Logo InfraTrans2040.

The general objective of this project is the comprehensive elaboration and evaluation of three expansion scenarios for the energy infrastructure of the energy carriers electricity, gas, and heat to enable a sustainable, climate-neutral economic and energy system in Austria by 2040.

We apply a model-based investigation approach in which we establish a soft link between three models (ATLANTIS, HyFlow, ASCANIO), specialized and proven for their respective purpose of investigation. We then develop infrastructure expansion plans for three different scenarios (import/export-orientation, sector coupling, and energy efficiency), which represent the first core outcome of the project. A multi-criteria analysis and - assessment synthesizes technical, techno-economic, macro-economic, and environmental aspects and allows a systematic and comprehensive comparison of the scenarios. The resulting scenario-based transformation pathways represent the second core outcome of the project. A GIS-based and web-enabled map for energy infrastructures, potentials of renewable energies and sectoral energy demands, constitute the third key outcome and ensure a clear and user-friendly presentation of the complex interrelationships.

Project duration

  • Start: 10.2021
  • End: 07.2023

Contributors of the institute


Funding agency


Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910


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