New DEWETRON measurement equipment at IEAN (09-2024)

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) is receiving extensive laboratory equipment worth over 400,000 euros from DEWETRON, a leading manufacturer of high-precision measurement systems from Styria. This generous sponsorship will support and promote various institutes of TU Graz. Further information: Link

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the support and look forward to using the measuring devices!

VDE ETG Conference "Grid control and system management" (09-2024)

From 17-18 September 2024, the VDE ETG symposium on ‘Grid control and system management’ took place in Munich. The IEAN was represented by Robert Schürhuber, Darko Brankovic and Dominik Grall, who presented a paper on experiences with grid reconstruction and island grid tests.

In addition to many interesting contributions on the system management of the electrical energy grid of the future with increasing penetration of inverter-coupled systems, we were able to share our experiences of real grid reconstruction tests with a high-calibre audience and congratulate the VDE on the successful event!

New equipment at the IEAN by the company Omicron enables real-time testing of protection devices (08-2024)

The Institute for Electrical Power Systems at Graz University of Technology would like to thank Omicron for providing a CMS 156 amplifier. This device will be used in future investigations and it allows testing protection devices in real-time using simulated power systems.

In electrical energy systems, protective devices have the task of reliably and safely distinguishing between normal operation and faults. They can ultimately isolate faulty system components and equipment by opening circuit breakers, thereby clearing up faults such as a short circuit.

The effects of state-of-the-art equipment such as inverters with innovative control strategies (grid-forming) or FACTS on conventional protection relays are not collectively known due to the large number of different influencing parameters, which is why it is necessary to extensively test the compatibility of the equipment with the protective devices. Real-time simulations can be a suitable way of examining this compatibility. The sequence of such a test environment is shown below.

In this example, a short circuit influenced by an SSSC is simulated in real time together with a supplying grid and the faulty line. The corresponding voltage and current measurements of the faulty line are exported to the Omicron CMS 156, which sends the signals to the Device-under-Test (DuT), a real protection relay. The DuT ultimately decides whether a fault is present and can, for example, send a trip signal to the circuit breaker within the simulation environment.

Current research at IEAN: Lightning strikes in ground-mounted PV systems (08-2024)

The expansion of photovoltaics (PV) plays a key role in achieving climate targets. In addition to small-scale projects, large-scale projects in the megawatt range are becoming increasingly important. These large-scale systems are increasingly being realised as ground-mounted systems. A significant difference when considering the ohmic influence of such PV systems compared to substations is the larger size. We are currently conducting research on topics relating to such PV systems. One of these topics is atmospheric discharges (lightning) - direct strikes - in such systems.

To give you a small foretaste of the results, the following graphic shows a direct lightning strike with 100 kA in a module table row of a PV system. It will be interesting!

Summer Research Stay in China (08-2024)

International cooperation is an essential aspect of research activities at universities. The IEAN maintains excellent relationships in this regard, collaborating with institutions in China through not only joint courses but also regular student exchanges. This summer, two IEAN employees visited academic partners at Tongji University and Dianji University in Shanghai, as well as Hefei University of Technology. Their visit included technical exchanges through discussion sessions and tours of various state-of-the-art laboratories. They had the opportunity to visit facilities such as the maglev test track, earthquake and wind tunnel test benches, and a high-voltage laboratory.

Study on Grid-Forming Converters by Dr. Zhang Ziqian published in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (08-2024)

The recent publication of a study by Dr Zhang Ziqian in the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion marks an advance in the characterisation of stability energy systems that are significantly powered by renewable energy sources. The article entitled "Reactive Current Response of Grid-Forming Converters during Low-Voltage Ride-Through: Analysis of Test Method Impact" examines the functionality of grid-forming converters during voltage dips at the converter terminals, as they occur in the event of a fault. This behaviour has a decisive influence on grid stability in the event of faults in a converter-dominated grid.

In this study, Dr Zhang emphasises the need for accurate test equipment to evaluate the performance of these converters, which play an essential role in supporting the grid during faults caused by voltage dips. The results of the research indicate that many existing test methods do not adequately replicate real grid conditions and could lead to misleading assessments of grid forming capabilities. His study argues for the introduction of more sophisticated testing approaches, such as hardware-in-the-loop, to ensure that grid-forming converters actually function properly under real-world conditions.

Figure: Differences in GFM reactive current during faults for different testing devices, Upper part: VCC‘s reactive current, lower part: VI‘s reactive current

For further details on Dr. Zhang's research, the full study is available in the latest issue of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion:  Link

Specialist tour of the Semmering Base Tunnel construction site (Fröschnitzgraben intermediate approach) (07-2024)

On 18 July 2024, some colleagues from our institute had the unique opportunity to visit the construction site of the Semmering Base Tunnel. After an extremely interesting introductory lecture on the monumental overall project, we took a shaft lift 400 metres down into the so-called emergency stop underground. This is an impressive cavern in the mountain, which was used during the construction phase for the assembly of two tunnelling machines (TBMs) and material handling. During operation of the tunnel, it can be used in the event of an emergency (e.g. fire) in one of the two tunnel tubes to evacuate a train and transfer to a train in the other tube.

The 27.3 km long Semmering Base Tunnel is expected to relieve the Ghegast line over the Semmering in 2029/2030 after a construction period of around 15 years and will reduce the journey time on the Graz-Vienna line by around 30 minutes at speeds of up to 230 km/h.

Many thanks once again to Manfred Praxl from IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau ZT GmbH and his colleagues from Implenia for the very competent and entertaining guided tour.

Energize your learning: IEAN Discord-Channel for students launched! (07-2024)

News for students of the lecture ‘Fundamentals of Electrical Power Systems’!  The Institute of Electrical Power Systems (IEAN) is now operating a Discord channel (see [1]) to support learning.

In the Discord channel, students have the opportunity to ask questions about the subject matter of the written and oral examinations. In addition, employees of the institute actively discuss with the students to enable an interactive exchange.

The aim is to offer a low-threshold discussion platform to promote dialogue among students and get them excited about electrical power engineering.

We look forward to exciting discussions and to getting students curious about electrical power engineering!

[1] Link to the Discord-Channel

End of the semester (07-2024)

Once again this year, IEAN traditionally celebrated the end of the semester at Lucky's Heuriger.

Research cooperation with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences as part of the IRI4SGC project (06-2024)

As part of the IRI4SGC (Interoperable Research Infrastructure for Managing Sustainable Grid Cells) project funded by the EU-LAC interest group, we organised a project workshop with participants from Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (HSBI) and our institute from 25-27 June 2024. At the same time, Felix Annen from HSBI also put the interconnected test setup consisting of a protection tester, a protection relay, two Raspberry Pis and a MV circuit breaker into operation during his 14-day research stay at our institute.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our colleagues at HSBI for the cooperation in the course of our joint project and look forward to many more interesting projects.

Dr. Ziqian Zhang Participates in "Green Energy and Battery Storage Applications" Workshop at the University of Rijeka (06-2024)

On June 26, Dr. Ziqian Zhang participated in a workshop titled "Green Energy and Battery Storage Applications" held at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rijeka in Croatia. He delivered a lecture on "Advanced Grid Forming Feature Application in Utility BESS Scenario/Analysis of the importance of Grid forming function". The attendees included faculty and students from the University of Rijeka, Croatian grid experts, and owners of renewable energy installations in Croatia.

Workshop: Grid-forming converters in the electrical power grid (06-2024)

The replacement of powerful thermal power plants has already led to grid conditions in which converter-based power generation plants dominate the electricity grid in certain grid areas. In this case, these must take over the stabilising features of the well-known synchronous machines. One possibility for this is the use of more grid-friendly control concepts known as grid-forming (GFM) converters.

A research group at the IEAN offered a workshop on "grid-forming converters" on 20 June 2024. The content of the workshop can be roughly summarised as follows

  • Present status and the future challenges of the electricity grid
  • Introduction and comparison of present and future grid codes
  • Comparison between grid-following and grid-forming inverters
  • Identification and test methods for grid-forming inverters
  • Laboratory demonstrations in the Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Laboratory (PHILlab)

Field trip to the Fragant power plant group (06-2024)

An unforgettable highlight for GEE students:

On June 19, 2024, the students of the course "Fundamentals of Electrical Energy Systems" had the opportunity to experience an impressive and technically highly interesting field trip to the Fragant power plant group. This field trip offered an in-depth insight into Kelag's power plant operations.

Stations visited:

  • Außerfragant power plant: Visiting the power plant including a presentation on the history and key facts of Kelag.
  • Innerfragant power plant: Live demonstration of a pump start on site, followed by a guided tour of the transformer station located there.
  • Feldsee power plant: Visiting the two vertical machine sets.
  • Wurtenboden storage facility: Visiting of the storage reservoir.

The field trip enabled our students to supplement their theoretical knowledge with practical experience and to experience the importance of renewable energies in practice. Many thanks to Mr. Sebastian Culetto and Mr. Christian Tengg from Kelag, who made this unforgettable day possible for our students.

New Paper (06-2024)

Research at the Institute of Electrical Systems and Grids at Graz University of Technology is focussing on improving the reliability and performance of grid-forming inverters. The latest results have now been published in the journal IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. The effects of current threshold variations on the dynamic response of grid-forming inverters are being investigated.

Grid-forming inverters are crucial for maintaining a stable power supply. They help to keep the voltage and frequency stable even during major disturbances such as sudden load changes or faults in the grid. This study presents a novel analysis method that equates current limiting and voltage regulation algorithms in a simplified circuit, which facilitates the modelling of grid-forming inverters and the power grid. This approach enables a deeper understanding of their behaviour during grid disturbances and helps to optimise their performance to better withstand disturbances.

The research led by Dr. Ziqian Zhang and Prof. Robert Schürhuber and their team shows that increasing the current threshold allows grid-forming inverters with certain control strategies to cope with larger phase jumps without losing synchronisation with the grid. This could lead to a more robust grid that is better able to cope with unpredictable conditions and integrate renewable energy sources.

Link to Paper

Phase difference from SEP to right boundary of feasible area

Energy Globe Styria Award (06-2024)

We are delighted that we as an institute were awarded the ‘Energy Globe Styria Award 2024’ on 5 June 2024 for two projects.

Of the 63 projects submitted, we were able to impress in the ‘RESEARCH’ category with the ‘PHIL-Lab’ project. However, we were also involved in the ‘Styrian Energy Transition Education Network’ project, which received the coveted award in the ‘Youth’ category.

Foto: Johannes Gellner
Foto: Johannes Gellner

Solar storm May 10 - 11 (05-2024)

The current solar cycle 25 is causing spectacular events: Four gigantic coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun hit the earth and led to increased geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in the Austrian transmission grid. For the first time, direct currents of over 22.5 A were measured across the transformer star point in the south of Austria. In addition, the sky offered a breathtaking spectacle in the night from May 10 to 11, when auroras were visible over large parts of Europe.

Long Night of Research (04-2024)

Our institute was represented at the Long Night of Research (LNF) 2024. Under the motto ‘Voltage in the bathroom’, Martin Fürnschuß and Daniel Herbst explained what can happen when a running hairdryer falls into the bathtub. How can the electric current spread through the human body? Why can this be harmful? What remedial measures are available (protective measures against electric shock, residual current circuit breakers, etc.)?

During seven presentations from 17:00 to 22:30, numerous visitors were entertained and at the same time sensitised to the dangers of electric shock.

Film crew visits IEAN (04-2024)

Tidy laboratories, busy activity, flashing displays and slightly nervous researchers – this is probably the best way to describe the atmosphere at the institute this afternoon. The reason was a visit from a film crew. The variety of research topics covered by the institute, from energy generation and transmission to its utilisation, was staged. Stay tuned to see what the film material will be used for!

IEAN goes TV: The hairdryer in the bathtub (03-2024)

On 28 March 2024, Daniel Herbst and Martin Fürnschuß were guests on the magazine Terra Mater Wissen by Servus TV and answered the question: What happens when the running hairdryer falls into the bathtub?

We congratulate the Austrian 380 kV transmission grid on its 50th birthday!

Project video ProSafE² (03-2024)

The new ProSafE² project video. Further information on the research project can be found at:

Excursion Kaprun power plant group (02-2024)

As part of an excursion organized by the institute on 13.02.2024, interested employees had the opportunity to gain experience and impressions from the practice of electrical power engineering at the Kaprun power plant group. On the one hand, the Kaprun Oberstufe power plant, which is currently being overhauled, and the Limberg II cavern power plant (593 MW in total) were visited; the former is currently being converted to full converter operation. We also had the opportunity to visit the impressive construction site of the Limberg III cavern power plant, which is currently under construction and will add a further 480 MW to the power plant group in the future.

Many thanks at this point to Stefan Polster from Verbund (former assistant at our institute), who guided us through the facilities and certainly made our day unforgettable!

Daniel Herbst


Winter day of the IEAN (02-2024)

Blessed with fantastic weather, IEAN's snow-loving employees embarked on an alpine adventure on the Salzstiegel. Between perfect turns on the slopes and competitive races on the toboggan run, a well-deserved reward was a meal in a mountain hut.

Project meeting Engage PV (2023-11)

As part of the "Engage PV" research project, Herwig Renner and Peter Wohlfart visited Forschung Burgenland GmbH in Eisenstadt. Current topics relating to the expansion of PV in Austria were discussed in accordance with the areas of expertise of the interdisciplinary consortium from science and industry. The solutions that emerged cover a wide range of fields of action (technical, social, economic, regulatory, forecasting) and form the basis for further research activities.

Further information on the project is available on the project page.

Daniel Herbst and Martin Fürnschuß win Styrian Science Slam 2023 (2023-11)

'Voltage in the bathroom'. The duo from the Institute of Electrical Systems and Networks at Graz University of Technology explained the function of residual current circuit breakers and impressed the audience with elaborate props and dry humour.


Presentation at the 6th China Forum (2023-11)

On 17 November 2023, Prof. Schürhuber was invited by the Confucius Institute as a cross-university platform for promoting exchange between China and Europe to give a presentation on current research at the Institute of Electric Power Systems and on the academic exchange between the institute and Chinese universitites. The importance of current research topics for the future electricity grid was clearly emphasised, as well as the importance of international cooperation.

Presentation SWAP project (2023-10)

On National Day, Alexander Fröhlich und Peter Wohlfart presented our contribution to the research cooperation SWAP (Space Weather: An Austrian Platform) at the two-day performance show of the Austrian Armed Forces. They presented to numerous students and interested visitors the Europe-wide unique area-wide neutral point current measurement. The geomagnetically induced neutral point currents are measured and recorded at nine transformers in the Austrian transmission grid. The data obtained from these measurements serve as the basis for deriving valuable recommendations for action, which are available to APG to ensure and optimize the safety of the power grid.

Both days were extremely exciting and filled with joyful anticipation of future project work.

Further information on the project are available directly at SWAP:

OVE Power Engineering Conference (2023-10)

This year's OVE Power Engineering Conference took place in Klagenfurt on 18 and 19 October. In addition to presentations from science and industry, extensive discussions and the annual award ceremonies, this year's event was rounded off by a science cabaret by the Science Busters.

Graduates and staff of the IEAN were able to celebrate several awards this year:

  • Dennis Albert: OVE-Energietechnik-Preis 2023, Category Dissertations
  • Benjamin Weis: OVE-Energietechnik-Preis 2023, Category Theses at Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities
  • Dominik Grall: Oesterreichs Energie Preis 2023, Category Master-/Diploma-/Bachelor-Thesis
  • Daniel Herbst and Martin Fürnschuß: Best Poster Award

The Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks would like to congratulate all award winners!

Join the Future (2023-10)

Together with the FEEI, Oesterreichs Energie and the WKO, the OVE has initiated the "Join the Future" campaign to draw young people's attention to the fascination behind various sub-areas of electrical engineering and thus counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

For more details see

Daniel Herbst and Martin Fürnschuß win Styrian Science Slam 2023 (2023-09)

The duo from the Institute of Electrical Power Systems at TU Graz explained the function of residual current circuit breakers and impressed the audience with their elaborate props and dry humour.


Holiday programme "T³UG - – Teens treffen Technik” (2023 -07)

As part of the TU Graz holiday programme "T³UG - – Teens treffen Technik” (Teens meet Technology), 25 young people, mostly female, visited us at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems.
Lothar Fickert organised guided tours of the electrical power laboratories, a trial lecture with Robert Schuerhuber on electrical power systems and a meet-and-greet with our two electrical engineers Katrin Friedl and Carina Lehmal. Dear students, thank you for your interest in becoming an enabler of the energy transition, and we would be very happy to welcome one or the other of you back as an electrical engineering student!
You also want to do an internship at TU Graz? Find out more here:

End-of-semester part (2023-07)

This year too, IEAN's end-of-semester party was traditionally celebrated at Lucky's Heuriger!

IEAN at Powertex 2023 (2023-06)

This year, one of the most important conferences in electrical power engineering, Powertec, took place in Belgrade. IEAN was represented there and Darko Brankovic showed a highly topical subject on the verification of grid connection conditions of hydro generators. We also got to meet the master himself at the Nikola Tesla Museum!

Interview in the Kleine Zeitung (2023-06)

As part of the "Long Day of Energy", the Kleine Zeitung devoted a series of articles to the topic of energy. Prof. Schürhuber from the Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks was interviewed to explain some of the basics of energy supply.

Excursion to Mellach (2023-06)

As part of the course Electrical Energy Systems 2, students of this lecture were able to visit the power plant site Mellach of Verbund AG on 23.06.2023. Both the gas-fired combined cycle power plant Mellach (incidentally the most powerful power plant in Austria!), as well as the somewhat older district heating power plant Mellach were visited. In addition, the participants were shown a demonstration plant from the field of green hydrogen. However, the demonstration of "Cerberus" turned out to be a special highlight - the robot dog supports the staff on site as a digital assistant. We would like to thank Christof Kurzmann-Friedl for the highly exciting excursion!

Short Circuit in Electrical Systems (2023-07)

The TSK H7 group of the OVE - Short Circuit in Electrical Systems - chaired by Prof. Schürhuber, met for its annual meeting this time at the premises of the AIT in Vienna. After an interesting technical discussion, Dr. Brauner gave an impressive demonstration of the effects of short circuits in the test field there!

Field trip to KELAG/KNG (2023-06)

In the course of the lecture Fundamentals of Electrical Energy Systems 25 students had the opportunity to gain experience and impressions of electrical power engineering from the practical side. The visit at KELAG/KNG on 2023/06/21 included:

  • the KNG's "switchgear line" (training area for the training of switchgear operators with different technologies and voltage levels, circuit breakers, disconnectors, load breakers, etc.)
  • he first large-scale photovoltaic plant of KELAG (Kirchengasse, Klagenfurt, ~ 4.5 MWp)
  • the pumped storage hydro power plant Koralpe (55 MVA in generator mode and 35 MW in pump mode)
  • the basin storage Soboth, with a tour of the inside of the dam

Special thanks to our colleagues from KELAG/KNG Christian Tengg, Hans-Jürgen Wernegger, Roland Kroll, Dietmar Holzer, Amel Skenderi, Markus Schoaß and Leo Friesacher for making this an unforgettable day.

CIRED 2023 (2023-06)

With 11 persons, the Institute is extremely strongly and very actively represented with various contributions at this year's largest International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity (CIRED). The event with more than 1400 participants takes place every 2 years, this time in Rome.

Short circuit tests Kledering (2023-06)

The individual dynamic behavior of power electronic equipment such as converter systems and their effects on the operational management of the transmission grid is a cutting-edge research topic of the Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks. For example, IEAN has supported Austrian Power Grid in setting up, carrying out and evaluating short-circuit tests in the 220 kV transmission grid. These tests were carried out in the presence of a powerful converter. The measurement results provided important insights into the behavior of the operated converter in the event of a fault and, with these results, form a solid basis for field experience with converters in the event of a fault.

Prof. Robert Schürhuber, Dr. Zhang Ziqian and Mr. Maximilian Heinz Brestan present at EPE Conference (2023-05)

Prof. Robert Schürhuber, Dr. Zhang Ziqian, and Mr. Maximilian Heinz Brestan participated in the 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE) held in Brno, Czech Republic from May 24 to 26.
Prof. Schürhuber delivered an invited keynote speech titled "Grid Protection Issues of Converter Dominated Generation Systems." His insightful presentation delved into the challenges and innovative solutions surrounding grid protection in converter-dominated generation systems. Engaging in thought-provoking discussions, Prof. Schürhuber's expertise enhanced the intellectual exchange at the conference.
Dr. Zhang Ziqian's presentation, "Interactive Dynamic Characteristics of Angle Stability of Multi-Converters System," shed light on the complex dynamics and stability aspects of multi-converter systems. His contributions sparked fruitful discussions among researchers and industry professionals, exploring avenues for advancements in the field.
Mr. Maximilian Heinz Brestan presented on "Aspects of grid-connected converters and their inherent influence on the power grid." His comprehensive analysis provided valuable insights into the inherent impact of grid-connected converters on the power grid, encouraging further research and collaborative efforts.
Furthermore, Prof. Schürhuber assumed the role of chairperson for the conference session on Power System Components Co-simulation and Testing. His leadership ensured a productive and collaborative environment, facilitating fruitful discussions and knowledge sharing among the participants.
The 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering served as an important platform for renowned experts like Prof. Robert Schürhuber, Dr. Zhang Ziqian, and Mr. Maximilian Heinz Brestan to exchange knowledge, share innovative ideas, and promote progress in power engineering. Their active participation in the discussions and sessions reinforced their commitment to driving advancements in the field.

Thermodynamics experiments (2023-05)

As part of the course “Elektrische Energiesysteme 2”, an interactive course unit was held in the physics lecture room P1 on 2023/05/17. Students from several courses of our Institute were able to participate in exciting experiments in the field of thermodynamics. For example, the boiling and subsequent cooling (temperature curve comparable to the voltage at a capacitor) of water was analysed, the functioning of a Stirling engine was explained and the ignition of methane foam was demonstrated.
We would like to express our special thanks to the Institute for Experimental Physics, especially to Dr. Roland Lammegger and Prof. Martin Schultze for carrying out and supervising the experiments.

Analysis of the electric field of a 220 kV overhead line using the finite element method (FEM) (2023-05)

In the course of a scientific study, the electric field of a 220 kV overhead line was analysed using the finite element method (FEM). The aim of the study was to compare the field characteristics between two different tower configurations that differ in terms of geometry, conductor cables, phase arrangements, insulators and armatures. With the towers modelled in detail in CAD in three dimensions, an electrostatic model was created in the FEM programme Ansys Maxwell 3D. Of particular interest was the field curve (maximum value in the time domain) in the area of the insulators, i.e. between the conductor cables and the arms. It is noteworthy that the choice of phase arrangement and the position on the tower had hardly any effect on the magnitudes of the field curves in this area.


Largest solar storm in recent years (2023-05)

The largest solar storm in recent years hit Austria on April 23-24. Even polar lights were visible in Austria. Additionally, the highest ever recorded GICs were measured in the transmission grid of Austrian Power Grid AG. Peaks of up to 20 A DC were detected with our neutral point measurement system. The picture shows the magnetic field measurements at Conrad Observatory by GeoSphere Austria and one of the 9 neutral point measurements during the first phase of the storm.

Strengthening cooperation and future electricity grids (2023-04)

Also this year, a delegation of TU Graz from the institutes IEAN, IHS and IEE travelled to Glasgow for a 3-day workshop to strengthen the cooperation with the University of Strathclyde. The topics covered included integrating powerful offshore wind power plants, energy distribution via MVDC cables, and local use via energy communities. A technical highlight was the visit to the National HVDC Centre, which has multi-terminal replicas of the control and protection systems of HVDC projects in Scotland. Thank you again for the hospitality and we are looking forward to the next workshop in Graz.

Prof. Schürhuber visited the AHS HIB Liebenau (2023-04)

Shortly before the Easter vacations, Prof. Schürhuber visited the AHS HIB Liebenau in Graz. He presented a lecture on the topic of "Power grids and energy supply". In view of the climate crisis, the current state of energy supply was presented and approaches for future developments were discussed. Subsequently, educational paths from the HIB via the TU into the professional world of technology were shown and questions about studies and careers were discussed in plenary.


Geomagnetic Storm on March 23-24. (2023-03)

Maybe you have heard it in the media, or if you were in northern Germany and further north even seen it: In the night of March 24, a solarstorm hit the Earth. In addition to northern lights, solar storms also cause direct currents in power grids, which can lead to significant disruptions. The Institute of Electrical Power Systems measures these currents in the transmission grid of APG, analyzes the data and calculates possible effects. The picture shows one of the nine installed current measurements as well as the geomagnetic field measurements of GeoSphere Austria. The impact of the storm on the earth can be clearly seen in the measurements, but the induced currents remained at a harmless level for the grid. More info about solar storms and their effects can be found at

A not common hobby of one of our employees: Crochet (2023-03)

The ORF Styria (regional television channel) dedicated a report to our employee Daniel Herbst or his rather unusual hobby with the title "Crochet art: Balance for an electrical engineer". This was broadcasted as part of a series by Sigrid Maurer in “Steiermark Heute” (daily regional news program) .

Island black start tests of a combined cycle power plant using hydropower plants (2023-03)

On September 10, 2022, real island tests took place in Upper Austria with the participation of Netz Oberösterreich and EnergieAG, in which the start-up process of a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 400 MW was successfully tested with the help of hydropower plants with a total capacity of 100 MW.

Two hydropower plants, each with two generators and two pumping units of a pumped storage power plant, were used in the entire start-up process, which were interconnected by a 100 km long 110 kV single circuit system. Subsequently, the Institute of Electrical Power Systems created a simulation model and modeled and parameterized the electrical components based on the measurement results.

The simulation results, such as the validation of the simulation model or even the minimum required number of rotating masses for a successful start-up process, were prepared and submitted in a paper for CIRED 2023 in Rome.

Excursion to the Austrian central control room and to the largest Austrian substation (2023-01)

On 21.1.2023, as part of the lecture "Planning and Operation of Electric Power Systems", a field trip was made to the central control room and to the largest Austrian substation, Vienna Southeast, both under the responsibility of the transmission system operator APG.

The country's energy flow is controlled from the central control room, and the students were explained and shown the processes involved directly by the head of system operations. The impressive substation was visited as part of a guided tour, all components were explained and some switching operations of 380 kV disconnector were carried out. And the theory was not neglected either, lectures dealt with the planning and operation of the transmission grid and the European process of system adequacy planning was also explained.

The excursion was, also thanks to the competent and friendly support of APG, which we would like to thank very much, a great event, which impressed every participant!

Visit from the University of Strathclyde (2023-01)

From 12-13.1.2023 we welcomed Mr. Adam Dyśko, Senior Lecturer at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. The researcher, who comes from Poland, works mainly in the field of protection of electric power systems. During the laboratory tour at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems and the guest lecture, many interesting overlapping topics with our research groups emerged. In particular, the increased use of converters and the massive growth in distributed generation raise questions about the effectiveness of current protection methods. Many thanks for the detailed guest lecture and the subsequent discussion.

Why is peak electricity so expensive? (2022-12)

Dr. Karl-Heinz Weck Prize for excellent bachelor thesis (2022-12)

On 26 October 2022, the Dr. Karl-Heinz Weck Prize was awarded for the first time by the FGH (Research Association for Electrical Systems and Power Economics) to Wendelin Angermann in the historic transformer house in Mannheim. He was able to convince the jury with his Bachelor's thesis "Reactive Power Supply of Electric Power Plants" and the associated practical tests. In addition to the extensive calculations, the jury particularly emphasised the verification of the results by carrying out experiments in an operating power plant.

What happens when 9 professors for electrical power systems meet at TU Graz (2022-12)

An exciting research colloquium where highly topical issues are discussed and an informal, inspiring and productive exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas takes place.

Many thanks to all participants with their contributed topics:

  • Georg Erdmann (Berlin) - Energy prices and state intervention
  • Albert Moser (Aachen) – Integrated operational simulation of electricity and gas transport infrastructures
  • Christian Rehtanz (Dortmund) – Flexibility in holonic structures
  • Robert Schürhuber (Graz) – Aspects of Stability of Converter-Coupled Plants on the Grid
  • Lothar Fickert (Graz) – How can fault protection work with inverters?
  • Peter Schegner (Dresden) – Digitalisation in the distribution grids
  • Harald Weber (Rostock) – Ways to a secure and stable fully regenerative electric energy supply
  • Lutz Hofmann (Hannover) – Aggregation of decentralised active and reactive power flexibilities for a flexibility market-based DSO-TSO cooperation
  • Christian Becker (Hamburg) – Dynamic Modelling and Optimal Operation of Smart Integrated Energy Systems

Project Week Energy Communities (2022-11)

As the Institute for Electrical Power Systems, we were also able to make a contribution to the Project Week Energy Communities in the form of presentations on the topics of future electrical grids, power quality and short-circuit calculation. In the course of the project week, students of the HTL-BULME Graz-Gösting and students of the FH Joanneum Kapfenberg had the opportunity to work on practical projects, e.g. on the integration of photovoltaic systems in different regions, based on interdisciplinary issues. A big thank you to all the organisers, especially Willi Weigend from the BULME.
Daniel Herbst

Gold for new measuring system for recording geomagnetically induced currents (2022-11)

Austrian Power Grid AG wins the TÜV Science Award in the category of companies with its cooperation project with IEAN for the development of a new neutral point measuring system. This new measuring system is mounted on the neutral point switch. This allows the measurement of neutral point currents without any restrictions on operation.

APG Press Release:

Awarded with the Best Presentation Award (2022-11)

This year the IEEE Power & Energy Student Summit and Power Electronics Student Summit 2022 (PESS & PELLS 2022) was again held in Kassel, Germany. Our institute was strongly represented at this great conference with 4 participants, Darko Brankovic, Philipp Schachinger, Alexander Fröhlich and Manuel Galler.

Congratulations to our university assistant Manuel Galler for receiving the Best Presentation Award, sponsored by CIGRE NGN Germany.

Special thanks to Fraunhofer IEE, Universität Kassel and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg for this great conference!

OVE Energy Technology Conference (2022-10)

On October 19 and 20, the OVE Energy Technology Conference took place at the Seifenfabrik in Graz. In addition to interesting discussions about the future of the energy transition and e-mobility, the OVE Energy Technology Award was again presented. We are very pleased that our former master student and current PhD student Carina Lehmal was able to dust off the first place in the category master theses at TUs and FHs.
With her research on converter stability during grid connection, she was able to convince the expert jury.

OVE Energy Technology Conference (2022-10)

The OVE Energy Technology Conference is the industry meeting of the year and was held this year as a home game for us directly in Graz, whereupon we participated in this event of the OVE Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering.

The focus of this year's conference was on energy storage technologies, infrastructure for e-mobility and innovative electricity-based processes for industry and commerce.
Due to the thematic coverage of our institute's focal points, it was a matter of course that the institute's director, Prof. Robert Schürhuber, provided an instructive contribution to the conference, including a small live experiment supported by his IEAN assistants.

Follow us on:

ProSafE² Stakeholder-Workshop (2022-10)

Around 40 interested parties attended the first stakeholder workshop of the ProSafE2 project on October 18, 2022 at the Seifenfabrik in Graz. The aim of the workshop was to involve the industry in the project and to discuss open questions together.

In the first part of the workshop, the project partners addressed partial aspects of the project in five presentations:

  •     Felix Lehfuß from the project partner AIT Austrian Institute of Technology gave an insight into charging technologies for electric vehicles, an overview of current standardization in this context as well as development trends.
  •     Martin Fürnschuß, university assistant at the Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks at Graz University of Technology and project collaborator, outlined the topics of protective measures, grounding and equipotential bonding of (DC) charging stations in his presentation.
  •     An overview of the entire research project ProSafE2 was given by the technical project coordinator, Daniel Herbst, university project assistant at the Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks at TU Graz. What is the structure of the project, what is the
    research content and what work packages does it include?
  •     In his presentation, Thomas Stainer from the project partner KS Engineers addressed the further development of the demonstrator hardware for the ProSafE2 project. What already exists and what needs to be technically developed further for testing in the
  •     Finally, Daniel Herbst gave an overview of the safe operation of DC charging stations and their recurring testing. In connection with this, the most important points of the OVE guideline R 30 were also discussed.

The five presentations were followed by an interactive workshop. The following questions, among others, were discussed in groups:

  •     Which tests are carried out on DC charging stations in your environment and what experience do you have with them?
  •     What scope and frequency of recurring tests do you consider necessary for DC charging stations?
  •     What future developments with regard to (public) (DC) charging infrastructure and resulting challenges for recurring tests do you see?

Many thanks to all attendees for their active participation and lively discussions! The next stakeholder workshop of the ProSafE² project is expected to take place in spring 2023.

Institute Retreat and Team Building (2022-10)

To discuss the future orientation of the Institute as well as internal processes and procedures, the entire staff went on a retreat on 5 October 2022. In keeping with our profession, electrical power engineering, our workshop took place at the foot of the Kölnbreinsperre in the Berghotel Malta/Carinthia. In autumnal sunshine, a wide variety of questions and opinions were discussed.

The second day brought a marathon of 4 guided tours and visits to the Malta-Reißeck power plant group of Verbund: First thing in the morning we started with a tour over and through the dam wall of the Kölnbreinsperre, which is the highest dam in Austria with a height of 200 metres. Afterwards, the recently modernised Malta Oberstufe power station at 1655 m above sea level was visited with its two reversible vertical Francis pump turbines (5 - 80 MW each) together with the associated converters. Back in the valley, the tour continued past the impressive penstocks to the Malta main stage power station with a total congestion power of 730 MW distributed over four machine sets. From there we continued to the impressive Reißeck II power station, which with a capacity of 430 MW is the second largest pumped storage power station in the Malta-Reißeck power station group and was built completely underground in the mountain due to its cavern design. Many thanks at this point to our colleagues from Verbund for the great insights and the highly interesting guided tours.

At the end of the three-day team-building excursion, the last energies of the participants were activated to undertake a hike to the Umbal Falls in the Virgen Valley in East Tyrol.

Daniel Herbst

Manuel Galler won the Science Slam Austria (2022-10)

(c) Kleine Zeitung

Graz Electrical Engineering Day 2022 – The hairdryer in the bathtub (2022-10)

We also were part of the first Graz Electrical Engineering Day. Classes from technical and general high schools (AHS and HTL) visited several institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering on 26th and 27th of September 2022 to gain an insight into teaching and research activities. We demonstrated to the pupils how to deal safely with electricity in everyday life using various protective measures. To be more precise, we performed the experiment "The hairdryer in the bathtub" to show possible hazards, and discussed it with our visitors. Many thanks to all who took part and we hope to see you again soon at our Institute.

Daniel Herbst, Martin Fürnschuß

Research on stage: Manuel Galler wins Science Slam Graz (2022-09)

With his stage performance "Netzfehler - wir müssen draußen bleiben" energy technology researcher Manuel Galller from Graz University of Technology won the Science Slam 2022 at the Orpheum in Graz.

Dear Manuell, our institute is proud to have you as a staff member with us.

You can find a summary of the Science Slam: here

Glasgow goes Graz (2022-09)

With the goal of strengthening the cooperation between Graz University of Technology and the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow), we hosted a delegation at the Energie Zentrum Graz. In a two-day workshop, current research topics were discussed and future common projects were discussed. In addition to the technical discourse, the city of Graz was also able to convince with a city tour and an Austrian delegation was able to take revenge for the lost European Football Championship qualification in a close, hard-fought match against Scottish representatives

Philipp Hackl

1. International „Grid-Connected Converters“ Workshop (2022-09)

In September, the IEAN invited representatives from the University of Strathclyde, the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and the EAM Institute of Graz University of Technology to the first international workshop on grid-connected converters. During the two days, the different approaches and experiences of the research groups were used to define the challenges of future converter dominated power grids. The topics covered a range from a new indicator of the strength of the power grid, to future grid connection requirements in fault events, to the influence of new power electronic components. To strengthen the team spirit, we were locked in a "Fox in the Box" challenge and saved the world with new record times.

Philipp Hackl

Electrical protection - on behalf of our safety (2022-09)

Electrical protection - on behalf of our safety

The free iMooX course: "Electrical protection - on behalf of our safety" starts on 3.10.2022. Registration and further info as well as the creditability with the course "Safety and protective measures" can be found here:

Finalization of the MERLON battery storage project in Güssing (2022-08)

In order to achieve an energy supply from renewable energy sources, the integration of energy storage systems in the grid is indispensable. Within the H2020 project MERLON, which was co-supervised by DI Markus Resch within the framework of a PhD thesis, a 250 kWh battery storage system with an power of 250 kW was examined in practice in the power grid of Energie Güssing. Besides testing the core functionalities of battery energy storage systems, one of the main findings was that special attention must be paid to the safety and protection measures in island grid operation.

Measurement for the investigation of the operational behavior and the network feedback effects in the Kaprun hydropower plant (2022-07)

The Kaprun Oberstufe hydropower plant is part of the Kaprun power plant group. This group consists of several storage and pumped storage power plants and is located in the Glockner Group in Austria. In the Kaprun Oberstufe power plant, two full converter machine sets with 85 MVA each are currently being commissioned in the course of a power plant revitalisation. Thanks to the speed variability, active power points can now be flexibly approached at optimal efficiency levels in generator and pump operation. Thanks to the high active power flexibility, Kaprun Oberstufe makes an important contribution to achieving the energy transition and contributes to the stability of the Austrian transmission grid. The Institute of Electrical Power Systems TU Graz supported the operator of the power plant, Verbund Hydro Power GmbH, in carrying out a measurement to investigate the operating behaviour and the grid feedback effects. In the process, 34 measured variables were recorded and evaluated in a time-synchronised manner. Thanks to our colleagues at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria for their support with measuring equipment.

You can find further information at:

How dangerous is space weather? (2022-07)

In this episode of ARTE's program 42-The Answer to Almost Everything, Prof. Herwig Renner and other experts explain the impact of solar storms on our infrastructure, power grids and daily lives.

Women's advancement award for our doctoral student Carina Lehmal (2022-07)

150,000 Clicks for the Protection Technology MOOC - and no end in sight! (2022-06)

"Protection technology MOOC" ... what is that actually? In a nutshell: a pocket-sized course on the basics of protection technology - handy, comprehensive, accessible worldwide. In the full text, the acronym MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and describes a training format suitable for broad use.

Modern times, modern media - guided by this motto, em. Prof. Lothar Fickert started 3 years ago to bring the basics of network and system protection technology into a contemporary form. Subjects like time-overcurrent protection, differential protection, distance protection, earth-fault protection - these are the core functions that are waiting to be clicked on in about 3 dozen 6-minute videos.

... and what did the interested community click 150,000 times? Differential protection is the absolute front runner, followed by ground fault issues, then follow... but see for yourself and click:

Then you are among those 1200 weekly new clicks mentioned above! Have fun and … “enjoy protection"
Robert Schürhuber

#EU Standardisation Strategy (2022-06)

At the invitation of Austrian Standards International (ASI), the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE), the European Commission, the Federal Ministry for Digitalisation and Economic Affairs (BMDW) as well as the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), an information event on the new EU standardisation strategy (ENS) was held at ASI in Vienna on 9 June 2022. Numerous experts from the branch illustrated the importance of standardisation and the relationship with new challenges. Under the motto "green, digital, future-oriented", various aspects of different stakeholders were highlighted and discussed. Representatives of the EU Commission, the Austrian economy, education and training institutions, standardisation organisations and the BMDW presented their respective views on the topics to provide a basis for interesting discussions. Daniel Herbst participated on behalf of IEAN with a presentation on "Young Professionals and the Future of Standardisation".

Further information and pictures can be found at:

Copyright picture: Credit: Austrian Standards, Fotograf Lukas Ackermann
Text: Daniel Herbst

#slt22 – Tutorial Protection and Control Technology 2022 (2022-06)

From 21.06. to 22.06.2022, a total of around 470 experts in protection and control technology from almost 10 nations met at the VDE ETG/FNN Tutorial in Berlin/Germany. In total, the audience was provided with technical contributions from practice-oriented research and industry in the form of almost 40 oral presentations and 32 posters. The topics discussed included

  • the digital substation (IEC 61850),
  • security aspects related to communication (cyber security),
  • the context of the "Energiewende" (including protection concepts and secure grid operation)
  • but also new ideas for new challenges.

Parallel to the presentations and workshops, the event was rounded off by an exhibition with 29 industry-specific manufacturers. IEAN was represented with an oral speech (Prof. Schürhuber), two posters (DI Galler, DI Herbst) and a total of 4 people on site.

DI Galler received first place in the Best Academic Poster Award for his contribution entitled " Distanzschutzverhalten auf den Fehlerstrombeitrag einer Erzeugungsanlage mit Vollumrichter “. Congratulations from the entire IEAN team!

Daniel Herbst

Information Event BIG and UNIVERSITIES 2022 (2022-06)

On 7 June 2022, the BIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H. invited participants to an information event on BIG and UNIVERSITIES 2022. Wolfgang Marth (BIG Graz) organised 10 high-level speakers from science and industry who gave keynote speeches on the four key topics of

  • Photovoltaics,
  • OVE E 8101,
  • EMC and
  • electric vehicle charging stations

which laid the foundation for further discussions and technical exchanges. With the three pillars of the event "Sustainability - Electrical Engineering - Safety", the organiser has already summarised the burning issues of the industry in the subtitle. After a break of several years, a total of around 100 participants (all of them planners, partners from industry and research or employees of the Styrian universities or BIG) exchanged their views on the above-mentioned issues during the one-day event. Rector Harald Kainz also highlighted the importance of such an interaction between all stakeholders in the course of his opening speech. The IEAN was able to support the information event with presentations by K. Friedl, D. Brankovic, M. Fürnschuß, E. Schmautzer and D. Herbst.

Daniel Herbst

Excursion to the construction site '380-kV Salzburgleitung' (2022-06)

Students and institute members of IEAN had the opportunity to visit different mast construction sites of the Salzburg line in consultation with APG. APG took the time for one day to answer questions of all excursion participants and to present masts in different phases of completion.
Many thanks for this!
Finally, the absolute highlight of the day was the observation of the rope pull between two pylons. It was an absolute experience to witness line construction live and to be able to perceive the dimensions as well as the challenges of this demanding expansion project in Austria.

Grid feed-in problems with renewable energies (2022-06)

A visit to Glasgow (2022-04)

With beautiful weather, representatives of TU Graz visited a two-day workshop in Glasgow to strengthen the cooperation with the University of Strathclyde. In addition to exchanging knowledge of the joint research topics, we had the chance to get a good overview of the impressive laboratory facilities on campus and in the nearby PNDC laboratory. We are looking forward to future joint projects and walking together on the path of a Scotsman who shaped electrical engineering, James Clerk Maxwell.

Philipp Hackl

This is what happens when the light goes out (2022-4)

                        © 2022 Kurier

Blackout real possible? See the expert's opinion here (2022-04)

Physical limits in 220-kV-Grids (2022-04)

Due to high load flows, 220 kV lines in Austria are exposed to high loads and operating limits or (n-1) limits are reached repeatedly. Due to the increasing demands on the grids (mainly due to the expansion and grid integration of renewable energies (cf. EAG), new pumped storage power plants and developments on the electricity market), the loads will continue to increase, and the question arises which physical system limits exist in the 220 kV grid (also with the application of weather-dependent overhead line operation (dynamic line rating) or with the use of TAL cables ropes, so-called "high temperature ropes").

The use of high temperature ropes with lower thermal expansion allows higher ampacity. Line capacities and inductances remain almost unchanged, so the surge impedance of the overhead line hardly changes. The utilization of the increased ampacity and (n-1) reserve therefore causes a correspondingly increased reactive power consumption of the overhead line, which must be covered by power plants or compensation plants nearby.

In the project, calculations and a short study were performed at IEAN on behalf of Austrian Power Grid AG (Austria's transmission grid operator, responsible for secure power supply and central to the energy transition in Austria) to evaluate and assess the physical limits. For this purpose, several calculations were performed, which exemplarily reproduce strong load flows in a regional 220 kV grid area and limits of expansion scenarios were determined.

The results show that physical limits appear at (very) high load flows due to voltage and reactive power problems. The reactive power consumption in (n-0) and (n-1) cases at high initial loads can no longer be covered without further measures, so that voltage problems occur in the considered grid area. Additional local compensation systems, which are limited by size and space requirements, contribute positively to voltage maintenance, but cannot provide all the reactive power needed for voltage stabilization. In addition to the voltage problems, the changed distribution of load flow in the grid must be taken into account. Due to the grid topology, an increase in power transport on the line under study is associated with a change in load flow on the parallel network meshes and must be considered accordingly. 

Without accompanying measures, voltage problems and limits of transmission capability occur in the 220 kV grid area under consideration. Even with accompanying measures such as compensation systems and a coordinated power plant deployment concept for the provision of reactive power, physical limits exist. Further increases in transmission capability are then possible, especially with an increase in the operating voltage to 380 kV.

Philipp Schachinger

OMICRON is our guest (2022.04.07)

OMICRON serves the electrical power industry with innovative products and services for testing, diagnostics and monitoring of assets worldwide. We help to make the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity safe and reliable.

complete program:

Complete eMobility will not play in the future either (2022-03)

Interview: Grid expert Daniel Herbst from Graz University of Technology on the energy mix of the future, the need for rapid grid expansion and why 100 percent electromobility will not be available in the future.


© 2022 AK Tirol

Transient Voltages by Switching Shunt Reactors in medium and high voltage grid (2022-03)

In high voltage grids with a high percentage of cables, voltage limits can be exceeded due to the increased reactive power demand. A mitigation method can be shunt reactors, which are located on the tertiary side of coupling transformers or directly on the high voltage substations. For proper operation, not only the static compliance but also the transient voltages must be below the maximum limits of the equipment. With the investigation of switching operations for different compensation variants in EMTP, IEAN supported the grid operators in the planning of a substation with gas insulated switchgears. The variants were analyzed for grid restoration scenarios, grid resonances and the use of optimized RC snubbers in the medium voltage.

Philipp Hackl

How dangerous is it with a mobile phone or tablet in the bathtub? (2022-02)

If a device slips into the water, it is most likely broken. However, if it is connected to the power grid, it can be fatal for humans. The thought is tempting. Comfortably watching a film or talking to your girlfriend on the phone while sitting in the warm water. All kinds of trays and holders are now available to place your tablet or mobile phone as comfortably as possible above the bathtub. But what happens if it falls into the water? Is that as dangerous as a hairdryer?
"If the device is not connected to the mains, the voltages are usually so low that people don't feel anything," says Katrin Friedl from the Institute for Electrical Systems and Networks at Graz University of Technology. Battery-powered devices would simply break in the water if they were not well protected against it. "That's the worst thing about it," says Friedl with a smile.
At around five volts, the voltage of a USB is lower than that of a battery - which you can also touch without feeling anything. If you touch a nine-volt battery with your tongue, you just feel a (harmless) tingling sensation. In the electric circuit, the heart stops. It's completely different when a device is plugged into the socket: "Then I have a connection to the mains and to a higher voltage," explains Friedl. If electricity flows through the heart, i.e. between the two hands or between hand and foot, it becomes really dangerous for people: "The mains voltage of 230 volts is lethal," says Friedl. Although electrical installations have several safety precautions, it is better not to rely on them and never charge your mobile phone while surfing in the bathtub.
Voltages as low as 50 volts can be life-threatening: they trigger ventricular fibrillation, the heart can no longer pump blood through the body. This can happen if a defective electrical appliance is connected to the mains and several safety levels fail, says the electrical engineer. She therefore advises people to look for the CE mark on all purchases, i.e. that appliances have been built and tested according to European standards. Otherwise they may not be as safe as they should be. However, all plugs that conform to standards are built in such a way that they can be touched without anything happening. She also recommends that household electrical installations be checked by experts at least every ten years: Is the protective conductor connected in the sockets? Is the insulation still in order? Are the built-in switchgear state of the art? Even if you connect a lamp, you should know exactly how to do it and switch off the power beforehand. What you can and should do yourself: check the residual-current circuit breaker with the test button in the power box. Although all the appliances go out with the power and you might have to set one or the other clock, the effort pays off twice a year in the service of safety, says Friedl. She advises: "The time change is a good occasion. You have to set the clocks again anyway.

          Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Katrin Friedl

Copyright © 2022 Die Presse 12.02.2022

Christmas party 2021 (2021-12)

The head of the institute, Prof. Schürhuber, was especially interested in having another Christmas party in presence in 2021. The COVID regulations allowed this, so, no sooner said than done, we met on 2021.12.21 at the Ristorante/Focacceria San Pietro.
In a fine little round we were able to discover the full culinary range of this restaurant. Some of us were even tempted to try the house specialty, focaccia. At the beginning quite skeptically, however, finally all those colleagues who dared to do so were delighted by the specialty. Following an old tradition, our external lecturers were of course also invited to the IEAN Christmas party and, like all attendees, they visibly enjoyed the party.

Online-Talk Versorgungssicherheit (2021-12)

APA0283 5 WI 0367 CI Do, 16.Dez 2021                                                 Do, 16.Dez 2021


TU-Professor sieht kein Strom-Blackout drohen

Renner: Aus früheren Ausfällen wurden Lehren gezogen - "Stehen heute viel besser da" - 380-kV-Ring wesentlich - Flexible Gaskraftwerke als Reservekapazität nötig

Wien (APA) - In Österreich und auch in Europa habe es bisher in der Stromversorgung noch kein echtes Blackout gegeben - abgesehen von größeren, aber begrenzten Stromausfällen, die rasch wieder beherrscht worden seien. Das sagte der Grazer TU-Professor Herwig Renner in einem Online-Talk des Regulators Energie-Control. Aus größeren Ausfällen seit den 1960er Jahren habe man Lehren gezogen.

Für ein echtes Blackout müsste es zu einem Zusammenspiel mehrerer großer Ereignisse kommen, sagte E-Control-Vorstand Haber. Renner nannte etwa das Zusammentreffen einer Kältewelle mit starken Winterstürmen, "das wäre einmal die Voraussetzung". Trennungen im Netzsystem habe es gegeben, die seien aber immer beherrscht worden, so der TU-Professor. So habe der Ausfall 1965 in New York gezeigt, dass die Regelbarkeit des Netzes verbessert werden müsse: "Heute stehen wir viel besser da."

Das im Jahr 2003 finstere Italien habe gezeigt, dass Netzbetreiber grenzüberschreitend kooperieren müssen. Auch beim Systemsplit 2006, als Europa zeitweise in zwei bzw. drei Teile zerfallen war, sei "das Netz als solches in Betrieb" geblieben: "Das war im eigentliche Sinne kein Blackout", sagte Renner. Ein wesentlicher Beitrag dafür, dass es in Österreich nicht zu einem Blackout kommt, sei der 380-kV-Ring.

Im Schnitt war bei den österreichischen Haushalten in den letzten Jahren die Stromversorgung laut Haber für 25 bis 27 Minuten im Jahr unterbrochen, das sei im europäischen und im weltweiten Vergleich "ein sehr guter Wert". Für Industriekunden seien die Werte noch besser, so Renner.

Angesichts des geplanten starken Ausbaus der Erneuerbaren Energien plädierte Univ.Prof. Renner vom Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Netze der Technischen Universität Graz dafür, Reservekapazitäten zu bauen, denn: "Die Dunkelflaute schwebt wie ein Damoklesschwert über uns" - also Zeiten ohne PV- und Windstrom. Nötig seien flexible Gaskraftwerke, die auch mit der Wasserstoff-Technologie kompatibel sein sollten. "Wenn die begleitenden Gaskraftwerke nicht kommen, wird auch ein Abschalten der Kohlekraftwerke nicht möglich sein", so Renner. Anders als E-Control-Vorstand Haber ist der TU-Professor "vielleicht nicht ganz so optimistisch", dass es in Österreich gelingen wird, bis zum Jahr 2030 die Stromversorgung - bilanziell übers Jahr gesehen - ganz auf Erneuerbare umzustellen.

Zur Aufzeichnung des Gesprächs:


No one is left alone with us (2021-12)

Even in these difficult times, you will find a suitable contact person in us.

Fear of Blackout: How Preppers Prepare (2021-12)

"A blackout, i.e. a large-scale and prolonged power failure, is very rare. Something really big has to happen," says Herwig Renner, electricity expert at Graz University of Technology, to the 'DER STANDARD'.

Solar Storm on November 3 and 4, 2021 in Austria (2021-11)

The new solar cycle 25 shows its effects: A massive coronal mass ejection(CME) on November 1 and 2 hit the earth on November 3 and 4 and caused high geomagnetically induced currents(GICs) in the Austrian transmission grid. The increased currents were measured and analyzed with the measurement system developed at the Institute of Electrical Power System at Technische Universität Graz. The picture shows the time series of three of the eight installed measuring devices in the transmission grid of Austrian Power Grid AG. For more information, please visit

Philipp Schachinger

High-Voltage Test Cell handed over to IEAN (2021-11)

With the support of Austrian Power Grid AG and Siemens Energy AG, a high-voltage test cell for transformer tests was set up at IEAN. The test cell has now been handed over to IEAN. As part of the project Low-frequency Neutral Point Currents 2, the influence of solar storms on transformers and the Austrian power transmission grid is being investigated at IEAN.
For more information, please visit

People in picture from l. to r.: Dennis Albert, Philipp Schachinger, Herwig Renner, Gerald Leber, Martin Stössl

Best Master's Thesis Award from ECSEL-Austria (2021-10)

On 18 October 2021, the ECSEL-Austria conference on " Sustainable Society: Move Data, not People - Positioning Europe " took place in Vienna. In the course of the conference, the award ceremony for three Bachelor's/Master's theses on the topic of "Electronic-Based Systems" was held, where submissions were reviewed and graded by a jury of experts.
IEAN would like to congratulate Carina Lehmal on winning first place with her master's thesis "Investigation and Validation of Stability for the Photovoltaic Integration into a Medium Voltage Grid Based on PHIL Testing" supervised by Dr. Zhang and Prof. Fickert.

Ziqian Zhang

Joint Online Course for Chinese and Austrian Students (2021-10)

The first joint online course has started this semester! To prepare students well for the class, Dr. Zhang (TU Graz) produced 6 MOOCs in cooperation with our LLT Team. This service was highly appreciated by all students (TU Graz, Tongji University, Dianji University). At the beginning of October the first online lecture went on air. Even though the first lecture on Modern Power Systems - jointly taught by Dr. Zhang and Prof. Chen (Shanghai Dianji University) – took place during the Chinese national holidays, many students participated in the class both online and in the seminar rooms at the different universities. In the weeks to come students will be matched to work on different projects in small international groups.

If you are interested in offering a joint online course with a partner university click here (

Next call: April 15, 2022

Barbara Böttger, International Office - Welcome Center

"Not all blackouts are the same" (2021-10)

A blackout is an extremely rare catastrophic event - it's the worst-case scenario for the power grid operator that "we don't think is likely," reassured E-Control board member Alfons Haber at a recent technical lecture. "It's rare," Prof. Herwig Renner from Graz University of Technology also confirmed, "but you can't completely rule it out."

Further Information:
    - Presentation of the study by Prof. Renner

Press releases: vom 14.10.2021 vom 27.09.2021

OVE Energy Technology Conference 2021 (2021-10)

From 6 to 7 October, the OVE Energy Technology Conference 2021 took place this year as a hybrid event with about 200 participants at the voestalpine Stahlwelt in Linz. Prof. Schürhuber talked about the technical challenges of integration of renewable energy sources in his presentation on "Grids and Power Electronics". Furthermore, the evening event was used to award prizes for graduation theses, and the IEAN would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Philipp Hackl as one of the winners of the Prof. Werner Rieder-Preis.

Pictures: OVE/Christian Fürthner

Ferialpraktikumsplätze im Sommer 2022 bei der KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft (2021-7)

Für den Sommer 2022 vergibt die KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft spannende Ferialpraktikumsplätze. Ferialpraktikanten (m/w/d) haben im Kelag-Konzern eine große Bedeutung. Daher suchen wir transparent und auf Basis definierter Zielgruppen die richtigen Ferialpraktikanten (m/w/d) für unseren Konzern – getreu dem Motto "Get the Right"!

Bis 09. Jänner 2022 können sich Studierende und Schüler (m/w/d) online für ein 1-monatiges Ferialpraktikum bewerben.

Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf: .

Team-building Event (2021-7)

This year's team-building event took the institute's staff to Leutschach on the southern Styrian wine route. In the course of a 12 km “Minigolf-Buschenschank” hike, team spirit was strengthened and the culinary delights of southern Styria were enjoyed.


Daniel Herbst

Excellent completion of PhD studies (2021-7)

We are proud to congratulate our newly graduated doctors Stefan Polster and Mike Lagler for successfully defending their doctoral theses and thus for finishing the doctoral program at TU Graz with distinction


The entire team of IEAN wishes you all the best on your future journey. We are looking forward to meet you both again soon!

You can find the published doctoral theses in the section Theses

Successful completion of the international cooperation project “Hardware-in-the-Loop Testsystem”

The "Hardware-in-the-Loop Test System" project is the first application of a new type of test and validation procedure for faster marketability of grid-compatible inverters for their manufacturers and developers.

The project approval meeting of our international cooperation project with Shanghai Dianji University was successfully held in an online meeting on June 10, 2021. The project was based on a hardware-in-the-loop test system to study test equipment, test methods and test procedures for grid compliance of wind power system. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Guochu Chen from the Dianji University and was attended by several Chinese experts, as well as experts from IEAN, including Prof. Robert Schürhuber and Prof. Lothar Fickert, as well as Dr. Ziqian Zhang and Carina Lehmal BSc. Dr. Zhang and Ms. Lehmal presented the results of the project to the Chinese side.

The Chinese experts expressed their satisfaction with the results of the project and pointed out that the proposed methodology in the project can significantly shorten the testing and certification period for wind power system. The project was successfully approved.

Ziqian Zhang

Effects of the solar storm (05/2021)

On May 12th 2021 a coronal mass ejection (CME) from May 9th 2021 arrived during noon at the Earth. Causing increased transformer neutral point current variation with current amplitudes up to 13.8 A.


The CME was detected at the Lagrange point L1 at 2021-05-12 5:48 UTC. L1 is located between the Earth and the Sun. The solar wind speed increase from 210 km/s to 450-490 km/s.


The IEAN team of Herwig Renner, Philipp Schachinger and Dennis Albert are investigating the effects of geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) on the high-voltage transmission grid in Austria together with the APG and Siemens Energy. For more information on geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in Austria klick on our website:

Dennis Albert, Philipp Schachinger

PHIL lab in full operation (05/2021)

Hundred-meter-high wind towers rise above the banks of the Danube and endless photovoltaic panels cover the plains, constantly feeding green energy into the grid. Their stable operation is essential for economic development and for ensuring our quality of life.
Recently, IEAN's PHIL lab was taken into full operation. The PHIL lab's experimental equipment replicates real electrical and mechanical systems to evaluate the stability performance of plants and grids with a high percentage of renewable energies. For this purpose, stability mechanisms need to be investigated and defined in a new way. The results provide theoretical foundations and recommendations for product improvements for manufacturers and a reliable assessment for grid operators.
Using our PHIL lab, we have investigated the fault dynamic behavior of embedded HVDC lines as well as full-scale converters for wind and PV systems. (See links for details) Furthermore, we investigated the stability of large industrial PV projects.
The research results have already been incorporated into a number of projects and serve as a key technology for the safe operation of green energy grids.


Study of stability after low voltage ride-through

Ziqian Zhang

Space Weather Workshop 2021: Geomagnetically Induced Currents and Space Weather Prediction in Austria (4/2021)


See our poster presentation during the online Space Weather Workshop 2021, where we from IEAN and ZAMG present our current research results about geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) and space weather prediction in Austria.
Rachel L. Bailey from ZAMG talks about geolectric field prediction in Austria. Philipp Schachinger and Dennis Albert talk about GIC simulation and measurement in the Austrian power grid, as well as power transformer research.

Join us on the poster session on April 22nd from 5 – 6:30 PM EDT (23:30 MEZ) on Webex
A short overview presentation can be found on our Youtube channel

Thanks to Siemens Energy and Austrian Power Grid for your support!

Dennis Albert

Cooperation TU Graz with University of Strathclyde and technical exchange with Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (04/2021)

The Institute of Electrical Power Systems from the Technical University of Graz (IEAN) started a cooperation with the University of Strathclyde from Glasgow in the field of converter coupled systems. We found a large overlap in future research areas despite the partly different circumstances due to geography (off-shore wind power plants vs. large hydropower plants). Here, the integration of converter-fed generation systems and the corresponding stability studies are particularly of interest. Due to the joint research focus we can learn a lot from each other and there is a high interest to enhance the cooperation in the future. For this purpose, there will be regular online meetings and as soon as possible also a personal visit will be aimed.
Another technical exchange took place on 8.4.2021 with Prof. Holger Wrede with his research group "Power Electronic Energy Systems" at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf. With the research focus on plant control, system management and dynamic behavior of power-electronic-dominated electrical energy systems, we complement each other in many aspects and will keep in contact.

Philipp Hackl

Project Low Frequency Currents: 7. measuring device installed (3/2021)

On March 15th the 7th transformer neutral point current measurement system from IEAN, TU Graz was installed in the Austrian transmission grid of APG at the substation ‘Westtirol’. These transformer neutral point current measurement in the Austrian transmission grid are used to study geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) and their effects on power transformers. The currents in the western area of Austria are expected to be higher than the currents in the eastern part, due to the rocky soil in this part of Austria. The already measured current support this hypothesis.

Thanks to the APG team at the substation ‘Westtirol’ for your support! Also thanks to our project partners Austrian Power Grid and Siemens Energy for your support in our joint research project Nf-Sternpunkt 2.

More information:

Dennis Albert

Xenius: Solar storms – Research of an mysterious Danger (2/2021)

In a new episode of ARTEs Xenius series, Prof. Renner was again shown to explain the influence of solar storms on power grids. The shooting for this took place in February 2020, among others at the Conrad Observatory near Vienna (earlier news).

The episode is online available in German and French until May 5, 2021:

Philipp Schachinger

Frequenzabfall im Europäischen Stromnetz am 8.1.2021 (1/2021)

Durch Ausfall einer Sammelschienenkupplung in einem kroatischen Umspannwerk wurde eine Kaskade von Leitungsausfällen ausgelöst, die letztendlich zu einer Netztrennung des europäischen Verbundnetzes führte. Durch Erzeugungsdefizit im blau eingefärbten nord-westlichen Netzteil kam es zu einer transienten Frequenzabsenkung von ca. 250 mHz.

Die Primärregelung zur Stabilisierung der Frequenz hat plangemäß funktioniert. Aus der stationären Frequenzänderung von knapp 200 mHz kann das Ausmaß der Störung (Erzeugungsausfall) mit mindestens 3000 MW abgeschätzt werden. Da die Ursache für die Frequenzänderung (Wegfall von Erzeugung) außerhalb des betrachteten nord-westlichen Netzteils lag, konnte die Sekundärregelung die Frequenz nicht automatisch auf 50 Hz zurückführen. Die in den Medien genannten manuellen Abschaltungen von Großverbrauchern waren die Konsequenz.

Lastfluss auf einer grenznahen österreichischen 400-kV-Leitung; man erkennt Primärregelenergie, die in West-Ost-Richtung durch Österreich geleitet wird.

Herwig Renner

Every year...

...the Christmas party is a fixed point on the calendar of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems (IEAN). Following this year's motto that "special times require special measures", we decided to hold our pre-Christmas get-together in 2020 virtually. Prof. Schürhuber summarised the smaller and larger highlights of the institute's year in his speech, the entire IEAN choir sang their way into the Advent season together, a virtual room escape game challenged the brain cells and one or two recited poems rounded off the event. Nonetheless, we are all already looking forward to when the social distance finally can be reduced to a good level and we can sit together again in the usual way.

The IEAN wishes all its friends and their loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!

Daniel Herbst

Earthing Measurement Murkraftwerk Graz Puntigam

In close cooperation with the IHS of Graz University of Technology, the IEAN carried out the final earthing measurement of the new Murkraftwerk Graz Puntigam. The aim of the measurement was to check the earthing, equipotential bonding and lightning protection system of the power plant, which is already in full operation.

IEAN and IHS accompanied the project Murkraftwerk Graz Puntigam from the very beginning with regard to the earthing, equipotential bonding and lightning protection system. In cooperation with the planners, a special earthing and lightning protection concept was developed for this power plant, which ensures the protection of persons, animals and property.

Martin Fürnschuß

Earthing Measurement UW Villach Süd

In close cooperation with IHS, IEAN carried out the final measurement of the earthing system of the new substation Villach Süd. The 220/110 kV Villach South substation is designed as an outdoor switchgear, serves as a grid support and is intended to contribute to the continued reliable supply of electricity in the Villach area. IEAN and IHS were involved in the project from the very beginning and contributed important aspects regarding the earthing and equipotential bonding and lightning protection system to the conceptual design of the substation. The aim of this measurement was to check the effectiveness of the earthing, equipotential bonding and lightning protection system to ensure the protection of persons, animals and property. Furthermore, the measurement results serve to verify the calculations of the earthing, equipotential bonding and lightning protection system of the Villach Süd substation carried out at IEAN.

Martin Fürnschuß

Institute Hiking day of the IEAN

The Institute of Electrical Power Systems has an annual institute hiking day to strengthen the team spirit and improve the work climate. This year, on 29 September 2020, it took us to the Rote Wand in Tyrnau, where we found great hiking weather and a wonderful view.

We started at 8:00 a.m. from the institute in the direction of Tyrnau, where a COVID19-compliant group picture was taken at the Rote Wand parking area, before we started the uphill hike towards the summit cross.

On the way, close to the summit cross of the Rote Wand, we spotted wild ibexes. Without being shy and completely in harmony with the beautiful surroundings, our institute director was able to get a little closer to the wild animals.

Arriving at the summit cross we enjoyed the great view which reaches from Hochschwab, Murtal, Gleinalm, Koralm to Schöckl. On the return, we stopped at the Tyrnaueralm Hut at 1350m to get some refreshment after the exhausting ascent. After a total of about 5 hours we reached the car park again and started our journey home.

Manuell Galler


AirCampus is a podcast platform of the four universities of Graz for science communication. In the course of the podcast series at Graz University of Technology, there is now an article about IEAN. In the talk, which lasts about 3 minutes, the research topic of geomagnetically induced currents and their influence on the energy transmission grid is outlined.

Philipp Schachinger

Reorganization of the institute library

The increasing number of scientific journals, technical literature and theses in the inventory of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems required a new structuring of the institute library. The outdated archiving system was replaced by the centrally administered library system of Graz University of Technology. Thus, in addition to books, all diploma and master theses, dissertations and habilitations have been added to the inventory system of the library of Graz University of Technology. During the following reorganization of the institute library, some treasures were rediscovered.

Philipp Schachinger

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2020

Die Lange Nacht der Forschung (LNF) ist einzigartig. Sie ist das größte Event für Wissenschaft und Forschung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Alle 2 Jahre werden an einem Abend in ganz Österreich innovative Erkenntnisse und bahnbrechende Technologien für ein breites Publikum zugänglich gemacht.

Dieses Jahr findet die LNF ausschließlich online statt. Von 9.10.2020 bis 30.10.2020 sind über 600 Beiträge aus ganz Österreich online abrufbar.

Auch das Thema Sonnenstürme, mit deren Auswirkungen sich Bachelor- und Masterarbeiter sowie zwei Dissertation am IEAN beschäftigen, wird in zwei Beiträgen näher beleuchtet.

Wenn es auf der Sonne stürmt

Sonnensturm: Wann kommt der nächste?


Dennis Albert

Support of grid restoration test from KELAG und Kärnten Netz

The grid restoration strategy after large-scale blackouts in Austria focuses on hydro power plants in Salzburg and Carinthia. The management of the grid restoration is not only trained on the simulator, but also regularly tested on the real grid through black start and island grid tests. On September 18, 2020, such tests were carried out by KELAG and Kärnten Netz with the Fragant power plant group. The Institute for Electrical Power Systems (IEAN) accompanied these tests as a scientific partner, carried out part of the measurements and took over the evaluation of the measurement data.

Hardware update for transformer neutral point measuring devices

Changes in the Earth's magnetic field can cause unwanted low-frequency currents in our electrical transmission grid. These currents flow through grounded transformer star points. In a joint research project with the Austrian transmission grid operator APG and Siemens, IEAN measures these low-frequency currents, also known as geomagnetically induced currents (GIC).

In order to be able to measure these currents also in case of future geomagnetic disturbances (GMD), the hardware of some measuring devices was updated on September 23rd and 24th, 2020. IEAN would like to thank the APG staff who supported us with the maintenance.

Philipp Schachinger, Peter Wohlfart, Dennis Albert


Universitätsassistent*in für 3 Jahre, 40 Stunden/Woche, voraussichtlich ab 1. November 2020, am Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Netze.

Aufnahmebedingungen: Abgeschlossenes Master- bzw. Diplomstudium Elektrotechnik.
Gewünschte Qualifikationen:
Wissenschaftliches Profil im Bereich der Energie- bzw. Regelungstechnik, Programmierkenntnisse (Matlab, Python, FPGA-Programmierung), Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Simulations-Software für elektrische Netze, Erfahrungen in Lehre und Forschung, Teamfähigkeit, Kenntnisse im Projekmanagement, sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit mit der University of Strathclyde incl. mehrwöchigem Auslandsaufenthalt.
Einstufung: B 1 nach Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer*innen der Universitäten; das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt derzeit € 2.929,-- brutto (14× jährlich) und kann sich eventuell auf Basis der kollektivvertraglichen Vorschriften durch die Anrechnung tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrungen sowie sonstige mit den Besonderheiten des Arbeitsplatzes verbundene Entgeltbestandteile erhöhen.
Ende der Bewerbungsfrist: 7. Oktober 2020
Kennzahl: 4320/20/030

Bewerbung, Lebenslauf und weitere Unterlagen sind unter genauer Bezeichnung der Stelle bzw. der Kennzahl an die Technische Universität Graz, Dekan der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Wolfgang Bösch, MBA, Inffeldgasse 18/EG, 8010 Graz (vorzugsweise elektronisch an zu richten und müssen bis spätestens Ende der Bewerbungsfrist einlangen.

Solar storms and geomagnetically induced currents

Arte-Documentation: Solar storms and geomagnetically induced currents

On Saturday, 8 August 2020 at 21:45 Arte will broadcast a documentary on solar storms and geomagnetically induced currents. The IEAN team led by Prof. Herwig Renner is investigating the effects of solar activity on the power grid as part of the Low Frequency currents project.

The shooting for this took place in February 2020, among others at the Conrad Observatory near Vienna (earlier news).

Link to the documentation:

Philipp Schachinger, Dennis Albert

From everyday life at the institute

Our IEAN Jour Fixe was held every 14 days since 23.03.2020 COVID-19 using our video conferencing tool. Since we could not hold our first personal Jour Fixe after almost 4 months in our institute library due to the still valid rules of distance, this short meeting was moved to the lecture hall i1.

#stay healthy

Daniel Herbst

Master theses successfully defended

We congratulate the two former master students Andreas Prohammer and Tobias Wöhr for successfully defending their master thesis at IEAN. Both exams were taken via video conference, which has become routine by now.

In his master thesis Andreas Prohammer examined the behaviour of power transformers under asymmetrical DC in the phases of the high and low voltage windings.

In Tobias Wöhr's master's thesis, the behaviour of a synchronous generator and the surrounding grid in the event of a short circuit is examined.

The IEAN team congratulates to your successfully defended master thesis and whises you all the best for your future path. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon!

You can find open bachelor and master theses in the teaching section.

Dennis Albert

Obituary of the TU Graz for Manfred Wurm

Graz University of Technology and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology mourn the death of Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Manfred Wurm, who died on 6 April 2020 at the age of 59.

Manfred Wurm was born on 17 June 1960 in Vienna. After completing his education at the Secondary Technical School Vienna 4, he studied electrical power engineering at the TU Wien, which he completed “with excellency”.

In 1997 he passed the examination to be an acknowledged engineering consultant. In the following year he was granted the status of chartered engineering consultant for electrical and electronic engineering, and shortly afterwards he received the certificate of competence for the operation of an engineering consultancy office for electrical engineering.

Manfred Wurm began his professional career at Elin Union AG with the development of high voltage switchgear. From 1992 to 2000 he carried out various planning tasks as legally responsible director for Umwelttechnik Wien GmbH. He then worked at Cegelec GmbH as a project manager and authorized representative for electrical plant construction, before joining Netz Niederösterreich GmbH, where he developed protection concepts and project planning guidelines for network engineering. In addition, he found time and energy for commissioning activities, fault analyses and coaching activities in the network planning department.

In the academic field, his dissertation with the title “Comparison of methods for determining fault location distance for single-pole fault detection in practical grid operation" is proof of his restless practice-based research interest, which he completed at the Institute for Electrical Power Systems at our Technical University in 2013. His teaching activities at technical universities included guest lectures at Graz University of Technology and TU Wien and - since 2014 - he has been a university lecturer in protection technology, for which he was even nominated for the Best Lecture Award of TU Wien in 2017.

With Manfred Wurm, Graz University of Technology has lost a highly esteemed colleague and popular lecturer. Our condolences and sympathy go to his wife and family.

Lothar Fickert


In the past few days, despite the currently difficult circumstances, five students have successfully completed their Bachelor's or Master's thesis at IEAN.

Congratulations to Benjamin Jauk, Abedin Bytqi, Matthias Rüschitz and Konstantin Tschabuschnig for successfully defending their master thesis. Congratulations also to Peter Wohlfart on the successful completed his Bachelor thesis.

The IEAN wishes you success in your future professional life or in your further studies. You are cordially invited to visit the IEAN again in the future - we always look forward to see you again!

Despite the current circumstances, it is possible to start your Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the IEAN. You can find our currently advertised work on the website. If there is nothing suitable, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Dennis Albert

Filming in the Conrad Observatory

In the course of filming a documentary on the topic of geomagnetically induced currents in Austria, the IEAN was invited to the Conrad Observatory. Prof. Renner presented our simulation tool in the tunnel and explained the activities of IEAN in this area and the importance of the entire research area.

Philipp Schachinger

Project Neutral Point Current: Measurement system installation in Zurndorf substation, Lower Austria

In January 2020, IEAN installed another measuring device for recording low-frequency neutral point currents in the Austrian transmission grid. In a joint research project with APG and Siemens, the influence of low-frequency neutral point currents on power transformers and the transmission grid is being investigated. These currents are influenced, for example, by changing solar activity and are therefore also called geomagnetically induced currents (GIC). Thanks to APG and Siemens for their support!

Dennis Albert

Earth measurement

In the pre-Christmas season 2019, the Institute of Electrical Power Systems measured the behavior of the earthing system at a 380 kV substation, located directly next to an electrified railway. The reason for this is the extension of the railway and the construction of a pedestrian crossing. The measurement results serve as a basis for the calculations, on which results the earthing systems of the future installations will be dimensioned in such a way that, after integration into the existing earthing system, the protection of persons and property can be guaranteed both in normal operation and in the event of a fault.

Martin Fürnschuß


On 16 and 17 of October the OVE Energy Technology Conference took this year place in Innsbruck. These conferences are an annual fixture for national and international representatives of the energy technology industry. At this event, experts from the economic sector, energy companies and researchers have met at the Innsbruck Trade Fair Centre to present and discuss current topics related to electrical energy storage and storage systems, sector coupling (Power-to-X), flexibility options as well as the reliability of the power supply.

The Institute of Electrical Power Systems was of course present at such an event and was again very well represented this year.

During the evening event, the OVE Energy Technology Award for young scientists and technicians was presented. The prize is awarded to pupils, students and graduates of Austrian educational institutions. This year the master thesis of IEAN graduate DI Manuel Galler was awarded. Mr. DI Galler was invited to present his excellent work during the OVE symposium.

Manuel Galler

Arc safety of transformer stations

The arcing fault in a transformer station is rare, but when it does occur, large amounts of energy are released in a short time. It is therefore important that the safety of people and the stability of the building structure can be guaranteed in this exceptional case. At the end of 2019, the IEAN and IES Institute for Electrical Engineering and Safety Civil Engineering GmbH collected measurement data during arcing type tests, which will improve the future calculation and evaluation of pressure loads in transformer stations.

The video shows the successful verification of the operating safety in slow motion. The arc is ignited in the medium-voltage switchgear on the left side of the station building.

Robert Schürhuber

2nd Technical Colloquium Power Engineering

On 13th / 14th November, the second technical colloquium of energy technology took place at the Institute for Electrical Power Systems at the TU Graz.

Prof. Bernd Oswald from Hannover, Prof. Peter Schegner from Dresden, em. Prof. Lothar Fickert from Graz and Prof. Lutz Hofmann from Hannnover, discussed with Prof. Robert Schürhuber and Prof. Herwig Renner from the IEAN current developments in the field of energy technology and exchanged views on research results. Furthermore, the Grazer culture and gastronomy could impress the guests.

Robert Schürhuber


At the beginning of the week, on 30.09.2019, IEAN visited the Siemens transformer plant in Linz. In addition to a project meeting, the students and employees of the IEAN had the opportunity to visit the plant in Linz. At the Linz location, each transformer is developed and produced individually for the special applications of the customers. From core layering to acceptance testing, all process steps are carried out at the site in Linz.

We thank Mr. Markus Getzinger and his team from Siemens, who made the visit possible and gave us a detailed insight into the development and production of power transformers.

Dennis Albert


The IEAN met on the 23.09.2019 in the Wachau in order to set the course for a successful future of the institute. Under the excellent leadership of Bernhard Ibertsberger, a lively discussion about the challenges and goals of the institute developed in the morning, which was dealt with in detail after lunch in small groups.

Through the open and eye-level discussion, the different interests of the institute members could be cast into a common vision for the development of the institute. The labor-intensive day ended with the one and other wine at a cozy sitting together in a local Heurigen.

The second day was completely devoted to energy engineering with the visits of the nuclear power plant Zwentendorf and the substation Dürnrohr. The Zwentendorf NPP is worldwide unique, because it has never been in service. Therefore, areas of the reactor can be inspected which are normally not accessible due to radiation exposure even after shutdown. Thus, a direct view into the pressure vessel of the boiling water reactor and the committing of the containment is possible.

The second day was completely devoted to energy engineering with the visits of the nuclear power plant Zwentendorf and the substation Dürnrohr. The Zwentendorf NPP is worldwide unique, because it has never been in service. Therefore, areas of the reactor can be inspected which are normally not accessible due to radiation exposure even after shutdown. Thus, a direct view into the pressure vessel of the boiling water reactor and the committing of the containment is possible.

In the late afternoon, the IEAN team came back to Graz in a good mood and a lot of motivation for the realization of the developed vision for the future of the institute.

Stefan Polster

Model of a Francis turbine

After extensive restoration work, a model of a Francis turbine can now be seen in front of the rooms of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems.

Many thanks to ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH for providing the turbine model and many thanks to the IHS mechanical workshop (Anton Schriebl and Christoph Probst) for built-up the metal substructure.

Prof. Schürhuber, DI D.Herbst, DI M.Fürnschuß

Holiday Interns for the Kelag Group

For summer 2020, KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft is offering exciting summer internships. Summer trainees are of great importance in the Kelag Group. Therefore, we are looking for the right summer trainees for our group transparently and on the basis of defined target groups - true to the motto "Get the Right"!

From 7 October 2019 to 7 January 2020, students can apply online for a one-month summer internship.

more information

In the period from 20 August to 30 September 2019, the Institute of Electrical Power Systems was represented by four academics at Tongji University in Shanghai. During the first week, Prof. Dr. Schürhuber, the institute's head, held a special lecture on " From Energy Turnaround to Challenges for High Penetration of Renewable Energy ". Further lectures were given by Em. Prof. Dr. L. Fickert and Dr. Ziqian. Furthermore, Mr. Alexander Atzmueller supported the Institute for Rail Transit in the sense of deepening the scientific cooperation by evaluating technical literature regarding the reliability of the power supply in the metro area.

Zigian Zhang

Prof. Dr. Schürhuber and his special lecture poster
Prof. Dr. Schürhuber`s special lecture
The ceremony at the beginning of the semester of Tongji University

Visit of a delegation of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology

On 21.06.2019 we received a delegation of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology at our institute. The high-ranking delegation of representatives of the government and the automotive industry visited the laboratory facilities of our Institute of Electrical Power Systems, the laboratory of the Electrical Drives and Machines Institute as well as the Nikola Tesla Laboratory of the Institute of High Voltage Engineering and System Performance. The trip of our Chinese partners focused on the latest scientific findings in the field of electric drives, alternative fuels and e-mobility. Our institute presented in the course of its projects around electrical safety as well as protection against electric shock at DC charging stations for electric vehicles.

Ziqian Zhang and Daniel Herbst

Group photo of the delegation with Prof. R.Schürhuber, Prof. L.Fickert and Dr. Z.Zhang
Presentation of the test equipment in the laboratory of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems
Group photo of the delegation in the Nikola Tesla Laboratory (large laboratory hall of the high-voltage laboratory)

New cooperation with Shanghai Dianji University

With the signing of the cooperation agreement on 24.06.2019 a new era of cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Dianji University and the Institute of Electrical Power Systems of Graz University of Technology has started. The two institutions, represented by Vice Rectors H.Bischof and D. Chen, our dean W.Bösch and professors R. Schürhuber and G. Chen, jointly unveiled a plaque in front of our institute expressing the university exchange. In addition to interesting discussions between the delegation participants and the representatives of Graz University of Technology, various laboratory facilities were also visited. We are already looking forward to a long-term partnership with our Chinese colleagues, for example in projects in the institute's own Power Hardware-in-the-Loop laboratory in the field of renewable energies.

Ziqian Zhang and Daniel Herbst

Signing of the cooperation agreement by Prof. R.Schürhuber and Prof. G.Chen with Vice Rector H.Bischof, Dean W.Bösch and Vice Rector D.Chen
Exchange of guest gifts between the two Vice Rectors
Group photo of the representatives of both universities under the black plaque in front of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems
Delegation of Dianji University in our institute’s laboratory with test equipment for DC charging stations

Excursion to the thermal power plant Mellach

On 27.05.2019 we had again the opportunity to carry out an excursion to the thermal power plant Mellach of the Austrian Thermal Power Association as part of the lecture Electrical Energy Systems 2.

During this excursion, we were able to visit the coal-fired power station, the gas and steam power plant, the control room and the switchgear and receive detailed explanations on function and operation. We also got an interesting insight into the current driving style of thermal systems, which are strongly influenced by redispatch.

In sum, this excursion was an ideal complement to the lecture, in which the theory of thermal power plants was discussed in advance.

IEAN at CIRED 2019 in Madrid

The biggest conference and exhibition on electricity distribution was held in Spain from  3rd-6th of June 2019. The institute of electrical power systems was part of the conference with 6 participants, 7 publications – therefrom 4 as oral presentation -  one tutorial presenter and one special reporter and roundtable-convenor.

participants: Robert Schürhuber, Lothar Fickert, Herwig Renner, Katrin Friedl, Daniel Herbst, Mike Lagler


  • 66 – First results concerning localisation of earthfaults in compensated 20-kV-networks based on travelling waves
  • 416 – Modelling the propagation of harmonic voltages in large medium voltage distribution networks
  • 590 – LV Grid Data Analysis demonstrated at DSO Arbon Energie
  • 963 – Power Quality improvement in a rural grid by grid storage system
  • 1307 – Verification of protective measures for safety of DC charging stations for electric vehicles
  • 1671 – Occupational EMF-Exposure: A Simple Guide for Testing Compliance with Requirements of Directive 2013/35/EU
  • 2119 – Simplified Magnetic Field Evaluation for Workers with Conductor Loops

In memoriam Manfred Sakulin

In deep sadness, we announce that Univ.-Lecturer Dr. Manfred Sakulin, retired associate professor, passed away.

Manfred Sakulin began working at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems of Graz University of Technology in 1970 and decisively influenced the profile of the institute, which he led temporary from 1997 to 1999, until his retirement in 2007. Many of the areas of work and activities represented at the institute were initiated and built up by him. More than 100 diploma theses and dissertations supervised by him give evidence of his long-lasting influence on the Austrian power system community. A huge number of today's decision-makers in the electrical energy industry has attended the lectures and exercises of Manfred Sakulin.

He was a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the field of electrical energy systems and is known in particular as a pioneer of flicker measurement. His work and expertise in this field has been acknowledged all over the world, including countries such as Saudi Arabia and India.

Although he created the basis for various standards by his work in numerous committees and working groups, for him ultimately not the written norm, but common sense was the basis for his decisions.

In addition to his scientific work, he was involved in the Assistant Curia and worked for many years as representative of the non-tenured staff in the faculty of Electrical Engineering. The institute trips organized by him into his beloved Styrian mountains were incomparable.

Dear Manfred, we will not forget you, may you rest in peace!


Herwig Renner


Under the title "Future Challenges for Electrical Power Systems", Prof. Schuerhuber's inaugural lecture was able to strike a balance between previous research work, the challenges in energy technology and the future research contributions of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems.

As a driving force for the changes in the energy sector, Prof. Robert Schuerhuber cites our rising consumption and mainly carbon-based production of energy. Due to the previous handling of raw materials, humans action influences the earth ecosystem more and more negatively. In order to counteract this negative trend, the electrical energy supply plays a key role. Due to the versatile usability, for example, in the area of mobility, air conditioning and heat engineering, resources can be used more effectively. The Institute of Electrical Power Systems do research for example in the field of sector coupling and in the planning and operation of large networks.

After the inaugural lecture, numerous guests from industry, families and universities discussed in a pleasant atmosphere in the foyer of the Energy Center Graz.

The Institute

In October 2017, Prof. Robert Schuerhuber took over the Institute of Electrical Systems from Prof. Lothar Fickert. In order to highlight the current and future research activities in the field of energy networks, the institute bears the name "Institute of Electrical Power Systems". The three core competences of the institute lie in the areas of

  • calculation and planning of energy systems and of the grid connection for generating plants,
  • analysis of quality of supply and supply reliablility,
  • Assessment of earthing systems and questions regarding personal safety.

Dennis Albert


Under the motto Team Building, the winter sports enthusiasts of the IEAN spent a day of skiing in Schladming. With the view of a lot of sunshine and 20 cm of fresh snow on the slope, on March 12th, they started in the best of moods towards Planai and Hochwurzen.

On the last downhill, the employees competed in a downhill race.

Around 4 pm, the all-round successful skiing day ended with the last swing - the “Einkehrschwung” - at the valley station in Schladming. With a good day of skiing in the thighs and uninjured, all employees started their way back home to Graz at 5:30 pm.

See you next year in Schladming - Ski-Heil!  Dennis Albert

Power system field trip of the IEAN to Carinthia

On 28.01.2019, a field trip brought students and staff members of IEAN to Carinthia. There, the participants got insights into the hydro power plant Schütt 2 of KELAG and into the heating plant of Stadtwerke Klagenfurt AG. Between the two power plant tours, the participants visited the substation Landskron of Kärnten Netz GmbH.

The field trip to Carinthia started at 6:30 AM with the departure at the TU Graz. When we arrived at the Schütt 2 power plant, we were welcomed by three KELAG employees. The power plant Schütt 2 is currently under revitalizing work, whereby the aging power plant infrastructure will be replaced by new technology. The heart of the hydroelectric power plant is its turbine and generator unit. During the visit, the already installed turbine and hydro system could be subdued from the inside of the turbine housing, which is not accessible under operation. After a refreshment, the dam was visited, which is located about 3 km upstream.

The next station led to the completely renewed 110-kV-substation Landskron, an important grid node of the Carinthian distribution network. After a brief presentation on the general operation management and safety instructions, the substation was visited. Special focus was laid on the high voltage equipment and the emergency battery system. After the guided tour through the substation, the cable measuring truck used by the KNG was demonstrated and it was possible to have an intensive discussion with the responsible technicians.

The last stop of the field trip was to the district heating plant of Stadtwerke Klagenfurt, the central hub of the Klagenfurt district heating network and the location of the energy control center of Stadtwerke Klagenfurt. Until the turn of the millennium, a coal-fired combined heat and power plant (CHP) was operated at the site. After decommission of the CHP plant, modern gas boilers were put into operation to ensure the supply of the city with district heating. During the dismantling of the old steam power plant, the 70-year-old brick-built boiler and a partially dismantled turbine-generator were obtained.

Strengthened by a final snack and with many interesting insights and impressions we went back to Graz. Many thanks to the companies and their representatives for the interesting tours and discussions and to Stefan Polster for the organization of the field trip.

Exkursion Kraftwerk Mellach

The last stop of the field trip was to the district heating plant of Stadtwerke Klagenfurt, the central hub of the Klagenfurt district heating network and the location of the energy control center of Stadtwerke Klagenfurt. Until the turn of the millennium, a coal-fired combined heat and power plant (CHP) was operated at the site. After decommission of the CHP plant, modern gas boilers were put into operation to ensure the supply of the city with district heating. During the dismantling of the old steam power plant, the 70-year-old brick-built boiler and a partially dismantled turbine-generator were obtained.

Contact Information

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Electrical Power Systems

Inffeldgasse 18/I
8010 Graz

+43 316 873-7551