
IPPT’s Beitrag zur Langen Nacht der Forschung 2022


Dry Fluids in Action: Is Powder Solid or Liquid?

IPPT's contribution to the “Long Night of Research 2022”

The "Simulation Science" (https://ippt.tugraz.at/simSci) and " Pharmaceutical Engineering and Particle Technology" working groups, together with colleagues from RCPE GmbH, hosted the "Dry Fluids in Action" booth on May 20 as part of the "Long Night of Research 2022" initiative (https://langenachtderforschung.at/, https://www.tugraz.at/institute/ippt/institut/news/article/lange-nacht-der-forschung-2022/). Contents from the projects "The Virtual Sandbox" (https://www.tugraz.at/institute/ippt/publikationen-events/the-virtual-sandbox/), "MatheGRAM" (https://www.surrey.ac.uk/research-projects/multiscale-analysis-thermomechanical-behaviour-granular-materials) and "CALIPER" (https://caliper-itn.org) were presented.

Photo credit: Stefan Radl, TU Graz. [2022-05-20_DensityOfSand2.jpg]

Photo credit: Sabrina Radl. [2022-05-20_SimonTablets.jpg]

Photo credit: Sabrina Radl. [2022-05-20_siloFlow.jpg]