
Template for BA / MA - works

Presentation Do's and Don'ts

Template for BA-MA-PHD works  -Template

Literature Research – How to

Instructions for scientific writing:   (What am I actually doing here? Passing the first written paper! German)  (What am I actually doing here? Writing the bachelor thesis! German)  (What am I actually doing here? Mastering the Master! german)            (Scientific writing step by step! German)

Bachelorprojects open

Latest update: 15.10.2024

General information about Bachelor’s thesis at IEAN

Inbetriebnahme Point-on-Wave Controller

Modellierung von Leistungstransformatoren mit Hysteresecharakteristik in EMTP

Modelling Current Transformers

Current Transformer Model Generator

Comparison of different synchronous machine models

Implementation of a standardized interface for the Co-simulation of calculation programs

Comparison of national technical requirements for grid connection - literature research

Requirements for emergency power supply in practical firefighting operations

Elektrische Schutzmaßnahmen im Alltag – Der Föhn in der Badewanne

DC charging stations for electric vehicles – Periodic inspection, protective measures, earthing and equipotential bonding, energy efficiency

Disconnection point relocation in low-voltage grids - Methods, approaches and algorithms

Automatisierter MS-Lasttrennschalter

Effizienz in Niederspannungsanlagen

Creation of teaching materials

Short-Circuit Current Calculation and Analysis for Grid-Forming Converters


Mathematische Modellierung eines Maschinentransformators für die Analyse einer optimierten Stufenstellerregelung zur Reduktion der Wirkleistungsverluste - Work in progress

Europaweite Energieerzeugung aus Wind und PV und Wasserkraft - Work in progress

Comparison of national technical requirements for grid connection - literature research - Work in progress

Auswirkung von unsymmetrischen Lasten auf Ortsnetztransformatoren in Niederspannungsnetzen - Work in progress

Development of a calculation tool for short circuit calculation - Work in progress

Personal protection of rescue teams at PV power plants in the event of a fire - Work in progress

E-Feldueberhoehungen - Work in progress

Implementation of an ADC measurement on an FPGA - Work in progress

Contact Information

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Electrical Power Systems

Inffeldgasse 18/I
8010 Graz

+43 316 873-7551