DSI AT-Pile System

Tests to assess the performance of the
DSI pipe pile system with new connection technology
Pull-Out-Tests Hollow Rod

The bonding behaviour between threaded hollow rods and synthetic resin will be investigated experimentally. The motivation for the investigation is the development of a corrosion protection system with synthetic resin.

MMK wood-concrete composite panels

Investigations into the deformation behaviour
of the concrete during hydration


Characterisation of a polymer mortar
Polymer as a substitute binder for cement
DSI Pipe Pile System

Tests to assess the load bearing behaviour of the
DSI AT pipe pile system
ALL- in Concrete

Experimental analyses on the influence of the mixed paper sack paper bag on the fresh and hardened concrete properties
DSI Pipe Pile System

Cement-mortar recipe development
DSI Pipe Pile System

Tests for the approval of the DSI AT pipe pile system
DSI Pipe Pile System

Test report on 4 uniaxial compression tests as
preliminary tests for the approval of the DSI Hollow Bar System

Fibre-reinforced concrete - Precast staircase

Test report on the cracking behaviour of a precast staircase with synthetic fibres

LSW piles in the pile-driving pipe
Swell load tests on LSW stands

The aim of the tests is to investigate experimentally the load-bearing behavior of a noise barrier stand (LSW) in a pile-driving tube under swell load.

SAS Load Transfer SAS 550/620
Load transfer tests according to ETAG 013

The load transfer test on the supporting structure of a soil nail SAS system is carried out on behalf of Stahlwerk Annahütte (SAH) according to the specifications of ETAG 013 [1] and EAD [2].

SAS Load Transfer Micropile SAS 670/800
Pile neck test of a micropile SAS 670/800 Ø75

The subject of the experimental tests is the safe load transfer into micropiles with the aid of a split tension collar in the form of a steel pipe.

SAS load transfer SAS 670/800 and 835/1035
Load transfer tests for SAS 670/800 (Ø35 and Ø50) and for SAS 835/1035 (Ø57)

The load transfer test on the supporting structure of a soil nail SAS system is carried out on behalf of Stahlwerk Annahütte (SAH) according to the specifications of ETAG 013 [1] and EAD [2].

Stadtstraße Aspern: UHPC tunnel base with synthetic fibres
Test report on the cracking behaviour of UHPC tunnel bases with NSC top concrete

On behalf of the City of Vienna, MA 29 Brückenbau und Grundbau, investigations on the use of plastic fibres in this element shall be made in addition to the concept of a white tunnel base element made of UHPC elaborated in the research report F-10-77-2019 of TU-Graz.

Translated with (free version)

Printbetondecke Nördlingen
Large-scale test on a scale of 1:1

In the course of the project "Printed Concrete Floor Nördlingen", a section of a floor was tested for serviceability and load-bearing capacity.

DSI Pipe Pile System
Test report on unconfined compression tests on tubular piles

The aim of the study is to determine the load-bearing behaviour of tubular piles under compressive loading.

AVI Shear Force Thermal Basket
System analysis, design models and experimental verification

The product range of AVI is to be extended by a thermobasket which is especially suitable for the transfer of high shear forces.

TIBA crest pressure tests
Test report on crest pressure tests on heavy-duty pipes

The aim of the investigation was to prove the sufficient stability of heavy-duty pipes with a crest pressure test.

SANOOX mounting box
Test report on static testing of washbasin consoles according to ÖNORM EN 14688:2015+A1:2018 (D).

The aim of the investigation is an experimental load capacity verification of three different mounting elements of the company SANOOX GmbH.

Comparison of the approaches for fibre orientation

Comparison of measurement results with the two approaches for fibre orientation distribution

AMTB 670/800 pile neck test DN75

Report about a pile neck test of micro pile system AMTB 670/800

Normprüfung Hohldielen JHD 320

Test report on component tests on prestressed concrete hollow planks according to EN 1168 Annex J.

AMTB 550/620 Druckstoß mit Kontaktmuffe

Expert opinion on the pressure surge with a contact sleeve type AMTB 550/620

Sanierungsprojekt BV Aspern

IN-SITU measurements of bar forces in ISTOR tension bars

IMS Montagebox

Load tests on washbasin consoles

Tests to determine the load-bearing capacity and permanent deformations of washbasin consoles according to EN 14688:2015-10


Tests to check the increase of the punching shear strength of the AVI-DE 140 with additionally inserted double-headed dowels on concrete slabs with the AVI-DE 140 and additionally inserted double-headed dowels

AVI Thermokorb 8cm

Assessment of the load-bearing capacity with modified profile geometry

Expert assessment of the load-bearing capacity of AVI thermocouple baskets with
with varying profile geometries on the basis of tests and calculation models

Drehmoment-Spannkraft-Verhältnis von ISTOR-Stangen

Series of tests to determine the torque-tension force ratio of
ISTOR rods, and comparison with M30 threaded rods

Klett TGA

FFG exploratory project no. 861664

Trials for the development of Velcro fastening systems for the
technical building equipment.

AMTB 670/800

Load transmission into the structure - Anchorage (hexagon nut and pile plate) for micropiles
Load transfer tests according to EAD 16

Fugenband-Prüfungen im Zuge des Projektes „Koralmbahn“

Tests of the joint tape type FMS 350 in the course of the
Koralm Railway Project

AMTB 670/800

Compression joint tests
Testing of slip of AMTB 670/800 compression joints according to ISO 15835

AMTB 670/800

Compression tests
Testing of AMTB 670/800 compression stress-strain relation and comparison
with tensile tests.

Normprüfung Hohldielen

JHD 200/320/500
Test report on structural tests on hollow prestressed concrete floor beams
according to EN 1168 Annex J.

AMTB Pull Out

Report about pull out tests of „ATMB 670/800“ steel bars based on
EN 10080:2005(D) by order of Arcelor Mittal


Test report

Test report on large-scale test on behalf of ÖBB in the course of the project
"Stock Attraction Lavanttalbahn - Renewal of the Auenbach Bridge".

© TU Graz/LKI

Folgemessungen  B 39b Gschnitztalbrücke 

Report on metrological investigations at the B 39b Gschnitztal bridge of the A13 Brenner motorway

© TU Graz/LKI


Punching tests on concrete slabs on behalf of AVI

On behalf of AVI, various reinforcement systems are tested for punching failure. A total of seven eight-cornered concrete slabs measuring 300 x 300 cm are used as test specimens.

© TU Graz/LKI

Erweiterung der Zulassung des AVI‑NIRO Thermokorb auf 12 cm Dämmstärke
Alpenländische Veredelungs-Industrie GmbH (AVI) has developed a new variant of the AVI-NIRO Thermokorb with an insulation thickness of 12 cm. The principle of load transfer remains unchanged. Two "thermally separated" concrete slabs are friction-locked together by means of U-profiles made of stainless steel.

© TU Graz/LKI

Ermüdung Praterbrücke

Dynamic tests on large-scale test specimens faithfully reproduced in detail

The Graz University of Technology, Institute of Steel Construction, was commissioned to assess the remaining service life and thus the fatigue resistance of the steel deck of the Prater Bridge (A23 object B0214/2).
For this purpose, fatigue tests were planned on identical test specimens in original size (scale 1:1) for the connection detail between longitudinal and transverse rib.
The aim was to determine the connection details experimentally in order to be able to use them as a realistic basis for the assessment of the remaining service life.
to be able to use them as a realistic basis for assessing the remaining service life. The connection detail under investigation is subjected to both
Both tensile and compressive swell loads in the bridge.

© TU Graz/LKI

Druckkriechen Glaskleber

Test report on the creep behaviour of a glass adhesive with the designation "KlarKarl" under compressive load.

The object of the investigation is the creep behaviour of a glass adhesive with the designation

"KlarKarl". The creep deformation of an adhesive sample under constant load is determined.

© TU Graz/LKI

Schwimminsel Neue Donau

Test report on tensile and bending tests on textile-reinforced concrete specimens

The swimming island project originally came from a student competition called the "Concrete
Student Trophy". A team of students from the faculties of civil engineering and architecture at the Graz University of
of the Graz University of Technology was victorious with this project. The swimming island consists of an
XPS core which is encased in a concrete shell. Access to the river bank and
access to the river bank and, at the same time, to fix it in place.
water level.

© TU Graz/LKI

Spannbetonschwelle L2

Strain measurements during production at the Sollenau plant

MABA Track Solution GmbH produces prestressed concrete sleepers for railway construction in prestressed beds of around 100 m in length. The prestressing force must ensure that no cracks occur under specified loads. For this reason, a reliable statement about the prestressing force actually present in the finished sleeper is essential for production quality assurance.

© TU Graz/LKI

Regalsystem BERT

Tests on suspension connections

The BERT shelving system is a shelving system for stepped beam and shelf racking systems, consisting of uprights and various beams or ledgers. The individual components consist of cold-formed steel profiles. The connection between the uprights and the horizontal components is made by means of suspension connections. As part of the approval procedure by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt), tests on the suspension connections are necessary. Tests with four different types of beams / transoms are necessary, whereby both bending and shear loads are applied.

© TU Graz/LKI


Non-destructive determination of the direction-dependent tensile load-bearing properties of steel-fibre-reinforced structural elements made of UHPC

The lack of practicable, economical and qualitative concepts and methods of quality assurance during the construction of structures made of steel fibre reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) strongly slows down the progress of this sustainable construction method. During the construction of the first large arch bridge in Austria (WILD bridge), a primitive non-destructive measurement method was developed and applied to determine the fibre orientation. The evaluation was accomplished by calibration on destructively examined additional samples obtained from overlengths of the components. In order to be able to dispense with this very expensive component-specific calibration process in the future, the necessary physical principles were researched in the FibreScan project.

© TU Graz/LKI

Unterwassermontage von

Feasibility study for the construction of the Central Reservoir Canal Graz by means of underwater installation of precast concrete elements.

The City of Graz, represented by Holding Graz Services, is planning a central reservoir channel (ZSK) as part of the Mur power plant Graz project. This is to be constructed directly

riverbed of the Mur. The construction method is a conventional

in-situ concrete construction method in an excavation pit secured by stiffened sheet pile boxes and

and drained by open dewatering. The expenses for securing the excavation pit and the dewatering measures are considerable, which is why the company "Der Wasserwirt" is considering an alternative new construction method with prefabricated elements that are installed underwater.


© TU Graz/LKI

Festigkeitsprüfungen von Klettverschlussverbindungen

Experiments to determine the adhesive strength of hook-and-loop fasteners.

The aim is to determine the adhesive strengths of a hook and loop fastener connection under various stresses.

These were tactile tests on the Velcro strips for an application in a flexible wall system. The application is to attach panels as surfaces of a wall system to a substructure by means of a hook-and-loop fastener. The Velcro connection is intended to allow repeated use after disassembly. Accordingly, repeated use is also the subject of the investigations. In general, no reference values are known for the achievable adhesive strengths.

Velcro® tapes from the Tesa Velcro® brand were tested. The majority of the tests were carried out on normal-strength Velcro® tapes. In addition, an extra-strong Velcro® tape was tested to a lesser extent.

© TU Graz/LKI

DYWI® Drill Hohlstab-System

Fatigue tests on hollow bars, coupling-anchoring and load transfer tests

Execution of fatigue tests on hollow bars type R51-800 according to the requirements for reinforcing steel according to EN 10080 in the extended test scope with 3 batches and 5 specimens each.
Furthermore, fatigue tests were carried out on the coupling-anchoring system, as well as load transfer tests according to ETAG 013.

© TU Graz/LKI
Dehnungsmessungen Praterbrücke

Metrological investigations on the A23 Prater bridge - object B0214/2 current carrying structure

Subject of the investigation is the Prater bridge of the A23 in Vienna - object B0214/2 (current carrying structure). It is a steel bridge consisting of one box girder (2 main girders) per direction. The roadway deck rests on cantilevered cross ribs on both sides. The road surface lies directly on the steel deck.

The measurements in question relate to the Graz carriageway, near the south end of the Strombrücke (Handelskai). In this area, there is already a widening of the cantilevered part of the carriageway deck due to the motorway exit there (about 70 cm wider than the standard area).

The aim of the investigations is to measure the state of expansion of the steel roadway and of the reinforcing plates installed in this area. The results should provide information about the real conditions and be used to check FE calculations.


© TU Graz/LKI
Durchstanzeinbauteil Vorstudie

Numerical investigations on the mode of action of a new type of special punching shear component

The investigations in question concern a newly designed steel installation part for increasing the punching shear resistance of reinforced concrete flat slabs. The mechanical interrelationships of the built-in parts are to be analysed to such an extent that a targeted investigation programme based on experiments can be drawn up. The aim of this investigation programme is to subsequently introduce the new installation part to the market.

The investigations in this preliminary study are largely based on numerical simulations.

© TU Graz/LKI
HV-Verschraubung im Verbundbau

Experiments to determine the bolt prestressing force as a function of the tightening torque

On behalf of ASFINAG, experimental investigations were carried out at the Graz University of Technology in the Laboratory for Structural Engineering (LKI) to determine the actual prestressing force in a bolted connection as a function of the tightening torque.

In the course of the retrofitting of the bridge object L43 (Tauern motorway), steel struts are connected to the reinforced concrete cantilever slab of the existing structure via a head plate and HV bolting. For the connection, a steel counter plate is arranged on the upper side of the cantilever slab. The space required for the bolts (threaded rods) to pass through (produced by core drilling) must be backfilled after installation. This backfilling concrete or mortar, the nature of its bond to the threaded rod and, above all, the age of the concrete at the time the bolting is tightened, influence the actual prestressing force of the connection.

Control element present.

© TU Graz/LKI

Eisenbahnhilfsbrücke aus UHPC

Component tests | Transverse bending test Control element | Tension force introduction End element | Quality and strength properties of the precast elements

The auxiliary bridge in question, made of steel-fibre-reinforced UHPC, is a segmental bridge with a span of up to 27 m, the trough-shaped segments of which are tensioned together with up to 45 ø40 mm tension rods. The bridge is composed of control segments and one solid end element at each end of the bridge. The base plate of the regulating elements is broken up like a lattice and transversely prestressed in the upper and lower chord. Only the necessary recesses (ø60 mm) for the tension rods are provided in the end element.

© TU Graz/LKI
FFG-Projekt 819342

Discontinuities in unreinforced UHPFRC caused by deflection forces from prestressing and eccentric connections.

For discontinuity regions due to local stresses from tendon anchors, tendon deflections, lifting anchors, bearings, structural joints and due to thickness jumps and other geometrically complex shapes, design in concrete construction is usually done using truss models. In the absence of discrete reinforcing bars to carry the tension strut forces, the fibres must carry them. However, the assignment of a contributing tension zone turns out to be very complex. Since such generally valid engineering models are currently lacking, further cost-intensive and time-consuming component tests can be avoided or at least reduced by means of elaborate materially non-linear FEM analyses, which must first be verified on simple and clear component tests. Non-linear FEM analyses are also a great support for predicting and simulating the load-bearing behaviour of components with combined reinforcement made of steel fibres and reinforcing steel. Within the scope of the pilot project of the Wildbrücke Völkermarkt and other pilot projects for UHFB bridges, such analyses are used to a large extent. Non-linear FEM analyses are also to be used for the subsequent consideration of various details such as deflection forces.

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG-Projekt 819342
Experimental investigations for the dimensioning of tendon anchorages in the WILD Bridge project

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG-Projekt 819342

The influence of dimensional tolerances on the load-bearing capacity of dry joints between UHPC precast elements.

The influence of unevenness of surfaces in dry joints on their load-bearing capacity is to be investigated. Not only the size of the amplitude, but also the frequency and the shape of the unevenness will be taken into account. For this purpose, FE calculations of contact surfaces will be made in which the above parameters will be varied.

© TU Graz/LKI


FFG-Projekt 819342

1:1 tests to verify the load-bearing behaviour of the WILD bridge.

The development of material-appropriate, cost-effective and fast construction methods in combination with material-saving lightweight cross-sections made of UHPC has already progressed so far that the first road bridge made of UHPC will be built in Austria this year. This is the so-called WILD bridge, which crosses a valley incision whose shape is very well suited for the construction of an arch bridge. The total length of the bridge is 157m, the arch spans about 70m. Due to its low dead weight, the support line approaches a polygon shape. Therefore, the arch is composed of thin-walled straight UHPC pipes and so-called "knee nodes". On top of the knee nodes, which are also made of UHPC, stands the elevation, which supports a conventional deck. Apart from steel fibres, the arches do not contain any slack reinforcement. Centric prestressing is used to overpressure the segmental joints, which increases the bending stiffness and thus improves the stability of the arch.
ferences - part 2

© TU Graz/LKI
FFG-Projekt 819342

Manufacturing methods, fibre orientation/distribution and arch assembly of the WILD bridge

© TU Graz/LKI


FFG-Projekt 819342
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) in precast construction

© TU Graz/LKI

Wärmespeicher mit Vakuumdämpfung
Investigation into the suitability of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) for the outer shell

A buffer storage tank with vacuum insulation was developed and patented by Waukmann Energy GmbH. The outer shell is currently designed as a two-shell construction in which normal concrete takes on the load-bearing function and plastic ensures gas tightness. Due to its high impermeability, UHPC could take over both the load-bearing and the sealing function of the outer shell. It should be checked whether UHPC fulfils the required gas tightness and a comparison should be made with the plastics used. Furthermore, the danger of spalling in a vacuum is to be investigated and a pre-dimensioning for a container is to be carried out.

© TU Graz/LKI

Zerstörungsfreie Qualitätskontrolle - WILD-Brücke

Test report on inductance measurements on UHPDFRC prefabricated parts and the post-cracking tensile strengths derived from them.

It is to be determined non-destructively whether the required bending tensile strengths can be expected in the longitudinal and circumferential directions. For this purpose, 3 bending tensile specimens with the dimensions 600x155x60 mm are cut out of the pipes 2 (at the edge) and 3 (in the middle) per side (top, bottom and right (viewed from behind) in circumferential direction, left in axial direction) and subjected to a bending tensile test according to DBV Merkblatt for steel fibre concrete. These tests are carried out by MFPA Leipzig. Furthermore, the ferromagnetic properties are measured at the prisms and at 120 points per pipe. By calibrating the measurements on the strengths of the sawn-out prisms, the strength of the pipes is to be inferred. The theoretical and experimental principles are documented in [1].

© TU Graz/LKI

ARCO R90 Termic in Tension

Tensile tests on a drill pipe with a diameter of 90mm

The subject of the investigations is the determination of the maximum tensile force of a drill pipe of the company Keller Grundbau with the designation "R 90x8 Termic" and a diameter of 90mm. The set-up for the tensile test consists of three drill pipes of the same type with a total length of 7000mm (see Figure 1). Two of the three drill pipes have a length of 3000m, the third is 1000mm long. The three individual pipes are bolted together with two matching 230mm long couplings. The coupling points can also be seen in Figure1. The connection points to the test equipment are realised with two halved sleeves. One at the top of the cylinder, the other under the load cell in the basement.

© TU Graz/LKI

Dehnungsmessungen L43 Steinbrückenbachbrücke

Metrological investigations at the L43 Steinbrückenbach bridge of the A10 Tauern motorway

 The object of the investigations is the object L43 of the A10 Tauern motorway. It is a composite bridge with a total length of 606m, which extends over 9 spans. The bridge consists of one supporting structure per directional carriageway. The investigations in question relate to bars, designed as round steel tubes, which support the cantilevered carriageway slab towards the main girder D (directional carriageway Villach). The objective of the investigations is to record real strains in the console bars. Subsequently, the actual stress on the bars is to be determined from these strains, which in turn are to form the basis for a service life calculation. For this purpose, the strains of the bracket bars are measured in the area of pier 3 from three brackets at different distances from the pier.

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Crack width development of UHPC slabs subjected to bending loads - theory and test

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Dimensioning and testing according to ÖNorm EN124 of UHPC manhole covers of load classes A50 and B125

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Design of watertight circular tanks made of UHPC

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Shear measurements of thin-walled cross-sections made of UHPC Test - FE calculation

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Determination of fibre content and orientation by photographic method - theory and application

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Shrinkage behaviour, tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of young UHPC and the resulting risk of shrinkage cracking

© TU Graz/LKI

FFG -Projekt 813129/621

Design of UHPC based on the French preliminary guidelines (2002) and the German expert report (2007)

© TU Graz/LKI

Alu Profil- Verbindungen

Carrying out tests to verify the load-bearing behaviour of aluminium profile connections

[Translate to Englisch:]

© TU Graz/LKI

UHPC Brücke Amlacherstraße

Carrying out tests to verify the load-bearing behaviour under transverse bending loads

© TU Graz/LKI

Wandpfeiler unter zentrischem Druck

Carrying out tests on storey-high, polyurethane-bonded masonry pillars

© TU Graz/LKI

MAI Hohlstabanker gekontert

Carrying out static system tests on countered MAI hollow bar anchors with socket connection

© TU Graz/LKI

Dehnungsmessung L40

Metrological investigation on vertical buckling stiffeners and gusset plates of the object L40 of the A10 Tauern motorway

© TU Graz/LKI

Bewehrungssuche Haus Hölzl

Reinforcement search on the balcony slab Haus Hölzl

© TU Graz/LKI

Bremsbeläge ROLA TS

Shear tests on brake pads

© TU Graz/LKI

Messungen B39b Gschnitztalbrücke

Measurement investigation at the B39b Gschnitztal bridge of the A13 Brenner motorway

© TU Graz/LKI

Dehnungsmessungen L40

Measurement investigation on vertical buckling stiffeners of the object L40 of the A10 Tauern motorway

© TU Graz/LKI

Schwingungsmessungen ORS Kolomannsberg

Measurement investigation of the vibration and deformation behaviour at object H of the ORS Kolomannsberg.

© TU Graz/LKI

Tragverhalten nachträglich ergänzter Fahrbahnplatten

Road research project 3.287 of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology

© TU Graz/LKI

Semperit Schwellenschuh

Experimental determination of the static and dynamic stiffness as well as the mechanical fatigue strength

© TU Graz/LKI

DYWIDAG Post-Tensioning Kit

Approval tests for the 4-strand tendon with and without coupler type M

© TU Graz/LKI

Monostrands in prestressed concrete slabs

Bondless Post-Tensioning with the DYWIDAG Strand Post-Tensioning System A Comparative Study between Slack-Reinforced and Post-Tensioned Structural Slabs


Laboratory for Structural Engineering
Inffeldgasse 24
8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (0) 316 / 873 - 7051
Fax: +43 (0) 316 / 873 7061
