Herbert Eichholzer Awards 2009

The Herbert Eichholzer Awards for Architecture, awarded every two years on behalf of the Cultural Office of the City of Graz to talented students of architecture at Graz University of Technology, were announced in 2009 as an ideas competition on the subject of the University of Arts Graz (KUG). 

To fill the (educational) gaps in arts studies (painting, sculpture, new media), the site for a new building of the University of Arts was considered, with the aim of forming an "art axis" along the Leonhardstraße, between the University of Music and Performing Arts, MUMUTH and the new building of the KUG Reiterkaserne the corner lot of Leonhardstaße and Merangasse.

Award Winners

1st Prize
Ulrike Tinnacher | Oliver Wildpanner

2nd Prize
Ahmed Ibrahimpašić | Ana Glavaš
| Boško Marušić


Opening of the Competition Exhibition
January 27, 2010 in Haus der Architektur Graz

Starting January 27, 2010 in Haus der Architektur Graz


From the ten submitted projects, the jury recommended two teams for the awarding of the prize money totaling €6,600.


Christian Jabornegg | Architect Vienna

Klaus Loenhart | Graz University of Technology

Hans Kupelwieser | Graz University of Technology

Roger Riewe | Graz University of Technology

Robert Höldrich | University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Peter Grabensberger | City of Graz

Helmut Strobl | City of Graz

Organisation and Realisation

IAT | Institute of Architecture Technology
Armin Stocker
Rechbauerstraße 12/I
8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (316) 873-6307

funded by the Cultural Office of the City of Graz and Kulturvermittlung Steiermark