Farm building with PV on rooftop.

The “Electricity storage in agriculture” project is researching the energy saving potential of Styrian companies. The aim is to optimize photovoltaic systems through cooperation with Energie Steiermark and the Chamber of Agriculture. Two master’s theses accompany the project.

As part of the project "Electricity storage in agriculture" in cooperation with Energie Steiermark and the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture two master theses are carried out.

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Energy-efficient dairy farming with a high degree of automation

With its 40,000 agricultural and forestry businesses, the agriculture sector offers great potential for energy savings. Energie Steiermark, in cooperation with the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and the Institute for Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation, wants to support agricultural and forestry companies in making the best possible use of their potential and to optimize the self-consumption quota for the use of photovoltaic systems. With this project, surveys on this topic are carried out in field trials under real conditions and the results are analyzed. Master theses are also advertised as part of this project.

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Energy-efficient vinegar production

Project duration

  • Start: 22.09.2020
  • End: 01.10.2022

Contributors of the institute



Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Inffeldgasse 18
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7901
Fax: +43 316 873 7910