Winkler Team

Research Goals

Margit Winkler is fascinated by the power of natural biocatalysts for chemical synthesis. Many of the reactions that one may want to use for the preparation of organic molecules have not yet been developed, or have some limitations such as: the need for highly complicated and expensive catalysts, multiple steps or they simply suffer from low selectivity. The overall theme of Margit's research is to find new and alternative ways to catalyse a transformation by using enzymes. Sometimes, the goal is to determine the scope and limitations of an enzyme and possibly its engineering towards desired characteristics to overcome these limitations. Other times, it is the discovery and detailed study of enzymes that are not well known yet, in order to understand them better and to determine whether and how they could become applicable for synthesis. And finally, a particular product may be in the focus of the studies and the goal is then to find the best way to prepare it. Due to this broad portfolio of interests and needs, enzymes, substrates, products and methods that have been in the focus of the team over the years, it is essential to collaborate vividly and connect the knowledge of diverse fields. 

Current Projects

  • May 2017 - April 2020 FFG Industrienahe Dissertation:  Carboxylic Acid Reductases for Enzymatic Reduction of organic Acids to Aldehydes (CARERAA)

    In this project, we investigate CARs in depth with a focus on process relevant parameters.

  • Oct 2019 - Sept 2023 - CATalytic mechanisms and AppLications of OXidoreductases
    FWF Proj. Nr. 860262, Doc-Fund
    Partners: Prof. Robert Kourist, Prof. Rolf Breinbauer, Prof. Peter Macheroux, Prof. Bernd Nidetzky, Prof. Karl Gruber, Prof. Wolfgang Kroutil, AO Prof. Anton Glieder, Assoc.-Prof. Heidrun Gruber-Wölfler, Dr. Silvia Glück-Hartner
  • Jan 2020 - Dec 2023 - Enzymes for API Synthesis
    FFG COMET Project
    Partner: PharmaZell
    Collaborators: Prof. Helmut Schwab; Ass. Prof. Florian Rudroff, TU Wien; Dr. Gerhard G. Thallinger, Graz University of Technology
  • Jan 2020 - Dec 2023 - Engineering oxygenases for integrated bioprocesses
    FFG COMET Project
    Partner: bisy e.U.
    Collaborators: Prof. Gregorio Alvarez, University Autonoma Barcelona
  • Feb 2020 - Jan 2023 - Development of pyrazine producing strains
    Company Project
    Partners: Axxence Slovakia, s.r.o.
    Collaborators: Assistant Prof. Florian Rudroff, TUWien
  • Mar 2020 - Feb 2023 - A new chemoenzymatic route from carboxylic acids to nitriles
    FWF Proj. Nr. I 4607-N
    International Project
    Collaborators: Res. Prof. Ludmila Martinková, Dr. Miroslav Patek, Czech Academy of Sciences, Assistant Prof. Florian Rudroff, TUWien; Prof. Harald Gröger, University Bielefeld

Past Projects

  • November 2015 - February 2019 - FWF Project P 28477-B21: Catalytic cascades for selective aldehyde syntheses in vivo

    The main goal of this project is to understand the requirements and limitations of microbial cells for aldehyde synthesis. The synthesis of target products– chiral fragrance aldehydes – will be tackled by a combination of chemo-catalysis with a multi-enzymatic in vivo cascade reaction. This is a joint project with Dr. Florian Rudroff, Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, TUVienna

    Project website:
  • January 2017 - December 2018 - OeAD Project ZA 17/2017: Plant hydroxynitrile lyase diversity and application in industrial biocatalysis

    The goal of this project is to discover new enzymes from South African resources in collaboration with Prof. Karl Rumbold, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • April 2015 - March 2019 - Horizon2020 Project ROBOX: Grant agreement #635734

    The project title is Expanding the industrial use of Robust Oxidative Biocatalysts for the conversion and production of alcohols and our interest is to apply the combined knowledge and the analytical toolbox for the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to characterize oxidizing enzymes from the project partners.

    This project is carried out within acib in close collaboration with Prof. Anton Glieder (TUGraz) and DSM Chemical Technology R&D BV.


    The research for this work has received funding from the European Union (EU) project ROBOX (grant agreement n° 635734) under  EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme  Research and Innovation actions H2020-LEIT BIO-2014-1

  • January 2108 - December 2018 - OeAD ASEA/UNINET: Crystallization of fungal carboxylate reductase

    The goal of this project is to collaborate with Prof. Farah Diba Abu Bakar, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia.

  • March 2015 - February 2019 - FWF Elise-Richter-Fellowship V415-B21: Biocatalytic Carboxylate reduction


    The aim of this project is to get a better understanding of carboxylate reducing enzymes to enable the development of cell factories for the selective enzymatic preparation of aldehydes. We would like to know more about the structure-function relationship of this enzyme class and to identify more of these enzymes on amino acid level.

  • December 2012 - November 2015 - FP7 Project KYROBIO: Grant agreement no: 289646

    The project title is The discovery, development and demonstration of biocatalysts for use in the industrial synthesis of chiral chemicals and our interest was to identify a new class of hydroxynitrile lyases. We found a very promising enzyme in the fern Davallia teyermanii and characterized it in detail.


      This project was carried out within acib in close collaboration with Prof. Karl Gruber (UniGraz), Prof. Ruth Birner-Grünberger (ZMF and Omics Centre) and Dr. Gerhard Thallinger (TUGraz).

  • April 2014 - June 2015 - acib Project 84.011: Reverse nitrilase: From ammonium plus carboxylic acid to amine precursors

    The aim was to explore the substrate scope of enzymes that can convert a carboxylic acid to a nitrile.

  • January 2010 - December 2014 - acib Project 1.4-2: Enzymatic API Modification; Non-CYP drug metabolizing enzymes

    The aim was to make human drug metabolizing enzymes available in microbial hosts so that it is possible to prepare authentic human drug metabolites on the preparative scale.

    This project is carried out within acib in close collaboration with Novartis and F.Hoffmann-LaRoche.

  • January 2010 - December 2014 - acib Project 1.5-1: Amines and Peptides; Generation of efficient production strains for chiral amine synthesis

    The aim was to provide robust enzymes and yeast strains for the production of chiral amines.

    This project is carried out within acib in close collaboration with Prof. Anton Glieder, Dr. Andrea Camattari (TUGraz) and Ingenza Ltd.

  • January 2010 - December 2014 - acib Projects 1.2 and 4.12: Enzymatic Nitrile Reduction

    In this project we cloned, mutagenized and provided nitrile reductase enzymes to project partners with the aim to broaden its substrate specificity.

    This project is carried out within acib in close collaboration with Prof. Norbert Klempier, Prof. Bernd Nidetzky (TUGraz) and Prof. Karl Gruber (UniGraz).

  • January 2010 - June 2013 - acib Project 4.2-3: Enzyme engineering for complex reactions; Identification, expression and engineering of new complex microbial oxidoreductases

    The aim was to find enzymes for the reduction or oxidation of industrially relevant compounds.

    This project is carried out within acib in close collaboration with Prof. Helmut Schwab, Prof. Peter Macheroux (TUGraz) and Lonza AG.

  • January 2019 - July 2019 - FFG Proj. Nr. 870897 - FEM-Tech

    Collaborator: Dr. Gernot Strohmeier, Graz University of Technology

    The goal of this project is to synthesise aldehydes in cell free systems using carboxylate reductase enzymes. The need for stoichiometric amounts of ATP and NADPH is satisfied by recycling these costly cofactors using a cocktail of enzymes and polyphosphate as well as glucose as co-substrates.

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Current Theses

  • Melissa Horvat
    PhD thesis

    Working title: Carboxylic Acid Reductases for Enzymatic Reduction of organic Acids to Aldehydes
  • Daniel Schwendenwein
    PhD thesis

    Working title:Catalytic cascades for aldehyde synthesis in vivo
  • David Gradischnig
    Bachelor thesis
    Working title: Towards structure elucidation of Neurospora crassa CAR domains
  • Fritsche, Susanne:
    Working title: Characterization of CAR variants and new CARs
  • Steinberger, Stefan:
    Working title: Towards green leaf aldehydes from fatty acids by lipoxygenases and hydroperoxide lyases

  • Glänzer, Maximilian
    Working title: Characterization of novel nitrile hydratases

  • Schwarz, Anna
    Working title: In Vitro reduction of carboxylates to aldehydes

  • Hashem, Chiam
    PhD Thesis
    Systematic investigation of post-translational modification of carboxylic acid reductases

  • Steinberger, Stefan
    Master Thesis
    Towards green leaf aldehydes from fatty acids by lipoxygenases and hydroperoxide lyases

  • Tanja Saskia Larch
    Master thesis
    Systematic investigation of co-expression of carboxylate reductase and phosphopantetheinyl transferase in Pichia pastoris

  • Lukas Pfeifenberger
    Master thesis
    Identification and functional characterization of new peroxygenases

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Completed Theses

  • Philippe Oberhemm
    Master thesis

    Characterization of new carboxylate reductase enzymes from Neurospora crassa
    June 2018
  • Holly Stolterfoht
    Master thesis

    Mutational studies of Neurospora crassa carboxylate reductase
    November 2018
  • Bianca Kerschbaumer
    Master thesis

    Evaluation of CYP505 Variants for the Preparation of Drug Metabolites: Bridging from Analytical to Preparative Scale
    September 2018
  • Melissa Willim
    Master thesis

    CYP450 and its importance in Drug Development
    September 2018
  • Lena Gsöls
    Bachelor thesis

    Lyophilization of E. coli and Pichia pastoris strains expressing Cytochrome P450 enzymes

  • Bettina Schweda
    Bachelor Thesis

    Studies towards the Synthesis of Capsaicin and its Bioconversion using CYP 505
    January 2018
  • Lukas Kargl
    Bachelor thesis

    Kinetic characterization of CYP505 expressing biocatalysts
    October 2017
  • Katharina Dokulil
    Master Thesis

    Cloning, expression and characterization of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthases
    May 2016
  • Thorsten Bachler
    Bachelor Thesis

    Human enzymes for organic synthesis
    April 2016

  • Elisa Lanfranchi
    PhD Thesis

    New Hydroxynitrile Lyase from white Rabbit's Foot Fern: The route from discovery to perspectives for applications
    Nov 2015
  • Kamila Napora-Wijata
    PhD Thesis

    Identification and expression of new microbial oxidoreductases
    February 2014
  • Thomas Prossliner
    Bachelor Thesis

    Characterization of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase from unconventional yeast Yarrowia lipolytica
    May 2013


Selected Publications

Simon Arhar, Thomas Rauter, Holly Stolterfoht, Vera Lambauer, Regina Kratzer, Margit Winkler, Marianna Karava, Robert Kourist and Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin CO2-based production of phytase from highly stable expression plasmids in Cupriavidus necator H16 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Dominic Goj, Stella Ebner, Melissa Horvat, Simon Arhar, Ludmila Martínková and Margit Winkler Cell-free reduction of carboxylic acids with secreted carboxylic acid reductase Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler, Hannah Breuer and Lukas Schober Aldehyde Reductase activity of Carboxylic Acid Reductases Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Barbora Křístková, Ludmila Martínková, Lenka Rucká, Michael Kotik, Natalia Kulik, Robert Rädisch, Margit Winkler and Miroslav Pátek Immobilization of aldoxime dehydratases on metal affinity resins and use of the immobilized catalysts for the synthesis of nitriles important in fragrance industry Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Hana Dobiašová, Valentina Jurkaš, Frederika Kabátová, Melissa Horvat, Florian Rudroff, Kvetoslava Vranková, Peter Both and Margit Winkler Carboligation towards production of hydroxypentanones Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler, Melissa Horvat, Astrid Schiefer, Victoria Weilch, Florian Rudroff, Miroslav Patek and Ludmila Martínková Organic Acid to Nitrile: a chemoenzymatic three-step route Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katharina Ebner, Lukas Pfeifenberger, Veronika Schusterbauer, Claudia Rinnofner, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Discovery and heterologous expression of unspecific Peroxygenases Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Douglas Weber, Lucas de Souza Bastos, Margit Winkler, Yeke Ni, Abil E. Aliev, Helen C. Hailes and Dörte Rother Multi-enzyme catalysed processes using purified and whole-cell biocatalysts towards a 1,3,4-substituted tetrahydroisoquinoline Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Stefan Giparakis, Margit Winkler and Florian Rudroff Nature stays natural: Two novel chemo-enzymatic one-pot cascades for the synthesis of fragrance & flavor aldehydes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Barbora Kristkova, Robert Rädisch, Natalia Kulik, Melissa Horvat, Lenka Rucká, Michal Grulich, Florian Rudroff, Alan Kadek, Miroslav Patek, Margit Winkler and Ludmila Martínková Scanning aldoxime dehydratase sequence space and characterization of a new aldoxime dehydratase OxdFv from Fusarium vanettenii Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Melissa Horvat, Victoria Weilch, Robert Rädisch, Sebastian Hecko, Astrid Schiefer, Florian Rudroff, Birgit Wilding, Norbert Klempier, Miroslav Patek, Ludmila Martínková and Margit Winkler Chemoenzymatic one-pot reaction from carboxylic acid to nitrile via oxime Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Masethabela Maphatsoe, Chiam Hashem, Jonathan Guyang Ling, Melissa Horvat, Karl Rumbold, Farah Diba Abu Bakar and Margit Winkler Characterization and immobilization of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus carboxylic acid reductase, PcCAR2 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manu Manjunath Kanti, Isabelle Striessnig-Bina, Beatrix Irene Wieser, Silvia Schauer, Gerd Leitinger, Thomas O. Eichmann, Martina Schweiger, Margit Winkler, Elke Winter, Andrea Lana, Iris Kufferath, Leigh Matthew Marsh, Grazyna Kwapiszewska, Rudolf Zechner, Gerald Hoefler and Paul Willibald Vesely Adipose triglyceride lipase mediated lipid catabolism is essential for bronchiolar regeneration Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler and Jonathan Guyang Ling Biocatalytic carboxylate reduction – recent advances and new enzymes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Chiam Hashem, Julius Hochrinner, Moritz Benjamin Bürgler, Claudia Rinnofner, Harald Pichler and Margit Winkler From linoleic acid to hexanal and hexanol by whole cell catalysis with a lipoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase and reductase cascade in Komagataella phaffii Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bastian Daniel, Chiam Hashem, Marlene Leithold, Theo Sagmeister, Adrian Tripp, Holly Stolterfoht-Stock, Julia Messenlehner, Ronan Keegan, Christoph K. Winkler, Jonathan Guyang Ling, Sabry H.H. Younes, Gustav Oberdorfer, Farah Diba Abu Bakar, Karl Gruber, Tea Pavkov-Keller and Margit Winkler Structure of the Reductase Domain of a fungal Carboxylic Acid Reductase and its Substrate Scope in Thioester and Aldehyde Reduction Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anna Schwarz, Sebastian Hecko, Florian Rudroff, Jeffrey Kohrt, Roger Howard and Margit Winkler Cell-free in vitro reduction of carboxylates to aldehydes: with crude enzyme preparations to a key pharmaceutical building block Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sebastian Arndt, Birgit Grill, Helmut Schwab, Georg Steinkellner, Dominik Weis, Urska Pogorevcnik, Alexander Nauth, Karl Gruber, Till Opatz, Kai Donsbach, Siegfried R. Waldvogel and Margit Winkler The sustainable synthesis of levetiracetam by an enzymatic dynamic kinetic resolution and an ex-cell anodic oxidation Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Douglas Weber, D. Patsch, Annikka Neumann, Margit Winkler and Dörte Rother Production of the Carboxylate Reductase from Nocardia otitidiscaviarum in a Soluble, Active Form for in vitro Applications Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Schwendenwein, Anna K. Ressmann, Marcello Entner, Viktor Savic, Margit Winkler and Florian Rudroff Chemo-Enzymatic Cascade for the Generation of Fragrance Aldehydes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Birgit Grill, Melissa Horvat, Helmut Schwab, Ralf Gross, Kai Donsbach and Margit Winkler Gordonia hydrophobica Nitrile Hydratase for Amide preparation from nitriles Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Birgit Grill, Melissa Horvat, Helmut Schwab, Ralf Gross, Kai Donsbach and Margit Winkler Gordonia hydrophobica Nitrile Hydratase for Amide Preparation from NitrilesEnzymes and Biocatalysis95-104 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Strohmeier, Anna Schwarz, Jennifer N. Andexer and Margit Winkler Co-factor demand and regeneration in the enzymatic one-step reduction of carboxylates to aldehydes in cell-free systems Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mihai-Silviu Tomescu, Deidre Davids, Matthew DuPlessis, Barbara Darnhofer, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Robert Archer, Daniel Schwendenwein, Gerhard Thallinger, Margit Winkler and Karl Rumbold High-throughput in-field bioprospecting for cyanogenic plants and hydroxynitrile lyases Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Birgit Grill, Maximilian Glänzer, Helmut Schwab, Steiner Kerstin, Daniel Pienaar, Dean Brady, Kai Donsbach and Margit Winkler Functional Expression and Characterization of a Panel of Cobalt and Iron-Dependent Nitrile Hydratases Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Melissa Horvat and Margit Winkler In vivo reduction of medium- to long-chain fatty acids by carboxylic acid reductase (CAR) enzymes: limitations and solutions Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Chiam Hashem, Holly Stolterfoht, Claudia Rinnofner, Stefan Steinberger, Margit Winkler and Harald Pichler Secretion of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Lipoxygenase by Pichia Pastoris upon Glycerol Feed Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Melissa Horvat, Tanja Saskia Larch, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Amino benzamidoxime (ABAO) based assay to identify efficient aldehyde-producing Pichia pastoris clones Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yating Hu, Zhiwei Zhu, David Gradischnig, Margit Winkler, Jens Nielsen and Verena Siewers Engineering carboxylic acid reductase for selective synthesis of medium-chain fatty alcohols in yeast Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Gernot Strohmeier, Inge Eiteljörg, Anna Schwarz and Margit Winkler Enzymatic One-Step Reduction of Carboxylates to Aldehydes with Cell-Free Regeneration of ATP and NADPH Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Claudia Rinnofner, Bianca Kerschbaumer, Hansjörg Weber, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Cytochrome P450 mediated hydroxylation of ibuprofen using Pichia pastoris as biocatalyst Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Maximilian J.L.J. Fürst, Bianca Kerschbaumer, Claudia Rinnofner, Anna Katharina Migglautsch, Margit Winkler and Marco W Fraaije Exploring the Biocatalytic Potential of a Self‐Sufficient Cytochrome P450 from Thermothelomyces thermophila Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anna K. Ressmann, Daniel Schwendenwein, Simon Leonhartsberger, Marko D. Mihovilovic, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Margit Winkler and Florian Rudroff Substrate-Independent High-Throughput Assay for the Quantification of Aldehydes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Melissa Horvat, Susanne Fritsche, Robert Kourist and Margit Winkler Characterization of Type IV Carboxylate Reductases (CARs) for Whole Cell-Mediated Preparation of 3-Hydroxytyrosol Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Schwendenwein, Anna K. Ressmann, Mark Dörr, Matthias Höhne, Marko D. Mihovilovic, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Random Mutagenesis-Driven Improvement of Carboxylate Reductase Activity Using an Amino Benzamidoxime-Mediated High-Throughput Assay Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Melissa Horvat, Giuseppe Fiume, Susanne Fritsche and Margit Winkler Discovery of carboxylic acid reductase (CAR) from Thermothelomyces thermophilus and its evaluation for vanillin synthesis Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jonathan Guyang Ling, Muhamad Hawari Mansor, Munir Abdul Murad, Rozida Mohd. Khalid, Doris Huai-Xia Quay, Margit Winkler and Farah Diba Abu Bakar A functionally-distinct carboxylic acid reductase (PcCAR4) unearthed from a repertoire of type IV CARs in the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisa Lanfranchi, Birgit Grill, Zainab Raghoebar, Sander Van Pelt, Roger A Sheldon, Kerstin Steiner, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Production of Hydroxynitrile Lyase from Davallia tyermannii (DtHNL) in Komagataella phaffii and Its Immobilization as a CLEA to Generate a Robust Biocatalyst Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Holly Stolterfoht, Georg Steinkellner, Daniel Schwendenwein, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Karl Gruber and Margit Winkler Identification of key residues for enzymatic carboxylate reduction Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Anna Katharina Migglautsch, Melissa Willim, Bettina Schweda, Anton Glieder, Rolf Breinbauer and Margit Winkler Aliphatic hydroxylation and epoxidation of capsaicin by Cytochrome P450 CYP505X Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Yan Liu, Rong Gong, Xiaoqin Liu, Peichao Zhang, Qi Zhang, You-Sheng Cai, Zixin Deng, Margit Winkler, Jianguo Wu and Wenqing Chen Discovery and characterization of the tubercidin biosynthetic pathway from Streptomyces tubercidicus NBRC 13090 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Holly Stolterfoht, Daniel Schwendenwein, Christoph Wilhelm Sensen, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Four distinct types of E.C. enzymes can catalyze the reduction of carboxylic acids to aldehydes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisa Lanfranchi, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Eva-Maria Koehler, Matthias Diepold, Kerstin Steiner, Barbara Darnhofer, Jürgen Hartler, Tom Van Den Bergh, Henk-Jan Joosten, Mandana Gruber-Khadjawi, Gerhard G Thallinger, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Karl Gruber, Margit Winkler and Anton Glieder Enzyme discovery beyond homology Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Bayer, Thomas Wiesinger, Sofia Milker, Margit Winkler, Marko D. Mihovilovic and Florian Rudroff In Vivo Synthesis of Polyhydroxylated Compounds from a “Hidden Reservoir” of Toxic Aldehyde Species Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisa Lanfranchi, Tea Pavkov-Keller, Eva-Maria Koehler, Matthias Diepold, Kerstin Steiner, Barbara Darnhofer, Jürgen Hartler, Tom Van Den Bergh, Henk-Jan Joosten, Mandana Gruber-Khadjawi, Gerhard G Thallinger, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Karl Gruber, Margit Winkler and Anton Glieder Erratum Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Filippo Fiorentini, Martina Geier, Claudia Binda, Margit Winkler, Kurt Faber, Mélanie Hall and Andrea Matteiv Biocatalytic Characterization of Human FMO5: Unearthing Baeyer-Villiger Reactions in Humans Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler and Christoph K. Winkler TRAMETES VERSICOLOR CARBOXYLATE REDUCTASE UNCOVERED Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marcia Ferreira Antunes, Fabian K. Eggimann, Matthias Kittelmann, Stephan Lütz, Steven P. Hanlon, Beat Wirz, Thorsten Bachler and Margit Winkler Human xanthine oxidase recombinant in E. coli: A whole cell catalyst for preparative drug metabolite synthesis Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Weinhandl, Melanie Ballach, Margit Winkler, Ahmad Mudassar, Anton Glieder, Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Ian Fotheringham and Franck Escalettes Pichia pastoris mutants as host strains for efficient secretion of recombinant Branched Chain Aminotransferase (BCAT) Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel Schwendenwein, Giuseppe Fiume, Hansjörg Weber, Florian Rudroff and Margit Winkler Selective Enzymatic Transformation to Aldehydes in vivo by Fungal Carboxylate Reductase from Neurospora crassa Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler, Katharina Dokulil, Hansjörg Weber, Tea Pavkov-Keller and Birgit Wilding The Nitrile forming Enzyme 7-Cyano-7-deazaguanine Synthase from Geobacillus kaustophilus: A reverse Nitrilase? Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Martina Geier, Thorsten Bachler, Steven P Hanlon, Fabian K Eggimann, Matthias Kittelmann, Hansjörg Weber, Stephan Lütz, Beat Wirz and Margit Winkler Human FMO2-based microbial whole-cell catalysts for drug metabolite synthesis Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Corinna Odar, Margit Winkler and Birgit Wiltschi Fluoro amino acids: A rarity in nature, yet a prospect for protein engineering Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler Drug Metabolite Synthesis with Human Enzymes Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisa Lanfranchi, Eva-Maria Köhler, Barbara Darnhofer, Kerstin Steiner, Ruth Birner-Grünberger, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Bioprospecting for Hydroxynitrile Lyases by Blue Native PAGE Coupled HCN Detection Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Steven P. Hanlon, Matthias Kittelmann and Margit Winkler SEMI-PREPARATIVE SCALE DRUG METABOLITE SYNTHESIS WITH HUMAN FLAVIN MONOOXYGENASESPractical Methods in Biocatalysis and Biotransformations135-139 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kamila Napora, Gernot Strohmeier and Margit Winkler Biocatalytic reduction of carboxylic acids Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Weinhandl, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Andrea Camattari Carbon source dependent promoters in yeasts Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Weinhandl, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Andrea Camattari Extracellular transaminases for biocatalysisNew BiotechnologyS198-S198 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler, Kamilla Napora-Wijata, Birgit Wilding and Norbert Klempier Unconventional Enzymatic Reductions: Nitriles and Carboxylates as SubstratesNew BiotechnologyS1-S2 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler, Martina Geier, Thorsten Bachler, Steven P Hanlon, Matthias Kittelmann, Anton Glieder, Stephan Lütz and Beat Wirz Human flavin monooxygenase 2: Heterologous expression in E. coli and API modificationNew BiotechnologyS82-S82 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Elisa Lanfranchi, Kerstin Steiner, Anton Glieder, Ivan Hajnal, Roger A. Sheldon, Sander van Pelt and Margit Winkler Mini-Review: Recent Developments in Hydroxynitrile Lyases for Industrial Biotechnology Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Kamila Napora, Tanja Wrodnigg, Patrick Kosmus, Martin Thonhofer, Karen Robins and Margit Winkler Yarrowia lipolytica dehydrogenase/reductase: An enzyme tolerant for lipophilic compounds and carbohydrate substrates Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Birgit Wilding, Margit Winkler, Barbara Petschacher, Regina Kratzer, Sigrid Egger, Georg Steinkellner, Andrzej Franciszek Lyskowski, Bernd Nidetzky, Karl Gruber and Norbert Klempier Targeting the Substrate Binding Site of E. coli Nitrile Reductase QueF by Modeling, Substrate and Enzyme Engineering Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Kerstin Steiner C–X Bond Formation: Hydroxynitrile lyases: From Nature to ApplicationComprehensive Chirality350-371 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Birgit Wilding, Margit Winkler, Regina Kratzer, Barbara Petschacher, Anton Glieder and Norbert Klempier NITRILE REDUCTASE FROM GEOBACILLUS KAUSTOPHILUS: A POTENTIAL CATALYST FOR A NEW NITRILE BIOTRANSFORMATION REACTION Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Katrin Weinhandl, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Andrea Camattari A novel multi-enzymatic high throughput assay for transaminase activity Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler Organ Function in Shake Flasks: Recombinant Human Enzymes for the Pharmaceutical Industry Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler and David O'Hagan Synthesis of Fluorinated Neurotransmitter AnaloguesFluorine in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry : From Biophysical Aspects to Clinical Applications299-331 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Steven P. Hanlon, Andrea Camattari, Sandra Abad, Anton Glieder, Beat Wirz, Matthias Kittelmann, Stephan Lütz and Margit Winkler Expression of recombinant human flavin monooxygenase and moclobemide-N-oxide synthesis on multi-mg scale Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Margit Winkler and Andrea Camattari Recombinant Human Flavin Monooxygenases: Expression and Moclobemide N-oxide Synthesis on Semi-Preparative ScaleNew BiotechnologyS236-S237 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Matthias Schittmayer, Anton Glieder, Michael Karl Uhl, Andreas Winkler, Simone Zach, Jörg Schrittwieser, Wolfgang Kroutil, Peter Macheroux, Karl Gruber, Spiros Kambourakis, J. David Rozzell and Margit Winkler Old Yellow Enzyme catalyzed dehydrogenation of saturated ketones Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sandra Abad, Jozef Nahalka, Margit Winkler, Gabriele Bergler, Robert Speight, Anton Glieder and Bernd Nidetzky HIGH LEVEL EXPRESSION OF RHODOTORULA GRACILIS D-AMINO ACID OXIDASE IN PICHIA PASTORIS Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ulrike Schreiner, Bianca Hecher, Sascha Obrowsky, Kerstin Waich, Norbert Klempier, Georg Steinkellner, Karl Gruber, J. David Rozzell, Anton Glieder and Margit Winkler Directed evolution of Alcaligenes faecalis nitrilase Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ulrike Schreiner, Georg Steinkellner, Anton Glieder, J. David Rozzell and Margit Winkler IMPROVED FITNESS OF ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA NITRILASE 2 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Daniel E Torres Pazmiño, Margit Winkler, Anton Glieder and Marco W Fraaije Monooxygenases as biocatalysts: classification, mechanistic aspects and biotechnological applications Publikation in PURE anzeigen

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Team Leader
Margit Winkler
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.