Georg Waltner

Georg Waltner received a M.Sc. in Telematics in 2014 from Graz University of Technology. He is research assistant at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision at Graz University of Technology and pursuing a PhD under supervision of Prof. Horst Bischof.

At the moment, his research interest lies in classification of food items with respect to finding optimal embedding spaces and inserting new possibly unseen categories. Besides his occupation at Graz University of Technology he is associate member of Union Volleyball Club Graz, which he voluntarily supports as cash auditor.

News & Highlights

November 2021

Our paper An Intelligent Scanning Vehicle for Waste Collection Monitoring got accepted at ICIAP'19.

June 2021

Our paper Multi-Spectral Segmentation with Synthesized Data for Refuse Sorting got accepted at ÖAGM/AAPR'21.

May 2021

Our paper KI-Waste - Combining Image Recognition and Time Series Analysis in Refuse Sorting got accepted at Mensch und Computer'21.

January 2020

Our paper FuseSeg: LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation Fusing Multi-Modal Data got accepted at WACV'20.

June 2019

Our paper Semi-supervised Detector Training with Prototypes for Vehicle Detection got accepted at ITSC'19.

November 2019

Our paper HiBsteR: Hierarchical Boosted Deep Metric Learning for Image Retrieval got accepted at WACV'19.

July 2018

Our paper Deep Metric Learning with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly got accepted at PAMI.

July 2018

Our paper Deep 2.5D Vehicle Classification with Sparse SfM Depth Prior for Automated Toll Systems got accepted for presentation at ITSC'18.

July 2017

Our paper BIER - Boosting Independent Ensembles Robustly got accepted for oral presentation at ICCV'17.

July 2016

Our paper Grid Loss: Detecting Occluded Faces got accepted at ECCV'16.

March 2015

Our paper Encoding based Saliency Detection for Videos and Images got accepted at CVPR'15.


A full list of my publications can be found in PURE. You can also find me on Google Scholar, ResearchGate or DBLP.