Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Neven Ukrainczyk, Eddie Koenders, Guenther Koraimann, Sabine Kienesberger and Martin Dietzel MICROBIAL INDUCED ACID CORROSION FROM A FIELD PERSPECTIVE – ADVANCES IN PROCESS UNDERSTANDING AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT
Proceedings of final conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI
Bernhard Müller, Cyrill Grengg, Florian Mittermayr, Torsten Mayr, Sergey Borisov and Martin Dietzel OPTICAL PH IMAGING OF CONCRETE EXPOSED TO CHEMICALLY CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENTS
Proceedings of final Conference of RILEM TC 253-MCI
Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade, Alexander Passer and Florian Mittermayr A Preliminary Systematic Investigation onto Sprayed Concrete's Environmental Performance
Martin Röck, Alexander Hollberg, Guillaume Habert and Alexander Passer LCA and BIM: Integrated Assessment and Visualization of Building Elements’ Embodied Impacts for Design Guidance in Early Stages
Procedia CIRP
Ronny Boch, Xianfeng Wang, Tobias Kluge, Albrecht Leis, Ke Lin, Hannes Pluch, Florian Mittermayr, Andre Baldermann, Michael E Böttcher and Martin Dietzel Aragonite-calcite veins of the 'Erzberg' iron ore deposit (Austria): Environmental implications from young fractures
Andre Baldermann, Andrea Cäcilia Grießbacher, Claudia Baldermann, Bettina Purgstaller, Ilse Letofsky-Papst, Stephan Kaufhold and Martin Dietzel Removal of Barium, Cobalt, Strontium, and Zinc from Solution by Natural and Synthetic Allophane Adsorbents
Ronny Boch, Albrecht Leis, Florian Mittermayr, Sanja Simic, Stefanie Eichinger, Cyrill Grengg, Dorothee Hippler, Martin Almer and Martin Dietzel Unwanted mineral deposits in geotechnical settings - Scaling forensic investigation of formation conditions and related material characeristics
PANGEO Austria 2018
Andre Baldermann, Moien Rezvani, Tilo Proske, Cyrill Grengg, Florian Roman Steindl, Marlene Sakoparnig, Claudia Baldermann, Isabel Galan Garcia, Florian Emmerich and Florian Mittermayr Effect of very high limestone content and quality on the sulfate resistance of blended cements
Joachim Juhart, Rok Bregar, Gheorghe Alexandru David and Markus Krüger Comparison of standard concrete and eco-concrete in respect to functional and durability performance
SynerCrete'18: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete
Markus Krüger, Gheorghe Alexandru David, Rok Bregar and Joachim Juhart Influence of the mixture composition of cementitious pastes with optimized packing density on setting and hardening studied by ultrasound investigation
SynerCrete'18: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete
Markus Krüger, Claudia Baldermann, Rok Bregar and Gheorghe Alexandru David Textilbeton für die Instandsetzung von Verkehrsbauten
4. Grazer Betonkolloquium (Beton Graz '18)
Gheorghe Alexandru David, Joachim Juhart, Rok Bregar and Markus Krüger Erstarrungs- und Erhärtungsverhalten von kalksteinhaltigen Bindemittelleimen
4. Grazer Betonkolloquium (Beton Graz '18)
Florian Roman Steindl, Andre Baldermann, Isabel Galan Garcia, Marlene Sakoparnig and Florian Mittermayr Removal of heavy metal ions during C-S-H precipitation
Florian Roman Steindl, Andre Baldermann, Isabel Galan Garcia, Marlene Sakoparnig, Martin Dietzel and Florian Mittermayr A new test for combined Ca-leaching and sulphate resistance of cementitious materials
Florian Roman Steindl, Andre Baldermann, Isabel Galan Garcia, Martin Dietzel and Florian Mittermayr New testing methods for assessing the resistance of shotcrete to sulfate attack
Isabel Galan, Anina Kathrin Stauffacher, Florian Mittermayr, Maria Thumann, Wolfgang Kusterle, Patrick Juilland, Christian Stenger and Benedikt Lindlar Estudio de las reacciones de hidratación temprana en el hormigón proyectado
Isabel Galan, Maria Thumann, Lukas Briendl, Rudolf Röck, Florian Roman Steindl, Joachim Juhart, Florian Mittermayr and Wolfgang Kusterle From lab scale spraying to real scale shotcreting and back to the lab
Bernhard Müller, Cyrill Grengg, Viktor Schallert, Marlene Sakoparnig, Christoph Staudinger, Johanna Breininger, Florian Mittermayr, Birgit Ungerböck, Sergey Borisov, Martin Dietzel and Torsten Mayr Wide-range optical pH imaging of cementitious materials exposed to chemically corrosive environments
Maria Thumann, Joachim Juhart, Rudolf Röck, Andreas Saxer, Isabel Galan Garcia, Florian Mittermayr and Wolfgang Kusterle Entwicklung neuer, dauerhafter und nachhaltiger Spritzbetone
Lukas Briendl, Marlene Sakoparnig, Florian Roman Steindl, Maria Thumann and Wolfgang Kusterle Spritzbetonforschung für dauerhaftere und nachhaltigere Tunnels
Annemarie Körfgen, Klaus Förster, Ingomar Glatz, Stephan Maier, Benedikt Becsi, Anna Meyer, Helga Kromp-Kolb and Johann Stötter It’s a Hit! Mapping Austrian Research Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
Claudia Baldermann, Josef Tritthart, Joachim Juhart and Markus Krüger Untersuchungen zum reduzierten Ca(OH)2-Gehalts in zusatzstoffoptimierten Bindemitteln
Joachim Juhart, Lukas Briendl, Florian Mittermayr, Rudolf Röck, Maria Thumann and Wolfgang Kusterle Mischungsentwicklung von nachhaltigem Spritzbeton mit kombinierten Zusatzstoffen
Beton Graz ´18
Joachim Juhart, Lukas Briendl, Florian Mittermayr, Maria Thumann, Rudolf Röck and Wolfgang Kusterle Optimierte Eigenschaften von Spritzbeton durch kombinierte Zusatzstoffe
Spritzbeton - Tagung 2018
Matej Gustin, Robert Scot McLeod and Kevin J. Lomas Forecasting indoor temperatures during heatwaves using time series models
Matej Gustin, Robert Scot McLeod and Kevin J. Lomas Prediction of internal temperatures during hot summer conditions with time series forecasting models
Proceedings of the 4th IBPSA-England Conference on Building Simulation and Optimization in Cambridge, United Kingdom, 11-12 September 2018
Florian Roman Steindl, Andre Baldermann, Isabel Galan Garcia and Florian Mittermayr A new testing method for combined Ca-leaching and sulphate resistance of cementitious materials
Florian Roman Steindl, Andre Baldermann, Isabel Galan Garcia, Marlene Sakoparnig and Florian Mittermayr Uptake of heavy metal ions during C-S-H precipitation
Anina Kathrin Stauffacher, Isabel Galan, Patrick Juilland, Maria Thumann, Christian Stenger, Andre Baldermann, Florian Mittermayr, Benedikt Lindlar and Wolfgang Kusterle Einfluss von Hüttensand und ultrafeinem Kalksteinmehl auf die Hydratation von jungem Spritzbeton
Viet Tue Nguyen, Markus Krüger, Bernhard Freytag, Claudia Baldermann and Danilo Schulter 4. Grazer Betonkolloquium (Beton Graz '18)4. Grazer Betonkolloquium (Beton Graz '18)
Marlene Sakoparnig, Andre Baldermann, Maria Thumann, Florian Mittermayr and Wolfgang Kusterle Bestimmung der experimentellen Calcium-Auslaugung an Spritzbeton-Bohrkernen: Methodenvergleich und Update
Spritzbeton - Tagung 2018
Josef Wachtler, Marco Scherz and Martin Ebner Increasing Learning Efficiency and Quality of Students ́ Homework by Attendance Monitoring and Polls at Interactive Learning Videos
Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology