RDM/Support & Service/Data Champions/Events

Data Champions: RDM Tools in action

On 27.05.2021, the third Data Champions meeting was held in Gather.town, where the Data Champions could also bring interested colleagues to introduce them to RDM topics, network and raise awareness of good RDM practice. Data Steward Sarah Stryeck presented CyVerse Austria for data management and data analytics, highlighted its advantages and explained the tool on concrete use cases. Data Champion Jakob Harden introduced the participants to Git by giving them an introduction to version control systems (VCS), Git as well as Gitlab at TU Graz with instructions on how to manage and host projects in Gitlab. Moreover, Data Steward Alexander Gruber presented the newest features of the TU Graz Repository (invenioRDM). Like last time, there was also the opportunity to network and ask questions in relaxed "Connect & Talk" sessions which make a valuable contribution to building the RDM community @ TU Graz. 

The next meeting will be held in Gather.town in July 2021. The "Data Champion" community at TU Graz is being established as part of the research field of action in the "Digital TU Graz" project.