
HiLITe: High Level Integration Technology

Radio fingerprinting is a simple and wide spread method to estimate positions indoors. The main disadvantage of fingerprinting is, that the establishment of these radio maps is time consuming and, due to changes within buildings. Therefore, the goal of this research project is, to come up with solutions how to optimize the time needed to create radio maps for fingerprinting. Thereby, the automated interpolation of radio map points will be evaluated. Next to that, the creation of spatially restricted radio map areas, especially for a parking garage, has to be evaluated. Within this evaluation, the real time integration of vehicle data in between these spatially distributed radio map areas has to be carried out. Alike, the concept of a crowdsourcing algorithm to automatically create radio maps has to be evaluated for the specific case of parking garages. Finally, the evaluated algorithms have to be optimized and tested thoroughly for real-time use within the given applications.


Logo of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.
This project was funded by the Austrian Promotion Agency (FFG).



Eva M. Buchmayer
Steyrergasse 30/II
8010 Graz
Tel: +43/316/873-6833