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CSBME Newsletter

Provided by the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
newsletter.csbme@tugraz.at | Follow us on Twitter


Habil Talks #1
January 24 | 14:30 | HSi7, Inffeldgasse 25/D, 1 OG

Join our first Habil Talk with Peter Roth!


Detecting Wi-Fi Networks Vulnerable to FragAttacks: Feasible, but also Ethnical?
February 03 | 13:00 - 14:00 | IFEG042 (IAIK seminar room)

Faculty News

Vitamin B and Vascular Health

B vitamins contribute significantly to smooth metabolic processes, ensure hormone and blood formation and healthy nerves.


Huawei's Best Social Impact App Award 2022

Catrobat has won Huawei's Best social Impact App Award 2022 with our Embroidery Designer app!
With Embroidery Designer you can program most stiching machines and design patterns for your T-shirts, bags, pants, smartphone cases or anything else that is made of fabric


Daniel Gruss receives highly endowed ERC Starting Grant

Daniel Gruss receives the prestigious EU founding award for research into energy-efficient IT security from the European Research Council in 2022. The research of computer scientist and cybersecurity expert Daniel Gruss and also of experimental physicist and START Prize winner Marcus Ossiander will receive funding totalling 3.3 million euros over the next five years, the European Research Council announced today.

Jobs, Grants, Open Calls




University Professor of Data Management
Apply until February 19, 2023

Academic Staff

Postdoc position at the Intelligent Energy Systems Lab at Institute of Software Technology
Apply now!

University Assistant at the Institute of Neural Engineering
Apply until February 1, 2023

Student Project Assistant at the Institute of Software Technology

PreDoc at the Institute of Software Technology


Grants, Open Calls

Scholarship David-Herzog-Fond
The aim of David-Herzog-Found grants has always been and continues to be the promotion and support of intercultural understanding and learning - especially with regard to Jewish culture. The Davis-Herzog-Found supports the work of scientists, students and artists through four program tracks and is supportet by all Styrian universities since it was establishes in 2005.
Deadline: Submission is possible at any time
The management board decides every six months on applications received (June and Dcember).

Join Online Courses
Joint online courses are promotiong innovation in digitalizing teaching and teaching cooperation with (strategic/Unite!) partners. The develompent of innovative formats for joint online courses for students at both TU Graz and its partner universities is one important step on the road to Internationalisation@TUGraz.
To develop such a course together with a partner university TU Graz funds up three projects with €15.000 each.
Deadline: 31.01.2023

Double Degree Programm with the University of Ljubljana
Did you know that? Another possibility to gain experience aboard and as a bonus you'll get two degrees.

Institute of Science and Technology Austria opens call fot the ISTernship summer program 2023
Apply until February 15, 2023

Doctoral Examinations

Info: Candidates can take the final examination (presentation and oral exam) online via video conference call (e.g. Webex) if all parties involved agree. The requirement of publicity can be ensured as follows: Candidates may distribute the meeting link; requests to participate in the video exam can also be sent by e-mail to the chairperson of the exam commission.


Martin Schwarzl
Remote Side-Channel Attacks and Defenses
February 2nd, 10:00 | SR IAIK


Mathias Parger
Exploring Sparsity in Neutral Networks
February 3rd, 09:00 | SR ICG

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The newsletter is published every 2 weeks.
Next newsletter: January 25th, 2022 | Editorial deadline:January 24th, 2022, 20:00