151 | Institute of Spatial Design
Concept and Direction | Alex Lehnerer,
Stefano D'Elia
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140 | Institute for Structural Design
Concept and Direction |
Georg Hansemann, Robert Schmid,
140 | Institute for Structural Design | Nachhaltiges Bauen
Concept and Direction |
Alexander Passer,
Dominik Maierhofer
141 | Institute of Design in Consisting Structures and Architectural Heritage Protection
Concept and Direction | Anna Wickenhauser
147 | Institute of Design and Building Typology
Concept and Direction | Tobias Gruber,
Emilian Hinteregger
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147 | Institute of Design and Building Typology |
Integral Architecture
Concept and Direction |
Lisa Yamaguchi, Katharina Hohenwarter
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149 | Institute of Architecture Technology | Professorship Wood
Concept and Direction | Ernst Dengg
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141 | Institute of Design in Consisting Structures and Architectural Heritage Protection
Concept and Direction | Meinrad v. Engelberg
145 | Institute of Urbanism
Konzept und Leitung |
Monica Lamela Blazquez,
Raquel Ruiz Garcia, Violeta Ordonez Manjon
147 | Institute of Design and Building Typology
Concept and Direction |
Bernhard Luthringshausen,
Eva Sollgruber, Evelyn Temmel
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149 | Institute of Architecture Technology | Professorship Wood
Concept and Direction |
Matthias Gumhalter, Albert Ludwig Erjavec
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Link zur Institutsseite
149 | Institute of Architecture Technology | Professorship Wood
Concept and Direction | Tom Kaden
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Link zur Institutsseite