Summer Project Program 2024

With the Summer Project Program the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision provides an efficient opportunity to finish a bachelor thesis or master project within just three months (July to September). Interested students can apply for a limited number of positions including an official working contract as student assistant (20 hours per week for bachelor thesis, 14 hours per week for master project), a one-to-one supervision by an experienced advisor, and a modern work space at the institute. In particular, this applies for the following courses:

  • 710.014 Computer Vision Project
  • 710.015 Computer Graphics Project
  • 710.101 Seminar/Project Image Analysis
  • 710.102 Seminar/Project Computer Graphics
  • 710.116 Project
  • 717.012 Master-Praktikum

For open topics, please have a look on our student project page.

In general, the Summer Project Program follows the same rules as all other project oriented courses at ICG! However, it is assumed that the project will be finished during the contract, requiring to give a presentation in the official class in October. Participants are also expected to participate in the regular student meeting held every Thursday 11:00-12:00 for general discussion and progress updates.


  • Due to the limited number of available positions, there will be a competitive selection procedure, requiring to hand in
    • the commitment of supervision of the corresponding advisor,
    • a cumulative record of certificates, and
    • a short letter of motivation (not longer than half a page).
  • Please send all documents (as single PDF) to


Important Dates
  • Deadline:  April 26, 2024
  • Notification: May 6, 2024
  • Start of work: July 1, 2024
+43 316 873 - 5076