The European energy and electricity economy faces huge challenges: the ongoing climate change and the increasing dependency on energy imports call for concrete counter-steering strategies. Numerous measures have already been implemented in the current energy strategy of the European Union. Since the electricity sector is influenced by certain peculiarities (such as non-storability, capital intensity, longevity), the effects of the measures mentioned above need to be investigated.
The simulation model ATLANTIS comprises the entire electricity economy of the ENTSO-E area and includes the relevant systemic connections. The most important elements of the part dealing with the real economy are the power plant park, the superior European transmission network (400/220-kV-level), as well as the regionalised demand of the customers.
ATLANTIS permits scientific investigations like:
The simulation model ATLANTIS has been developed in order to state scientifically sound conclusions based on scenario-analysis. These insights are able to contribute to the prosperous development of the European energy and electricity economy.
Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910