects in the field of sustainability and regularly compile a sustainability report. Employees as well as students are actively involved in this process.
Sustainability Advisory Board of TU Graz
Münzgrabenstraße 36/II
8010 Graz
Alexander PASSER
Deputy Head
Münzgrabenstraße 36/II
8010 Graz
The Sustainability Advisory Board is an interdisciplinary team of members of the University Senate, all faculties, the Field of Expertise Sustainable Systems, the Vice Rectorates for Academic Affairs and Research, the department Buildings and Technical Support as well as members of the TU Graz Student Union.
The Sustainability Advisory Board networks with other Styrian universities in the area of sustainability and works closely with the members of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities. Internationally, the Sustainability Advisory Board also uses the cooperation with universities, research institutions and companies in the European ESEIA alliance.
In addition, the Advisory Board takes a leading role in the cooperation project UniNEtZ, in which projects for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals are developed.
Austria is committed to support Agenda 2030 – the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). TU Graz is also assuming its responsibility to provide support and strengthened the awareness of the SDGs during the Sustainability Week.