Sonja Wogrin
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. M.Sc.
+43 316 873 - 7900

Researcher Profiles
Pure: sonja-wogrin
OrcID: 0000-0002-3889-7197
Google Scholar ID: ZbabDn4AAAAJ
Researcher ID: E-5022-2017
SCOPUS: 37119657300
ResearchGate: Sonja_Wogrin
IEEE: 37706131400
LinkedIn: sonja-wogrin-a7461711

Sonja Wogrin erwarb ihren Dipl.-Ing. in Technischer Mathematik an der TU Graz (Juni 2008) und Master of Science in Computation for Design and Optimization am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Oktober 2008). Sie promovierte (Juni 2013) am Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) der Universidad Pontificia Comillas, wo sie auch als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (ab Mai 2009) und außerordentliche Professorin in der Abteilung Industrielle Organisation tätig war. Seit August 2021 leitet sie das Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation der TU Graz. Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich der Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme im Energiesektor, der Optimierung und insbesondere des Problems der Erzeugungskapazitätserweiterung.

Optimierung, Bilevel-Programmierung, Kapazitätserweiterungsplanung, Energiespeicher.


  • European Commission - Europäische Kommission, EU
Beginn: 31.12.2023
Ende: 30.12.2028
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Beginn: 31.05.2024
Ende: 30.05.2027
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Beginn: 30.11.2023
Ende: 29.11.2026
  • KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts- Aktiengesellschaft
Beginn: 31.12.2023
Ende: 30.07.2024
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Beginn: 30.09.2022
Ende: 30.03.2024
  • Austrian Power Grid AG, APG
Beginn: 30.06.2023
Ende: 30.10.2023
  • Netz Niederösterreich GmbH
Beginn: 31.05.2023
Ende: 30.10.2023
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
  • Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) , FFG
Beginn: 30.09.2021
Ende: 30.03.2023
  • Österreichs E-Wirtschaft
Beginn: 30.09.2022
Ende: 30.03.2023
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
Beginn: 31.10.2020
Ende: 30.10.2022
  • Energie Steiermark AG
Beginn: 21.09.2020
Ende: 30.09.2022

Vergangene Projekte

Analysis of impact factors in mechanical life cycle tests

The objective of the project is the analysis of data from different mechanical tests to determine the factors that significantly affect the useful life.


  • Inesco Ingenieros SL


  • Beginn: Juni 2021
  • Ende: September 2021

Analysis of security of supply of the Colombian power system under scenarios of high renewable penetration and energy storage

In this project we carry out an analysis of the security of supply of the Colombian power system considering scenarios of high renewable penetration and energy storage. In technical case studies we analyze the impact that renewable generation and energy storage operations have on optimal operations of the Colombian power system, and in particular, on the thermal plants Termobarranquilla and Termocandelaria.


  • Termobaranquilla S.A, Termocandelaria


  • Beginn: Mai 2021
  • Ende: Dezember 2021

Roadmap for the national strategy for the production and use of hydrogen in Colombia

The objective of the project is to develop the roadmap for the implementation of hydrogen in Colombia. Among other tasks, it is necessary to evaluate the competitiveness of hydrogen in Colombia, calculate the internal demand and evaluate the regulatory enablers.


  • Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)


  • Beginn: April 2021
  • Ende: September 2021

Assessment of the storage needs for the Spanish electric system in a horizon 2020-2050 with large share of renewables

This project assesses, from a technical and economic point of view, the daily, weekly and seasonal storage needs for the Spanish electricity system in the 2020-2050 horizon, considering the different storage technologies, as well as keys such as the flexibility of demand or hydroelectric availability.


  • Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE)


  • Beginn: Jänner 2021
  • Ende: März 2021

European Research

The call intends to finance aid for the preparation of proposals for R + D + I projects in transnational collaboration led by Spanish research groups aimed at the calls for the European Union Research and Innovation Framework Program for the period 2014-2020 (H2020) and the period 2021-2027 (Horizon Europe).


  • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI)


  • Beginn: November 2020
  • Ende: Jänner 2022

The economic viability of storage technologies in the power sector of the future: an economic and environmental analysis

Energy storage technologies (and especially batteries) are bound to play a fundamental role in the transition to a decarbonized power system. It will be a key ingredient to integrate a high penetration of renewables and to provide flexibility and services to power and distribution system operators. Among these services is the provision of operating reserves or congestion management. However, under the current regulatory scheme the economic viability of these services is by no means guaranteed in the power system of the future.

The main objective of this project is: first, to quantify the social and environmental welfare generated by storage technologies in highly decarbonized power systems; second, to analyze which of the services are economically viable in a liberalized electricity sector; and finally, establish which are the regulatory measures most adequate to guarantee the economic viability of storage technologies thereby closing the gap between the technically possible and the economically viable.


  • Fundación Iberdrola España


  • Beginn: September 2020
  • Ende: August 2021

State of the art of unit commitment models

In this project we review the state of the art of short-term operation models with two complementary focuses: i) the first one emphasizing the representation of the transmission network and ii) the second one the thermal units. The latest objective of this review is to allow the development of a single model for supportin the short-term operation including both perspectives.
The state of the art review will include not only an academic point of view but also the mathematical specification and the computer implementation in models suitable for being used in the daily operation of the Colombian system done by the Dispatch.


  • XM


  • Beginn: Juni 2017
  • Ende: Juni 2018

Generation expansion and renewable technologies

The objectives of the project include a strategic analysis in order to consider which factors among those that currently determine de Spanish and Portuguese electric system are the most relevant for generation expansion as well as the best way to address them, the continuous update of the methods that are currently used and the assistance in the usage of the models and tools that are active nowadays.


  • Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L


  • Beginn: Jänner 2017
  • Ende: Dezember 2017

Strategic network and generation expansion planning under uncertainty in the electricity market

An an effort to mitigate climate change and to achieve a sustainable supply of energy, the Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad – and in particular the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016 – seeks to promote research and development (R&D) of renewable energy (RE) technologies and to foster their adoption by the market. The challenge to obtain “safe, efficient and clean energy”, declared by the Estrategia Española de Ciencia y Tecnología y de Innovación, is also in line with the the EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). Indeed, given the deregulation of energy sectors, i.e., both electricity and natural gas, in most EU member states, power companies would adopt RE technologies only if they contributed to their profit-maximising incentives. Furthermore, since RE technologies like wind and solar power are typically intermittent and uncertain in their output and geographically dispersed, their viability will depend on integration with the existing transmission network. However, grid-expansion decisions are taken by separate entities with differing and even conflicting objectives, i.e., welfare-maximising regulated transmission system operators (TSOs). Most policy-enabling models of the EU energy system overlook these intricacies and are based on assumptions of either perfect competition or perfect foresight, which do not adequately reflect the current paradigm and, thus, may lead to flawed market designs. Consequently, in order for the Spanish Plan Estatal’s objectives to be achieved, policymakers and market participants alike will require an enhanced understanding of how market fundamentals and strategic behaviour interact. Towards that end, STEXEM will develop completely new models that will be better suited for the research challenge of uncovering the impact of policy measures and market designs on investment and operational decisions in deregulated industries. Moreover, STEXEM will carry out state-of-the-art analyses based on stochastic optimisation and game theory in order to provide insights on efficient market design, the sustainable integration of RE and storage technologies, and the transmission investment necessary to maintain system security.


  • Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad


  • Beginn: Dezember 2016
  • Ende: Dezember 2020

Medium-term electricity generation/transmission model for the Mexican electric energy system

Development of a medium-term electricity generation model for the Mexican electric energy system able to represent the transmission network (500-600 nodes). The model is to be used to forecast nodal electricity prices.


  • Renovare


  • Beginn: Februar 2016
  • Ende: Jänner 2017

Generation capacity expansion studies

The main goal of this project is to extend the capabilities of Expande model in order to take into account when making investment decisions, both in thermal and in renewable technologies, technical details that arise in hourly operation. Besides, the model allows to include profitability and other strategic criteria.


  • Enel Iberoamerica S.R.L.


  • Beginn: Jänner 2016
  • Ende: Dezember 2016

Overall planning of generation capacity

In this project tasks to maximize the capabilities of the new estimation module renewable capacity were developed. Some parts of the algorithm that were heuristically computed, as the annual breakdown of the new investments are now more systematically. The new model also allows extensions to include performance criteria in calculating the expansion. Open tasks also are considered to adapt the model to the circumstances of the sector during 2015.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2015
  • Ende: Dezember 2015

Long-term energy risk management: portfolio evaluation and optimization of strategies

The aim of this collaboration between IIT and Endesa is to continue the development of the ARIES tool for long-term risk management. Specifically, in this stage the adaptation of the tool to the user´s needs is addressed, as well as the implementation of improvements in the long-term time series module and in the electric market module.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2015
  • Ende: Dezember 2015

Analysis of KAPSARC energy model

Collaboration with KAPSARC’s energy systems modeling team on the development of the KAPSARC Energy Model. This involves providing assistance and suggestions on various modeling issues, like the incorporation of intermittent sources of energy or the formulation of MPEC/EPEC problems.




  • Beginn: Juni 2014
  • Ende: Juli 2014

Innomerics DOS - development of innovative modeling tools to increase the operating and economic efficiency of thermal generators

This proyect is a collaboration between the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, the Universidad de Cantabria and Innomerics under the RETOS program to develop innovative modeling tools to increase the operating and economic efficiency of thermal generators. Please see the Spanish description for further details.


  • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


  • Beginn: Februar 2014
  • Ende: Dezember 2016

Generation capacity studies with high level of renewable energies penetration

This project deals with the analysis and improvement of algorithms and methods
used by Endesa for the preparation of its annual capacity plan and to
other studies associated with it. During 2013 the model Expande has been extended to work with multiple scenarios considering some stochastic input variables.
Project goals include continuous updating of the methods used to enhance and expand the capabilities of the models, adapt to ensure
regulatory changes expected to be presented in the coming months and assistance for the use of the tools. This proposal raises on the one hand tasks oriented to stochastic modeling and
on the other, tasks to refine the results obtained in the execution based of scenarios.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2014
  • Ende: Dezember 2014

Development of a long-term energy risk management model

The objective of this project between IIT and Endesa is to continue the development of a tool which allows Endesa to meet the needs and requirements for the risk decision-making process in the long term (more than three years). In this second phase, the development of the simulation module of risk factors and the simulation module of the electricity market is carried out. Then, the results of both modules are used to perform a preliminary version of the profit calculation module.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2014
  • Ende: Dezember 2014

Analysis of Central América regional electricity market mathematical algorithms

This project consists in reviewing and enhancing the algorithms that are currently used in the Central America regional electricity market in order to improve the representation both of the power plants technical constraints and of the different kinds of contracts considered by the market rules.


  • Ente Operador Regional


  • Beginn: Oktober 2013
  • Ende: März 2014

Short- medium-term risk management model

The objective of this project between IIT and Endesa is to perform a first phase to provide Endesa with a tool able to meet the needs and requirements for the risk decision-making process in the long term (more than three years). This first stage is to carry out the conceptual development and define the architecture of the tool.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: September 2013
  • Ende: Dezember 2013

Capacity studies under a new generation and demand structure framework

Joint work of IIT and Endesa about Strategic Analysis of Generation Capacity Expansion. The main objective is about analysis and improvement of the algorithms and study methods used by Endesa in order to elaborate its yearly expansion plan and other studies associated to it. The results of this work are two tools: EXPANDE (capacity expansion) and a tool (MERCO2) to estimate the price of CO2 emission allowances.

This year the objectives include the adaptation to a new demand structure with high penetration of renewable generation plants, introduce the new Spanish generation tax and the improvement of the interface.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2013
  • Ende: Dezember 2013

Wind energy intermittency: from wind farm turbulence to economic management

This project represents an integrated educational and research program for graduate and postgraduate students and professors at the Johns Hopkins U., Texas Tech U., Smith College, U. of Puerto Rico and their international collaborators at the Danish Technical U. (DTU) and the Risø Laboratory in Denmark, ECN in the Netherlands, EPFL in Switzerland, Katholieke U. Leuven in Belgium and Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Spain.
The collaboration is aimed at analyzing research issues such as the introduction of multiple wind generators in the electrical system, origins of fluctuations, statistical characterization and propagation of variability and the economic and social implications of the design and operation of a source of sustainable generation. With hundreds of billions of dollars invested in renewable generation and the associated structure in the coming years, it is crucial to develop tools to manage the variability to make effective and sustainable but intermittent use of these resources. The research is coupled with a student training program that includes carefully designed international experiences.
Comillas collaborates in the training of students in research topics of integration of wind generation, and in particular developing different research projects focused on the integration of wind generation in electricity markets, from the analysis of short and long market rules term to the study of the expansion of the networks in markets of regional scope, in order to evaluate how to take advantage of the complementarities of the different technologies in a supranational (supra-state) scope.


  • Johns Hopkins University


  • Beginn: Novemeber 2012
  • Ende: Oktober 2017

Models for strategic analysis

Joint work of IIT and Endesa about Strategic Analysis of Generation Capacity Expansion. The main objective is about analysis and improvement of the algorithms and study methods used by Endesa in order to elaborate its yearly expansion plan and other studies associated to it. The results of this work are two tools EXPANDE capacity expansion) and a new tool (MERCO2) to estimate the price of CO2 emission allowances in under development. The objetives of the project include maintenance of the firts model the enhancement of the representation on non-electrical sectors in the second one.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2012
  • Ende: Dezember 2012

Models for strategic analysis

This project is the continuation of a line of cooperation between IIT and Endesa about Strategic Analysis of Generation Capacity Expansion. The main work is about analysis and improvement of the algorithms and study methods used by Endesa in order to elaborate its yearly expansion plan and other studies associated to it. The result of this work is the tool EXPANDE. Aditionally a new tool (MERCO2) to estimate the price of CO2 emission allowances in under development.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2011
  • Ende: Dezember 2011

Studies for generation planning with non-dispatchable generation

This project is the continuation of a line of cooperation between IIT and Endesa about Strategic Analysis of Generation Capacity Expansion. The main work is about analysis and improvement of the algorithms and study methods used by Endesa in order to elaborate its yearly expansion plan and other studies associated to it. The result of this work is the tool EXPANDE. In this collaboration focus will be on the new regulation about national coal plants and analizing the effect of wind generation plants in the system.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2010
  • Ende: Dezember 2010

Generation capacity expansion in systems with non-dispatchable plants

This project is the continuation of a line of cooperation between IIT and Endesa about Strategic Analysis of Generation Capacity Expansion. The main work is about analysis and improvement of the algorithms and study methods used by Endesa in order to elaborate its yearly expansion plan and other studies associated to it. The result of this work is the tool EXPANDE. A convolution-based method will be used to study the effect of non-dispatchable energy.


  • Endesa


  • Beginn: Jänner 2009
  • Ende: Dezember 2009


Salvador Pineda, J.M. Morales and Sonja Wogrin Mathematical programming for power systemsEncyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering722-732 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin EXPANSION PLANNING IN INTEGRATED POWER & HYDROGEN SYSTEMSFuture of energy - Innovationen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft242-243 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, Udo Bachhiesl, Claudia Kettner and Viktor Hacker Der Beitrag der Forschung zum Erreichen der Klimaneutralität in ÖsterreichGreen Europe. Deal or no deal?31-38 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl, Sonja Wogrin and Asgeir Tomasgard Ramping up the hydrogen sector: An energy system modeling framework Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Claudia Kettner, Michael Böheim, Mark Sommer, Robert Gaugl, Udo Bachhiesl, Lia Gruber, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Sonja Wogrin and Kurt Kratena Transformation to a renewable electricity system in Austria: Insights from an integrated model analysis Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lia Gruber, Ivana Kockar and Sonja Wogrin Towards resilient energy communities Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mauro González-Sierra and Sonja Wogrin Self-Unit Commitment of Combined-Cycle Units with Real Operational Constraints Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona Vasquez, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Bettina Klinz and Sonja Wogrin Enhancing time series aggregation for power system optimization models: Incorporating network and ramping constraints Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Benjamin Stöckl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Gerhild Scheiber, Alexandra Froschauer and Sonja Wogrin Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse von Batteriespeichern im 110-kV-Netz Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Sonja Wogrin, Udo Bachhiesl and Lukas Frauenlob GridTool: An open-source tool to convert electricity grid data Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Mark Sommer, Claudia Kettner, Udo Bachhiesl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Lia Gruber, Michael Böheim, Kurt Kratena and Sonja Wogrin Integrated Power and Economic Analysis of Austria’s Renewable Electricity Transformation Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin Time Series Aggregation for Optimization Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lia Gruber, Thomas Florian Klatzer and Sonja Wogrin Entscheidungshilfe für Energiegemeinschaften Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Todd Levin, John Bistline, Ramteen Sioshansi, Wesley J. Cole, Jonghwan Kwon, Scott P. Burger, George W. Crabtree, Jesse D. Jenkins, Rebecca O’Neil, Magnus Korpås, Sonja Wogrin, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Robert Rosner, Venkat Srinivasan and Audun Botterud Energy storage solutions to decarbonize electricity through enhanced capacity expansion modelling Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin State-of-the-art expansion planning of integrated power, natural gas, and hydrogen systems Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, Diego A. Tejada-Arango, Robert Gaugl, Thomas Florian Klatzer and Udo Bachhiesl LEGO: The open-source Low-carbon Expansion Generation Optimization model Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona-Vasquez, Davide DiTondo and Sonja Wogrin On the aggregation of input data for energy system models Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl, Sonja Wogrin and Stefan Jodl GIS-basierte Optimierung – Realisierung des österreichischen Windenergieziels bis 2030 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lia Gruber, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin Der aktuelle Stand der Forschung zu Energiegemeinschaften Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Isaac Camilo Gonzalez-Romero, Sonja Wogrin and Tomas Gomez Transmission and storage expansion planning under imperfect market competition Publikation in PURE anzeigen
S. Wogrin, D. Tejada-Arango, A. Downward and A. B. Philpott Welfare-maximizing transmission capacity expansion under uncertainty and imperfect competition Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona Vasquez, Nejla Veljovic and Sonja Wogrin On the importance of accurate demand representation in large scale energy system models: hourly profiles and socioeconomic dynamics On the importance of accurate demand representation in large scale energy system models: hourly profiles and socioeconomic dynamics Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Jean-Yves Beaudeau, Katharina Gruber, Stephan Österbauer, Christian Todem, Stefanie Schreiner, Valentin Wiedner and Sonja Wogrin Analyse des Kurz-, Mittel- und Langzeitspeicherbedarfs in Österreich für 2040 Europas Energiezukunft - Sicher, leistbar, sauber!? Publikation in PURE anzeigen
David Cardona Vasquez, Bettina Klinz and Sonja Wogrin Improving accuracy of energy system models for an efficient energy transition: basis-oriented aggregation and machine learning 45TH IAEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 25 -28 JUNE, 2024 ISTANBUL BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITY 481-484 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl, Sonja Wogrin and Asgeir Tomasgard Assessing the Impact of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Blending in Integrated Energy System Modeling 2023 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2023 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Mauro A. Gonzalez-Sierra and S. Wogrin The Importance of Modeling Operational Constraints in Combined-Cycle Units to Support Energy Transition 2023 IEEE Colombian Caribbean Conference (C3) 1-6 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Sonja Wogrin and Udo Bachhiesl Analysing Zonal Prices for the Austrian Power System Future of energy - Innovationen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft 69-70 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lukas Lenhardt, Robert Gaugl and Sonja Wogrin Achieving 100% Renewable Electricity in Austria – Analysing the EAG-GOALS Future of energy - Innovationen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft 49-50 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, Robert Gaugl and Thomas Florian Klatzer Resource Adequacy in Carbon-Neutral Power Systems Future of energy - Innovationen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft 17-18 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Alexander Michael Konrad, Robert Gaugl and Sonja Wogrin Die Abhängigkeit des österreichischen Elektrizitätssektors von ausländischem Gas Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Mark Sommer, Claudia Kettner, Udo Bachhiesl, Thomas Florian Klatzer, Lia Gruber, Michael Böheim, Kurt Kratena and Sonja Wogrin Towards Renewable Power Systems: Analyzing the Technical and Economic Effects Using a Linked Modeling Framework Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Lia Gruber, Sonja Wogrin and Christian Tischler How to Energiegemeinschaft Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Sonja Wogrin and Udo Bachhiesl An Outlook on a Holistic Modelling Approach of the African Power System Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, Robert Gaugl, Thomas Florian Klatzer and Alexander Michael Konrad The LEGO Model: A Digital Twin of the Power System Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Alexander Michael Konrad, Robert Gaugl and Sonja Wogrin The Austrian Electricity Sector's Dependency on Natural Gas and a Way Out Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Sonja Wogrin and Udo Bachhiesl Transition of the African Power System to Renewable Energies – A Case Study Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, Diego Alejandro Tejada Arango, Stefanos Delikaraoglou, A. Lamadrid and Audun Botterud The impact of convexity on expansion planning in low‑carbon electricity markets Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Thomas Florian Klatzer, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin Power System Analyses with the Low-carbon Expansion Generation Optimization (LEGO) model Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Robert Gaugl, Udo Bachhiesl and Sonja Wogrin Electricity Economic Model of the African Continent Publikation in PURE anzeigen
P. Rodilla, Pedro Linares Llamas, J.P. Chaves, T. Gerres, Sonja Wogrin, J.J. Valentín Vírseda, P. Mastropietro and C. Batlle Colombia's hydrogen roadmap Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin The role of energy storage systems in expansion planning for low-inertia grids Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, D. Isaac Camilo González Romero, Diego A. Tejada-Arango, D. Juan José Valentín Vírseda, Tomas Gomez and Efraim Centeno Uncertainty integration and representation of time horizon for long-term models Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, I.C. González-Romero, Diego A. Tejada-Arango, J.J. Valentín Vírseda and Efraim Centeno Long-term models for integration of RE technologies Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, I.C. González-Romero,, Diego A. Tejada-Arango, J.J. Valentín Vírseda, Tomas Gomez and Efraim Centeno Policy analysis Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, I.C. González-Romero, Diego A. Tejada-Arango, J.J. Valentín Vírseda, Tomas Gomez and Efraim Centeno Dissemination and exploitation Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonja Wogrin, Diego Alejandro Tejada Arango, S. Pineda and J.M. Morales Analyzing time period aggregation methods for power system investment and operation models with renewables and storage Publikation in PURE anzeigen

Internationaler Austausch

Information and Decision Systems (LIDS)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Cambridge (United States of America)

Feb - Jul 2020

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Cambridge (United Kingdom).

Mar 2019

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen (Denmark).

May 2016

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). Trondheim (Norway).

Jun 2015

Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). Trondheim (Norway).

Feb-Mar 2015

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC).

Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).

Jun-Jul 2014

Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering

Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore (United States of America).

Mar-May 2013

Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering

Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore (United States of America).

Oct-Nov 2011

Faculty of Economics, Electricity Policy Research Group

University of Cambridge. Cambridge (United Kingdom).

Jul 2010


Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910