Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Open Lecture #15. Asya Ilgun: "The Designed and Self-organized. Coupling Distinct Pradigms of Deposition-Based Construction"

© IAM, TU Graz


Mittwoch, 22. November 2017 | 18:00 Uhr
IAM Media Lab | Kronesgasse 5/III | 8010 Graz

How can we start to limit our decimation of the Earth by utilising ideas of mutualism found in nature? Can these ideas challenge our orthodox frameworks for the construction and densification of cities and the resulting destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems? How can biological inclusive design practice bridge the humanist divide between us and the natural world? Social insects operate without a priori design intent. Rather, large populations self‐organise through many local interactions between individuals, and their environment, to produce highly complex adaptive structures with sophisticated spatial differentiation to support social and environmental goals. On occasion, these structures are comparable in scale to human architectural constructs.

Asya Ilgun is an architect, computational designer and researcher. Her main territory of “design research” is framed as smart ways of using the additive manufacturing (in particular deposition based) technologies to make new types of structures that breed the questioning of architectural boundaries, supporting the dual occupancy of humans and bees. Asya was trained as an architect, acquiring her Masters in Architecture within the programme CITAstudio: “Computation in Architecture,” at KADK in June 2016. Currently, she is doing her pre-doctoral research at the interdisciplinary environment of the Artificial Life Lab of the Karl Franzens Uinversity of Graz.