Jesus Pestana Puerta, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Thomas Holzmann, Daniel Muschick, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst Bischof Graz Griffins’ Solution to the European Robotics Challenges 2014Austrian Robotics Workshop
Friedrich Fraundorfer Building and site reconstruction from small scale unmanned aerial vehicles (uav's)Proceedings Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)1-4
E. Poehler, C. Herzog, S.A. Pfeiffer, C. Lotter, A.J. Peretzki, D. Aigner, T. Mayr, E. Beckert and S. Nagl Application of optical pH sensors in the microfluidic free-flow isoelectric focusing of biomoleculesProcedia Engineering
Gottfried Graber, Thomas Pock, Stefano Soatto and Jonathan Balzer Efficient Minimal-Surface Regularization of Perspective Depth Maps in Variational StereoThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)511-520
Darko Stern and Martin Urschler Learning-based Information Fusion for Fully Automatic MRI Age EstimationICCV 2015 Workshop on Forensics Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (FACV)
Bernhard Kainz, Christina Malamateniou, Giulio Ferrazzi, Maria Murgasova, Jan Egger, Kevin Keraudren, Mary Rutherford, Joseph Hajnal and Daniel Rueckert Adaptive Scan Strategies for fetal MRI Imaging using Slice to Volume TechniquesIEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to Macro
Walter Unterpirker, Thomas Ebner, Darko Stern and Martin Urschler Automatic third molar localization from 3D MRI using random regression forestsProceedings of the 19th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis195-200
Peter Mohr, Bernhard Kerbl, Michael Donoser, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg Retargeting Technical Documentation to Augmented RealityConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Philip Voglreiter, Jürgen Wallner, Knut Reinbacher, Katja Schwenzer-Zimmerer, Dieter Schmalstieg and Jan Egger Global Illumination Rendering for High-Quality Volume Visualization in the Medical Domainface 2 face - science meets art
Markus Rumpler, Alexander Tscharf, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof and Gerhard Mayer On the use of UAVs in Mining and Archaeology - Geo-accurate 3D Reconstructions using Various Platforms and Terrestrial ViewsProceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics (UAV-g)
David Ferstl, Christian Reinbacher, Gernot Riegler, Matthias Rüther and Horst Bischof Learning Depth Calibration of Time-of-Flight CamerasBritish Machine Vision Conference
Jan Egger, Harald Busse, Michael Moche, Philipp Brandmaier, Daniel Seider, Matthias Gawlitza, Steffen Strocka, Nikita Garnov, Jochen Fuchs, Peter Voigt, Florian Dazinger, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Alexander Hann, Bernd Freisleben, Thomas Kahn and Dieter Schmalstieg Semi-automatische Segmentierung von Schädigungszonen in post-interventionellen CT-DatenWorkshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Tobias Lüddemann and Jan Egger Interaktive und skalierungsinvariante Segmentierung des Rektums/Sigmoid in intraoperativen MRT-Aufnahmen für die gynäkologische BrachytherapieWorkshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Jens Grubert, Christian Reinbacher, Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg Mobile User Interfaces for Efficient Verification of HologramsVirtual Reality Conference1-8
Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer, Markus Rumpler and Horst Bischof Aktueller Forschungsstand zur Genauigkeit UAV-gestützter TagebauvermessungSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie
Georg Waltner, Michael Schwarz, Stefan Ladstätter, Anna Weber, Patrick Luley, Horst Bischof, Meinrad Lindschinger, Irene Schmid and Lucas Paletta MANGO - Mobile Augmented Reality with Functional Eating Guidance and Food AwarenessNew Trends in Image Analysis and Processing -- ICIAP 2015 Workshops425-432
Jens Grubert, Matthias Heinisch, Aaron Quigley and Dieter Schmalstieg MultiFi: Multi Fidelity Interaction with Displays On and Around the BodyConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Phil Weir, Dominic Reuter, Roland Ellerweg, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Philip Voglreiter, Panchatcharam Mariappan, Ronan Flanagan, Chang Sub Park, Stephen Payne, Elmar Staerk, Peter Voigt, Michael Moche and Marina Kolesnik Go-Smart: Web-based Computational Modeling of Minimally Invasive Cancer TreatmentsE-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 20150-0
Mahdi Jampour, Thomas Mauthner and Horst Bischof Pairwise Linear Regression: An Efficient and Fast Multi-view Facial Expression RecognitionProceedings of International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
Vincent Lepetit Learning Descriptors for Object Recognition and 3D Pose EstimationConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1-10
Georg Poier, Konstantinos Roditakis, Samuel Schulter, Michel Damien, Horst Bischof and Argyros Antonis Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting UncertaintiesProceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2015182.1-182.14
Bernhard Kerbl, Denis Kalkofen and Dieter Schmalstieg Interactive Disassembly Planning of Complex ObjectsEurographics
Vincent Lepetit TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtectorConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1-10
Thomas Holzmann, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Daniel Muschick, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof and Gottfried Graber Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Algorithms for MAVsWorkshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition1-8
David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst Bischof Variational Depth Superresolution using Example-Based Edge RepresentationsInternational Conference on Computer Vision513-521
Clemens Arth, Christian Pirchheim, Jonathan Ventura, Dieter Schmalstieg and Vincent Lepetit Instant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D MapsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Vincent Lepetit and Mahdi Rad A Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Monocular ImagesInternational Conference on Computer Vision1-8
Kristan Matej, Jiři Matas, Aleš Leonardis, Michael Felsberg, Luka Čehovin, Gustavo Fernández, Tomáš Vojíř, Gustav Häger, Georg Nebehay, Roman Pflugfelder, Abhinav Gupta, Adel Bibi, Alan Lukežič, Alvaro Garcia-Martin, Alfredo Petrosino, Amir Saffari, Andrés Solís Montero, Anton Varfolomieiev, Atilla Baskurt, Baojun Zhao, Bernard Ghanem, Brais Martinez, Byeong Ju Lee, Bohyung Han, Chaohui Wang, Christophe Garcia, Chunyuan Zhang, Cordelia Schmid, Dacheng Tao, Daijin Kim, Dafei Huang, Danil Prokhorov, Dawei Du, Dit-Yan Yeung, Eraldo Ribeiro, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Fatih Porikli, Filiz Bunyak, Gao Zhu, Guna Seetharaman, Hilke Kieritz, Hing Tuen Yau, Hongdong Li, Honggang Qi, Horst Bischof, Horst Possegger, Hyemin Lee, Hyeonseob Nam, Ivan Bogun, Jae-chan Jeong, Jae-il Cho, Jae-Yeong Lee, Jianke Zhu, Jianping Shi, Jiatong Li, Jiaya Jia, Jiayi Feng, Jin Gao, Jin Young Choi, Ji-Wan Kim, Jochen Lang, Jose M. Martinez, Jongwon Choi, Junliang Xing, Kai Xue, Kannappan Palaniappan, Karel Lebeda, Karteek Alahari, Ke Gao, Kimin Yun, Kin Hong Wong, Lei Luo, Liang Ma, Lipeng Ke, Longyin Wen, Luca Bertinetto, Mahdieh Pootschi, Mario Maresca, Martin Danelljan, Mei Wen, Mengdan Zhang, Michael Arens, Michel Valstar, Ming Tang, Ming-Ching Chang, Muhammad Haris Khan, Nana Fan, Naiyan Wang, Ondrej Miksik, Philip Torr, Qiang Wang, Rafael Martin-Nieto, Rengarajan Pelapur, Richard Bowden, Robert Laganière, Salma Moujtahid, Sam Hare, Simon Hadfield, Siwei Lyu, Siyi Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Stefan Becker, Stefan Duffner, Stephen Hicks, Stuart Golodetz, Sunglok Choi, Tianfu Wu, Thomas Mauthner, Tony Pridmore, Weiming Hu, Wolfgang Hübner, Xiaomeng Wang, Xin Li, Xinchu Shi, Xu Zhao, Xue Mei, Yao Shizeng, Yang Hua, Yang Li, Yang Lu, Yuezun Li, Zhaoyun Chen, Zehua Huang, Zhe Chen, Zhe Zhang, Zhenyu He and Zhibin Hong The Visual Object Tracking VOT2015 challenge resultsWorkshop on the Visual Object Tracking Challenge (VOT, in conjunction with ICCV)
Michael Pienn, Christian Payer, Andrea Olschewski, Horst Olschewski, Martin Urschler and Zoltan Balint Increased tortuosity of pulmonary arteries in patients with pulmonary hypertension in the arteriesProceedings of the 19th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis86-91
Bridgette Webb, Andreas Petrovic, Martin Urschler and Eva Scheurer Co-registration of photographs and MRI data: Evaluation and application of external fiducial markers in the forensic investigation of subcutaneous hematomasJoint ISFRI/IAFR Conference---
Vincent Lepetit Leaf Segmentation under Loosely Controlled ConditionsBritish Machine Vision Conference1-12
Alexander Plopski, Christian Nitschke, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Dieter Schmalstieg and Haruo Takemura Hybrid Eye Tracking - Combining Iris Contour and Corneal ImagingEurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments183-190
Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent Lepetit Training a Feedback Loop for Hand Pose EstimationInternational Conference on Computer Vision1-8
Samuel Schulter, Christian Leistner and Horst Bischof Fast and accurate image upscaling with super-resolution forestsConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Manuel Hofer, Michael Maurer and Horst Bischof Line3D: Efficient 3D Scene Abstraction for the Built EnvironmentProceedings of the 37th German Conference on Pattern Recognition237-248
Shreyansh Daftry, Christof Hoppe and Horst Bischof Building with Drones: Accurate 3D Facade Reconstruction using MAVsInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation
Vincent Lepetit Hashmod: A Hashing Method for Scalable 3D Object DetectionBritish Machine Vision Conference1-12
Lukas Gruber, Jonathan Ventura and Dieter Schmalstieg Image-Space Illumination for Augmented Reality in Dynamic EnvironmentsVirtual Reality Conference
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Werner Alexander Isop, Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg Towards Mobile Recognition and Verification of Holograms using Orthogonal SamplingInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Naira Martinez-Vera, Johannes Höller, Bernhard Neumayer, Thomas Widek, Sabine Grassegger, Thomas Ehammer, Eva Scheurer and Martin Urschler Age estimation in adolescents and young adults using MRI data of the manubrium23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Cledja Rolim, Dieter Schmalstieg, Denis Kalkofen and Veronica Teichrieb Design Guidelines for Generating Augmented Reality InstructionsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Alexander Shekhovtsov, Paul Swoboda and Bogdan Savchynskyy Maximum Persistency via Iterative Relaxed Inference With Graphical ModelsThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart and Vincent Lepetit Hands Deep in Deep Learning for Hand Pose Estimation Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 21-30
Andreas Daniel Hartl, Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg Real-time Detection and Recognition of Machine-Readable Zones with Mobile DevicesInternational Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications1-1
Vincent Lepetit Projection onto the Manifold of Elongated Structures for Accurate ExtractionInternational Conference on Computer Vision1-8
Yunjin Chen, Wei Yu and Thomas Pock On learning optimized reaction diffusion processes for effective image restorationInternational Conference on Computer Vision
Gernot Riegler, Rene Ranftl, Matthias Rüther, Thomas Pock and Horst Bischof Depth Restoration via Joint Training of a Global Regression Model and CNNsBritish Machine Vision Conference
Peter Ochs, Rene Ranftl, Thomas Brox and Thomas Pock Bilevel optimization with nonsmooth lower level problemsProceedings of SSVM 2015
Wei Yu, Stefan Heber and Thomas Pock Learning Reaction-Diffusion Models for Image InpaintingPattern Recognition356-367
Jan Egger, Harald Busse, Philipp Brandmaier, Daniel Seider, Matthias Gawlitza, Steffen Strocka, Philip Voglreiter, Mark Dokter, Michael Hofmann, Bernhard Kainz, Xiaojun Chen, Alexander Hann, Pedro Boechat de Almeida Germano, Wei Yu, Bernd Freisleben, Tuomas Alhonnoro, Mika Pollari, Michael Moche and Dieter Schmalstieg RFA-Cut: Semi-automatic Segmentation of Radiofrequency Ablation Zones with and without Needles via Optimal s-t-CutsAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Stephan Schraml, A.N. Belbachier and Horst Bischof Event-Driven Stereo Matching for Real-Time 3D Panoramic VisionConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Alexander Effland, Martin Rumpf, Stefan Simon, Kirsten Stahn and Benedikt Wirth Bézier Curves in the Space of Images.International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision372-384
Gernot Riegler, David Ferstl, Matthias Rüther and Horst Bischof A Framework for Articulated Hand Pose Estimation and EvaluationScandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
Horst Possegger, Thomas Mauthner and Horst Bischof In Defense of Color-based Model-free TrackingConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Gernot Riegler, Martin Urschler, Matthias Rüther, Horst Bischof and Darko Stern Anatomical landmark detection in medical applications driven by synthetic dataIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW)85-89
Georg Poier, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Christian Reinbacher, Thomas Breiteneder, Horst Bischof, Samuel Schulter and Markus Seidl Interactive Segmentation of Rock-Art in High-Resolution 3D ReconstructionsProceedings of Digital Heritage 20151-8
Horst Bischof and Gerald Gaberscik Forschungskultur - Qualitätskultur: Wie kann das Qualitätsmanagement einer Universität ein förderndes Umfeld für Forschung schaffen?Qualitätssicherung zwischen Diversifizierung der Hochschulen und Vereinheitlichung der Standards71-78
Thomas Mauthner, Horst Possegger, Georg Waltner and Horst Bischof Encoding based Saliency Detection for Videos and ImagesConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Vincent Lepetit, Clemens Arth and Jonathan Daniel Ventura An Efficient Minimal Solution for Multi-Camera MotionInternational Conference on Computer Vision1-8
Martin Urschler, Kerstin Hammernik, Thomas Ebner and Darko Stern Automatic Intervertebral Disc Localization and Segmentation in 3D MR Images based on Regression Forests and Active ContoursProceedings 3rd MICCAI Workshop & Challenge: Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging (MICCAI-CSI)124-134
Gernot Riegler, Samuel Schulter, Matthias Rüther and Horst Bischof Conditioned Regression Models for Non-Blind Single Image Super-ResolutionInternational Conference on Computer Vision
Vincent Lepetit You Should Use Regression to Detect CellsInternational Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention1-8
Philipp Fleck, Clemens Arth, Christian Pirchheim and Dieter Schmalstieg Tracking and Mapping with a Swarm of Heterogeneous ClientsInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Teresa Klatzer and Thomas Pock Continuous Hyper-parameter Learning for Support Vector MachinesComputer Vision Winter Workshop
Vincent Lepetit Flying Objects Detection from a Single Moving CameraConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition1-10