
The Battery Safety Centre Graz, as part of the Institute for Vehicle Safety, was opened in 2020, is part of the Campus Inffeldgasse of the TU Graz and was specifically designed for electrical, thermal and mechanical testing of electrical energy storage systems, such as Li-ion battery cells. On a total of 550 square meters of laboratory space with a technical environment, the Battery Safety Center Graz provides a new type of test environment. With the new research laboratory, Graz University of Technology now has access to state-of-the-art test bench technology for demanding research projects and future-oriented teaching in the field of battery safety.

The BSCG is the result of a long-standing cooperation between the Institute for Vehicle Safety at Graz University of Technology and AVL List GmbH in the field of battery safety. The majority of the test infrastructure as well as the building infrastructure itself come from Graz University of Technology, AVL List GmbH contributes to the cooperation with three climate chambers for electro-thermal tests. In total, both cooperation partners have invested almost 9 million euros, of which 5 million euros were purely used for the construction and basic infrastructure. About half of the capacity of the climate chambers is earmarked for joint projects of TU Graz and AVL. The other half is available to TU Graz for in-house research purposes, teaching and research projects with other cooperation partners.

In addition, the research laboratory is complemented by test benches designed, constructed and built by the Institute of Vehicle Safety itself, which focus in particular on the core area of mechanical analyses of uncharged and charged batteries in order to be able to research constantly emerging problems in the battery sector.


Institute for Vehicle Safety - VSI

  • Campus Inffeldgasse of the TU Graz (25A)

Targeted Design Infrastructure

  • Safety concept for research tests with charged batteries
  • Access management for prototype research

State-of-the-art Test Bench Technology

  • Demanding research projects
  • Innovative test concepts and novel critical loads
  • Future-oriented teaching

Institute for Vehicle Safety
Battery Safety Center Graz

Inffeldgasse 25MA
8010 Graz

Phone: +43 316 / 873 30301
Fax: +43 316 / 873 30302

"With the Battery Safety Center Graz, TU Graz and AVL are once again pooling their scientific and technological expertise and jointly demonstrating international strength in the field of battery safety."
Harald Kainz
Rector of TU Graz

Freely translated
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