Here you can find all publications of the last years. Further information can be found directly in the TU Graz research portal.
Book Chapter
Bernhard Aichernig, Martin Horn, Kay Uwe Römer and Klaus WitrisalDependable Internet of Future ProductsÖsterreichische Forschungskapazität in der ProduktionShow publication in PURE
Florian Walter Mühlbacher, Markus Schuß, Hannah Brunner and Carlo Alberto BoanoDemo: A Flexible Extension Board for IoT Devices to Enable their Batteryless OperationEWSN'24: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and NetworksShow publication in PURE
Christian Seifert, Christian Sommerauer, Christian Steger and Tiberio FantiEnhancing the RISC-V Firmware Development Workflow through a Flexible Tooling EnvironmentRISC-V Summit Europe 2024Show publication in PURE
Rüdiger Reischuk, Sven Apel, Abraham Bernstein, Felix Freiling, Gustaf Neumann, Kay Uwe Römer, Björn Scheuermann, Nicole Schweikardt and Klaus WehrleAusgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2023Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Ye Liu, Pei Tian, Carlo Alberto Boano, Xiaoyuan Ma, Qing Yang and Honggang WangA Low-Cost and Infrastructure-Less LoRa Wireless Network Testbed for Cognitive Internet of ThingsIEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
2024Show publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes, Bernhard Aichernig and Marcel BaunachCorrection toSoftware and Systems Modeling23,
2024Show publication in PURE
Romana Blazevic, Omar Veledar, Michael Stolz and Georg MacherToward Safety-Critical Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Embedded Automotive SystemsSAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles8,
2024Show publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes, Bernhard Aichernig and Marcel Carsten BaunachA framework for embedded software portability and verificationSoftware and Systems Modeling23,
2024Show publication in PURE
Peizheng Li, Jagdeep Singh, Han Cui and Carlo Alberto BoanoBmmWPervasive and Mobile Computing 102,
2024Show publication in PURE
Vignesh Manjunath and Marcel BaunachA framework for static analysis and verification of low-level RTOS codeJournal of Systems Architecture154,
2024Show publication in PURE
Víctor J. Expósito Jiménez, Georg Macher, Daniel Watzenig and Eugen BrennerSafety of the Intended Functionality Validation for Automated Driving Systems by Using Perception Performance Insufficiencies InjectionVehicles6,
2024Show publication in PURE
Ye Liu, Xiaoyuan Ma and Carlo Alberto BoanoIntelligent Noise Mapping for Smart Cities: Solutions, Trends, and Research OpportunitiesIEEE Communications Magazine2024,
2024Show publication in PURE
Ye Liu, Dong Li, Haipeng Dai, Xiaoyuan Ma and Carlo Alberto BoanoUnderstanding Concurrent Radiative Wireless Power Transfer in the IoTIEEE Wireless Communications31,
2024Show publication in PURE
Claire Jean-Quartier, Sarah Stryeck, Alexander Thien, Burim Vrella, Jeremias Kleinschuster, Emil Spreitzer, Mojib Wali, Heimo Mueller, Andreas Holzinger and Fleur JeanquartierUnlocking biomedical data sharingDigital Health10,
2024Show publication in PURE
Sayyidshahab Nabavi, Joachim Schauer, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RömerAPOTSAIET Wireless Sensor Systems
2024Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Thomas Faschang, Frank Zurheide, Omar Veledar and Georg MacherLegal Uncertainties Regarding Cybersecurity for European Motorcycle OEMsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 31st European Conference, EuroSPI 2024, Proceedings201-216Show publication in PURE
Romana Blazevic, Fynn Luca Maass, Omar Veledar and Georg MacherIntelligent Decision-Making in Lane Detection Systems Featuring Dynamic Framework for Autonomous VehiclesComputer Safety, Reliability, And Security. Safecomp 2024 Workshops21-33Show publication in PURE
Leo Moser, Meinhard Kissich, Tobias Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachStitching FPGA Fabrics with FABulous and OpenLane 2Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2024 Workshops and Special Sessions, CF 2024 Companion71-74Show publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich and Marcel Carsten BaunachFazyRV: Closing the Gap between 32-Bit and Bit-Serial RISC-V Cores with a Scalable ImplementationProceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF 2024240-248Show publication in PURE
Mateusz Banaszek, Markus Schuss, Carlo Alberto Boano and Konrad IwanickiRPL at ScaleProceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2024, NOMS 2024Show publication in PURE
Elisabeth Salomon and Carlo Alberto BoanoAdaptive Transmission Power Control in BLE: Unveiling and Overcoming the Limits of Current SolutionsWiMob'24: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and CommunicationsShow publication in PURE
Elisei Ember, Jesus Pestana, Michael Krisper, Michael Stocker, Kay Uwe Römer, Carlo Alberto Boano and Pablo CorbalánImproving the Correction of NLoS-Induced Ranging Errors in UWB Systems through Enhanced LabelingWMNC'24: Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking ConferenceShow publication in PURE
Markus Schuß and Carlo Alberto BoanoE-Cube: Towards a First Benchmarking Facility for Battery-Free SystemsGoodIT'24: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good399 - 403Show publication in PURE
Theo Gasteiger, Pericle Perazzo, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano, Fikret Basic, Gianluca Dini and Kay Uwe RömerBACON: Improving Broadcast Audio AuthenticationMILCOM 2024 - 2024 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)Show publication in PURE
Lukas Furtner, Markus Schuß, Maximilian Schuh and Carlo Alberto BoanoDemo: An Affordable and Easy-to-Setup Ground Truth System to Facilitate Localization ResearchProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)Show publication in PURE
Drona Nagarajan, Tobias Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachFair and Starvation-Free Spinlock for Real-Time AUTOSAR SystemsProceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing436-445Show publication in PURE
Christian Schlager, Georg Macher, Richard Messnarz and Eugen BrennerDevelopment of Embedded Systems for Mobility—A Narrative ReviewIntelligent Sustainable Systems - Selected Papers of WorldS4 2023177-187Show publication in PURE
Maximilian Schuh, Michael Baddeley, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoUnderstanding Concurrent Transmissions over Ultra-Wideband Complex ChannelsSenSys '24: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems757 - 770Show publication in PURE
Romana Blažević, Alexander Toch and Fikret BasicHighway Hijackers: Evaluating Patch Attack Susceptibility in Autonomous Driving Lane Detection SystemsThe 3rd Workshop on Security and Privacy in Connected Embedded Systems (SPICES 2024)Show publication in PURE
Raphael Schermann, Simone Bussa, Rainer Urian, Ronald Toegl and Christian StegerPAKAARES 2024 - 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Florian Scherr, Fikret Basic, Patrick Eder, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerNext-Generation Battery Management Systems: Integrating RFID for Battery Passport ApplicationsIEEE RFID-TA 2024 – RFID Technology and ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Jasper de Winkel, Carlo Alberto Boano, Przemysław Pawełczak and Kay Uwe RömerSimba: A Unified Framework to Explore and Facilitate the Design of Battery-Free SystemsProceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)138-150Show publication in PURE
Samir Yitzhak Gadre, Gabriel Ilharco, Alex Fang, Jonathan Hayase, Georgios Smyrnis, Thao Nguyen, Ryan Marten, Mitchell Wortsman, Dhruba Ghosh, Jieyu Zhang, Eyal Orgad, Rahim Entezari, Giannis Daras, Sarah Pratt, Vivek Ramanujan, Yonatan Bitton, Kalyani Marathe, Stephen Mussmann, Richard Vencu, Mehdi Cherti, Ranjay Krishna, Pang Wei Koh, Olga Saukh, Alexander Ratner, Shuran Song, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Ali Farhadi, Romain Beaumont, Sewoong Oh, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Jenia Jitsev, Yair Carmon, Vaishaal Shankar and Ludwig SchmidtDataComp: In search of the next generation of multimodal datasetsNIPS '23: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems27092 - 27112Show publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Sebastian Scholl, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerModelling and Comparing Converter Architectures and Energy Harvesting ICs for Battery-Free SystemsProceedings - 2024 IEEE 21st International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems, MASS 2024380-386Show publication in PURE
David Beikircher, Marco De Bortoli, Leo Fürbaß, Thomas Martin Kernbauer, Peter Kohout, Dominik Lampel, Anna Masiero, Stefan Moser, Martin Nagele and Gerald Steinbauer-WagnerRobust Integration of Planning, Execution, Recovery and Testing to Win the RoboCup Logistics LeagueRoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI362–373Show publication in PURE
Pei Tian, Carlo Alberto Boano, Markus Schuß and Jianming WeiRSSF: Towards Real-Time Decoding of LoRa Packets without Prior Knowledge of their Spreading FactorGLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference 2469-2474Show publication in PURE
Muhammad Tanveer Ali Ahmad, Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Michael Krisper and Marcel BaunachAvoiding Empty Instances and Offset Drifts of Basic Sequencer Tasks in Automotive Operating SystemSAC '24: Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing400-409Show publication in PURE
Thomas Krug, Omar Veledar and Georg MacherLeveraging Digital Twins for Smart HydropowerSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 31st European Conference, EuroSPI 2024, Proceedings260-272Show publication in PURE
Christoph Schmittner, Omar Veledar, Thomas Faschang, Georg Macher and Eugen BrennerFostering Cyber Resilience in EuropeSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 31st European Conference, EuroSPI 2024, Proceedings390-404Show publication in PURE
Romana Blazevic, Fynn Luca Maaß, Omar Veledar and Georg MacherIntelligent Decision-Making in Lane Detection Systems Featuring Dynamic Framework for Autonomous VehiclesComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2024 Workshops - DECSoS, SASSUR, TOASTS, and WAISE, Proceedings21-33Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Kristof Kanics, Meinhard Kissich, Gerhard Wirrer, Tobias Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachopoSoM: A Modular Measurement Platform for Dynamic Power Consumption of SoCsShow publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich and Marcel Carsten BaunachFazyRV – A Scalable RISC-V CoreShow publication in PURE
Vignesh Manjunath, Tobias Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachFormal Modeling and Verification of Low-Level AUTOSAR OS Specifications: Towards Portability and CorrectnessShow publication in PURE
Muhammad Tanveer Ali Ahmad, Jesus Pestana, Michael Krisper and Marcel Carsten BaunachA Scalable Approach for Memory Optimization in The AUTOSAR Schedule TableShow publication in PURE
Franz Papst, Daniel Kraus, Martin Rechberger and Olga SaukhSensor-Guided Adaptive Machine Learning on Resource-Constrained DevicesShow publication in PURE
Martin Rechberger, Daniel Kraus, Peter Priller and Olga SaukhExploring Human and Artificial Attention Mechanisms in Driving ScenariosShow publication in PURE
Dong Wang, Olga Saukh, Xiaoxi He and Lothar ThieleSubspace-Configurable NetworksShow publication in PURE
Francesco Corti, Balz Maag, Joachim Schauer, Ulrich Pferschy and Olga SaukhHADS: Hardware-Aware Deep SubnetworksShow publication in PURE
Jakob Shack, Katarina Petrovic and Olga SaukhBreaking the Illusion: Real-world Challenges for Adversarial Patches in Object DetectionShow publication in PURE
Drona Nagarajan, Tobias Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachFormal Specifications of Real-Time AUTOSAR-Compliant Operating SystemsShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Stefan Kugele, Lars Grunske, Christian Allmann, Marcel Baunach, Klaus Becker, Lenz Belzner, Mirko Conrad, Heiko Dörr, Kerstin Hartig, Steffen Helke, Paula Herber, Thomas Kropf, Wolfgang Müller, Thomas Noack, Ralf Reißing, Eric Sax, Jörn Schneider, Ramin Tavakoli, Thomas Vogel, Andreas Vogelsang, Stefan Kugele and Lars Grunske20th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering (ASE'23)Software Engineering 2023 - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik137-138Show publication in PURE
Rüdiger Reischuk, Sven Apel, Abraham Bernstein, Gustaf Neumann, Kay Uwe Römer, Björn Scheuermann, Nicole Schweikardt and Klaus WehrleAusgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2022Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Pei Tian, Carlo Alberto Boano, Xiaoyuan Ma and Jianming WeiLoRaHopIEEE Internet of Things Journal10,
2023Show publication in PURE
Lena Lemmens, Katharina Schodl, Birgit Fuerst-Waltl, Hermann Schwarzenbacher, Christa Egger-Danner, Kristina Linke, Marlene Suntinger, Mary Phelan, Martin Mayerhofer, Franz Steininger, Franz Papst, Lorenz Maurer and Johann KoflerThe Combined Use of Automated Milking System and Sensor Data to Improve Detection of Mild Lameness in Dairy CattleAnimals13,
2023Show publication in PURE
Felipe Penagos-Tabares, Ratchaneewan Khiaosa-ard, Johannes Faas, Franz Steininger, Franz Papst, Christa Egger-Danner and Qendrim ZebeliA two years study reveals implications of feeding management and exposure to mycotoxins on udder health, performance, and fertility in dairy herdsJournal of Dairy Science
2023Show publication in PURE
Michael Baddeley, Carlo Alberto Boano, Antonio Escobar-Molero, Ye Liu, Xiaoyuan Ma, Victor Marot, Usman Raza, Kay Uwe Römer, Markus Schuß and Aleksandar StanoevUnderstanding Concurrent Transmissions: The Impact of Carrier Frequency Offset and RF Interference on Physical Layer PerformanceACM Transactions on Sensor Networks20,
2023Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Andreas Riel, Georg Macher and Markus EgretzbergerTowards DevOps for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs)Machines11,
2023Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Keller Jordan, Hanie Sedghi, Olga Saukh, Rahim Entezari and Behnam NeyshaburREPAIR: REnormalizing Permuted Activations for Interpolation RepairThe Eleventh International Conference on Learning RepresentationsShow publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerEstablishing Dynamic Secure Sessions for ECQV Implicit Certificates in Embedded Systems2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2023 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Raphael Schermann, Simone Bussa, Rainer Urian and Christian StegerZero-Touch privacy preserving provisioning in an Edge-, Fog-, and Cloud environment2023 8th International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, FMEC 2023276-283Show publication in PURE
Raphael Schermann, Thomas Ammerer, Philipp Stelzer, Georg MacHer and Christian StegerRisk-Aware Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Automated UASProceedings - 2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshop, ISSREW 2023148-153Show publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Christian Steger, Christian Seifert and Robert KoflerTrust your BMS: Designing a Lightweight Authentication Architecture for Industrial Networks2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)Show publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich and Marcel Carsten BaunachFormal Property Verification for Early Discovery of Functional Flaws in Digital Designs: A Designer's GuideProceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)Show publication in PURE
Svatopluk Stolfa, Jakub Stolfa, Marek Spanyik, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Georg Macher, Michael Krisper, Christoph Schmittner, Shaaban Abdelkader, Alexander Much and Alen SalamunCYBERENG - Training Cybersecurity Engineer and Manager Skills in Automotive - ExperienceSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 30th European Conference, EuroSPI 2023, Proceedings366-383Show publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich, Kristof Kanics, Klaus Weinbauer, Tobias Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachOne Solution to Rule Them All: ATTEST as Unified Testing Solution for Programming CoursesProceedings in Tagungsband des FG-BS Herbsttreffens 2023Show publication in PURE
Davide Bacciu, Konstantinos Tserpes, Massimo Coppola, Georg Macher, Claudio Gallicchio, Omar Veledar, Anna Maria Anaxagorou and Patrizio DazziTEACHINGFRAME 2023 - Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge37-39Show publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich, Klaus Weinbauer and Marcel Carsten BaunachATTESTProceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Engineering Education, ECSEE 2023199-203Show publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich, Klaus Weinbauer and Marcel Carsten BaunachATTEST: Automated and Thorough Testing of Embedded Software in TeachingProceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Engineering Education, ECSEE 2023199-203Show publication in PURE
Markus Gallacher, Michael Stocker, Michael Baddeley, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoInSight: Enabling NLOS Classification, Error Correction, and Anchor Selection on Resource-Constrained UWB DevicesEWSN '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks132-144Show publication in PURE
Peizheng Li, Jagdeep Singh, Han Cui and Carlo Alberto BoanoBmmW: A DNN-based Joint BLE and mmWave Radar System for Accurate 3D LocalizationProceedings - 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things, DCOSS-IoT 202347-54Show publication in PURE
Jagdeep Singh, Michael Baddeley, Carlo Alberto Boano, Aleksandar Stanoev, Zijian Chai, Tim Farnham, Qing Wang and Usman RazaBLoB: Beating-based Localization for Single-antenna BLE DevicesEWSN '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on embedded Wireless Systems and Networks7-19Show publication in PURE
Elisei Ember, Jesús Pestana Puerta, Michael Krisper, Michael Stocker, Kay Uwe Römer, Carlo Alberto Boano and Pablo CorbalánImpact of Feature Selection and CIR Window Length on NLoS Classification for UWB SystemsProceedings - 2023 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking, MSN 202372-80Show publication in PURE
Michael Baddeley, Yevgen Gyl, Markus Schuß, Xiaoyuan Ma and Carlo Alberto BoanoOSF: An Open-Source Framework for Synchronous Flooding over Multiple Physical LayersEWSN '22: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks 180-185Show publication in PURE
Leo Botler, Konrad Diwold and Kay RoemerImproving Signal-Strength-based Distance Estimation in UWB TransceiversProceedings of 2023 Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week, CPS-IoT Week 2023 - Workshops61-66Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Baddeley, Monika Prakash and Kay Uwe RömerX-Lab: A Federated Testbed Infrastructure to Benchmark Geographically-Distributed Low-Power Wireless SystemsProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Rumy Narayan, Nikolina Dragicevic, Tiina Leino and Omar VeledarOpen Innovation CulturesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 30th European Conference, EuroSPI 2023, Proceedings275-286Show publication in PURE
Michael Stocker, Markus Gallacher, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RöemerApplying NLOS Classification and Error Correction Techniques to UWB SystemsProceedings of 2023 Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week, CPS-IoT Week 2023 - Workshops78-83Show publication in PURE
Theo Gasteiger, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RömerBISON: Attacking Bluetooth's Broadcast Isochronous StreamsEWSN '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on embedded Wireless Systems and Networks256-261Show publication in PURE
Rumy Narayan and Georg MacherInsights into Socio-technical Interactions and Implications - A DiscussionSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 30th European Conference, EuroSPI 2023, Proceedings248-259Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Romana Blazevic, Omar Veledar and Eugen BrennerTowards Dependable Integration Concepts for AI-Based SystemsComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2023 Workshops - ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, SENSEI, SRToITS, and WAISE, Proceedings108-117Show publication in PURE
Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Florian Lorber, Ulrik Nyman, Kim Guldstrand Larsen and Marcel Carsten BaunachA Modeling Concept for Formal Verification of OS-Based Compositional SoftwareFundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - 26th International Conference, FASE 2023, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2023, Proceedings26-46Show publication in PURE
Thomas Faschang and Georg MacherAn Open Software-Based Framework for Automotive Cybersecurity TestingSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 30th European Conference, EuroSPI 2023, Proceedings316-328Show publication in PURE
Muhammad Tanveer Ali Ahmad, Jesus Pestana, Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Marcel Carsten BaunachBudget-Based Explainable Schedulability Analysis for Automotive ApplicationsIEEE Real-Time Systems SymposiumShow publication in PURE
Amer Kajmakovic, Jesus Pestana, Konrad Diwold and Kay RömerFault Diagnosis and Isolation Prediction for Redundant Relays Based on Discrepancy Analysis2023 13th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering, CPEEE 2023286-295Show publication in PURE
Raphael Schermann, Rainer Urian, Ronald Tögl, Holger Bock and Christian StegerEnabling Anonymous Authenticated Encryption with a Novel Anonymous Authenticated Credential Key Agreement (AACKA)2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrusCom)646-655Show publication in PURE
Valerio De Caro, Herbert Danzinger, Claudio Gallicchio, Clemens Konczol, Vincenzo Lomonaco, Mina Marmpena, Sevasti Politi, Omar Veledar and Davide BacciuPrediction of Driver's Stress Affection in Simulated Autonomous Driving ScenariosICASSPW 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Workshops, ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Claudia Rosina Laube, Patrick Stratznig, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerWireless BMS Architecture for Secure Readout in Vehicle and Second life Applications2023 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2023Show publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Christian Seifert, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerSecure Data Acquisition for Battery Management Systems2023 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)Show publication in PURE
Gernot Fiala, Zhenyu Ye and Christian StegerTPDNet: A Tiny Pupil Detection Neural Network for Embedded Machine Learning Processor Arm Ethos-U55Intelligent Systems and Applications - IntelliSys 2023Show publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich and Marcel Carsten BaunachFormal Property Verification for Early Discovery of Functional Flaws in Digital Designs: A Designer's GuideShow publication in PURE
Nam Cao and Olga SaukhMitigating Distribution Shifts in Pollen Classification from Microscopic Images Using Geometric Data AugmentationsShow publication in PURE
Francesco Corti, Balz Maag, Christopher Hinterer, Julian Rudolf, Joachim Schauer and Olga SaukhPoster: Resource-Efficient Deep Subnetworks for Dynamic Resource Constraints on IoT DevicesShow publication in PURE
Markus Gallacher, Carlo Alberto Boano, M.S. Arun Sankar, Utz Rödig, Willian T. Lunardi and Michael BaddeleyPoster Abstract: Towards Speaker Identification on Resource-Constrained Embedded DevicesShow publication in PURE
Mohamed Hassaan Mohamed Hydher, Markus Schuß, Olga Saukh, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerAutomatic Parameter Exploration for Low-Power Wireless ProtocolsShow publication in PURE
Sonali Priyadarshini Deo, Markus Schuß, Michael Baddeley and Carlo Alberto BoanoRobust Wi-Fi Mesh Networking with SPIDERMANShow publication in PURE
Michael Baddeley, Markus Schuß, Yevgen Gyl, Monika Prakash, Xiaoyuan Ma and Carlo Alberto BoanoDemo: Video over Synchronous Flooding with OSFv6Show publication in PURE
Theo Gasteiger, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerDemo: Hijacking Bluetooth’s Broadcast Audio Streams using BISONShow publication in PURE
Kristof Kanics and Marcel Carsten BaunachSoftware Optimization For Reducing Power-Peaks In Multi-Core Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Meinhard Kissich and Marcel Carsten BaunachSystem-on-Chip Design From Requirements to ASIC: Open-Source, Optimized, and Human-out-of-the-LoopShow publication in PURE
Rahim Entezari, Mitchell Wortsman, Olga Saukh, M. Moein Shariatnia, Hanie Sedghi and Ludwig SchmidtThe Role of Pre-training Data in Transfer LearningShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Marcel Carsten BaunachEingangsstatement von Marcel Baunach (Transkript)Die ethischen Herausforderungen des automatisierten Fahrens47-51Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Georg Macher, Alexander Much, Tobias Zehetner and Laura AschbacherExperiences with the automotive SPICE for cybersecurity assessment model and toolsJournal of Software: Evolution and Process
2022Show publication in PURE
Yun Cheng, Olga Saukh and Lothar ThieleSensorFormer: Efficient Many-to-Many Sensor Calibration with Learnable Input Sub-SamplingIEEE Internet of Things Journal9,
2022Show publication in PURE
Muaaz Abdul Hadi, Daniel Kraus, Amer Kajmakovic, Josef Suschnigg, Ouijdane Guiza, Milot Gashi, Georgios Sopidis, Matej Vukovic, Katarina Milenković, Michael Haslgruebler, Markus Brillinger and Konrad DiwoldTowards Flexible and Cognitive Production—Addressing the Production ChallengesApplied Sciences12,
2022Show publication in PURE
Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold, Jesús Pestana, Peter Priller and Erich LeitgebTowards a Recommender System for In-Vehicle Antenna Placement in Harsh Propagation EnvironmentsSensors22,
2022Show publication in PURE
Philipp Clement, Omar Veledar, Clemens Könczöl, Herbert Danzinger, Markus Posch, Arno Eichberger and Georg MacherEnhancing Acceptance and Trust in Automated Driving trough Virtual Experience on a Driving SimulatorEnergies15,
2022Show publication in PURE
Amer Kajmakovic, Konrad Diwold, Kay Römer, Jesus Pestana and Nermin KajtazovicDegradation Detection in a Redundant Sensor ArchitectureSensors 22,
2022Show publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Martin Gaertner and Christian StegerSecure and Trustworthy NFC-based Sensor Readout for Battery Packs in Battery Management SystemsIEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification6,
2022Show publication in PURE
Armin Schönlieb, Hannes Plank, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlStray-Light Mitigation for Under-Display Time-of-Flight ImagersIEEE Sensors Journal22,
2022Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Maximilian Peter Schuh, Hannah Brunner, Michael Stocker, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerFirst Steps in Benchmarking the Performance of Heterogeneous Ultra-Wideband Platforms.Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench)Show publication in PURE
Víctor J. Expósito Jiménez, Helmut Martin, Christian Schwarzl, Georg Macher and Eugen BrennerTriggering Conditions Analysis and Use Case for Validation of ADAS/ADS FunctionsComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2022 Workshops11-22Show publication in PURE
Michael Stocker, Jan Kowalczyk, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RömerTowards Secure Multicast Ranging with Ultra-Wideband SystemsInternational Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and NetworksShow publication in PURE
Tiina Leino, Omar Veledar, Georg Macher, Margherita Volpe, Eric Armengaud and Niina KoivunenImpact Maximisation of Collaborative Projects Through Informal LeadershipCollaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0 115-123Show publication in PURE
Christian Schlager, Georg Macher, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert and Eugen BrennerReduce Time Performing an Assessment - Considering Work ProductsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 540-552Show publication in PURE
Tiina Leino, Omar Veledar, Georg Macher, Jasmin Kniewallner, Eric Armengaud and Niina KoivunenChallenging Hierarchical Structure to Boost Technical OutcomesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 707-714Show publication in PURE
Laura Aschbacher, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Tobias Zehetner, Jakob Schönegger and Georg MacherImproving Organisations by Digital Transformation Strategies – Case Study EuroSPISystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 736-749Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Andreas Riel, Georg Macher and Markus EgretzbergerA Method for Deriving Technical Requirements of Digital Twins as Industrial Product-Service System EnablersSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 378-392Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Georg Macher, Svatopluk Stolfa, Jakub Stolfa and Alexander MuchAutomotive SPICE for Cybersecurity – MAN.7 Cybersecurity Risk Management and TARASystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 319-334Show publication in PURE
Thomas Krug, Jürgen Dobaj and Georg MacherEnforcing Network Safety-Margins in Industrial Process Control Using MACD IndicatorsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 401-413Show publication in PURE
Christoph Schmittner, Abdelkader Magdy Shaaban and Georg MacHerThreatGetProceedings - 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2022Show publication in PURE
Jurgen Dobaj, Andreas Riel, Thomas Krug, Matthias Seidl, Georg MacHer and Markus EgretzbergerTowards Digital Twin-enabled DevOps for CPS providing Architecture-Based Service Adaptation & Verification at RuntimeSEAMS '22: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems132-143Show publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Michael Stocker, Maximilian Peter Schuh, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerUnderstanding and Mitigating the Impact of Wi-Fi 6E Interference on Ultra-Wideband Communications and RangingProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)92-104Show publication in PURE
Maja Malenko, Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Marcel Carsten BaunachProtection and Relocation Extension for RISC-VSixth Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V Show publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes and Marcel Carsten BaunachA framework for OS portability: from formal models to low-level codeProceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 20221156-1165Show publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Towards an Accurate Lifetime Estimation of Battery-Free Sensor Nodes Powered by SupercapacitorsProceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)Show publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Sebastian Reicher, Georg Macher, Christian Steger and Raphael SchermannLive Migration of a 3D Flash LiDAR System between two Independent Data Processing Systems with Redundant Design2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2022 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerLeakage-Aware Lifetime Estimation of Battery-Free Sensor Nodes powered by SupercapacitorsProceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys '22)Show publication in PURE
Franz Papst, Naomi Stricker, Rahim Entezari and Olga SaukhTo Share or Not to Share: On Location Privacy in IoT Sensor DataProceedings - 7th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation, IoTDI 2022128-140Show publication in PURE
Hyunyoung Oh, Dongil Hwang, Maja Malenko, Myunghyun Cho, Hyungon Moon, Marcel Carsten Baunach and Yunheung PaekXTENSTORE: Fast Shielded In-memory Key-Value Store on a Hybrid x86-FPGA SystemProceedings of the 2022 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2022560-563Show publication in PURE
Amirreza Mahbod, Rahim Entezari, Isabella Ellinger and Olga SaukhDeep Neural Network Pruning for Nuclei Instance Segmentation in Hematoxylin & Eosin-Stained Histological ImagesApplications of Medical Artificial Intelligence. AMAI 2022108 - 117Show publication in PURE
Svatopluk Stolfa, Jakub Stolfa, Marek Spanyik, Jan Plucar, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Georg Macher, Michael Krisper, Christoph Schmittner, Shaaban Abdelkader, Alexander Much and Alen SalamunAutomotive Cybersecurity Manager and Engineer Skills Needs and Pilot Course ImplementationSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 335-348Show publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel, Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Tim Sagaster and Marcel Carsten BaunachSmartOS: An OS Architecture for Sustainable Embedded Systems2022 - Fruehjahrstreffen FG BSShow publication in PURE
Katharina Schodl, Birgit Fuerst-Waltl, Hermann Schwarzenbacher, Franz Steininger, Marlene Suntinger, Franz Papst, Olga Saukh, Lena Lemmens and Christa Egger-DannerChallenges of Integration and Validation of Farm and Sensor Data for Dairy Herd ManagementShare. Connect. Transform. Sharing Solutions on Digital Transformation, Animal Welfare and Environmental Sustainability to Support Global Food Security. Proceedings of the 45th ICAR Annual ConferenceShow publication in PURE
Leo Botler, Milot Gashi, Konrad Diwold and Kay RomerPoster Abstract: Machine Learning-based Models for Phase-Difference-of-Arrival Measurements Using Ultra-Wideband TransceiversProceedings - 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2022517-518Show publication in PURE
Zihao Yu, Xin Na, Carlo Alberto Boano, Yuan He, Xiuzhen Guo, Pengyu Li and Meng JinSmarTiSCH: An Interference-Aware Engine for IEEE 802.15.4e-based NetworksProceedings - 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2022350-362Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Fengxu Yang, Pei Tian, Xiaoyuan Ma, Ye Liu and Jianming WeiEMU: Increasing the Performance and Applicability of LoRa through Chirp Emulation, Snipping, and MultiplexingProceedings - 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2022363-376Show publication in PURE
Tobias Scheipel, Florian Angermair and Marcel Carsten BaunachmoreMCU: A Runtime-reconfigurable RISC-V Platform for Sustainable Embedded Systems25th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)24-31Show publication in PURE
Michael Stocker, Hannah Brunner, Maximilian Schuh, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RömerOn the Performance of IEEE 802.15.4z-Compliant Ultra-Wideband DevicesProceedings - 5th Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things, CPS-IoTBench 202228-33Show publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Claudia Rosina Laube, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerA Novel Secure NFC-based Approach for BMS Monitoring and Diagnostic Readout2022 IEEE International Conference on RFID, RFID 202223-28Show publication in PURE
Agnes Koller, Maximilian Schuh, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Klaus WitrisalGeodetic Network Optimization Algorithm for Anchor Selection in Harsh EnvironmentsProceedings of the 35th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2022)2532-2545Show publication in PURE
Alexander Köberl, Holger Bock and Christian StegerA Novel Approach for Providing Client-Verifiable and Efficient Access to Private Smart Contracts5th IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, DSC 2022 and SECSOC 2022 Workshop, PASS4IoT 2022 Workshop SICSA International Paper/Poster Competition in CybersecurityShow publication in PURE
Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Drona Nagarajan, Vignesh Manjunath, Muhammad Tanveer Ali Ahmad and Marcel Carsten BaunachVerifying Liveness and Real-Time of OS-Based Embedded Software2022 25th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) 679-688Show publication in PURE
Christian Zajc, Markus Haberler, Inge Siegl, Gerald Holweg and Christian StegerPower-Aware System-on-Chip for Point-Of-Care Diagnostic ApplicationsFLEPS 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems, ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Gernot Fiala, Zhenyu Ye and Christian StegerPupil Detection for Augmented and Virtual Reality based on Images with Reduced Bit Depths2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2022)1-5Show publication in PURE
Gernot Fiala, Johannes Loining and Christian StegerImpact of Image Sensor Output Data on Power Consumption of the Image Processing SystemIntelligent Systems and Applications - IntelliSys 2022618 - 636Show publication in PURE
Gernot Fiala, Zhenyu Ye and Christian StegerFramework for Image Sensor Design Parameter Optimization for Pupil DetectionICSAI 2022 - 8th International Conference on Systems and Informatics1 - 6Show publication in PURE
Tobias ScheipelAdvances in Dynamic and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems DesignShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Fikret Basic, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerPoster: Establishing Dynamic Secure Sessions for Intra-Vehicle Communication Using Implicit CertificatesShow publication in PURE
Francesco Corti, Rahim Entezari, Sara Hooker, Davide Bacciu and Olga SaukhStudying the impact of magnitude pruning on contrastive learning methodsShow publication in PURE
Vignesh Manjunath, Konrad Diwold and Marcel Carsten BaunachFormal Modeling and Verification of Low-Level OS Code using Abstract InterpretationShow publication in PURE
M. Moein Shariatnia, Rahim Entezari, Mitchell Wortsman, Olga Saukh and Ludwig SchmidtHow well do contrastively trained models transfer?Show publication in PURE
Maximilian Schuh, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Increasing the Reliability of Concurrent UWB Transmissions over Complex ChannelsShow publication in PURE
Francesco Corti, Rahim Entezari, Davide Bacciu, Sarah Hooker and Olga SaukhStudying the impact of magnitude pruning on contrastive learning methodsShow publication in PURE
Markus Gallacher, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Stocker and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Towards NLOS Ranging Error Detection and Mitigation using Machine Learning on Embedded Ultra-Wideband DevicesShow publication in PURE
Rahim Entezari, Hanie Sedghi, Olga Saukh and Behnam NeyshaburThe Role of Permutation Invariance in Linear Mode Connectivity of Neural NetworksShow publication in PURE
Fengxu Yang, Pei Tian, Xiaoyuan Ma, Jianming Wei and Carlo Alberto BoanoDemo: Real-Time Decoding of LoRa Packets Without Prior Knowledge of their Spreading FactorShow publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Baddeley, Monika Prakash and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Towards a Federated Testbed Infrastructure for Geographically-Distributed Low-Power Wireless SystemsShow publication in PURE
Elisabeth Salomon, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Improving the Reliability of BLE Communications through Packet-level Adaptations on a Per-Channel BasisShow publication in PURE
Romain Jacob, Marco Zimmerling, Carlo Alberto Boano, Laurent Vanbever and Lothar ThieleTriScale: A Framework Supporting Replicable Performance Evaluations in NetworkingShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Erik Armengaud, Georg Macher, Alexander Massoner, Sebastian Frager, Rasmus Adler, Daniel Schneider, Simone Longo, Massimiliano Melis, Riccardo Groppo, Federica Villa, Padraig O'Leary, Kevin Bambury, Finnegan Anita, Marc Zeller, Kai Hoefig, Yiannis Papadopoulos, Richard Hawkins and Tim KellyDEIS: Dependability Engineering Innovation for Industrial CPSAdvanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2017151-163Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer, Chenyang Lu and Luca CharaviglioProceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2021)Show publication in PURE
Steffen Hölldobler, Sven Apel, Abraham Bernstein, Felix Freiling, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Gustaf Neumann, Rüdiger Reischuk, Kay Uwe Römer, Björn Scheuermann, Nicole Schweikardt, Myra Spiliopoulou, Sabine Süsstrunk and Klaus WehrleAusgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2020Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Martin Troyer and Josef Preishuber-PfluglA Framework for Automated NFC Interoperability Test SystemsIEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification5,
2021Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Damjan Ekert, Jakub Stolfa, Svatopluk Stolfa, Georg Macher and Richard MessnarzCybersecurity threat analysis, risk assessment and design patterns for automotive networked embedded systemsJournal of Universal Computer Science27,
2021Show publication in PURE
Lukas Gressl, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeDesign Space Exploration for Secure IoT Devices and Cyber-Physical SystemsACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems20,
2021Show publication in PURE
Romain Jacob, Marco Zimmerling, Carlo Alberto Boano, Laurent Vanbever and Lothar ThieleDesigning Replicable Networking Experiments With TriscaleJournal of Systems Research 1,
2021Show publication in PURE
Georgios Koutroulis, Leo Happ Botler, Belgin Mutlu, Konrad Diwold, Kay Uwe Römer and Roman KernKOMPOS: Connecting Causal Knots in Large Nonlinear Time Series with Non-Parametric Regression SplinesACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology12,
2021Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Georg Macher, Damjan Ekert, Andreas Riel and Richard MessnarzTowards a security-driven automotive development lifecycleJournal of Software: Evolution and Process
2021Show publication in PURE
Hexuan Li, Tarik Kanuric, Sadegh Arefnezhad, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Christoph Wellershaus, Darko Babic, Dario Babic, Viktor Tihanyi, Arno Eichberger and Marcel Carsten BaunachPhenomenological Modelling of Camera Performance for Road Marking DetectionEnergies15,
2021Show publication in PURE
Erik Armengaud, Georg Macher, Alexander Massoner, Sebastian Frager, Rasmus Adler, Daniel Schneider, Simone Longo, Massimiliano Melis, Riccardo Groppo, Federica Villa, Padraig OLeary, Kevin Bambury, Finnegan Anita, Marc Zeller, Kai Hoefig, Yiannis Papadopoulos, Richard Hawkins and Tim KellyDEIS Dependability Engineering Innovation for Industrial e-Print archive
2021Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Leo Botler, Konrad Diwold and Kay RömerA UWB-Based Solution to the Distance Enlargement Fraud Using Hybrid ToF and RSS MeasurementsProceedings - 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems, MASS 2021324-334Show publication in PURE
Pei Tian, Fengxu Yang, Xiaoyuan Ma, Carlo Alberto Boano, Xin Tian, Ye Liu and Jianming WeiDataset: Environmental Impact on the Long-Term Connectivity and Link Quality of an Outdoor LoRa NetworkSenSys 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems565-568Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto BoanoEnabling Support of Legacy Devices for a More Sustainable Internet of ThingsGoodIT 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Information Technology for Social Good97-102Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Siranush Akarmazyan, Eric Armengaud, Davide Bacciu, Calogero Calandra, Herbert Danzinger, Patrizio Dazzi, Charalampos Davalas, Maria Carmela De Gennaro, Angela Dimitriou, Juergen Dobaj, Maid Dzambic, Lorenzo Giraudi, Sylvain Girbal, Dimitrios Michail, Roberta Peroglio, Rosaria Potenza, Farank Pourdanesh, Matthias Seidl, Christos Sardianos, Konstantinos Tserpes, Jakob Valtl, Iraklis Varlamis and Omar VeledarDependable Integration Concepts for Human-Centric AI-Based SystemsComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2021 Workshops - DECSoS, MAPSOD, DepDevOps, USDAI, and WAISE, Proceedings11-23Show publication in PURE
Omar Veledar, Eric Armengaud, Leo Happ Botler, Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt, Christian Derler, Stefan Jaksic, Lukas Krammer, Christian Lettner, Georg Macher, Stefan Marksteiner, Andreas Martin, Martin Matschnig, Peter Priller, Sebastian Ramacher, Kay Römer, Christoph Schmittner, Christina Tiefnig, Heribert Vallant, Heinz Weiskirchner and Mario DrobicsSteering Drivers of ChangeSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 28th European Conference, EuroSPI 2021, Proceedings663-674Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher and Omar VeledarBalancing Exploration and Exploitation Through Open Innovation in the Automotive Domain – Focus on SMEsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 28th European Conference, EuroSPI 2021, Proceedings336-348Show publication in PURE
Dominic Pirker, Thomas Fischer, Harald Witschnig and Christian StegerVelink - A Blockchain-based Shared Mobility Platform for Private and Commercial Vehicles utilizing ERC-721 Tokens2021 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy, CSP 202162-67Show publication in PURE
Dominic Peter Pirker, Thomas Fischer, Christoph Reiter, Harald Wiltschnig and Christian StegerTowards a More Flexible IoT SAFE Implementation2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)Show publication in PURE
Dominic Peter Pirker, Thomas Fischer, Harald Wiltschnig, Rainer Matischek and Christian StegerTrustful Remote-Sensing Architectures based on Hardware-Security 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON)Show publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes and Marcel Carsten BaunachA Study on the Portability of IoT Operating Systems2021 - Fruehjahrstreffen FG BSShow publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Josef Steinbaeck, Christian Steger, Markus Schratter and Norbert DrumlEvaluation of Novel Safety Concepts for Automotive Perception in Real-World Environments2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Systems EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Markus-Philipp Gherman, Yun Cheng, Andres Gomez and Olga SaukhCompensating Altered Sensitivity of Duty-Cycled MOX Gas Sensors with Machine Learning2021 18th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking, SECON 2021Show publication in PURE
Maid Dzambic, Christoph Kreuzberger, Omar Veledar and Georg MacherA Rapid Prototyping System, Intelligent Watchdog and Gateway Tool for Automotive ApplicationsProceedings - 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion, ICSA-C 2021149-154Show publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachpapagenoReQ: Generation of Embedded Systems from Application Code Requirements2021 International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE) Show publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel, Peter Brungs and Marcel Carsten BaunachA Hardware/Software Concept for Partial Logic Updates of Embedded Soft Processors at Runtime24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)199Show publication in PURE
Pei Tian, Xiaoyuan Ma, Carlo Alberto Boano, Fengxu Yang, Ye Liu, Xin Tian, Dan Li and Jianming WeiChirpBox: An Infrastructure-Less LoRa TestbedEWSN '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks115-126Show publication in PURE
Thomas Peisl, Joanne Hyland, Richard Messnarz, Bruno Wöran, Samer Sameh, Georg Macher, Jürgen Dobaj, Laura Aschbacher and Detlev AustInnovation Agents – Moving from Process Driven to Human Centred Intelligence Driven ApproachesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 28th European Conference, EuroSPI 2021, Proceedings319-335Show publication in PURE
Rainer Hofmann, David Grubmair, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerX-Sync: Cross-Technology Clock Synchronization Among Off-the-Shelf Wireless IoT Devices46th International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, So Norimatsu, Jürgen Dobaj, Damjan Ekert, Georg Macher, Tobias Zehetner and Laura AschbacherFirst Experiences with the Automotive SPICE for Cybersecurity Assessment ModelSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 28th European Conference, EuroSPI 2021, Proceedings531-547Show publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerEnsuring End-to-End Dependability Requirements in Cloud-based Bluetooth Low Energy ApplicationsEWSN '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks55-66Show publication in PURE
Rainer Hofmann, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerSERVOUS: Cross-Technology Neighbour Discovery and Rendezvous for Low-Power Wireless DevicesEWSN '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks151-162Show publication in PURE
Gernot Fiala, Johannes Loinig and Christian StegerEvaluation of an Integer Optimized Shape Matching Algorithm2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2021 - Proceedings1-6Show publication in PURE
Michael Stocker, Markus Gallacher, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPerformance of Support Vector Regression in Correcting UWB Ranging Measurements under LOS/NLOS ConditionsCPS-IoTBench 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things6-11Show publication in PURE
Zihao Yu, Pengyu Li, Carlo Alberto Boano, Yuan He, Meng Jin, Xiuzhen Guo and Xiaolong ZhengBiCord: Bidirectional Coordination among Coexisting Wireless Devices41st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)304-314Show publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Rainer Hofmann, Markus Schuß, Jakob Link, Matthias Hollick, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerLeveraging Cross-Technology Broadcast Communication to build Gateway-Free Smart HomesProceedings - 17th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOS 20211-9Show publication in PURE
Michael Baddeley, Adnan Aijaz, Usman Raza, Aleksandar Stanoev, Yichao Jin, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and George Oikonomou6TiSCH++ with Bluetooth 5 and Concurrent TransmissionsEWSN '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks25-30Show publication in PURE
Maja Malenko, Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Marcel Carsten BaunachWork-in-Progress: Improving Security and Maintainability in Modular Embedded Systems with Hardware SupportCODES/ISSS '21: Proceedings of the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis 35-36Show publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlTowards Dynamic Master Determination in MEMS-based Micro-Scanning LiDAR Systems32nd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2021874-880Show publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Christian Steger, Simon Maximilian Waldhuber, Johannes Wiesmeier, Leonhard Christian Niedermüller and Norbert DrumlTowards Fault Injection Modules for Functionality Checks in MEMS-based LiDAR Systems2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2021 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Vimal Sivashanmugam, Tobias Peter Scheipel, Marcel Carsten Baunach and Bhargav AdabalaA Conversion Concept for a Legacy Software Model towards AUTOSAR Compliance1st International Conference on Computing and Applied EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Markus Haberler, Inge Siegl, Christian Zajc, Carolin Kollegger, Christoph Steffan, Thomas Maier, Loric Petruzzi, Giorgio Mutinati, Rainer Hainberger, Gerald Holweg and Mario AuerA Self-Contained, Single-Chip Amperometric Measurement Platform for Biomedical ApplicationsProceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021105-109Show publication in PURE
Christian Schlager and Georg MacherThe Cybersecurity Extension for ASPICE - A View from ASPICE AssessorsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 28th European Conference, EuroSPI 2021, Proceedings409-422Show publication in PURE
Raphael Schermann, Ronald Toegl and Christian StegerManaging Anonymous Keys in a Fog-Computing Platform16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2021Show publication in PURE
Ievgeniia Maksymova, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlAn adaptive pixel accumulation algorithm for a 1D micro-scanning LiDAR2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)Show publication in PURE
Christian Zajc, Markus Haberler, Gerald Holweg and Christian StegerGenerating a PUF Fingerprint from an on-Chip Resistive Ladder DAC and ADC2021 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications, ISNCC 2021Show publication in PURE
Caterina Nahler, Armin Schoenlieb, Sebastian Handel, Hannes Plank, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlSingle-Frame Direct Reflectance Estimation With Indirect Time-of-Flight Cameras2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)182-186Show publication in PURE
Caterina Nahler, Hannes Plank, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlResource-Constrained Human Presence Detection for Indirect Time-of-Flight SensorsDICTA 2021 - 2021 International Conference on Digital Image ComputingShow publication in PURE
Reinmar J. Kobler, Jun Ichiro Hirayama, Lea Hehenberger, Catarina Lopes-Dias, Gernot R. Muller-Putz and Motoaki KawanabeOn the interpretation of linear Riemannian tangent space model parameters in M/EEG2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)5909-5913Show publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Christian Steger and Robert KoflerEmbedded Platform Patterns for Distributed and Secure LoggingProceedings of the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2021Show publication in PURE
Fikret Basic, Martin Gärtner and Christian StegerTowards Trustworthy NFC-based Sensor Readout for Battery Packs in Battery Management Systems2021 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, RFID-TA 2021285-288Show publication in PURE
Martin ErbDesign and Implementation of an Advanced Near-Field Communication Interoperability Test Automation SystemShow publication in PURE
Thomas FischerRPC-Based Framework for Partitioning IoT Security Software for Trusted Execution EnvironmentsShow publication in PURE
Josef SteinbaeckAn Environmental Perception Platform Enabling Low-Level Sensor FusionShow publication in PURE
Andreas StrasserTowards Optimizing Safety-Critical Automotive Embedded Systems on Reliability for Automated DrivingShow publication in PURE
Michael KrisperAssessment of Cybersecurity Based on Risk and Uncertainty Propagation in Distributed Networked SystemsShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Maid Dzambic, Jürgen Dobaj, Matthias Seidl and Georg MacherArchitectural Patterns for Integrating AI Technology into Safety-Critical SystemsShow publication in PURE
Juergen Mangler, Konrad Diwold, Dieter Etz, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Alois Ferscha, Gerald Reiner, Wolfgang Kastner, Sebastien Bougain, Christoph Pollak and Michael HaslgrüblerSustainability Through Cognition Aware Safety Systems - Next Level Human-Machine-Interaction.Show publication in PURE
Armin Schonlieb, David Lugitsch, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlMulti-Depth Sensing for Applications with Indirect Solid-State LiDARShow publication in PURE
Franz Papst, Katharina Schodl and Olga SaukhExploring Co-dependency of IoT Data Quality and Model Robustness in Precision Cattle FarmingShow publication in PURE
Elisei Ember, Konrad Diwold, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Markus Schuß, Albin Frischenschlager and Alfred EinfaltPoster: Communication Failover Strategies for Dependable Smart Grid OperationShow publication in PURE
Elisabeth Salomon, Leo Happ Botler, Konrad Diwold, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Comparison of Channel State Information driven and RSSI-based WiFi Distance EstimationShow publication in PURE
Michael SpörkEnabling Time-Critical Internet of Things Applications based on Bluetooth Low EnergyShow publication in PURE
Markus-Philipp Gherman, Yun Cheng, Andres Gomez and Olga SaukhTowards On-demand Gas SensingShow publication in PURE
Rahim Entezari, Hanie Sedghi, Olga Saukh and Behnam NeyshaburThe Role of Permutation Invariance in Linear Mode Connectivity of Neural NetworksShow publication in PURE
Lukas Timpl, Rahim Entezari, Hanie Sedghi, Behnam Neyshabur and Olga SaukhUnderstanding the effect of sparsity on neural networks' robustnessShow publication in PURE
Gerzon Gomez Bravo, Reinhard Teschl and Wolfgang BöschMicrowave Frontends for Dependable Wireless Communication and Localization SystemsShow publication in PURE
Johanna Einsiedler, Yun Cheng, Franz Papst and Olga SaukhInterpretable and Transferable Models to Understand the Impact of Lockdown Measures on Local Air QualityShow publication in PURE
Yun Cheng, Olga Saukh and Lothar ThieleTIP-Air: Tracking Pollution Transfer for Accurate Air Quality PredictionShow publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Anna Ryabokon, Kaspars Ozols, Aleksandrs Levinskis, Georg Macher, Rihards Novickis and Selim SolmazProgrammable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3Show publication in PURE
Steffen Hölldobler, Sven Apel, Felix Freiling, Hans-Peter Lehnhof, Gustaf Neumann, Rüdiger Reischuk, Kay Uwe Römer, Björn Scheuermann, Nicole Schweikardt, Myra Spiliopoulou, Sabine Süsstrunk and Klaus WehrleAusgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2019Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Martin Troyer and Josef Preishuber-PflueglA Novel Automated Interoperability Test and Debug System for Near-Field CommunicationInternational Journal of RF Technologies11,
2020Show publication in PURE
Amer Kajmakovic, Konrad Diwold, Nermin Kajtazovic and Robert ZupancChallenges in Mitigating Errors in 1oo2D Safety Architecture with COTS Micro-controllersInternational Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements*13,
2020Show publication in PURE
Helmut Martin, Georg Macher, Zhendong Ma, Christoph Schmittner, Martin Krammer, Bernhard Winkler, Daniel Schneider, Tiago Amorim and Christian Josef KreinerCombined automotive safety and security pattern engineering approachReliability Engineering & System Safety198,
2020Show publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Philip Pannagger, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlActive Monitoring Concepts for Safety-Critical Mirror Drivers of MEMS Micro-Scanning LiDAR SystemsInternational Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements*13,
2020Show publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RömerImproving the Timeliness of Bluetooth Low Energy in Dynamic RF EnvironmentsACM Transactions on Internet of Things1,
2020Show publication in PURE
H. A. Nguyen, M. Rath, E. Leitinger, V. K. Nguyen and K. WitrisalGaussian Process Modeling of Specular Multipath ComponentsApplied Sciences10,
2020Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Martin Troyer and Josef Preishuber-PflueglTrigger Alarm: A Smart NFC Sniffer for High-Precision MeasurementsTesting Software and Systems - 32nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2020, Proceedings186-200Show publication in PURE
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Martin Troyer and Josef Preishuber-PflueglTowards Fully Interoperable NFC Devices2020 IEEE International Conference on RFID, RFID 2020Show publication in PURE
Alexander Rech, Christian Steger and Markus PistauerA Decentralized Service-Platform towards Cross-Domain Entitlement HandlingProceedings - 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2019455-462Show publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Christian Steger, Alexander Rech, Ralph Peter Weissnegger and Andreas Daniel SinnhoferSecurity based design space exploration for CPS35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2020593-595Show publication in PURE
Dominic Pirker, Thomas Fischer, Christian Lesjak and Christian StegerGlobal and Secured UAV Authentication System based on Hardware-SecurityProceedings - 2020 8th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering, MobileCloud 202084-89Show publication in PURE
Christian Zajc, Gerald Holweg and Christian StegerSystem Architecture and Security Issues of Smartphone-based Point-Of-Care DevicesProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020320-324Show publication in PURE
Thomas Krug, Michael Krisper, Jürgen Dobaj and Georg MacHerArbitration PatternsProceedings of the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020, EuroPLoP 2020Show publication in PURE
Leo Happ Botler, Konrad Diwold and Kay Uwe RömerE-SALDAT: Efficient Single-Anchor Localization of Dual-Antenna Tags2019 16th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, WPNC 2019Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Christoph Schmittner, Omar Veledar and Eugen BrennerISO/SAE DIS 21434 Automotive Cybersecurity Standard - In a NutshellComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2020 Workshops - DECSoS 2020, DepDevOps 2020, USDAI 2020, and WAISE 2020, Proceedings123-135Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Bjom Debaillie, Andrei Anghel, Nicolae Catalin Ristea, Jonas Fuchs, Anand Dubey, Torsten Reisland, Maike Hartstem, Viktor Rack, Anna Ryabokon, Kaspars Ozols, Rihards Novickis, Aleksandrs Levinskis, Omar Veledar, Georg MacHer, Johannes Jany-Luig, Selim Solmaz, Jakob Reckenzaun, Naveen Mohan, Shai Ophir, Georg Stettinger, Sergio Diaz, Mauricio Marcano, Jorge Villagra, Andrea Castellano, Rutger Beekelaar, Fabio Tango, Jarno Vanne, Kalle Holma, Oguz Icoglu and George DimitrakopoulosProgrammable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles (PRYSTINE)Proceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020360-369Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Peter Hödl and Georg MacherInstrumenting Compiler Pipeline to Synthesise Traceable Runtime Memory Layouts in Mixed-critical ApplicationsProceedings - 2020 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 202073-78Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Christoph Schmittner, Arndt Bonitz, Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud and Omar VeledarCPS Road Network Scenarios Analysed for Dependability and StandardizationIntelligent System Solutions for Auto Mobility and Beyond107-119Show publication in PURE
Christoph Schmittner, Sebastian Chlup, Andreas Fellner, Georg Macher and Eugen BrennerThreatGet: Threat modeling based approach for automated and connected vehicle systemsAmE 202026-28Show publication in PURE
Leo Happ Botler, Kay Uwe Römer, Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Konrad DiwoldOn the Potential of Distance Bounding based on UWB Received Signal StrengthProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pervasive and Parallel Computing, Communication and Sensors - Volume 1: PECCS7-14Show publication in PURE
Leo Happ Botler, Michael Spörk, Konrad Diwold and Kay Uwe RömerDirection Finding with UWB and BLE: A Comparative StudyProceedings - 2020 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems, MASS 202044-52Show publication in PURE
Leo Botler, Nermin Kajtazovic, Konrad Diwold and Kay RömerJit fault detectionProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2020Show publication in PURE
Daniel Hauer, Konrad Diwold, Markus Schuss, Lukas Krammer and Thilo SauterPlug play monitoring for distribution substationsProceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2020624-629Show publication in PURE
Johannes Winkler, Andrea Holler and Christian StegerOptimizing Picnic for Limited Memory ResourcesProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020200-204Show publication in PURE
Caterina Nahler, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlQuantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Methods of Automotive Time of Flight Based SensorsProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020651-659Show publication in PURE
Josef Steinbaeck, Christian Steger, Eugen Brenner and Norbert DrumlA Hybrid Timestamping Approach for Multi-Sensor Perception SystemsProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020447-454Show publication in PURE
Josef Steinbaeck, Andreas Strasser, Christian Steger, Eugen Brenner, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlContext-Aware Sensor Adaption of a Radar and Time-of-Flight Based Perception Platform2020 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2020 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Dominic Pirker, Thomas Fischer, Harald Witschnig and Christian StegerTrust-Provisioning Infrastructure for a Global and Secured UAV Authentication SystemCoBCom 2020 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Thomas Fischer, Dominic Pirker, Christian Lesjak and Christian StegerTinyI2C-A Protocol Stack for connecting Hardware Security Modules to IoT DevicesCoBCom 2020 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Roy Oberhauser and Christian StegerFrom adaptive business processes to orchestrated microflowsBusiness Modeling and Software Design - 10th International Symposium, BMSD 2020, Proceedings152-168Show publication in PURE
Michael Stocker, Bernhard Großwindhager, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerTowards Secure and Scalable UWB-based Positioning Systems2020 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)247-255Show publication in PURE
Michael Baddeley, Carlo Alberto Boano, Antonio Escobar-Molero, Ye Liu, Xiaoyuan Ma, Usman Raza, Kay Uwe Römer, Markus Schuß and Aleksandar StanoevThe Impact of the Physical Layer on the Performance of Concurrent Transmissions28th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)Show publication in PURE
Thomas Krug, Michael Krisper, Jürgen Dobaj and Georg MacHerArbitration PatternsProceedings of the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020, EuroPLoP 2020Show publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachpapagenoX: Generation of Electronics and Logic for Embedded Systems from Application SoftwareSENSORNETS 2020 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sensor Networks136-141Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Jakob Link and Matthias HollickTowards an Automated Monitoring of RF Activity in Low-Power Wireless Testbeds3rd International Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS-IoTBench)Show publication in PURE
Gernot Fiala, Tobias Peter Scheipel, Werner Neuwirth and Marcel Carsten BaunachFPGA-Based Debugging with Dynamic Signal Selection at Run-Time17th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering (ASE 2020)Show publication in PURE
Amer Kajmakovic, Konrad Diwold, Nermin Kajtazovic and Robert ZupancChallenges in Mitigating Soft Errors in Safety-critical Systems with COTS MicroprocessorsPESARO 2020, The Tenth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications13-18Show publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes, Bernhard Aichernig and Marcel Carsten BaunachA Formal Modeling Approach for Portable Low-Level OS FunctionalitySoftware Engineering and Formal Methods - 18th International Conference, SEFM 2020, Proceedings155-174Show publication in PURE
Xiaoyuan Ma, Dan Li, Fengxu Yang, Carlo Alberto Boano, Pei Tian and Jianming WeiPoster: Chirpbox – A Low-Cost LoRa Testbed SolutionPoster: Chirpbox – A Low-Cost LoRa Testbed Solution166-167Show publication in PURE
Hannah Brunner, Rainer Hofmann, Markus Schuß, Jakob Link, Matthias Hollick, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerDemo: Cross-Technology Broadcast Communication between Off-The-Shelf Wi-Fi, BLE, and IEEE 802.15.4 DevicesDemo: Cross-Technology Broadcast Communication between Off-The-Shelf Wi-Fi, BLE, and IEEE 802.15.4 Devices176-177Show publication in PURE
David Grubmair, Rainer Hofmann, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Accurate Cross-Technology Clock Synchronization Among Off-The-Shelf Wireless DevicesPoster: Accurate Cross-Technology Clock Synchronization Among Off-The-Shelf Wireless Devices162-163Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster: Making D-Cube an Open Low-Power Wireless Networking BenchmarkPoster: Making D-Cube an Open Low-Power Wireless Networking Benchmark164-165Show publication in PURE
Jiska Classen, Michael Spörk, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Matthias HollickDemo: Analyzing Bluetooth Low Energy Connections on Off-the-Shelf DevicesProceedings of the 17 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)Show publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Jiska Classen, Carlo Alberto Boano, Matthias Hollick and Kay RömerImproving the Reliability of Bluetooth Low Energy ConnectionsProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)144-155Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Matthias Seidl, Thomas Krug, Michael Krisper and Georg MacherA Seamless Self-configuring EtherCAT Master Redundancy ProtocolSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 381-395Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Jürgen Dobaj and Georg MacherAssessing Risk Estimations for Cyber-Security Using Expert JudgmentSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 27th European Conference, EuroSPI 2020, Proceedings120-134Show publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Michael Krisper, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeTowards an Automated Exploration of Secure IoT/CPS Design-VariantsComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security 372-386Show publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlFail-Operational Shock Detection and Correction of MEMS-based Micro-Scanning LiDAR Systems2020 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2020 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Christian Steger, Hannes Plank and Norbert DrumlTowards Synchronisation of Multiple Independent MEMS-based Micro-Scanning LiDAR Systems2020 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Vehicle1080-1085Show publication in PURE
Philipp Stelzer, Andreas Strasser, Philip Pannagger, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlMonitor for Safety-Critical Mirror Drivers of MEMS Micro-Scanning LiDAR SystemsPESARO 2020 7-12Show publication in PURE
Andreas Strasser, Philipp Stelzer, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlEnabling Live State-of-Health Monitoring for a Safety-Critical Automotive LiDAR System2020 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2020 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Andreas Strasser, Philipp Stelzer, Felix Warmer, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlEnabling Fail-Operational Behavior and Degradation for Safety-Critical Automotive 3D Flash LiDAR SystemsProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2020463-468Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eugen Brenner, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Jakub Stolfa, Svatopluk Stolfa, Joerg Niemann, Claudia Fussenecker, Marius Schoening, Alexander Paul, Nikolay Pavlov, Boyko Gigov and Maria Stefanova PavlovaA Study of Electric Powertrain Engineering - Its Requirements and Stakeholders PerspectivesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 27th European Conference, EuroSPI 2020, Proceedings396-407Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Georg Macher, Florian Stahl, Stefan Wachter, Damjan Ekert, Jakub Stolfa and Svatopluk StolfaAutomotive Cybersecurity Engineering Job Roles and Best Practices – Developed for the EU Blueprint Project DRIVESSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 499-510Show publication in PURE
Christoph Schmittner, Jürgen Dobaj, Georg Macher and Eugen BrennerA Preliminary View on Automotive Cyber Security Management SystemsProceedings of the 2020 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 20201634-1639Show publication in PURE
Rahim Entezari and Olga SaukhPhD Forum Abstract: Understanding Deep Model Compression for IoT DevicesProceedings - 2020 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2020385-386Show publication in PURE
Alexander Rech, Lukas Alexander Gressl, Fikret Basic, Christian Steger, Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer and Christian SeifertMulti-Layered IoT System Design Towards End-to-End Secure CommunicationProceedings - IECON 20202213-2220Show publication in PURE
Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Marcel Carsten Baunach and Fabian SchlagerTowards Automatic SW Integration in Dependable Embedded SystemsInternational Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)Show publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Christian Steger, Michael Krisper and Ulrich NeffeTowards Security Attack and Risk Assessment during Early System DesignInternational Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services, Cyber Security 2020Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto BoanoTechnologies and Tools for the Design of Dependable Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Olga SaukhEmbedded Sensing Systems: Design, Models, Algorithms, and ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Cao Nguyen Khoa Nam, Matthias Meyer, Lothar Thiele and Olga SaukhAutomated Pollen Detection with an Affordable TechnologyShow publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachpapagenoX: Generation of Electronics and Logic for Embedded Systems from Application SoftwareShow publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Christian Steger, Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer and Alexander RechA Design Exploration Framework for Secure IoT-SystemsShow publication in PURE
Xiaoyuan Ma, Peilin Zhang, Ye Liu, Carlo Alberto Boano, Hyung-Sin Kim, Jianming Wei and Jun HuangHarmony: Saving Concurrent Transmissions from Harsh RF InterferenceShow publication in PURE
Rahim Entezari and Olga SaukhClass-dependent Compression of Deep Neural NetworksShow publication in PURE
Cao Nguyen Khoa Nam, Matthias Meyer, Lothar Thiele and Olga SaukhDataset: Pollen Video Library for Benchmarking Detection, Classification, Tracking and Novelty Detection TasksShow publication in PURE
Franz Papst, Naomi Stricker and Olga SaukhLocalization from Activity Sensor Data: poster abstractShow publication in PURE
Franz PapstPrivacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Time Series Data: PhD forum abstractShow publication in PURE
Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold and Erich LeitgebGetting on Track – Simulation-aided Design of Wireless IoT Sensor SystemsShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Philipp Greiner, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal, Fabrizio Gentili, Jasmin Grosinger, Wolfgang Bösch and Kay Uwe RömerDependable Wireless Communication and Localization in the Internet of ThingsMission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science209-256Show publication in PURE
Andreas Genser, Christian Bachmann, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiss and Josef HaidA hardware-accelerated estimation-based power profiling unit - enabling early power-aware embedded software design and on-chip power managementLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)59-78Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Tobias Peter Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachTowards an Automated Printed Circuit Board Generation Concept for Embedded SystemsInternational Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements*12,
2019Show publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Ian Hunter, Raed Abd-Alhameed, Klaus Witrisal, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Wolfgang BöschCompact broadband frequency selective microstrip antenna and its application to indoor positioning systems for wireless networksIET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation13,
2019Show publication in PURE
Yasir Al-Yasir, Yuxiang Tu, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Naser Parchin, Abdalfettah Asharaa, Widad Mshwat, Raed Abd-Alhameed and James NorasDesign of multi-standard single/tri/quint-wideband asymmetric stepped-impedance resonator filters with adjustable TZsIET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation13,
2019Show publication in PURE
Saad Luhaib, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Nutapong Somjit and Ian C. HunterDesign and Characterisation of HE11 Dual-Mode Dielectric-Loaded Filter for Cellular Base Station ApplicationsInternational Journal of Electronics106,
1530-1542 ,
2019Show publication in PURE
Saad Luhaib, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Ian Hunter and Nutapong SomjitCompact triple-mode microwave dielectric resonator filtersInternational Journal of Electronics Letters8,
2019Show publication in PURE
Georg Weichhart, Alois Ferscha, Belgin Mutlu, Markus Brillinger, Konrad Diwold, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Tobias Schreck and Christoph Mayr-DornHuman/machine/roboter: technologies for cognitive processesElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik136,
2019Show publication in PURE
Dan Popescu, Florin Stoican, Grigore Stamatescu, Oana Chenaru and Loretta IchimA Survey of Collaborative UAV–WSN Systems for Efficient MonitoringSensors 19,
2019Show publication in PURE
O. Cooley, M. Kang and C. KochThe size of the giant component in random hypergraphs: A short proofThe Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26,
2019Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Kay Uwe Römer, Klaus Witrisal, Marcel Carsten Baunach, Roderick Bloem and Martin HornDependable Internet of ThingsProceedings of the International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS) 2019Show publication in PURE
Daniel Kraus, Konrad Diwold, Erich Leitgeb and Peter PrillerAchieving Robust and Reliable Wireless Communications in Hostile In-Car EnvironmentsIoT 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things 2019Show publication in PURE
Richard Bjetak, Amer Kajmaković and Konrad DiwoldRetrofit: Creating Awareness in Embedded Systems - A Usecase for PLCsProceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things, IoT 201933:1-33:4Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Konrad Diwold, Omar Veledar, Eric Armengaud and Kay RömerThe Quest for Infrastructures and Engineering Methods Enabling Highly Dynamic Autonomous SystemsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 26th European Conference, EuroSPI 2019, Proceedings15-27Show publication in PURE
Katarina Milenković, Simon Mayer, Konrad Diwold and Josef ZehetnerEnabling Knowledge Management in Complex Industrial Processes Using Semantic Web TechnologyProceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Theory and Applications in the Knowledge EconomyShow publication in PURE
Andreas Strasser, Philipp Stelzer, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlFITness Assessment - Hardware Algorithm Safety ValidationPerformance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications12-17Show publication in PURE
Alexander Rech, Maximilian Kammerer, Markus Pistauer and Christian StegerA Distributed Framework Towards Local and Online Service AccessProceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 20191715-1721Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Stocker, Michael Rath, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerSnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of TagsSnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of Tags61-72Show publication in PURE
Alexander Rech, Markus Pistauer and Christian StegerA Novel Embedded Platform for Secure and Privacy-Concerned Cross-Domain Service AccessProceedings of the 30th Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 20191961-1967Show publication in PURE
Michael Stocker, Bernhard Großwindhager, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerDemo Abstract: SnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of TagsDemo Abstract: SnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-Based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of Tags348-349Show publication in PURE
Amer Kajmakovic, Konrad Diwold, Nermin Kajtazovic and Robert ZupancFlexible Soft error Mitigation Strategy for memories in mixed-critical systemsInternational Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSREW 2019)Show publication in PURE
Ievgeniia Maksymova, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlExtended Delta Compression Algorithm for Scanning LiDAR Raw Data Handling2nd Workshop on Proximity PerceptionShow publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel and Marcel Carsten BaunachpapagenoPCB: An Automated Printed Circuit Board Generation Approach for Embedded Systems PrototypingICONS 2019 - The Fourteenth International Conference on Systems20-25Show publication in PURE
Armin Schönlieb, Hannes Plank, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlHybrid Sensing Approach For Coded Modulation Time-of-Flight Cameras2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE)1076-1081Show publication in PURE
Armin Schönlieb, Matthias Almer, David Lugitsch, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlCoded Modulation Simulation Framework for Time-of-Flight Cameras2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)615-619Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Norbert Druml, Omar Veledar and Jakob ReckenzaunSafety and security aspects of fail-operational urban surround perceptION (FUSION)Model-Based Safety and Assessment. IMBSA 2019286-300Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eugen Brenner, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert and Mick FeloyTransferable Competence Frameworks for Automotive IndustrySystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 26th European Conference, EuroSPI 2019, Proceedings151-162Show publication in PURE
Christoph Schmittner and Georg MacherAutomotive Cybersecurity Standards - Relation and OverviewComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2019 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, STRIVE, and WAISE, Proceedings153-165Show publication in PURE
Christoph Schmittner, Korbinian Christl, Georg Macher, Johannes Knapitsch, Martin Parapatits, Markus Tauber, Harald Pichler and Clemens GnauerSmart industrial indoor farming - Technical and societal challengesIDIMT 2019401-409Show publication in PURE
Armin Schönlieb, Hannes Plank, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlCoded Modulation Phase Unwrapping for Time-of-Flight Cameras2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)2402-2407Show publication in PURE
Thomas Fischer, Christian Lesjak, Dominic Peter Pirker and Christian StegerRPC Based Framework for Partitioning IoT Security Software for Trusted Execution Environments2019 IEEE 10th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON)0430-0435Show publication in PURE
Alexander Rech, Christian Steger and Markus PistauerGamifying Connected Services PatternsProceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2019Show publication in PURE
Maja Malenko and Marcel BaunachDevice Driver and System Call Isolation in Embedded DevicesProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2019283-290Show publication in PURE
Andreas Strasser, Philipp Stelzer, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlLive State-of-Health Safety Monitoring for Safety-Critical Automotive SystemsProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2019102-107Show publication in PURE
Josef Steinbaeck, Christian Steger, Eugen Brenner, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlOccupancy Grid Fusion of Low-Level Radar and Time-of-Flight Sensor DataProceedings - Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2019200-205Show publication in PURE
Maja Malenko and Marcel BaunachHardware/software co-designed security extensions for embedded devicesArchitecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2019 - 32nd International Conference, Proceedings3-14Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Markus Feldbacher, Thomas Pieber and Christian StegerSensing dangerICISSP 2019 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy100-113Show publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Gerald Holweg, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlFast and Energy-Efficient Time-of-Flight Distance Sensing Method for 3D Object Tracking2018 International Conference on Digital Image ComputingShow publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes and Marcel Carsten BaunachCode Generation from Formal Models for Automatic RTOS PortabilityCGO 2019: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization271-272Show publication in PURE
Maja Malenko and Marcel Carsten BaunachHardware/Software Co-designed Peripheral Protection in Embedded Devices2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS)790-795Show publication in PURE
Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Marcel Carsten BaunachCOFIE: a regex-like interaction and control flow description2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS)67-72Show publication in PURE
Andreas Strasser, Maria Grandl and Martin EbnerIntroducing Electrical Engineering to Children with an Open Workshop Station at a Maker Days for Kids EventProceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2019790-799Show publication in PURE
Cristina Nichiforov, Grigore Stamatescu, Iulia Stamatescu, Ioana Fagarasan and Sergiu Stelian IliescuBuilding Electrical Load Forecasting through Neural Network Models with Exogenous Inputs2019 23nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC)474-479Show publication in PURE
Grigore Stamatescu, Rahim Entezari, Kay Uwe Römer and Olga SaukhDeep and Efficient Impact Models for Edge Characterization and Control of Energy Events2019 IEEE 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)Show publication in PURE
Claudia Chitu, Grigore Stamatescu and Alberto CerpaBuilding Occupancy Estimation using Supervised Learning Techniques2019 23nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC)Show publication in PURE
Maria Grandl, Martin Ebner and Andreas StrasserSetup of a Temporary Makerspace for Children at University: MAKER DAYS for Kids 2018Robotics in Education406-418Show publication in PURE
Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Fikret Basic, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerSimulating a Network: An Approach for Connecting Multiple SystemC SimulationsSENSORCOMM 2019, The Thirteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Benjamin Lukas Mößlang, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerTowards Continuous Sensor Operation: Modelling a Secured Smart Sensor in a Sparse Network Operated by Energy HarvestingProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systemc57-64Show publication in PURE
Grigore Stamatescu, Cristian Dragana, Iulia Stamatescu, Loretta Ichim and Dan PopescuIoT-Enabled Distributed Data Processing for Precision Agriculture2019 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)Show publication in PURE
Dan Popescu, Florin Stoican, Loretta Ichim, Grigore Stamatescu and Cristian DraganaCollaborative UAV-WSN System for Data Acquisition and Processing in AgricultureProceedings of the 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS)519-524Show publication in PURE
Rainer Hofmann, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerX-Burst: Enabling Multi-Platform Cross-Technology Communication between Constrained IoT DevicesX-Burst: Enabling Multi-Platform Cross-Technology Communication between Constrained IoT DevicesShow publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeA Security Aware Design Space Exploration FrameworkICONS 201926-31Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Michael Krisper and Georg MacherTowards Cyber-Physical Infrastructure as-a-Service (CPIaaS) in the Era of Industry 4.0Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 26th European Conference, EuroSPI 2019, Proceedings310-321Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Jürgen Dobaj, Georg Macher and Christoph SchmittnerRISKEE: A Risk-Tree Based Method for Assessing Risk in Cyber SecuritySystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 26th European Conference, EuroSPI 2019, Proceedings45-56Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Christoph Schmittner, Michael Krisper and Georg MacherTowards Integrated Quantitative Security and Safety Risk AssessmentComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2019 Workshops, ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, STRIVE, and WAISE, Proceedings102-116Show publication in PURE
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Josef Preishuber-Pfluegl and Martin TroyerA Novel Automated NFC Interoperability Test and Debug SystemSmart SysTech 2019 27-34Show publication in PURE
Samuel Weiser, Mario Werner, Ferdinand Brasser, Maja Malenko, Stefan Mangard and Ahmad-Reza SadeghiTIMBER-V: Tag-Isolated Memory Bringing Fine-grained Enclaves to RISC-VProceedings 2019 - Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Jakob Chrysant Ludwiger and Gerald SteinbauerA Robust and Flexible System Architecture for Facing the RoboCup Logistics League ChallengeRoboCup 2018: Robot World Cup XXII488-499Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Jürgen Dobaj and Georg MacherPatterns for Communicating Numerical UncertaintyProceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2019Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Markus Schuss, Michael Krisper, Carlo Alberto Boano and Georg MacherDependable Mesh Networking PatternsProceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2019Show publication in PURE
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Martin Troyer and Josef, Dipl.-Ing. Preishuber-PflüglAn Automated NFC Measurement System for Modeling and Characterization of NFC Communication SystemsICECom 2019Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Antonio Langiu, Carlo Alberto Boano, Markus Schuß and Kay Uwe RömerUpKit: An Open-Source, Portable, and Lightweight Update Framework for Constrained IoT DevicesShow publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPerformance and Trade-offs of the new PHY Modes of BLE 5Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano, Manuel Weber, Matthias Schulz, Matthias Hollick and Kay Uwe RömerJamLab-NG: Benchmarking Low-Power Wireless Protocols under Controllable and Repeatable Wi-Fi InterferenceShow publication in PURE
Fotis Foukalas, Paul Pop, Fabrice Theoleyre, Carlo Alberto Boano and Chiara BurattiDependable Wireless Industrial IoT Networks: Recent Advances and Open ChallengesShow publication in PURE
Romain Jacob, Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Zimmerling, Usman Raza and Lothar ThieleTowards a Methodology for Experimental Evaluation in Low-Power Wireless NetworkingShow publication in PURE
Leo Happ Botler, Kay Uwe Römer and Konrad DiwoldWe've got the power: Overcoming the distance enlargement fraud with wireless power transferShow publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerImproving the Timeliness of Bluetooth Low Energy in Noisy RF EnvironmentsShow publication in PURE
Carles Gomez, Seyed Darroudi, Teemu Savolainen and Michael SpörkIPv6 Mesh over BLUETOOTH(R) Low Energy using IPSPShow publication in PURE
Omar Veledar, Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud, Stefan Jaksic, Christoph Schmittner, Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt, Christos Thomos, Kay Uwe Römer, Konrad Diwold, Leo Happ Botler, Mario Drobics and Eva Maria HolzerSafety and Security of IoT-based Solutions for Autonomous Driving: Architectural PerspectiveShow publication in PURE
Martin Erb, Christian Steger, Josef, Dipl.-Ing. Preishuber-Pflügl and Michael JerneAdvanced NFC Interoperability Test Automation SystemShow publication in PURE
Andreas Strasser, Philipp Stelzer, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlSpeed-Up of MEMS Mirror's Transient Start-Up ProcedureShow publication in PURE
Claudia Chitu, Grigore Stamatescu, Iulia Stamatescu and Valentin SgarciuAssessment of Occupancy Estimators for Smart BuildingsShow publication in PURE
Cristina Nichiforov, Grigore Stamatescu, Iulia Stamatescu, Nicoleta Arghira, Ioana Fagarasan and Sergiu Stelian IliescuEmbedded On-line System for Electrical Energy Measurement and Forecasting in BuildingsShow publication in PURE
Cao Nguyen Khoa Nam, Olga Saukh and Lothar ThielePoster Abstract: An Automated Real-time and Affordable Airborne Pollen Sensing SystemShow publication in PURE
Olga Saukh and Balz MaagQuantle: Fair and Honest Presentation Coach in Your PocketShow publication in PURE
Christa Egger-Danner, Birgit Fürst-Waltl, Peter Klimek, Olga Saukh and Thomas WittekInternet of Cows - Opportunities and Challenges for Improving Health, Welfare and Efficiency in DairyingShow publication in PURE
Christa Egger-Danner, Marlene Suntiger, Florian Grandl, Patrick Majcen, Martin Mayerhofer, Franz Papst, Olga Saukh, Mario Fallast, Alon Turkaspa, Franz Steiniger, Kristina Linke, Juergen Duda, Thomas Wittek, Brigit Fuerst-Waltl, Franz Josef Auer and Johann KoflerOpportunities and Challenges of New Technologies for Performance Recording with Focus on Claw Health and MetabolismShow publication in PURE
Franz Papst, Olga Saukh, Kay Uwe Römer, Florian Grandl, Igor Jakovljevic, Franz Steiniger, Martin Mayerhofer, Juergen Duda and Christa Egger-DannerEmbracing Opportunities of Livestock Big Data Integration with Privacy ConstraintsShow publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeConsideration of Security Attacks in the Design Space Exploration of Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Gressl, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeSecurity Driven Design Space Exploration for Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Hannes Plank, Josef Steinbäck, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger and Gerald HolwegLocalization and Context Determination for Cyber-physical Systems based on 3D Imaging, in Solutions for Cyber-Physical Systems UbiquitySolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems UbiquityShow publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud, Christian Kreiner, Eugen Brenner, Christoph Schmittner, Zhendong Ma, Helmut Martin and Martin KrammerIntegration of Security in the Development Lifecycle of Dependable Automotive CPSSolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity383-423Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Georg Macher, Harald Sporer, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerSignal-Layer Security and Trust-Boundary Identification based on Hardware-Software Interface DefinitionJournal of Ubiquitous Systems & Pervasive Networks10,
2018Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Christian Kreiner, Georg Macher and Alastair WalkerExtending Automotive SPICE 3.0 for the use in ADAS and future self-driving service architecturesJournal of Software: Evolution and Process30,
2018Show publication in PURE
Andreas Riel, Christian Kreiner, Richard Messnarz and Alexander MuchAn architectural approach to the integration of safety and security requirements in smart products and systems designCIRP Annals67,
2018Show publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Ian Hunter and Wolfgang BöschMiniature Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonator FiltersIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques66,
2018Show publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Robin Priewald and Eugen BrennerAccurate Light Source Position Estimation for a Laser Triangulation Measurement Device Using Particle Swarm OptimizationMeasurement
2018Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Renata Martins Gomes, Maja Malenko, Fabian Mauroner, Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Tobias Peter ScheipelSmart mobility of the future – a challenge for embedded automotive systemsElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
2018Show publication in PURE
Markus Nager, Marcel Carsten Baunach, Peter Priller and Georg MacherReal-Time Multiplexing of Mixed-Criticality Data Streams for Automotive Multi-Core Test SystemsIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
2018Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Bernhard Großwindhager, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Rath and Kay Uwe RömerEnabling Runtime Adaptation of Physical Layer Settings for Dependable UWB CommunicationsEnabling Runtime Adaptation of Physical Layer Settings for Dependable UWB CommunicationsShow publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Rath and Kay Uwe RömerConcurrent Ranging with Ultra-Wideband Radios: From Experimental Evidence to a Practical SolutionConcurrent Ranging with Ultra-Wideband Radios: From Experimental Evidence to a Practical SolutionShow publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal and Kay Uwe RömerDataset: Single-Anchor Indoor Localization with Decawave DW1000 and Directional AntennasDataset: Single-Anchor Indoor Localization with Decawave DW1000 and Directional Antennas21-22Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal and Kay Uwe RömerSALMA: UWB-based Single-Anchor Localization System Using Multipath AssistanceSALMA: UWB-based Single-Anchor Localization System using Multipath Assistance132-144Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Cattani and Kay Uwe RömerImpact of Temperature Variations on the Reliability of LoRa: An Experimental Evaluation7th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS)Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Rath and Kay Uwe RömerPoster Abstract: Runtime adaptation of PHY settings for dependable UWB communicationsPoster Abstract: Runtime adaptation of PHY settings for dependable UWB communicationsShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Simon Duquennoy, Anna Förster, Omprakash Gnawali, Romain Jacob, H.S. Kim, Olaf Landsiedel, Ramona Marfievici, Luca Mottola, Gian Pietro Picco, Xavier Vilajosana, Thomas Watteyne and Marco ZimmerlingTowards a Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking.1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench)Show publication in PURE
Tobias Renzler, Michael Spörk, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerImproving the Efficiency and Responsiveness of Smart Objects Using Adaptive BLE Device Discovery4th ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Experiences with the Design and Implementation of Smart ObjectsShow publication in PURE
Jürgen DobajINSpIRA: INtegrating Security Into Risk Assessment 2018 IEEE/ACM 13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS)Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Johannes Iber, Michael Krisper and Christian Josef KreinerTowards Executable Dependability PropertiesEuroSPI 2018: Systems, Software and Services Process ImprovementShow publication in PURE
Alexander Rech, Markus Pistauer and Christian StegerIncreasing Interoperability Between Heterogeneous Smart City ApplicationsProceedings of the 11th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, IDCS 201864-74Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Dobaj, Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerA Microservice Architecture for the Industrial Internet-Of-Things23nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. EuroPLoP 2018Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber and Jürgen DobajUse-Cases for Uncertainty Propagation in Distributed Control SystemsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 25th European Conference, EuroSPI 2018, Proceedings368-379Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay RomerMoving beyond CompetitionsProceedings - 2018 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems, CPSBench 201830-35Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber and Christian StegerQSNFC: Quick and Secured Near Field Communication for the Internet of ThingsIEEE RFIDShow publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber and Christian StegerSecured Remote Configuration Approach for Industrial Cyber-Physical SystemsIEEE ICPS 2018Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber and Christian StegerAutomated Authentication Credential Derivation for the Secured Configuration of IoT DevicesIEEE SIES 2018Show publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Greßl, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeDesign and Implementation of an HCI Based Peer to Peer APDU Protocol2018 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)Show publication in PURE
Lukas Alexander Greßl, Christian Steger and Ulrich NeffeMessage Encapsulation PatternProceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Anh Nguyen Hong, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Stefan Josef Grebien, Khang Nguyen Van and Klaus WitrisalGaussian Process modeling of UWB multipath components2018 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE)291-296Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Johannes Iber, Jürgen Dobaj, Christian Josef Kreiner, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerIoT Device Security the Hard(ware) wayEuroPLoP ' 18, Proceedings of the 23nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Josef Steinbaeck, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlDesign of a low-level radar and time-of-flight sensor fusion frameworkProceedings - 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2018268-275Show publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel BaunachStack MMU2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 20171-9Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Thomas Pietsch, Markus Dielacher, Christian Steger, Marcus Baumgart, Cristina Consani, Thomas Herndl and Gerald HolwegVirtual white cane featuring time-of-flight 3D imaging supporting visually impaired usersProceedings - 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2018450-457Show publication in PURE
Stanley Nwabuona, Konrad Diwold, Markus Schuss, Lukas Krammer, Simon Mayer and Alfred EinfaltTime-synchronized data collection in smart grids through IPv6 over BLEProceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things, IoT 2018Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Markus Bachinger, Andreas Kager, Michael Stolz and Christian KreinerIntegrating SEooC Components in Highly Automated VehiclesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 25th European Conference, EuroSPI 2018, Bilbao, Spain, September 5-7, 2018, Proceedings56-67Show publication in PURE
Eric Armengaud, Sebastian Frager, Stephen Jones, Alexander Massoner, Alejandro Ferreira Parrilla, Niklas Wikström and Georg MacherDevelopment Framework for Longitudinal Automated Driving Functions with Off-board Information Integration9th European Congress Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Proceedings001 -010Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Georg Macher, Michael Stolz, Eric Armengaud, Daniel Watzenig, Thomas Herndl, Andreas Eckel, Anna Ryabokon, Alfred Hoess, Sumeet Kumar and Herbert RoedigPRYSTINE - PRogrammable sYSTems for INtelligence in automobilEsunder review at DSD2018Show publication in PURE
Pamela Innerwinkler, Ahu Ece Hartavi Karci, Mikko Tarkiainen, Micaela Troglia, Emrah Kinav, Berzah Ozan, Eren Aydemir, Cihangir Derse, Georg Stettinger, Daniel Watzenig, Sami Sahimäki, Norbert Druml, Caterina Nahler, Steffen Metzner, Sajin Gopi, Philipp Clement, Georg Macher, Johan Zaya, Riccardo Groppo and Samia AhiadTrustVehicle -- Improved Trustworthiness and Weather-Independence of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic ScenariosAdvanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 201875-89Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud, Eugen Brenner and Christian KreinerA Lightweight Meta-Model to Support Automotive Systems and Software Engineering9th European Congress Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Proceedings001 -010Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Omar Veledar, Markus Bachinger, Andreas Kager, Michael Stolz and Christian KreinerIntegration Analysis of a Transmission Unit for Automated Driving VehiclesComputer Safety, Reliability and Security - SAFECOMP 2018 Workshops - ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, STRIVE, and WAISE Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Peter Pühringer, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Klaus Potzmader, Clemens Orthacker, Christian Steger and Christian KreinerCombining business process variability and software variability using traceable linksBusiness Modeling and Software Design - 7th International Symposium, BMSD 2017, Revised Selected Papers67-86Show publication in PURE
Sarah Haas, Andrea Höller, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerInter-device Sensor-Fusion for Action Authorization on Industrial Mobile RobotsComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security - 37th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2018, Proceedings282-296Show publication in PURE
Markel Iglesias-Urkia, Diego Casado-Mansilla, Simon Mayer and Aitor UrbietaEnhanced publish/subscribe in CoAPProceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things, IoT 2018Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Klaus Potzmader, Clemens Orthacker, Christian Steger and Christian KreinerIncreasing the Visibility of Requirements Based on Combined Variability ManagementBusiness Modeling and Software Design - 8th International Symposium, BMSD 2018, Proceedings203-220Show publication in PURE
Andreas Rechberger and Eugen BrennerGeneralized Execution Time Estimation2018 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES 2018 - ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Sarah Haas, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerSecured action authorization for industrial mobile robotsProceedings - 2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2018806-811Show publication in PURE
Konrad Diwold, Josiane Xavier Parreira, Simon Mayer, Jack Hodges, Ralf Mosshammer, Alfred Einfalt and Darko AnicicGrid watch dogProceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things, IoT 2018Show publication in PURE
Andrei Ciortea, Simon Mayer and Florian MichahellesRepurposing Manufacturing Lines on the fly with Multi-agent Systems for the Web of ThingsAAMAS '18 813-822Show publication in PURE
Ahmed Shafei, Jack Hodges and Simon MayerEnsuring Workplace Safety in Goal-based Industrial Manufacturing SystemsProceedings of the 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS)Show publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Michael Krisper, Jürgen Dobaj and Christian KreinerSeparation of Processing and Coordination in Computer SystemsProceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2018Show publication in PURE
Amer Kajmakovic, Robert Zupanc, Simon Mayer, Nermin Kajtazovic, Martin Höffernig and Herwig VoglPredictive Fail-Safe Improving the Safety of Industrial Environments through Model-based Analytics on hidden Data SourcesProceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Markel Iglesias-Urkia, Diego Casado-Mansilla, Simon Mayer and Aitor UrbietaValidation of a CoAP to IEC 61850 Mapping and Benchmarking vs HTTP-REST and WS-SOAPProceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber, Jürgen Dobaj and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns for Implementing Uncertainty PropagationEuroPloP '18, Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes and Marcel Carsten BaunachA Model-Based Concept for RTOS Portability 2018 IEEE/ACS 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications Show publication in PURE
C. Ritter, C. Altenhofen, M. Zeppelzauer, A. Kuijper, T. Schreck and J. BernardPersonalized Visual-Interactive Music ClassificationProc. EuroVA International Workshop on Visual AnalyticsShow publication in PURE
Fikret BasicSimPar - A Concurrent Simulation System for Evaluation of Power-Aware Smart SensorsShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachTask Priority aware SoC-Bus for Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachRemote Instruction Call: An RPC approach on Instructions for Embedded Multi-Core SystemsShow publication in PURE
Olga SaukhCapturing Inhalation Efficiency with Acoustic Sensors in Mobile PhonesShow publication in PURE
Olga Saukh, Franz Papst and Sergii SaukhSynchronization Games in P2P Energy TradingShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachCoStack: Collaborative Stack Sharing for Embedded Real-Time SystemsShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachEventQueue: An Event based and Priority aware Interprocess Communication for Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachmosartMCU: Multi-Core Operating-System-Aware Real-Time MicrocontrollerShow publication in PURE
Ko Odreitz, Bernhard Auinger, Michael Fuchs, Gunter Winkler and Bernd DeutschmannCharacterization of Passive Components based on a Power Converter Filter CircuitShow publication in PURE
Bernhard Auinger, Ko Odreitz, Michael Fuchs, Gunter Winkler and Bernd DeutschmannEmploying Mixed-Mode S-parameters for Characterizing Mode Conversions in Power Converter PCBsShow publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Markus Bachinger, Andreas Kager, Michael Stolz and Christian Josef KreinerIntegration analysis of a SEooC transmission unit for automated driving vehiclesShow publication in PURE
Josef Steinbaeck, Norbert Druml, Allan Tengg, Christian Steger and Bernhard HillbrandTime-of-Flight Cameras for Parking Assistance: A Feasibility StudyShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter, Michael Krisper and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns grasping the trade-off between distributing data and informationProceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerPhysical Quantity: Towards a Pattern Language for Quantities and Units in Physical CalculationsProceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerInsertion SpacesProceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner and Richard MessnarzEffective Approaches To Training CPS Knowledge And SkillsSolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity111Show publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerA Self-Adaptive Software System for Increasing the Reliability and Security of Cyber-Physical SystemsSolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems UbiquityShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Martin Schachner, Markus Pistauer, Christian Josef Kreiner, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerGeneration and Verification of a Safety-Aware Virtual Prototype in the Automotive DomainSolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity195Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Christian Steger, Christian Josef Kreiner, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Klaus Potzmader and Clemens OrthackerWhere Do All My Keys Come From?Solutions for Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity278Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerIntegrating Integrity Reporting into Industrial Control Systems - A Reality CheckSolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity358Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Sarah Haas and Christian StegerCyber-Physical System and Internet of Things SecuritySolutions for Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity248-277Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Stefan Schneegass, Bernhard Anzengruber, Alois Ferscha, Gabriele Anderst-Kotsis and Joe ParadisoIoT '17: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of ThingsShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Bernhard Großwindhager, Astrid Rupp, Martin Tappler, Markus Tranninger, Samuel Weiser, Bernhard Aichernig, Carlo Alberto Boano, Martin Horn, Gernot Kubin, Stefan Mangard, Martin Steinberger and Kay Uwe RömerDependable Internet of Things for Networked CarsInternational Journal of Computing16,
2017Show publication in PURE
Andreas Riel, Christian Josef Kreiner, Georg Macher and Richard MessnarzIntegrated design for tackling safety and security challenges of smart products and digital manufacturingCIRP Annals
2017Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Andrea Höller, Sarah Haas and Christian StegerSecured and Easy-to-Use NFC-Based Device Configuration for the Internet of ThingsIEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification1,
2017Show publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Carlo Alberto Boano, Thomas Niedermayr, Kay Romer, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand and Werner RomAn Efficient and Secure Automotive Wireless Software Update FrameworkIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics14,
2017Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Markus Schuß and Kay Uwe RömerEWSN Dependability Competition: Experiences and Lessons LearnedIEEE Internet of Things Newsletter 2017,
2017Show publication in PURE
Marco Cattani, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerAn Experimental Evaluation of the Reliability of LoRa Long-Range Low-Power Wireless CommunicationJournal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 6,
2017Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Tommy Sparber, Carlo Alberto Boano, Salil Kanhere and Kay Uwe RömerMitigating Radio Interference in Large IoT Networks through Dynamic CCA AdjustmentMitigating Radio Interference in Large IoT Networks through Dynamic CCA AdjustmentShow publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand and Werner RomCESAR: a Testbed Infrastructure to Evaluate the Efficiency of Wireless Automotive Software UpdatesCESAR: a Testbed Infrastructure to Evaluate the Efficiency of Wireless Automotive Software UpdatesShow publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Fabrizio Gentili, Wolfgang Bösch and Ahmad AlterkawiReconfigurable Ultra-Wide-Band Patch Antenna: Cognitive RadioIEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes (IMWS-AMP 2017)1-3Show publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Wolfgang Bösch, Ian C. Hunter and Saad W. O. LuhaibDual-Mode Dual-Band Conductor-Loaded Dielectric Resonator Filters European Microwave Conference 47 (EuMC), October 2017908-910Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Harald Sporer, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerAn Automotive Signal-Layer Security and Trust-Boundary Identification ApproachThe 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2017)490Show publication in PURE
J. Kulmer, S. Hinteregger, B. Großwindhager, M. Rath, M. S. Bakr, E. Leitinger and K. WitrisalUsing DecaWave UWB transceivers for high-accuracy multipath-assisted indoor positioning2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops)1239-1245Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud, Daniel Schneider, Eugen Brenner and Christian KreinerTowards dependability engineering of cooperative automotive cyber-physical systemsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement205-215Show publication in PURE
Marco Cattani, Carlo Alberto Boano, David Steffelbauer, Stefan Kaltenbacher, Markus Günther, Kay Römer, Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch and Martin HornAdigeCySWATERShow publication in PURE
Svatopluk Stolfa, Jakub Stolfa, Miran Rodic, Mitja Truntic, Christian Kreiner and Richard MessnarzAutomotive quality universities – AQU – integration of modular content into the higher education studiesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 24th European Conference, EuroSPI 2017, Proceedings453-467Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber, Michael Krisper and Christian KreinerSupporting the integration of new security features in embedded control devices through the digitalization of productionSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 24th European Conference, EuroSPI 2017, Proceedings360-371Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Alexander Much, Christian Kreiner, Miklos Biro and Jenny GornerNeed for the continuous evolution of systems engineering practices for modern vehicle engineeringSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 24th European Conference, EuroSPI 2017, Proceedings439-452Show publication in PURE
Eric Armengaud, Christoph Sams, Georg von Falck, Georg List, Christian Kreiner and Andreas RielIndustry 4.0 as digitalization over the entire product lifecycleSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 24th European Conference, EuroSPI 2017, Proceedings334-351Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Alexander Much, Andreas Riel, Richard Messnarz and Christian KreinerAutomotive SPICE, safety and cybersecurity integrationComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, TELERISE, and TIPS, Proceedings273-285Show publication in PURE
Tiago Amorim, Helmut Martin, Zehndong Ma, Christoph Schmittner, Daniel Schneider, Georg Macher, Bernhard Winkler, Martin Krammer and Christian Josef KreinerSystematic pattern approach for safety and security co-engineering in the automotive domain SAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security329Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Andrea Höller, Peter Pühringer, Klaus Potzmader, Clemens Orthacker, Christian Steger and Christian KreinerCombined variability management of business processes and software architecturesBMSD 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design36-45Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Peter Pühringer, Klaus Potzmader, Clemens Orthacker, Christian Steger and Christian KreinerSoftware configuration based on order processesBusiness Modeling and Software Design - 6th International Symposium, BMSD 2016, Revised Selected Papers200-220Show publication in PURE
Norbert Sailer, Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten Baunachmeto1 - A Versatile and Modular 32 bit low power Sensor Node Prototyping Platform for the IoTProceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) 2017Show publication in PURE
Helmut Martin, Robert Bramberger, Christoph Schmittner, Zhendong Ma, Thomas Gruber, Alejandra Ruiz and Georg MacherSafety and security co-engineering and argumentation frameworkComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, TELERISE, and TIPS, Proceedings286-297Show publication in PURE
M. Rath, J. Kulmer, M. S. Bakr, B. Großwindhager and K. WitrisalMultipath-assisted indoor positioning enabled by directional UWB sector antennas2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)1-5Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Christian Josef Kreiner, Johannes Iber and Markus QuaritschA Metric for Evaluating Residual Complexity in Software24th European Conference on Systems, Software and Services Process ImprovementShow publication in PURE
Thomas Fischer, Christian Lesjak, Andrea Höller and Christian StegerSecurity for building automation with hardware-based node authentication2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 1-6Show publication in PURE
Markus Nager, Marcel Carsten Baunach, Peter Priller and Georg Franz Heinrich MacherReal-Time Multiplexing of Mixed-Criticality Data Streams for Automotive Multi-Core Test Systems2017 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES) 220-227Show publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Robin Priewald and Eugen BrennerParameter Estimation of a Laser Measurement Device Using Particle Swarm Optimization22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium and 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing 2017: Supporting World Development Through Electrical and Electronic Measurements100 - 105Show publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Armin Schoenlieb, Christoph Ehrenhoefer, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlSynchronization of time-of-flight 3D sensors for optical communication2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2017Show publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Theresa Egger, Christof Steffan, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlHigh-performance indoor positioning and pose estimation with time-of- flight 3d imaging2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)Show publication in PURE
Ralph Weissnegger, Markus Pistauer, Martin Schachner, Christian Kreiner, Kay Römer and Christian StegerSAVESOC - Safety aware virtual prototype generation and evaluation of a system on chip2017 International Symposium on Model-Driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering, Mod4Sim 201768-79Show publication in PURE
Josef Steinbäck, Allan Tengg, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlA 3D Time-of-Flight Mixed-Criticality System for Environment PerceptionProceedings - 20th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2017368-374Show publication in PURE
Marco Cattani, Carlo Alberto Boano, David Steffelbauer, Stefan Kaltenbacher, Markus Günther, Kay Römer, Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch and Martin HornAdigeCySWATER3-6Show publication in PURE
Josef Steinbäck, Christian Steger, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlNext Generation Radar Sensors in Automotive Sensor Fusion Systems2017 Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF)Show publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes, Marcel Carsten Baunach, Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Maja Malenko and Fabian MauronerA Co-Designed RTOS and MCU Concept for Dynamically Composed Embedded SystemsProceedings of OSPERT 2017Show publication in PURE
Jürgen Bernard, Christian Ritter, David Sessler, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Jörn Kohlhammer and Dieter FellnerVisual-Interactive Similarity Search for Complex Objects by Example of Soccer Player AnalysisIVAPP 2017Show publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel, Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachSystem-Aware Performance Monitoring Unit for RISC-V ArchitecturesProceedings of the 20th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)Show publication in PURE
Tobias Peter Scheipel, Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachEinheit zur anwendungsbezogenen Leistungsmessung für die RISC-V-ArchitekturLogistik und Echtzeit69-78Show publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Christian Josef Kreiner, Johannes Iber and Markus QuaritschA Metric for Evaluating Residual Complexity in SoftwareSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement138-149Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Holler, Johannes Iber, Michael Krisper and Christian KreinerIntegration of Integrity Enforcing Technologies Into Embedded Control Devices: Experiences and EvaluationProceedings - 2017 IEEE 22nd Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, PRDC 2017155-164Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer and Stefan SchneegassIoT 2017: the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of ThingsProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of Things, IOT 2017, Linz, Austria, October 22-25, 20171:1-1:2Show publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter, Michael Krisper and Christian Josef KreinerAn Integrated Approach for Resilience in Industrial Control Systems2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W) 64-74Show publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter, Michael Krisper and Christian Josef KreinerThe Potential of Self-Adaptive Software Systems in Industrial Control SystemsEuroSPI 2017: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement150-161Show publication in PURE
Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerSystemC Test Case Generation with the Gazebo Simulator Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications67-72Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Christian Steger, Sarah Haas and Rainer MatischekSneakernet on Wheels: Trustworthy NFC-based Robot to Machine CommunicationProceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology & Application (RFID-TA)260-265Show publication in PURE
Sarah Haas, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerSecured Offline Authentication on Industrial Mobile Robots using Biometric DataProceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium 20171-12Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Pieber, Christian Steger, Sarah Haas, Holger Bock and Rainer MatischekBring Your Own Key for the Industrial Internet of ThingsProceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)1430-1435Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Pieber, Christian Steger, Christian Lesjak, Holger Bock and Rainer MatischekSECURECONFIG: NFC and QR-Code based Hybrid Approach for Smart Sensor ConfigurationProceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Christian Steger, Sarah Haas, Rainer Matischek and Holger BockHardware-Secured Configuration and Two-Layer Attestation Architecture for Smart SensorsProceedings - 20th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2017229-236Show publication in PURE
Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Thomas Ulz, Christian Steger and Rainer MatischekHardware Secured, Password-based Authentication for Smart Sensors for the Industrial Internet of ThingsNetwork and System Security632-642Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Thomas Wolfgang Pieber, Christian Steger, Rainer Matischek and Holger BockTowards Trustworthy Data in Networked Control Systems: A Hardware-Based ApproachProceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)Show publication in PURE
Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Marcel Carsten BaunachTowards Dynamically Composed Real-time Embedded Systems2017 Betriebssysteme und Echtzeit11-20Show publication in PURE
Sarah Haas, Andreas Wallner, Ronald Tögl, Thomas Ulz and Christian StegerA Secured Offline Authentication Approach for Industrial Mobile RobotsProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerPhysical Quantity: A Pattern Language for Quantities and Units in Physical Calculations (Workshop Version)EuroPLoP ' 17 - Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Show publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Zimmerling and Kay Uwe RömerBLEach: Exploiting the Full Potential of IPv6 over BLE in Constrained Embedded IoT DevicesBLEach: Exploiting the Full Potential of IPv6 over BLE in Constrained Embedded IoT Devices15-29Show publication in PURE
Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano, Manuel Weber and Kay Uwe RömerA Competition to Push the Dependability of Low-Power Wireless Protocols to the EdgeA Competition to Push the Dependability of Low-Power Wireless Protocols to the EdgeShow publication in PURE
Michael Spörk, Markus Schuß, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster Abstract: An Open-Source IPv6 over BLE Stack for ContikiPoster Abstract: An Open-Source IPv6 over BLE Stack for ContikiShow publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Michael Rath, Fabrizio Gentili, Wolfgang Bösch, Klaus Witrisal, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerPoster Abstract: Switchable Directional Antenna System for UWB-based Internet of Things ApplicationsPoster Abstract: Switchable Directional Antenna System for UWB-based Internet of Things ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Alex Bereza, Ulf Wetzker, Carsten Hermann, Carlo Alberto Boano and Marco ZimmerlingDemo Abstract: Cross-Technology Communication between BLE and Wi-Fi using Commodity HardwareDemo Abstract: Cross-Technology Communication between BLE and Wi-Fi using Commodity HardwareShow publication in PURE
Bernhard Großwindhager, Michael Rath, Josef Kulmer, Stefan Josef Grebien, Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Carlo Alberto Boano, Klaus Witrisal and Kay Uwe RömerDemo Abstract: UWB-based Single-anchor Low-cost Indoor Localization SystemDemo Abstract: UWB-based Single-anchor Low-cost Indoor Localization SystemShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Tobias Rauter and Christian KreinerSupporting the integration of new security features in embedded control devices through the digitalization of productionShow publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Alexander Much, Andreas Riel, Richard Messnarz and Christian Josef KreinerAutomotive SPICE and Cyber SecurityShow publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Alexander Much, Andreas Riel, Richard Messnarz and Christian Josef KreinerAutomotive SPICE and Cyber SecurityShow publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Ali Dorri, Salil Kanhere, Kay Uwe Römer, Raja Jurdak and Michael KarnerSecure Wireless Automotive Software Updates Using Blockchains: A Proof of ConceptShow publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Eugen Brenner and Robin PriewaldTemperature Induced Effects on Laser Speckle in a Laser Measurement DeviceShow publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Eugen Brenner and Robin PriewaldTemperature Induced Effects on Laser Speckle in a Laser Measurement DeviceShow publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes, Marcel Carsten Baunach and Leandro Batista RibeiroMCSmartOS: A Dependable OS for Compositional Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Renata Martins Gomes, Leandro Batista Ribeiro and Marcel Carsten BaunachMCSmartOS: A Dependable OS for Compositional Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner, Maja Malenko and Marcel Carsten BaunachmosartMCU: An Operating System aware real-Time MCUShow publication in PURE
Tatiana Strapacova, Robin Priewald, Thomas Jerman and Christian MentinInline Wafer Edge Inspection System for Yield Enhancement of Thin WafersShow publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachStackMMU: Dynamic Stack Sharing for Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Marco Wallner, Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Sarah Haas, Thomas Ulz and Jakob Chrysant LudwigerA Robust and Flexible Software Architecture for Autonomous Robots in the Context of Industrie 4.0Show publication in PURE
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachEventIRQ: An Event based and Priority aware IRQ handling for Multi-Tasking EnvironmentsShow publication in PURE
Leandro Batista Ribeiro, Fabian Mauroner, Renata Martins Gomes, Maja Malenko and Marcel Carsten BaunachA co-designed RTOS/MCU Architecture for dependable Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Tatiana Strapacova, Robin Priewald, Thomas Jerman and Christian MentinInline Wafer Edge Inspection System for Yield Enhancement of Thin WafersShow publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner and Richard MessnarzIntegrated Assessment of AutomotiveSPICE 3.0, Functional Safety ISO 26262, Cybersecurity SAE J3061Show publication in PURE
Sebastian Sattler, Michael Ernst Gadringer, Fabrizio Gentili, Ahmad Bader Alothman Alterkawi and Wolfgang BöschPCB RF probe landing pads for multiline deembeddingShow publication in PURE
Stefan Kaltenbacher, David B. Steffelbauer, Marco Cattani, Martin Horn, Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch and Kay RömerA Dynamic Model for Smart Water Distribution NetworksShow publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter, Michael Krisper and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns grasping the trade-off between distributing data and informationShow publication in PURE
Balz Maag, Zimu Zhou, Olga Saukh and Lothar ThieleBARTON: Low Power Tongue Movement Sensing with In-ear BarometersShow publication in PURE
Stefan Kaltenbacher, David B. Steffelbauer, Marco Cattani, Martin Horn, Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch and Kay RömerA dynamic model for smartwater distribution networksShow publication in PURE
Michael Krisper, Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerSortcolumn: Managing the Sequence of Arbitrary Ordered Elements (Workshop Version)Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner, Rory O'Connor, Alexander Poth and Richard MessnarzSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement978-3-319-44816-9Show publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Johannes Iber, Nermin Kajtazovic, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerA Textual Domain-Specific Language Based on the UML Testing ProfileModel-Driven Engineering and Software Development155-171Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach and Leandro Batista Ribeiro14. Workshop Automotive Software EngineeringLecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach and Maja MalenkoReal-Time and Security Requirements for the Internet of Things Operating SystemsECHTZEIT 2016Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner, Rory O'Connor, Alexander Poth and Richard MessnarzPreface to EuroSPI 2016 ProceedingsSystems, Software and Services Process ImprovementV-VIIShow publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner, Rory O'Connor, Alexander Poth and Richard MessnarzPrefaceEuroSPI 2016 Industrial ProceedingsV-VIIShow publication in PURE
Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, EWSN 2016Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Richard Messnarz, Christian Josef Kreiner and Andreas RielIntegrating Automotive SPICE, Functional Safety, and Cybersecurity Concepts: A Cybersecurity Layer ModelSoftware Quality Professional18,
2016Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Andreas Riel and Christian Josef KreinerIntegrating Automotive Hazard and Threat Analysis Methods: How Does This Fit with Assumptions of the SAE J3061?Software Quality Professional18,
2016Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Roderick Bloem, Klaus Witrisal, Marcel Carsten Baunach and Martin HornDependability for the Internet of ThingsElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik133,
2016Show publication in PURE
Thomas Ulz, Michael Schwarz, Alexander Felfernig, Sarah Haas, Amal Shehadeh, Stefan Reiterer and Martin StettingerHuman Computation for Constraint-based RecommendersJournal of Intelligent Information Systems49,
2016Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Johannes Iber, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns for Designing Configurability into Domain-Specific Language ElementsEuroPLoP '16: Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-14Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerStatic and Dynamic Integrity Properties PatternsEuroPLoP '16: Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Jakub Stolfa, Svatopluk Stolfa, Andreas Riel, Serge Tichkiewitch, Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz, Miran Rodic and Monika GaischAutomotive Quality Universities - AQUA Alliance Extension to Higher EducationSystems, Software and Service Process Improvement176-187Show publication in PURE
Poonam Ponde, Shailaja Shirwaikar and Christian Josef KreinerAn Analytical Study of Security PatternsEuroPLoP '16: Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Bernhard Spitzer, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerDiverse Compiling for Software-Based Recovery of Permanent Faults in COTS ProcessorsProceedings - 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-W 2016Show publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand, Werner Rom, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerGeneric Framework enabling Secure and Efficient Wireless SW Updates21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)1-8Show publication in PURE
Simon Duquennoy, Olaf Landsiedel, Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Zimmerling, Jan Beutel, Mun Choon Chan, Omprakash Gnawali, Mobashir Mohammad, Luca Mottola, Lothar Thiele, Xavier Vilajosana, Thiemo Voigt and Thomas WatteynePoster Abstract: A Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking14th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys)332-333Show publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Saad W. O. Luhaib and Ian C. HunterA Novel Dielectric-Loaded Dual-Mode Cavity for Cellular Base Station Applications2016 46th European Microwave Conference763-766Show publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Ian C. Hunter, Fabrizio Gentili and Wolfgang BöschA TE11 Dual-Mode Monoblock Dielectric Resonator Filter2016 Asia-Pacific Microwave ConferenceShow publication in PURE
Mustafa Safaa Ahmed Bakr, Fabrizio Gentili and Wolfgang BöschTriple Mode Dielectric-Loaded Cavity Band Pass Filter2016 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS)Show publication in PURE
Daniel Gruss, Clémentine Maurice, Klaus Wagner and Stefan MangardFlush+FlushDetection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment - 13th International Conference, DIMVA 2016, Proceedings279-299Show publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand, Werner Rom and Kay Uwe RömerA Security Metric for Structured Security Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems Supporting SAE J3061CPS Data – Second International Workshop on modeling, analysis and control of complex Cyber-Physical Systems1-6Show publication in PURE
Anh Nguyen, Michael Rath, Erik Leitinger, Stefan Josef Hinteregger and Klaus WitrisalChannel Capacity Analysis of Indoor Environments for Location-aware Communications2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Second IEEE International Workshop on Localization and Tracking: Indoors, Outdoors, and Emerging Networks (GC16 Workshops LION)Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerThingtegrity: A Scalable Trusted Computing Architecture for the Internet of ThingsProceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and NetworksShow publication in PURE
Andreas Riel, Serge Tichkiewitch, Jakub Stolfa, Svatopluk Stolfa, Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz and Miran RodicIndustry-Academia Cooperation to Empower Automotive Engineering Designers26th CIRP Design ConferenceShow publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Matthias Almer, Robert Lobnik, Christian Steger, Thomas Ruprechter, Holger Bock, Josef Haid, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlOptisec3d - a new paradigm in secure communication and authentication featuring time-of-flightProceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks 335-340Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerTowards a Secure, Resilient, and Distributed Infrastructure for Hydropower Plant Unit ControlProceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks253-254Show publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Christian Steger, Thomas Ruprechter, Gerald Holweg and Norbert DrumlSurvey on camera based communication for location-aware secure authentication and communicationEMC² Summit 2016 at CPS Week 2016Show publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Gerald Holweg, Thomas Herndl and Norbert DrumlHigh performance Time-of-Flight and color sensor fusion with image-guided depth super resolutionProceedings of the 2016 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 20161213-1218Show publication in PURE
Hannes Plank, Gerald Holweg, Christian Steger and Norbert DrumlTime-of-flight based optical communication for safety-critical applications in autonomous drivingComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security, SAFECOMP 2016 - Workshops ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, and TIPS, Proceedings183-194Show publication in PURE
Matteo Lasagni and Kay Uwe RömerProgrammable Robotic Chains: Kinematics and Dynamics of a Scalable Tendon-Driven Under-Actuated Multibody SystemIEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2016)Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach and Peter BrungsEinsatz von dynamisch rekonfigurierbaren FPGAs in FahrzeugenLecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)Show publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Schuß, Christian Josef Kreiner, Markus Pistauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerSimulation-based Verification of Automotive Safety-critical Systems Based on EAST-ADLThe 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2016) / The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT-2016) / Affiliated Workshops245Show publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Schuß, Christian Josef Kreiner, Markus Pistauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerAutomatic Testbench Generation for Simulation-based Verification of Safety- Critical Systems in UMLProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication SystemsShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Schuß, Martin Schachner, Kay Uwe Römer, Markus Pistauer and Christian StegerA Novel Simulation-based Verification Pattern for Parallel Executions in the CloudProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Schuß, Christian Josef Kreiner, Markus Pistauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerSeamless integrated Simulation in Design and Verification Flow for Safety-Critical SystemsComputer Safety, Reliability and SecurityShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Schuß, Christian Josef Kreiner, Kay Uwe Römer, Markus Pistauer and Christian StegerBringing UML/MARTE to life: A Model-Based Simulation-Framework for Safety-Critical SystemsProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Klaus Potzmader, Clemens Orthacker, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns to establish a secure communication channelEuroPLoP '16: Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1–21Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Wolfgang Raschke, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns for Common Criteria CertificationACM International Conference Proceeding Series1 - 15Show publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Robin Priewald and Eugen BrennerKnife Edge Diffraction for Spatially Extended Light SourcesProceedings of the 21ST IMEKO TC-4 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD THROUGH ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT, and 19TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ADC MODELLING AND TESTING 134-139Show publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Robin Priewald and Eugen BrennerSubpixel Resolution Edge Detection Techniques for Linear Sensor ArraysProceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerUsing Model-Based Testing for Manufacturing and Integration-Testing of Embedded Control Systems2016 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) Show publication in PURE
Tobias RauterIntegrity of Distributed Control SystemsStudent Forum of International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks1-4Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerDevelopment and production processes for secure embedded control devicesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Proceedings119-131Show publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Carlo Alberto Boano, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand, Werner Rom and Kay Uwe RömerSecUp: Secure and Efficient Wireless Software Updates for Vehicles2016 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)628-636Show publication in PURE
Matteo Lasagni and Kay Uwe RömerDYNAMIC MODEL OF TENDON-DRIVEN ROBOTIC CHAINS FORMING A SHAPE-SHIFTING SURFACEASME International Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent SystemsShow publication in PURE
Michael Krisper and Christian Josef KreinerDescribing Binding Time in Software Design PatternsProceedings of the 21th European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Ulf Wetzker, Ingmar Splitt, Marco Zimmerling, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerTroubleshooting Wireless Coexistence Problems in the Industrial Internet of Things14th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC)Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerA Review of Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment Methods in the Automotive ContextInternational Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security130Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Harald Sporer, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerSupporting Cyber-Security Based on Hardware-Software Interface Definition23rd European Conference on Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, EuroSPI 2016148Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerA Seamless Model-Transformation between System and Software Development Tools8th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems1-6Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Rene Obendrauf, Eric Armengaud, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerRTE Generation and BSW Configuration Tool-Extension for Embedded Automotive Systems8th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and SystemsShow publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerAsset-Centric Security Risk Assessment of Software Components2nd International Workshop on MILS: Architecture and Assurance for Secure Systems1-7Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Peter Pühringer, Klaus Potzmader, Clemens Orthacker, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerA Framework for Process driven Software ConfigurationBMSD 2016196 - 203Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher and Christian Josef KreinerSoftware-Based Fault Recovery via Adaptive Diversity for Reliable COTS Multi-Core Processors6th International Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems1-6Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Eric Armengaud, Eugen Brenner and Christian Josef KreinerThreat and Risk Assessment Methodologies in the Automotive DomainThe 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2016) 1-7Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Christian Mentin and Eugen BrennerMethods for Edge Detection on CCD or CMOS Linear Sensor Arrays enabling Subpixel ResolutionShow publication in PURE
Christian Mentin and Eugen BrennerKnife Edge Diffraction for Spatially Extended Light SourcesShow publication in PURE
Christian Mentin and Eugen BrennerSubpixel Resolution Edge Detection Techniques for Linear Sensor ArraysShow publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerHow to Choose Proper Integrity PropertiesShow publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerPattern Catalog for Designing Configurability into Domain-Specific Language ElementsShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Schuß, Martin Schachner, Kay Uwe Römer, Markus Pistauer and Christian StegerA Novel Simulation-based Verification Pattern for Parallel Executions in the CloudShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter WeissneggerA Novel Simulation-based Verification Pattern for Parallel Executions in the CloudShow publication in PURE
Marco Cattani and Ioannis ProtonotariosGondola - a Parametric Robot Infrastructure for Repeatable Mobile ExperimentsShow publication in PURE
Marco CattaniGondola - a Parametric Robot Infrastructure for Repeatable Mobile ExperimentsShow publication in PURE
Stefan Hausberger, Martin Rexeis, Markus Quaritsch, Gérard Silberholz and Antonius KiesVECTO - neues Typprüfverfahren für CO2 von LastkraftwagenShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Pistauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerSimulation-based Verification of Automotive Safety-Critical Systems based on UMLShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter WeissneggerSimulation-based Verification of Automotive Safety-Critical Systems based on UMLShow publication in PURE
Christian Mentin, Eugen Brenner and Robin PriewaldMethods for Edge Detection on CCD or CMOS Linear Sensor Arrays enabling Subpixel ResolutionShow publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachOperating Systems and Processor Architectures for a Dependable Internet of ThingsShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter WeissneggerBringing UML/MARTE to life: A Model-Based Simulation-Framework for Safety-Critical SystemsShow publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachCompositional Embedded Systems Designfor Multi-Tasking and Multi-Core EnvironmentsShow publication in PURE
Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Sarah Haas, Thomas Ulz, Marco Wallner and Dino KeskicRoboCup Logistics League TDP Graz Robust and Intelligent Production System GRIPSShow publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Carlo Alberto Boano, Koen Langendoen, Alejandro Veiga, Màrius Montón, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Utz Roedig, Kay Uwe Römer, Rafael Socorro Hernández, Thiemo Voigt and Marco Antonio ZunigaReport on 2nd year cooperation, dissemination and joint activitiesShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Nicolas Tsiftes, Thiemo Voigt, Marco Antonio Zúñiga, Koen Langendoen, James Brown, Alejandro Veiga, Rafael Socorro Hernández, Xavier Vilajosana and Màrius MontónPublishable Summary ReportShow publication in PURE
Nicolas Tsiftes, Niclas Finne, Zhitao He, Thiemo Voigt, Faisal Aslam, Ioannis Protonotoarios, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Koen Langendoen, Carlo Alberto Boano, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Marcel Carsten Baunach, James Brown, Utz Roedig, Ibrahim Ethem Bagci, John Vidler, Alejandro Veiga, Rafael Socorro Hernández, Màrius Montón and José Carlos PachoFinal Integrated Prototype and ExperimentShow publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerFinal report "Automotive Knowledge Alliance AQUA" EAC-2012-0635Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Marcel Carsten Baunach, Faisal Aslam, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Ioannis Protonotoarios, Koen Langendoen, Niclas Finne, Nicolas Tsiftes and Thiemo VoigtReport on Protocol Selection, Parameterization, and Runtime AdaptationShow publication in PURE
Markus Quaritsch and Rainer HofmannEnergy Optimization of Sensor Nodes in a Wireless Mesh Network for Industry 4.0 ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor NetworksShow publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor SystemsShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Wolfgang Raschke, Massimiliano Zilli, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerWhere does all this waste come from?Journal of Software: Evolution and Process27,
2015Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerSafety Architecture Pattern System with Security AspectsTransactions on pattern languages of programming
2015Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Michael Stolz, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerFilling the gap between automotive systems, safety, and software engineeringElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik132,
2015Show publication in PURE
Serge Tichkiewitch, Andreas Riel, Richard Messnarz and Christian Josef KreinerTaking a Fully Integrated Approach to Implementing Functional Safety According to ISO 26262 SuccessfullySoftware Quality Professional17,
2015Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz, Andreas Riel, Serge Tichkiewitch and Theisens DickThe AQUA Automotive Sector Skills Alliance: Best Practice in an Integrated Engineering ApproachSoftware Quality Professional17,
2015Show publication in PURE
Michael Hofbaur, Andreas Müller, Justus Piater, Bernhard Rinner, Gerald Steinbauer, Markus Vincze and Christian WögererMaking Better Robots – Beiträge Österreichs zur Europäischen Robotics Research RoadmapElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik132,
2015Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Raschke, Massimiliano Zilli, Philipp Baumgartner, Johannes Loinig, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerBalancing Product and Process Assurance for Evolving Security SystemsInternational Journal of Secure Software Engineering6,
2015Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Müslüm Atas, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerA Model-Based Configuration Approach for Automotive Real-Time Operating SystemsSAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems8,
2015Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Christian Josef Kreiner, Andreas Riel, Bernhard Sechser, Klaudia Dussa-Zieger, Risto Nevalainen and Serge TichkiewitchImplementing Functional Safety StandardsSoftware Quality Professional17,
2015Show publication in PURE
Florian Michahelles and Simon MayerToward a Web of SystemsXRDS - Crossroads, the ACM Magazine for Students22,
2015Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Thiemo VoigtRELYonIT: Dependability for the Internet of ThingsIEEE Internet of Things Newsletter
2015Show publication in PURE
M. Kang, C. Koch and A. PachónThe phase transition in multitype binomial random graphsSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
2015Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher and Christian Josef KreinerEmbedded System Development Process PatternProceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs21-32Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns for Automated Software DiversityProceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs.1-10Show publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Nermin Kajtazovic, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerUbtl - UML Testing Profile Based Testing LanguageProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development1-12Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerA Versatile Approach for an ISO26262 Compliant Hardware- Software Interface Definition with Model-Based DevelopmentSAE Technical Paper1-7Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerSafety-Critical Embedded System Multi-Core Migration PatternProceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs25-35Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Harald Sporer, Reinhard Berlach, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerSAHARA: A Security-Aware Hazard and Risk Analysis MethodDesign, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE)621-624Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Peter Pühringer and Christian Josef KreinervarBPM - A Product Line for Creating Business Process Model VariantsFifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design184-191Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Christian Josef Kreiner and Nermin KajtazovicPrivilege-Based Remote Attestation: Towards Integrity Assurance for Lightweight ClientsWorkshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security3-9Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Nermin Kajtazovic, Tobias Rauter, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian Josef KreinerEvaluation of Diverse Compiling for Software-Fault ToleranceProceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition531-536Show publication in PURE
Christian Knoll, Michael Rath, Sebastian Tschiatschek and Franz PernkopfMessage Scheduling Methods for Belief PropagationMachine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases295Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Renata Martins Gomes and Fabian MauronerCollaborative Resource Management for Multi-Core AUTOSAR OSBetriebssysteme und Echtzeit1-10Show publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Christian Josef Kreiner, Markus Pistauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerA Novel Design Method for Automotive Safety-Critical Systems based on UML/MARTEProceedings of the 2015 Forum on specification & Design Languages177-184Show publication in PURE
Johannes Iber, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerTowards a Generic Modeling Language for Contract-Based DesignProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Component-Based Software Systems co-located with ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems (MoDELS 2015)24-29Show publication in PURE
Harald SporerA Lean Automotive E/E-System Design Approach with Open Toolbox AccessSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement41-50Show publication in PURE
Harald Sporer, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Christian Josef Kreiner and Eugen BrennerA Lean Automotive E/E-System Design Approach with Integrated Requirements Management CapabilitySoftware Architecture251-258Show publication in PURE
Harald Sporer, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerIncorporation of Model-based System and Software Development Environments41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications177-180Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerService Deterioration Analysis (SDA): An Early Development Phase Reliability Analysis Method45th Annual International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) Proceedings16-32Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns for Software Integrity ProtectionEuropean Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-10Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher and Christian KreinerModel transformation and synchronization process patternsProceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Andrea Höller, Eric Armengaud and Christian KreinerPattern catalog for multicore migration of embedded automotive systemsProceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2015Show publication in PURE
Georg Macher, Andrea Höller, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud and Christian KreinerService Deterioration Analysis (SDA)Proceedings - 2015 45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops, DSN-W 201527-32Show publication in PURE
Matteo Lasagni and Kay Uwe RömerForce Model of a Robotic Particle Chain for 3D DisplaysProceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing314-319Show publication in PURE
Tobias Rauter, Andrea Höller, Christian Josef Kreiner and Nermin KajtazovicTowards an Automated Generation of Application Confinement Policies with Binary AnalysisInternational Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications1-6Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerEssential architectural views for dependable systems designPreprints of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 20151-10Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerA Virtual Fault Injection Framework for Reliability-Aware Software DevelopmentProceedings - 2015 45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops, DSN-W 201569 - 74Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerA Combined Safety-Hazards and Security-Threat Analysis Method for Automotive SystemsSAFECOMP 2015 Workshops ASSURE, DECSoS, ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR Delft, the Netherlands, September 22, 2015 Proceedings237-250Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Armin Krieg, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerQEMU-Based Fault Injection for a System-Level Analysis of Software Countermeasures Against Fault AttacksProceedings - 18th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2015530 - 533Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud and Eugen BrennerUsing Model-based Development for ISO26262 aligned HSI DefinitionProceedings of 11th European Dependable Computing Conference1-4Show publication in PURE
Andrea HöllerSoftware-Based Fault Tolerance: Towards New Advances for COTS-Based Embedded SystemsSupplemental Proceedings of the 45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks1-4Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerA Practical Approach to Classification of Safety and Security RisksEuroSPI 2015 Industrial Proceedings10.1-10.10Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerAdaptive Dynamic Software Diversity: Towards Feedback-Based ResilienceSupplemental Proceedings of the 45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks1-2Show publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Christian Josef Kreiner, Markus Pistauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerA Novel Method to Speed-Up the Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems (ISO 26262)Proceedings of 2015 12° International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems109-114Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Erik Wilde and Florian MichahellesA Connective Fabric for Bridging Internet of Things SilosProceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT)148-154Show publication in PURE
Matthias Kovatsch, Yassin N Hassan and Simon MayerPractical semantics for the Internet of Things: Physical states, device mashups, and open questionsProceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IOT)54-61Show publication in PURE
Harald SporerA Model-Based Domain-Specific Language Approach for the Automotive E/E-System DesignRACS '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems357-362Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller, Harald Sporer, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerA Comprehensive Safety, Security, and Serviceability Assessment MethodComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security - 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015, Delft, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2015, Proceedings410-424Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter, Johannes Iber and Christian Josef KreinerTowards Dynamic Software Diversity for Resilient Redundant Embedded SystemsProceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems1-15Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerAutomotive Embedded Software: Migration Challenges to Multi-Core Computing PlatformsProceedings INDIN 2015110-118Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Rene Obendrauf, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerAutomated Generation of Basic Software Configuration of Embedded SystemsPROCEEDING OF THE 2015 RESEARCH IN ADAPTIVE AND CONVERGENT SYSTEMS (RACS 2015)461-465Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer and Josh SiegelConversations with Connected Vehicles5th International Conference on the Internet of Things, IOT 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 26-28 October, 201538-44Show publication in PURE
Amir Taherkordi, Cristian Prisacariu, Frank Eliassen and Kay Uwe RömerTokenit: Designing State-driven Embedded Systems Through Tokenized TransitionsProceedings of IEEE Intl. Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems 20151-10Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerIntegration of Heterogeneous Tools to a Seamless Automotive ToolchainSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement - 22nd European Conference, EuroSPI 2015, Ankara, Turkey, September 30 - October 2, 2015. Proceedings51-62Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Antonio Zuniga and Kay Uwe RömerAutomatic Protocol Configuration for Dependable Internet of Things Applications10th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp)10th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp)148-156Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Michael Stolz, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerAn Automotive Model-Based System, Safety, and Software Engineering Tool Approach8th Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug1-32Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Harald Sporer and Christian Josef KreinerAutomotive Safety Case PatternProceedings of the 19th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs21-38Show publication in PURE
Harald Sporer, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Christian Josef Kreiner and Eugen BrennerA Model-to-Model Transformation Approach at Mechatronics-Based E/E-System DesignProceedings of the Work in Progress Session held in connection with SEAA 2015 and DSD 201521-22Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerEssential architectural views for dependable systems designEuropean Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-8Show publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Markus Pistauer, Christian Josef Kreiner, Kay Uwe Römer and Christian StegerA Novel Method for Fast Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems in Compliance with Functional SafetySEAA - Proceedings of the Work in Progress Session24-25Show publication in PURE
Marco Steger, Michael Karner, Joachim Hillebrand, Werner Rom, Eric Armengaud, Martin Hansson, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerApplicability of IEEE 802.11s for Automotive Wireless Software Updates13th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL)1-9Show publication in PURE
Harald Sporer, Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerBidirectional Crosslinking of System and Software Modeling in the Automotive DomainSoftware Engineering for Resilient Systems99-113Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer, Wolfgang Raschke, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerEvaluation paradigm selection according to Common Criteria for an incremental product developmentMILS Workshop 20151-5Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Fabian Mauroner and Marcel Carsten BaunachHardware assisted Real-Time Resource Management for Multi-Core MCU ArchitecturesShow publication in PURE
Andrea HöllerQEMU-Based Fault Injection for a System-Level Analysis of Software Countermeasures Against Fault AttacksShow publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich MacherSAHARA: A Security-Aware Hazard and Risk Analysis MethodShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter WeissneggerSimulation and Verification of hierarchical (embedded microelectronic) SystemsShow publication in PURE
Marco Antonio Zuniga, Ioannis Protonotoarios, Si Li, Faisal Aslam, Koen Langendoen, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, James Brown, John Vidler, Ibrahim Ethem Bagci, Utz Roedig, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt and Ioannis GlaropoulosD-2.2 & D-2.3 - Report on Protocol Models & Validation and VerificationShow publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerProgress report "Automotive Knowledge Alliance AQUA" EAC-2012-0635Show publication in PURE
Marco Antonio Zuniga, Faisal Aslam, Ioannis Protonotoarios, Koen Langendoen, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, James Brown, Utz Roedig, Nicolas Tsiftes and Thiemo VoigtReport on Optimized and Newly Designed ProtocolsShow publication in PURE
Nicolas Tsiftes, Thiemo Voigt, Aslam Faisal, Ioannis Protonotoarios, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Koen Langendoen, Carlo Alberto Boano, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Marcel Carsten Baunach, James Brown, Utz Roedig, Patricio Moreno Montero, Rafael Socorro Hernández, Màrius Montón and José Carlos PachoFirst Integrated Prototype and ExperimentShow publication in PURE
James Brown, John Vidler, Ibrahim Ethem Bagci, Utz Roedig, Carlo Alberto Boano, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Marcel Carsten Baunach, Kay Uwe Römer, Marco Zuniga, Faisal Aslam and Koen LangendoenReport on Runtime AssuranceShow publication in PURE
Katrin Landfahrer, Norbert Kühtreiber, Daniel Koch, Christian Steger, Philipp Berglez, G. Hohenberger, S. Hermann and Ioana Victoria KoglbauerGeoWSN - Frühwarnsystem zur Beurteilung der Gefährdung kritischer Infrastruktur durch Hangrutschungen, EndberichtShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Christian Steger, Armin Krieg, Andreas Genser, Josef Haid, Holger Bock and Johannes GrinschglIndustrial applications of emulation techniques for the early evaluation of secure low-power embedded systemsIndustry and Research Perspectives on Embedded System DesignShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerNo Dependability, No Internet of Thingsnet-Xperiment future23-23Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerA Decade of Wireless Sensing Applications: Survey and TaxonomyThe Art of Wireless Sensor Networks11-50Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Christian Steger, Armin Krieg, Andreas Genser, Josef Haid, Holger Bock and Johannes GrinschglVulnerabilities of secure and reliable low-power embedded systems and their analysis methods - A comprehensive studyIndustry and Research Perspectives on Embedded System DesignShow publication in PURE
Eugen Brenner, Florian Pölzlbauer and Iain BateSoftware deployment for distributed embedded real-time systems of automotive applications.Studies in Computational Intelligence305-328Show publication in PURE
Mingyan Liu, Lothar Thiele, Karl Aberer, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Kay Uwe Römer and Azadeh VosoughiIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOSS 2014Show publication in PURE
George Roussos, Urs Hengartner, Shin'ichi Konomi and Kay Uwe RömerIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2014Show publication in PURE
Erik Maehle, Kay Uwe Römer, Wolfgang Karl and Eduardo TovarArchitecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2014 - 27th International ConferenceShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerOn Design-time Modelling and Verification of Safety-critical Component-based SystemsInternational Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing 2,
2014Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerEfficient Development and Reuse of Domain-Specific Languages for Automation SystemsInternational Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies9,
2014Show publication in PURE
Christian Renner, Stefan Unterschütz, Volker Turau and Kay Uwe RömerPerpetual Data Collection with Energy-Harvesting Sensor NetworksACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 11,
2014Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Christopher Preschern and Christian KreinerEffective development of automation systems through domain-specific modeling in a small enterprise contextSoftware and Systems Modeling13,
2014Show publication in PURE
Christian Renner, Volker Turau and Kay Uwe RömerOnline energy assessment with supercapacitors and energy harvestersSustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems4,
2014Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Andreas Tschofen, Anind K. Dey and Friedemann MatternUser Interfaces for Smart Things - A Generative Approach with Semantic Interaction DescriptionsACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
2014Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner and Markus Martin KrallingerCDL - An Extensible Constraints Framework for Model-Based DevelopmentInternational Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies9,
2014Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Marcel Carsten BaunachHandling Time and Reactivity for Synchronization and Clock Drift Calculation in Wireless Sensor/Actuator NetworksInternational Conference on Sensor Networks63-72Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerTowards Assured Dynamic Configuration of Safety-critical Embedded SystemsComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8696, 2014, pp 167-179167-179Show publication in PURE
Massimiliano Zilli, Wolfgang Raschke, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerA High Performance Java Card Virtual Machine Interpreter based on an Application Specific Instruction-Set ProcessorDigital System Design (DSD), 2014 Euromicro Conference on270-278Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachAdvanced Timestamping for pairwise Clock Drift Detection in Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks13. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze"1-4Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Zuniga, James Brown, Utz Roedig, Chamath Keppitiyagama and Kay Uwe RömerTempLab: A Testbed Infrastructure to Study the Impact of Temperature on Wireless Sensor NetworksProc. of IEEE/ACM IPSN 2014Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerPattern-Based Safety Development Methods: Overview and ComparisonProceedings of the 19th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-20Show publication in PURE
Andreas Riel, Serge Tichkiewitch, Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz and Theisens DickFacilitating Integration to face modern Quality Challenges in AutomotiveJoint Conference on Mechanical, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing1-6Show publication in PURE
James Brown, Utz Roedig, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerEstimating Packet Reception Rate in Noisy Environments9th IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications1-7Show publication in PURE
James Brown, Utz Roedig, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Nicolas TisftesDemo Abstract: How Temperature Affects IoT CommunicationAdjunct Proceedings EWSN 20141-2Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Raschke, Massimiliano Zilli, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerEmbedding Research in the Industrial Field: A Case of a Transition to a Software Product LineWISE 2014 Proceedings3-8Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Luca Mottola, Gian Pietro Picco and Andrea GaglioneDesign and Compilation of an Object-Oriented Macroprogramming Language for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Wolfgang Raschke, Massimiliano Zilli, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerSupporting Evolving Security Models for an Agile Security EvaluationProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Evolving Security & Privacy Requirements Engineering31-36Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Raschke, Massimiliano Zilli, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerPatterns of Software ModelingOn the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Workshops428-437Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerReducing Certification Costs Through Assured Dynamic Software ConfigurationIEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)515-520Show publication in PURE
Christopher PreschernPattern Language on how to Review Scientific PapersProceedings of VikingPLoP 20141-14Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Zimmerling and Kay Uwe RömerPoster Abstract: Automatic Configuration of Controlled Interference Experiments in Sensornet Testbeds12th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) 342-343 Show publication in PURE
Christian Lesjak, Thomas Ruprechter, Josef Haid, Holger Bock and Eugen BrennerA secure hardware module and system concept for local and remote industrial embedded system identification.Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 IEEE1-7Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Müslüm Atas, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerAutomotive Real-time Operating Systems: A Model-Based Configuration ApproachProceedings of the Embed With Linux 2014 Workshop (EWiLi 2014)1-6Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerBridging Automotive Systems, Safety and Software Engineering with a Seamless Tool ChainERTS 2014 Conference Proceedings58-59Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerConstraint-based Verification of Compositions in Safety-critical Component-based SystemsSoftware Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 569, 2015, pp 113-130113-130Show publication in PURE
Guillaume Bouffard, Michael Lackner, Johannes Loinig and Jean-Louis LanetHeap Hop ! The heap is also vulnerableInternational Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Wolfgang RaschkeWhere does all this waste come from?Industrial Proceedings of the 21st EuroSPI Conference3.1-3.10Show publication in PURE
Michael Lackner, Reinhard Berlach, Michael Hraschan, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerA Fault Attack Emulation Environment to Evaluate Java Card Virtual-Machine SecurityEUROMICRO Symposium on Digital Systems DesignShow publication in PURE
Ralph Peter Weissnegger, Christian Steger and Markus PistauerHigh Level Simulation of Cyber-Physical SystemsSCEE 201457-58Show publication in PURE
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Josef Haid and Holger BockSet of Power-Management Patterns for Mobile Embedded SystemsProceedings of VikingPloP 2014Show publication in PURE
Matteo Lasagni and Kay Uwe RömerForce-Guiding Particle Chains for Shape-Shifting DisplaysIntelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)3912-3918Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerTowards Pattern-based Reuse in Safety-critical SystemsProceedings of the 19th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-15Show publication in PURE
Christian Lesjak, Thomas Ruprechter, Holger Bock, Josef Haid and Eugen BrennerESTADO - enabling smart services for industrial equipment through a secured, transparent and ad-hoc data transmission online.Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2014 9th International Conference for171-177Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern and Christian Josef KreinerFormal Fault Tolerance Analysis of Algorithms for Redundant Systems in Early Design StagesSoftware Engineering for Resilient Systems71-85Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich MacherSeamless Model-Based Safety Engineering from Requirement to ImplementationCEUR Workshop Proceedings1-8Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer and Nicolas TsiftesMitigating the Adverse Effects of Temperature on Low-Power Wireless Protocols11th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS)1-9Show publication in PURE
Reinhard Berlach, Michael Lackner, Johannes Loinig, Ernst Haselsteiner and Christian StegerMemory-Efficient On-Card Byte Code Verification for Java CardsFirst Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems37-40Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, James Brown, Utz Roedig and Marco ZunigaDemo Abstract: A Testbed Infrastructure to Study the Impact of Temperature on WSNProf. of IEEE Percom 2014Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Yassin N. Hassan and Gábor SörösA magic lens for revealing device interactions in smart environmentsProc. SIGGRAPH AsiaShow publication in PURE
Massimiliano Zilli, Wolfgang Raschke, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerA light-weight compression method for Java Card technologyEWiLi'14, The 4th Embedded Operating Systems WorkshopShow publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Nadine Inhelder, Ruben Verborgh, Rik Van de Walle and Friedemann MatternConfiguration of Smart Environments Made Simple: Combining Visual Modeling with Semantic Metadata and Reasoning4th International Conference on the Internet of Things, IOT 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 6-8, 201461-66Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Nadine Inhelder, Ruben Verborgh and Rik Van de WalleUser-friendly Configuration of Smart Environments2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom 2014 Workshops, Budapest, Hungary, March 24-28, 2014163-165Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Dominique Guinard, Vlad Trifa and Erik WildeWoT 2014: Fifth International Workshop on the Web of ThingsProceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web of Things, WoT 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 8, 20141-3Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz, Philipp Abraham and Kay Uwe RömerHigh-level States with CoAP: Giving Meaning to Raw Sensor Values to Support IoT ApplicationsProc. of IEEE ISSNIP 2014Show publication in PURE
Massimiliano Zilli, Wolfgang Raschke, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerInstruction Folding Compression for Java Card Runtime EnvironmentDigital System Design (DSD), 2014 Euromicro Conference on228-235Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerA Pattern for Interdisciplinary Industry Training DesignPreprints of the 19th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2014 (2014)1-8Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic, Andrea Höller and Christian Josef KreinerQuantitative Security Estimation based on Safety Architecture Design PatternsLecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE)1-6Show publication in PURE
Michael Lackner, Reinhard Berlach, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerCountering Type Confusion and Buffer Overflow Attacks on Java Smart Cards by Data Type Sensitive ObfuscationFirst Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems19-24Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Adnan Kuleta, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidA Flexible and Lightweight ECC-Based Authentication Solution for Resource Constrained Systems17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design372-378Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Andrea Höller, Tobias Rauter and Christian Josef KreinerA Lightweight Framework for Testing Safety-critical Component-based Systems on Embedded TargetsProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Component-Based Software Systems78-87Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich Macher, Eric Armengaud and Christian Josef KreinerAutomated Generation of AUTOSAR Description File for Safety-Critical Software ArchitecturesGI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) Proceedings2145-2156Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Gerhard Schönfelder, Tobias Rauter, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerFIES: A Fault Injection Framework for the Evaluation of Self-Tests for COTS-Based Safety-Critical SystemsIEEE Proceedings of Workshop on Microprocessor Test & Verification1-99Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz, Andreas Riel, Serge Tichkiewitch, Damjan Ekert, Michael Langgner and Theisens DickIntegrating Functional Safety, Automotive SPICE and Six Sigma – The AQUA Knowledge Base and Integration ExamplesSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 21th European Conference, EuroSPI 2014285-295Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Norbert Druml, Tomaz Felicijan, Christian Josef Kreiner and Christian StegerHardware/Software Co-Design of Elliptic-Curve Cryptography for Resource-Constrained ApplicationsProceedings of the 51st Annual Design Automation Conference1-6Show publication in PURE
Andreas Daniel SinnhofervarBPM: A product line for creating business process model variantsShow publication in PURE
Christopher PreschernDesign and Implementation of a Fault Injection System for Verifying Generic CPU Safety-TestsShow publication in PURE
Christopher PreschernPattern-Based Development of Embedded Systems for Safety and SecurityShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Reinhard BerlachMemory-Efficient On-Card Byte Code Verification for Java CardsShow publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Marcel Carsten BaunachAdvanced Timestamping for pairwise Clock Drift Detection in Wireless Sensor/Actuator NetworksShow publication in PURE
Christopher PreschernPattern-Based Development of Embedded Systems for Safety and SecurityShow publication in PURE
Andrea HöllerHardware/Software Co-Design of Elliptic-Curve Cryptography for Resource-Constrained ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Martin Bor, Carlo Alberto Boano and James BrownRELYonITShow publication in PURE
Katrin Landfahrer, Norbert Kühtreiber, Daniel Koch, Christian Steger, Philipp Berglez, G. Hohenberger, S. Hermann and Ioana Victoria KoglbauerGeoWSN - Frühwarnsystem zur Beurteilung der Gefährdung kritischer Infrastruktur durch Hangrutschungen, ZwischenberichtShow publication in PURE
Martin Bor, Koen Langendoen, Carlo Alberto Boano, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Alejandro Veiga Rico, Patricio Moreno Montero, Ignasi Vilajosana, Mischa Dohler, Màrius Montón, Utz Roedig, Andreas Mauthe, Geoff Coulson, Thiemo Voigt, Luca Mottola, Zhitao He and Nicolas TsiftesReport on Use Case Definition and RequirementsShow publication in PURE
Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubaa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mario Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt and Luca MottolaRadio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks978-3-319-00773-1Show publication in PURE
Harald SporerEchtzeitkommunikation im Bereich virtueller Motorenprüfstände: Eine Performance-Analyse von Echtzeit-Industrial-Ethernets978-3-639-42543-7Show publication in PURE
Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Andrea Gaglione, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Stefano Tranquillini, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Harald Fuchs, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroSystem IntegrationShow publication in PURE
Marco Antonio Zúñiga, Carlo Alberto Boano, James Brown, Chamath Keppitiyagama, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Paul Alcock, Nicolas Tsiftes, Utz Roedig, Kay Uwe Römer, Thiemo Voigt and Koen LangendoenReport on Environmental and Platform ModelsShow publication in PURE
Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Andrea Gaglione, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Stefano Tranquillini, Bengt-Ove Holländer, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Sebastian Doeweling, Nina Örtel, Florian Probst, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroFinal Application Implementations and Evaluation of System & Final Evaluation of the Programming ModelShow publication in PURE
Patrik Spieß, Harald Fuchs, Timurhan Sungur, Nina Örtel, Andrea Gaglione, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Niclas Finne and Luca MottolaFinal Application and System Capability ModelShow publication in PURE
Andrea Gaglione, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerFinal makeSense Programming Model and Final Language Core ImplementationShow publication in PURE
Stamatis Karnouskos, Patrik Spieß, Patricio Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Gian Pietro Picco, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerFinal WorkshopShow publication in PURE
Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer and Koen LangendoenReport on Specification LanguageShow publication in PURE
James Brown, Ibrahim Ethem Bagci, Utz Roedig, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Carlo Alberto Boano, Nicolas Tsiftes, Kay Uwe Römer, Thiemo Voigt and Koen LangendoenReport on Learning Models ParametersShow publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Carlo Alberto Boano, Patricio Moreno Montero, Màrius Montón, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Utz Roedig, Kay Uwe Römer, Rafael Soccoro, Thiemo Voigt and Marco Antonio ZúñigaReport on 1st year cooperation, dissemination and joint activitiesShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, James Brown, Utz Roedig, Chamath Keppitiyagama and Thiemo VoigtPrototype of Testbeds with Realistic Environmental EffectsShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Nouha Baccour, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Anis Koubaa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mario Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoOn the Use of Link Quality Estimation for Improving Higher Layer Protocols and MechanismsBaccour, Nouha u.a.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks117-145Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerThe Use of Body Sensor Networks in Clinical Settings and Medical ResearchThe Use of Body Sensor Networks in Clinical Settings and Medical Research1-528Show publication in PURE
Nouha Baccour, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Anis Koubaa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mario Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoCharacteristics of Low-Power LinksBaccour, Nouha u.a.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks1-20Show publication in PURE
Nouha Baccour, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Anis Koubaa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mario Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoPerformance Evaluation of Link Quality EstimatorsBaccour, Nouha u.a.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks87-116Show publication in PURE
Nouha Baccour, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Anis Koubaa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mario Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoExternal Radio InterferenceBaccour, Nouha u.a.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks21-63Show publication in PURE
Nouha Baccour, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Anis Koubaa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mario Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoOverview of Link Quality EstimationBaccour, Nouha u.a.: Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks65-68Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz and Kay Uwe RömerReal-Time Search in the Sensor InternetBuilding sensor networks : from design to applications73-100Show publication in PURE
Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Kay Uwe Römer and Raj RajkumarProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor NetworksShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Christian Steger, Holger Bock and Josef HaidA Secure Zero-Energy NFC Solution for Everyday Electronic DevicesElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik130,
2013Show publication in PURE
Michael Karner, Eric Armengaud, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißEfficient run-time co-simulation model switching for holistic analysis of embedded systems International Journal of Embedded Systems 5,
2013Show publication in PURE
Roland Mader, Eric Armengaud, Gerhard Grießnig, Christian Josef Kreiner, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißOASIS: An automotive analysis and safety engineering instrumentReliability Engineering & System Safety120,
2013Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Karima Hein and Reinhold WeißScalable Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Network Energy ConservationInternational Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications6,
2013Show publication in PURE
Johannes Grinschgl, Armin Krieg, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock, Josef Haid, Thomas Aichinger and Christiane UlbrichtCase study on multiple fault dependability and security evaluationsMicroprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design37,
2013Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz, Sven Groppe, Oliver Kleine, Daniel Bimschas, Stefan Fischer, Kay Uwe Römer and Dennis PfistererA P2P Semantic Query Framework for the Internet of ThingsPraxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation36,
2013Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Christopher Preschern, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Kreiner, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidPower And Fault Emulation For Software Verification and System Stability Testing in Safety Critical EnvironmentsIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics9,
2013Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoDrahtlose Überwachung per InfrarotsensorMedical Sports Network
2013Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerA Multi-Model Based Component Architecture for Virtual OrganizationsInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science 3,
2013Show publication in PURE
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidUsing field strength scaling to save energy in mobile HF-band RFID-systemsEURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems
2013Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz, Sven Groppe, Kay Uwe Römer and Dennis PfistererSemantic Models for Scalable Search in the Internet of ThingsJournal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 2,
2013Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic, Andrea Höller, Christian Steger and Christian Josef KreinerVerifying Generic IEC 61508 CPU Self-Tests with Fault InjectionProceedings of the 8th International Design and Test Symposium1-2Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz, Andreas Riel, Damjan Ekert, Michael Langgner, Theisens Dick and Michael ReinerAutomotive Knowledge Alliance AQUA - Integrating Automotive SPICE, Six Sigma, and Functional SafetySystems, Software and Services Process Improvement 20th European Conference, EuroSPI 2013, Dundalk, Ireland, June 25-27, 2013. Proceedings333-344Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Andreas Johann Hörmer, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerSoftware-Based Remote Attestation for Safety-Critical SystemsProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Safety and Security Systems (ESSS)1-5Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerEvaluation of Domain Modeling Decisions for two identical Domain Specific LanguagesLecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE)1-5Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern and Christian Josef KreinerA Component-based Dynamic Link Support for Safety-critical Embedded SystemsProceedings of the IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems92-99Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern and Christian Josef KreinerInversion of Control Container for Safety-critical Embedded SystemsProceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-12Show publication in PURE
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Bernhard Kipperer, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidEnergy Efficiency by Using Field Strength Scaling for Multi-Transponder ApplicationsProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications263-269Show publication in PURE
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidNFC-DynFS: A way to realize dynamic field strength scaling during communication5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication (NFC 2013)59-64Show publication in PURE
Andrea Höller, Armin Krieg, Christopher Preschern, Christian Steger, Christian Josef Kreiner, Holger Bock and Josef HaidAutomatized High-Level Evaluation of Security Properties for RTL Hardware DesignsProceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Security, WESS 20131-8Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe RömerPoster Abstract: iBAST - Instantantaneous Bridge Assessment Based on Sensor Network TechnologyIntl. Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (RealWSN)-Show publication in PURE
Michael Lackner, Reinhard Berlach, Michael Hraschan, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerA Defensive Java Card Virtual Machine to Thwart Fault Attacks by Microarchitectural Support8th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS'13)Show publication in PURE
Karima Hein, Leander Bernd Hörmann and Reinhold WeißAnalysis of Threshold-Based Event Detection Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks by Fault InjectionProceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and ComputingShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerNon-Invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon RunnersAdjunct proceedings1-4Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern and Christian Josef KreinerTowards Predictable Dynamic Linking for Safety-critical Component-based SystemsProceedings of the Work in Progress Session of the 39th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2013)1-2Show publication in PURE
Florian Daniel, Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Harald Fuchs, Andrea Gaglione, Stamatis Karnouskos, Patricio Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Gian Pietro Picco, Kay Uwe Römer, Patrik Spieß, Stefano Tranquillini and Thiemo VoigtmakeSense: Real-world Business Processes through Wireless Sensor NetworksCPS-Week58-72Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerSystem of safety-critical embedded Architecture PatternsProceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-54Show publication in PURE
Florian Pölzlbauer, Iain Bate and Eugen BrennerOn extensible networks for embedded systemsProceedings69-77Show publication in PURE
Cuong Truong and Kay Uwe RömerContent-based Sensor Search for the Web of ThingsIEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)-Show publication in PURE
Michael Lackner, Reinhard Berlach, Wolfgang Raschke, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerA Defensive Virtual Machine Layer to Counteract Fault Attacks on Java CardsWorkshop in Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP'13)82-97Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerCatalog of Safety Tactics in the light of the IEC 61508 Safety LifecycleProceedings of VikingPLoP 20131-14Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz and Kay Uwe RömerSmart City Search: A User SurveyWorkshop proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments635-646Show publication in PURE
Richard Messnarz, Christian Kreiner, Ovi Bachmann, Andreas Riel, Klaudia Dussa-Zieger, Risto Nevalainen and Serge TichkiewitchImplementing Functional Safety Standards - Experiences from the Trials about Required Knowledge and Competencies (SafEUr)Communications in Computer and Information Science323-332Show publication in PURE
Alexander Bernauer and Kay Uwe RömerA comprehensive compiler-assisted thread abstraction for resource-constrained systemsIPSN' 13167-178Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Andreas Genser, Holger Bock and Josef HaidEmulation-Based Test and Verification of a Design’s Functional, Performance, Power, and Supply Voltage Behavior21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP)328-335Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Hjalmar Wennerström, Marco Antonio Zuniga, James Brown, Chamath Keppitiyagama, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Utz Roedig, Lars-Ake Norden, Thiemo Voigt and Kay Uwe RömerHot Packets: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effect of Temperature on Low Power Wireless TransceiversExtreme Conference on Communication7-12Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Daniel Kroisleitner, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidEmulation-Based Design Evaluation of Reader / Smart Card SystemsIEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP)80-86Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Tobias Rauter, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Christian Bachmann, Holger Bock and Josef HaidPower and Thermal Fault Effect Exploration Framework for Reader / Smart Card Designs16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)898-906Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Markus Schalch, Marian George and Gábor SörösDevice Recognition for Intuitive Interaction with the Web of ThingsAdjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013)Show publication in PURE
Christian Josef KreinerA binding time guide to creational patternsPreprints of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2014 (2014)1-10Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Michael Steinberger, Michael Kalcher and Christian Josef KreinerUsing a Remote Lab for Teaching Energy Harvesting Enhanced Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2013)1109-1117Show publication in PURE
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Manuel Trebo Fioriello, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock, Josef Haid and Christian StegerPtNBridge - A Power-Aware and Trustworthy Near Field Communication Bridge to Embedded SystemsProceedings of the 16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design(DSD)907-914Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Vlad Trifa, Dave Raggett and Dominique GuinardWoT 2013: Fourth International Workshop on the Web of ThingsThe 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp '13, Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-12, 2013 - Adjunct Publication1487-1494Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Daniel Kroisleitner, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Armin Krieg, Holger Bock and Josef HaidEmulation-Based Fault Effect Analysis for Resource Constrained, Secure, and Dependable Systems16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)337-344Show publication in PURE
Massimiliano Zilli, Wolfgang Raschke, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerOn the Dictionary Compression for Java Card Environment16th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems68-76Show publication in PURE
Chamath Keppitiyagama, Nicolas Tsiftes, Carlo Alberto Boano and Thiemo VoigtTemperature Hints for Sensornet RoutingACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems1-2Show publication in PURE
Christian Steger, Stephan Gether, Hannes Mock, Marcus Dietl and Leander Bernd HörmannIntegration of a Wireless Sensor Network Into a Reliable Data Flow Process for Slope Monitoring2013 IFIP Wireless Days (WD)1-4Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerApplying and Evaluating Architectural IEC 61508 Safety PatternsLecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE)1-5Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Matteo Lasagni and Kay Uwe RömerNon-invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon RunnersBody Sensor Networks1-6Show publication in PURE
Nermin Kajtazovic, Christopher Preschern and Christian Josef KreinerA Persistent Naming Scheme for Embedded Systems in AutomationProceedings of the IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems157-165Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Wolfgang Ebner and Christian Josef KreinerMechanisms to handle structural variability in Matlab/Simulink modelsSafe and Secure Software Reuse17-31Show publication in PURE
Ioana Koglbauer, Günter Hohenberger and Christian StegerTransferring human factors knowledge from aviation to development of a warning system for landslideProceedings of The 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology232-236Show publication in PURE
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Christopher Preschern, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Josef Haid and Holger BockIntroduction of design pattern(s) for power-management in embedded systemsProceeding of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of ProgramsShow publication in PURE
Tobias RauterAnalysis and Implementation of Cryptographic Hardware Solutions in Secure Embedded SystemsShow publication in PURE
Andrea HöllerHardware/Software Codesign of Elliptic-Curve Cryptography on a Lightweight Microprocessor for RFIDShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Ioana Koglbauer, Günter Hohenberger and Christian StegerTransferring human factors knowledge from aviation to development of a warning system for landslideShow publication in PURE
Massimiliano ZilliOn the Dictionary Compression for Java Card EnvironmentShow publication in PURE
Reinhard Luef, Philipp Heher, Christof Hepp, Klaus Schaffer, Harald Sporer and Helmut EichlsederKonzeption und Entwicklung eines Wasserstoff-/Benzin-Motors für den RennsportShow publication in PURE
Leander Bernd HörmannIntegration of a Wireless Sensor Network Into a Reliable Data Flow Process for Slope MonitoringShow publication in PURE
Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Andrea Gaglione, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Antonio Quartulli, Stefano Tranquillini, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Harald Fuchs, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroReport from Application Implementations and EvaluationShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Marco Antonio Zuniga and Thiemo VoigtJam-X: Wireless Agreement under InterferenceShow publication in PURE
Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Paolo Pettinato, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Andrea Gaglione, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Antonio Quartulli, Stefano Tranquillini, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Guenadi Dantchev, Stamatis Karnouskos, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroInitial Integrated SystemShow publication in PURE
Helmut Aschbacher, Eugen Brenner, Christian Kreiner, Ernst Kreuzer, Stefan Grünwald and Birgit KammerhoferDienstleistungsreport: IT-Dienstleister 2012.Steirische IT Dienstleister zum Thema Vision Framework, Service Engineering, Smart Services und Agilität.978-3-20002-700-8Show publication in PURE
Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Andrea Gaglione, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Antonio Quartulli, Stefano Tranquillini, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Harald Fuchs, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroRefined System ArchitectureShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Philipp Maria Glatz and Reinhold WeißArchitecturing Resource Aware Sensor Grid Middleware: Avoiding Common Errors in Design, Simulation, Test and MeasurementComputational and Data Grids: Principles, Designs, and Applications194-216Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißTowards Modeling Support for Low-Power and Harvesting Wireless Sensors for Realistic Simulation of Intelligent Energy-Aware MiddlewareGreen Mobile Devices and Networks: Energy Optimization and Scavenging Techniques279-316Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißEnergy Efficient Supply of Mobile DevicesGreen Mobile Devices and Networks: Energy Optimization and Scavenging Techniques25-51Show publication in PURE
Andreas Herkersdorf, Kay Uwe Römer and Uwe BrinkschulteArchitecture of computing systems - ARCS 2012Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidPOWER-MODES - POWer EmulatoR and MOdel based Dependability and Security evaluationsACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems5,
2012Show publication in PURE
Josef Zehetner, Wenpu Lu and Daniel WatzenigEntwurf eines Zweispannungsbordnetzes mittels Co-Simulation und ModellbibliothekVirtual Vehicle Magazine
2012Show publication in PURE
Florian Pölzlbauer, Iain Bate and Eugen BrennerOptimized Frame Packing for Embedded SystemsIEEE Embedded Systems Letters4,
2012Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachCoMem: Collaborative Memory Management for Real-Time Operation within Reactive Sensor/Actor NetworksReal-Time Systems48,
2012Show publication in PURE
Josef Zehetner and Bernd FachbachFahrzeugauslegung über alle Fachgebiete hinwegVirtual Vehicle Magazine
2012Show publication in PURE
Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Luca Mottola, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Habib Youssef, Carlo Alberto Boano and Mário AlvesRadio Link Quality Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks: a SurveyACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 8,
2012Show publication in PURE
Josef ZehetnerE-VECTOORC: E-Fahrzeuge sicherer und besser machenVirtual Vehicle Magazine
2012Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer and Carlo Alberto BoanoDrahtlose Sensornetze in der Sportmedizin: Laufen, Daten, SammelnGesundheitsland Schleswig-Holstein : Jahrbuch2012/13,
2012Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Manuel Menghin, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidThe PTF-Determinator: A run-time method used to save energy in NFC-SystemsFourth International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology92-98Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Nermin Kajtazovic, Roland Mader, Christian Josef Kreiner, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißLightweight introduction of EAST-ADL2 in an automotive software product lineHawaii International Conference on System Sciences1-10Show publication in PURE
Karima Hein, Leander Bernd Hörmann and Reinhold WeißUsing a Leaky Bucket Counter as an Advanced Threshold Mechanism for Event Detection in Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES 2012)51-56Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Reinhold Weiß and Christian Josef KreinerAnalyzing the complexity of domain modelsIEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems1-10Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidAcceleration of Fault Attack Emulation by Consideration of Fault Propagation11th International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT)239-242Show publication in PURE
Anilloy Augustine FrankVariability Identification by Selective Targeting of Significant NodesICCGI 2012 : The Seventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology148-153Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerApplying Patterns to Model Driven Development of Automation Systems: An Industrial Case StudyProceedings of the 17th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-6Show publication in PURE
Anilloy Augustine FrankA GENERIC APPROACH FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF VARIABILITYENASE 2012: Seventh Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering167-172Show publication in PURE
Cuong Truong, Kay Uwe Römer and Kai ChenSensor Similarity Search in the Web of ThingsInternational Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks693-699Show publication in PURE
Ionannis Chatzigiannakis, Henning Hasemann, Marcel Karnstedt, Oliver Kleine, Alexander Kröller, Myriam Leggieri, Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Uwe Römer and Cuong TruongTrue self-configuration of the IoTInternational Conference on the Internet of Things9-15Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Kay Uwe Römer and Thiemo VoigtJAG: Reliable and Predictable Wireless Agreement under External Radio Interference2012 IEEE 33rd Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2012)315-326Show publication in PURE
Cuong Truong and Kay Uwe RömerEfficient Geocasting to Multiple Regions in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks453-461Show publication in PURE
Stefano Tranquillini, Patrik Spieß, Florian Daniel, Stamatis Karnouskos, Fabio Casati, Nina Oertel, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Gian Pietro Picco, Kay Uwe Römer and Thiemo VoigtProcess-Based Design and Integration of Wireless Sensor Network ApplicationsBusiness Process Management134-149Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Michael Steinberger, Michael Kalcher and Christian KreinerEducational Remote Lab Concept for Energy Harvesting Enhanced Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the European DSP Education and Research Conference95-99Show publication in PURE
Christopher PreschernCatalog of Security Tactics linked to Common Criteria RequirementsProceedings of the 19th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs1-16Show publication in PURE
Mykhailo Lytvyn, Christoph Pöllabauer, Markus Troger, Katrin Landfahrer, Leander Bernd Hörmann and Christian StegerReal-Time Landslide Monitoring Using Single-Frequency PPP: Proof of Concept6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, (NAVITEC)1-6Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Andreas Genser and Josef HaidEstimation Based Power and Supply Voltage Management for Future RF-Powered Multi-Core Smart CardsDesign, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE)358-363Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidSystem Side-Channel Leakage Emulation for HW/SW Security Coverification of MPSoCs15th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS)139-144Show publication in PURE
Johannes Grinschgl, Armin Krieg, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidEfficient fault emulation based on post-injection fault effect analysis (PIFEA)55th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)526-529Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern and Kurt DietrichStructuring Modular Safety Software Certification by Using Common Criteria ConceptsProceedings of the 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications1-4Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidHardware-Accelerated Workload Characterization for Power Modeling and Fault Injection21th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS)149-154Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Reinhold Weiß and Christian KreinerOptimizing problem space representations through domain multi-modeling3rd International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE 2012)1-4Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Andreas Genser, Holger Bock and Josef HaidCharacterization and Handling of Low-Cost Micro-Architectural Signatures in MPSoCs17th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS)62-67Show publication in PURE
F. Casati, F. Daniel, G. Dantchev, J. Eriksson, N. Finne, S. Karnouskos, P. Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, G. P. Picco, A. Quartulli, Kay Uwe Römer, S. Tranquillini and Thiemo VoigtTowards Business Processes Orchestrating the Physical Enterprise with Wireless Sensor NetworksEWSN 2012 Poster and Demo Proceedings---Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Andrea Leitner and Christian Josef KreinerDomain Specific Language Architecture for Automation Systems: An Industrial Case StudyProceedings of the 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications1-12Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Rejhan Basagic, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidNIZE - A Near Field Communication Interface Enabling Zero Energy Standby for Everyday Electronic DevicesIEEE 8th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)261-267Show publication in PURE
Benjamin Meyer, Richard Mietz and Kay Uwe RömerLoCaF: Detecting Real-World States with Lousy Wireless CamerasIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems58-66Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerAn Architecture for Safe and Secure Automation System Devices and Maintenance ProcessProceedings of the IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems1-8Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe RömerFuzzy-based Sensor Search in the Web of ThingsInternational Conference on the Internet of Things127-134Show publication in PURE
Florian Brugger, Christian Josef Kreiner and Thomas ThurnerRuntime-Reconfigurable Communication Concept for Real-Time Measurement and ControlIEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2012) Proceedings2351-2356Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachTowards Collaborative Resource Sharing under Real-Time Conditions in Multitasking and Multicore Environments17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology & Factory Automation (ETFA)1-9Show publication in PURE
Simon MayerWeb-based Service Brokerage for Robotic DevicesAdjunct Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2012)863-865Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Karima Hein, Michael Steinberger, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißTowards an On-Site Characterization of Energy Harvesting Devices for Wireless Sensor Networks2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops421-424Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner and Christian KreinerMADMAPS - Simple and systematic assessment of modeling concepts based on the nature of the domainEuroSPI Conference - European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation1-20Show publication in PURE
Michael Lackner, Reinhard Berlach, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiß and Christian StegerTowards the Hardware Accelerated Defensive Virtual Machine - Type and Bound ProtectionEleventh Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS'12)1-15Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Norbert Druml, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidPROCOMON - An Automatically Generated Predictive Control-Signal Monitor15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)654-660Show publication in PURE
Florian Pölzlbauer, Iain Bate and Eugen BrennerEfficient Constraint Handling During Designing Reliable Automotive Real-time SystemsInternational Conference on Reliable Software Technologies207-220Show publication in PURE
Matthias Kovatsch, Simon Mayer and Benedikt OstermaierMoving Application Logic from the Firmware to the Cloud: Towards the Thin Server Architecture for the Internet of ThingsProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2012)Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer and David S. KaramA Computational Marketplace for the Web of ThingsProceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2012)Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Dominique Guinard and Vlad TrifaSearching in a Web-based Infrastructure for Smart ThingsProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2012)Show publication in PURE
Roland Mader, Eric Armengaud, Andrea Leitner and Christian StegerAutomatic and Optimal Allocation of Safety Integrity LevelsReliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) Proceedings258-263Show publication in PURE
Eugen Brenner, Ernst Kreuzer and Helmut AschbacherStudy Results: How IT Service Providers in Styria/Austria use Smart ServicesINFORMATICS RISING - INFORMS 2012 annual meeting370-370Show publication in PURE
Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, G. Dantchev, Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Stamatis Karnouskos, Patricio Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Gian Pietro Picco, A. Quartulli, Kay Uwe Römer, Patrik Spieß, Stefano Tranquillini and Thiemo VoigtFrom business process specifications to sensor network deploymentsEuropean Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks---Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Reinhold Weiß, Christian Kreiner and Wolfgang EbnerImproving domain representation with multi-paradigm modeling16th International Software Product Line Conference, SPLC '12, Salvador, Brazil - September 2-7, 2012, Volume 2201-208Show publication in PURE
Josef Zehetner, Wenpu Lu, Daniel Watzenig and Jost BernaschCo-simulation based analysis of a two-voltage electrical system for hybrid electric vehiclesHybrid and Electric Vehicles139-155Show publication in PURE
Helmut Aschbacher, Ernst Kreuzer and Christian KittlSmart Services – Implications and Approach for Agile Service ManagementINFORMATICS RISING - INFORMS 2012 annual meeting451-451Show publication in PURE
Roland Mader, Gerhard Grießnig, Eric Armengaud, Andrea Leitner, Christian Josef Kreiner, Quentin Bourrouilh, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA Bridge from System to Software Development for Safety-Critical Automotive Embedded Systems38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) Proceedings75-79Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Christian Kreiner and Reinhold WeißExtending the optimized domain model representation from the problem space to the solution spaceProceedings of the 9th IEEE Workshop on Model-Based Development for Computer-Based Systems1-4Show publication in PURE
Bicocchi Nicola, Matteo Lasagni and Zambonelli FrancoBridging vision and commonsense for multimodal situation recognition in pervasive systemsIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications48-56Show publication in PURE
Alexander Bernauer and Kay Uwe RömerCompiler-Assisted Thread Abstractions for Resource-Constrained SystemsEWSN Poster and Demo Proceedings29-30Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Thiemo Voigt and Marco Antonio ZunigaAgreement for Wireless Sensor Networks under External InterferenceEWSN 2012 Poster and Demo Proceedings36-37Show publication in PURE
Josef Zehetner, Wenpu Lu and Daniel WatzenigStability Analysis of a Two-Voltage Vehicle Electrical System Based on Co-SimulationSAE 2012 World Congress?-?Show publication in PURE
Johannes Grinschgl, Armin Krieg, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidEfficient Fault Emulation using Automatic Pre-Injection Memory Access Analysis25th IEEE International SOC Conference (SOCC)277-282Show publication in PURE
Bicocchi Nicola, Caselli Gabriella, Matteo Lasagni, Zambonelli Franco and Mamei MarcoExperiences on sensor fusion with commonsense reasoningIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications596-601Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Philipp Töglhofer, Josef Zehetner and Daniel WatzenigRequirement identification for variability management in a co-simulation environmentProceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference269-274Show publication in PURE
Norbert Druml, Manuel Menghin, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Andreas Genser, Holger Bock and Josef HaidAdaptive Field Strength Scaling - A Power Optimization Technique for Contactless Reader / Smart Card Systems15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)616-623Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Karima Hein, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA Hardware/Software Simulation Environment for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks61-68Show publication in PURE
Andreas Riel, Klaudia Dussa-Zieger, Ovi Bachmann, Christian Kreiner, Richard Messnarz and Risto NevalainenEU Project SafEUr - Competence Requirements for Functional Safety Manager in Safety Management and Related TopicsEuroSPI Conference - European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation1-1Show publication in PURE
Christopher Preschern, Nermin Kajtazovic and Christian Josef KreinerBuilt-in Security Enhancements for the 1oo2 Safety ArchitectureProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems1-6Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Karima Hein and Reinhold WeißState-of-Charge Measurement Error Simulation for Power-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference: Mobile and Wireless Networks2209-2214Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz and Kay Uwe RömerWork in Progress: Resourse-Aware Fault Localization in Large Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems281-283Show publication in PURE
F. Casati, F. Daniel, G. Dantchev, J. Eriksson, N. Finne, S. Karnouskos, P. Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, G. P. Picco, A. Quartulli, Kay Uwe Römer, S. Tranquillini and Thiemo VoigtTowards Business Processes Orchestrating the Physical Enterprise with Wireless Sensor Networks2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012)1357-1360Show publication in PURE
Georg Franz Heinrich MacherDrive-by-Wire System eines Formula Student Electric BolidenShow publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachAdvances in Distributed Real-Time Sensor/Actuator Systems OperationShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Leander Bernd HörmannTowards an On-Site Characterization of Energy Harvesting Devices for Wireless Sensor NetworksShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto BoanoBody Sensor Networks as a Robust Tool for Medical ResearchShow publication in PURE
Gerald Kortschak and Helmut AschbacherIT Business System Engineering - IT als Supportprozess für Unternehmenskommunikation und SicherheitShow publication in PURE
Willibald Erhart and Helmut AschbacherBest Practice 2: Case Study: Smart Services in der Verwertungs- und EntsorgungsbrancheShow publication in PURE
Leander Bernd HörmannEducational Remote Lab Concept for Energy Harvesting Enhanced Wireless Sensor NetworksShow publication in PURE
Armin KriegAcceleration of Fault Attack Emulation by Consideration of Fault PropagationShow publication in PURE
Stamatis Karnouskos, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Florian Daniel, Gian Pietro Picco, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerFirst Version of Dissemination and Exploitation ReportShow publication in PURE
Luca Mottola, Paolo Pettinato, Davide Molteni, Gian Pietro Picco, Antonio Quartulli, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerLanguage Core ImplementationShow publication in PURE
Stamatis Karnouskos, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß, Patricio Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Florian Daniel, Gian Pietro Picco, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerIntermediate Dissemination and Exploitation ReportShow publication in PURE
Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Fabio Casati, Gian Pietro Picco, Stefano Tranquillini, Paolo Valleri, Stamatis Karnouskos, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroRequirement SpecificationShow publication in PURE
Luca Mottola, Joakim Eriksson, Niclas Finne, Thiemo Voigt, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Gian Pietro Picco, Stefano Tranquillini, Paolo Valleri, Stamatis Karnouskos, Nina Örtel, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroInitial System ArchitectureShow publication in PURE
Luca Mottola, Gian Pietro Picco, Paolo Valleri, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerThe makeSense Programming ModelShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Vlad Trifa, Dominique Guinard and Simon MayerLeveraging the Web for a Distributed Location-aware Infrastructure for the Real WorldREST: From Research to PracticeShow publication in PURE
Eric Armengaud, Allan Tengg, Mario Driussi, Michael Karner, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißAutomotive Embedded Systems: The Migration ChallengesSolutions on Embedded Systems155-172Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer and Friedemann MatternAdaptation without AnticipationPervasive adaption31-32Show publication in PURE
Ernst Kreuzer and Helmut AschbacherStrategy-Based Service Business Development for Small and Medium Sized EnterprisesExploring Services Science: Second International Conference, IESS 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, February 16-18, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)173-188Show publication in PURE
Jie Liu, Philip Levis and Kay Uwe RömerSenSys - Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Christian Bachmann, Andreas Genser, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidAn Automated Power Emulation Framework for Embedded Software - Detecting Power-Critical Code Regions and Optimizing Software-Induced Power Consumption PeaksJournal of Low Power Electronics7,
255-264 ,
2011Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachDynamic Hinting: Collaborative Real-Time Resource Management for Reactive Embedded SystemsJournal of Systems Architecture57,
2011Show publication in PURE
Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Uwe Römer, Daniel Bimschas, Henning Hasemann, Manfred Hauswirth, Marcel Karnstedt, Oliver Kleine, Alexander Kröller, Myriam Leggieri, Richard Mietz, Max Pagel, Alexandre Passant, Ray Richardson and Cuong TruongSPITFIRE: Toward a Semantic Web of ThingsIEEE Communications Magazine49,
2011Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Roland Mader, Christian Josef Kreiner, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA development methodology for variant-rich automotive software architectures.Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
2011Show publication in PURE
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Carlo Alberto Boano and Thiemo VoigtQuantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor NetworksACM SIGBED Review 8,
2011Show publication in PURE
Daniel Bimschas, Henning Hasemann, Manfred Hauswirth, Marcel Karnstedt, Oliver Kleine, Alexander Kröller, Myriam Leggieri, Richard Mietz, Alexandre Passant, Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Uwe Römer and Cuong TruongSemantic-Service Provisioning for the Internet of ThingsElectronic Communications of the EASST 10,
2011Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Carlo Alberto Boano, Matteo Lasagni, Kay Uwe Römer and Tanja LangeAccurate Monitoring of Circardian Rhythms Using Wearable Body Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks169-170Show publication in PURE
Grigore Stamatescu, Kay Uwe Römer, Ralf Ludwig, Saleh M. Ibrahim and Valentin SgarciuMiceNet: Monitoring Behaviour of Laboratory Mice with Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems1-3Show publication in PURE
Marco Antonio Zuniga, Izabela Irzynska, Jan-Hinrich Hauer, Thiemo Voigt, Carlo Alberto Boano and Kay Uwe RömerLink Quality Ranking: Getting the Best out of Unreliable LinksIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems1-8Show publication in PURE
Ernst Kreuzer, Adrienne Schäfer and Helmut AschbacherThe Concept of Service Strategy Scorecard - an Integrated Approach for Lean Service Engineering and Service Improvement:Theoretical framework and implications for Service ScienceThe 2011 Naples Forum on Service - Service Dominant logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service ScienceShow publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Christian Bachmann, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidAccelerating Early Design Phase Differential Power Analysis Using Power Emulation Techniques4th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)81-86Show publication in PURE
F. Casati, F. Daniel, A. Dunkels, S. Karnouskos, P. Moreno Montero, Luca Mottola, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, G. P. Picco, Kay Uwe Römer, P. Spieß, S. Tranquillini, P. Valleri and Thiemo VoigtInvited Poster: makeSense: Easy Programming of Integrated Wireless Sensor NetworksAdjunct proceedings53-54Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißLow-Cost Reliable Blackout Sustainability of Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting SystemsProceedings of the 17th European Wireless Conference155-162Show publication in PURE
Daniel Bimschas, Sándor Fekete, Stefan Fischer, Horst Hellbrück, Alexander Kröller, Richard Mietz, Max Pagel, Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Uwe Römer and Torsten TeublerReal-World G-Lab: Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks with the Future InternetTestbeds and research infrastructures577-579Show publication in PURE
Andreas Genser, Christian Bachmann, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidSupply Voltage Emulation Platform for DVFS Voltage Drop Compensation ExplorationsIEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareShow publication in PURE
Kurt Geihs, Stefan Gruner and Kay Uwe RömerSESENA 2010: Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications2010 ACM/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2010 / Vol. 2441-444Show publication in PURE
Roland Mader, Gerhard Grießnig, Andrea Leitner, Christian Josef Kreiner, Quentin Bourrouilh, Eric Armengaud, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA Computer-Aided Approach to Preliminary Hazard Analysis for Automotive Embedded Systems18th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS) Proceedings169-178Show publication in PURE
Johannes Grinschgl, Armin Krieg, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidModular Fault Injector for Multiple Fault Dependability and Security EvaluationsEuromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)550-557Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Armin Runge and Reiner KollaDistribute & Erase, a Self-Calibration Algorithm for Ultrasound Based Localization Systems10. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze"0-0Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner, Roland Mader, Christian Josef Kreiner, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißTowards multi-modeling for domain descriptionProceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference30-30Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißMeasuring the State-of-Charge - Analysis and Impact on Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the 36th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2011)994-997Show publication in PURE
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Mário Alves, Carlo Alberto Boano and Thiemo VoigtQuantifying the Channel Quality for Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks10th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks41-46Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner and Christian Josef KreinerSoftware Product Lines - An agile success factor?Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 18th European Conference, EuroSPI 2011Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA SystemC-AMS Simulation Environment for the Evaluation of Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems247-252Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer and Dominique GuinardAn Extensible Discovery Service for Smart ThingsProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011)Show publication in PURE
Kurt Geihs, Luca Mottola, Gian Pietro Picco and Kay Uwe RömerSecond International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2011)Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering1198-1199Show publication in PURE
Dominique Guinard, Iulia Ion and Simon MayerIn Search of an Internet of Things Service Architecture: REST or WS-*? A Developers' PerspectiveProceedings of the 8th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous 2011)Show publication in PURE
Simon MayerService Integration - A Web of Things PerspectiveW3C Workshop on Data and Services IntegrationShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Matteo Lasagni, Kay Uwe Römer and Tanja LangeAccurate Temperature Measurements for Medical Research using Body Sensor NetworksIEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops189-198Show publication in PURE
Richard Mietz and Kay Uwe RömerExploiting correlations for efficient content-based sensor search2011 IEEE sensors proceedings187-190Show publication in PURE
Claro Noda, Shashi Prabh, Carlo Alberto Boano, Thiemo Voigt and Mário AlvesA Channel Quality Metric for Interference Aware Wireless Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks167-168Show publication in PURE
Roland Mader, Eric Armengaud, Andrea Leitner, Christian Josef Kreiner, Quentin Bourrouilh, Gerhard Grießnig, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißComputer-Aided PHA, FTA and FMEA for Automotive Embedded Systems30th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp) Proceedings113-127Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Armin Runge and Reiner KollaPrecise Self-Calibration of Ultrasound Based Indoor Localization Systems2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation0-0Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißMAMA: Multi-Application MiddlewAre for Efficient Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE 18th International Conference on Telecommunications1-8Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan OppermannEnd-User-Requirement-Driven Design of Wireless Sensor NetworksJoint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science45-45Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidA Side Channel Attack Countermeasure using System-On-Chip Power Profile Scrambling17th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS)222-227Show publication in PURE
Michael Thonhauser, Ulrich Krenn and Christian Josef KreinerApplying Multi-model Based Components for Virtual OrganizationsProceedings of the 19th International Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing285-292Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißDesigning of Efficient Energy Harvesting Systems for Autonomous WSNs Using a Tier ModelTelecommunications (ICT), 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on185-190Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißHANS: Harvesting Aware Networking Service for Energy Management in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE 18th International Conference on Telecommunications191-196Show publication in PURE
Johannes Grinschgl, Armin Krieg, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidAutomatic Saboteur Placement for Emulation-Based Multi-Bit Fault Injection6th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip ReCoSoC 20111-8Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißEnergy Efficient Supply of WSN Nodes using Component-Aware Dynamic Voltage ScalingWireless Conference (EW), 2011 European147-154Show publication in PURE
Roland Mader, Gerhard Griessnig, Eric Armengaud and Christian HeinA Novel Domain-Specific Language for Tailoring of the CESAR RTP1st Symposium on Model Driven Engineering: Software & Data Integration, Process Based Approaches and Tools Proceedings67-79Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißOpportunistic Network Coding for Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the Ninth Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference239-246Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Thiemo Voigt, Claro Noda, Kay Uwe Römer and Marco Antonio ZunigaJamLab: Augmenting Sensornet Testbeds with Realistic and Controlled Interference GenerationInternational Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks175-186Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißDesigning Sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks with Efficient Energy Harvesting SystemsProceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference – Service and Application Track218-223Show publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißEvaluation of Component-Aware Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Mobile Devices and Wireless Sensor NetworksWorld of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a1-9Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Uwe Römer, Fredrik Österlind and Thiemo VoigtDemo Abstract: Realistic Simulation of Radio Interference in COOJAAdjunct proceedings1-2Show publication in PURE
Armin Krieg, Johannes Grinschgl, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Holger Bock and Josef HaidRun-Time FPGA Health Monitoring using Power Emulation Techniques54th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)1-4Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißImplementing Autonomous Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Network ApplicationsIEEE 18th International Conference on Telecommunications9-14Show publication in PURE
Christopher PreschernPISCAS - A Pisciculture Automation System Product LineShow publication in PURE
Armin KriegRun-Time FPGA Health Monitoring using Power Emulation TechniquesShow publication in PURE
Adam Dunkels, Joakim Eriksson, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Kay Uwe Römer, Fabio Casati, Florian Daniel, Gian Pietro Picco, Stefano Soi, Stefano Tranquillini, Paolo Valleri, Stamatis Karnouskos, Patrik Spieß and Patricio Moreno MonteroApplication and Programming SurveyShow publication in PURE
Stamatis Karnouskos, Nina Örtel, Luca Mottola, Thiemo Voigt, Florian Daniel, Gian Pietro Picco, Felix Jonathan Oppermann and Kay Uwe RömerDissimination and Exploitation StrategyShow publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Philipp Maria GlatzSelf Sustained Electronic Shelf Label - Literature Research and Measurement ResultsShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Ernst Stefan Stelzmann, Christian Josef Kreiner, Gunther Spork, Richard Messnarz and Frank KönigAgility meets Systems Engineering:a Catalogue of Success Factors from Industry PracticeSystems, Software and Service Process Improvement245-256Show publication in PURE
K. Geihs, S. Gruner and Kay Uwe Römer2010 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2010)Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten Baunach, Reiner Kolla and Clemens Mühlberger9. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze"Show publication in PURE
I. Harris, N. Kiyavash and Kay Uwe Römer2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC 2010)Show publication in PURE
Christian Hein, Michael Wagner, Roland Mader, Andreas Keis and Eric ArmengaudWorkshop on Model Driven Tool and Process Integration (MDTPI)Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Mischa Dohler, Kristofer S.J. Pister, Wendi Heinzelman, Mani B. Srivastava, Ivan Stojmenovic, Kay Uwe Römer and Martha SteenstrupSimple Wireless Sensor Networking SolutionsIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications28,
2010Show publication in PURE
Horst Bischof, Martin Godec, Christian Leistner, Bernhard Rinner and Andreas StarzacherAutonomous Audio-Supported Learning of Visual Classifiers for Traffic MonitoringIEEE Intelligent Systems25,
2010Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer, Benedikt Ostermaier, Friedemann Mattern, Michael Fahrmair and Wolfgang KellererReal-Time Search for Real-World Entities: A SurveyProceedings of the IEEE98,
2010Show publication in PURE
Helmut Aschbacher and Ernst KreuzerThe rise of smart services in businessTouchpoint1,
2010Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißDesigning Perpetual Energy Harvesting Systems explained with RiverMote: A Wireless Sensor Network Platform for River MonitoringElectronic Journal of Structural Engineering2010,
2010Show publication in PURE
K. Geihs, S. Gruner and Kay Uwe RömerReport about 1st ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2010)ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes35,
2010Show publication in PURE
Manfred Steyer, Helmut Aschbacher and Sebastian SchatzlWettbewerbsvorteile durch Smart Services und Business IntelligenceBusiness Technology
2010Show publication in PURE
Christian Steger, Christian Bachmann, Andreas Genser, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidPower Aware Hardware/Software Codesign of Mobile DevicesElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik127,
2010Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, James Brown, Nicolas Tsiftes, Utz Roedig and Thiemo VoigtThe Impact of Temperature on Outdoor Industrial Sensornet ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics6,
2010Show publication in PURE
Michael Grasser and Helmut AschbacherChange Management zur Einführung agiler MethodenBusiness Technology
2010Show publication in PURE
Josef Girstmair, Hans-Herwig Priebsch, Franz Markus Reich and Josef ZehetnerPower train model refinement linked with parameter updating through nonlinear optimizationSAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems3,
2010Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Grießnig Gerhard, Roland Mader, Eric Armengaud, Ingrid Kundner and Christian HeinHoPES - Integrated Tool Chains for Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems: The CESAR ApproachHoPES - First Workshop on Hands-on Platforms and tools for model-based engineering of Embedded Systems29-36Show publication in PURE
Junyan Ma and Kay Uwe RömerVisibility Levels: Managing the Tradeoff between Visibility and Resource ConsumptionReal-World Wireless Sensor Networks49-61Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachDynamic Memory Management for Resource Constrained Sensor/Actor Systems9. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze"0-0Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachpVoted: A Progressive On-Line Algorithm for Robust Real-Time Localization and Tracking in spite of Faulty Distance Information2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)0-0Show publication in PURE
Andreas Genser, Christian Bachmann, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidPower Emulation Based DVFS Efficiency Investigations for Embedded Systems2010 International Symposium on System-on-Chip ProceedingsShow publication in PURE
Christian Bachmann, Andreas Genser, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidAutomated Power Characterization for Run-Time Power Emulation of SoC DesignsProceedings of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) 2010587-594Show publication in PURE
N. Glombitza, Richard Mietz, Kay Uwe Römer, Stefan Fischer and Dennis PfistererIntegrating Wireless Sensor Network and Enterprise IT Web ServicesEuropean Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks---Show publication in PURE
Nils Glombitza, Richard Mietz, Kay Uwe Römer, Stefan Fischer and Dennis PfistererSelf-Description and Protocol Conversion for a Web of ThingsIEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing229-236Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Johannes Loinig, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA First Step Towards Energy Management for Network Coding in Wireless Sensor NetworksMICC'09: Malaysia International Conference on Communications 2009Show publication in PURE
Daniel Bimschas, Horst Hellbrück, Dennis Pfisterer, Richard Mietz, Kay Uwe Römer and Torsten TeublerMiddleware for smart gateways connecting sensornets to the internetInternational Workshop on Middleware Tools, Services and Run-Time Support for Sensor Networks8-14Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachCoMem: Cooperative Memory Management for Real-Time Operation within Reactive Sensor/Actor Networks18th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems0-0Show publication in PURE
Kay Uwe Römer and Alexander BernauerMeta-Debugging Pervasive ComputersInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing1-4Show publication in PURE
Ulrich Krenn, Michael Thonhauser and Christian Josef KreinerECQL: A Query and Action Language for Model-Based Applications17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems286-290Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Marco Antonio Zuniga, Thiemo Voigt, Andreas Willig and Kay Uwe RömerThe Triangle Metric: Fast Link Quality Estimation for Mobile Wireless Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Computer Communications and Networks268-275Show publication in PURE
Benedikt Ostermaier, Fabian Schlup and Kay Uwe RömerWebPlug: A framework for the Web of Things2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications workshops : PerCom workshops 2010690-695Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Grießnig, Roland Mader, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißDesign and Implementation of Safety Functions on a Novel CPLD-based Fail-Safe System Architecture17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS) Proceedings206-212Show publication in PURE
Michael Karner, Eric Armengaud, Martin Krammer, Stefan Krug, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißHeterogeneous Co-Simulation Platform for the Efficient Analysis of Automotive Distributed Embedded SystemsProceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication SystemsShow publication in PURE
Johannes Loinig, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißPerformance Improvement and Energy Saving Based on Increasing Locality of Persistent Data in Embedded SystemsSystems (ICONS), 2010 Fifth International Conference on175-180Show publication in PURE
Ernst Stefan Stelzmann, Christian Josef Kreiner, Gunther Spork, Richard Messnarz and Frank KönigAgility meets Systems Engineering:a Catalogue of Success Factors from Industry PracticeEuroSPI 2010 Proceedings6.13-6.24Show publication in PURE
Michael Karner, Eric Armengaud, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß, Markus Pistauer and Felix PfisterA Cross Domain Co-Simulation Platform for the Efficient Analysis of Mechatronic SystemsSAE World Congress1-14Show publication in PURE
Anilloy Augustine FrankStrategy for modeling variability in configurable softwarePDES 2010: Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems88-91Show publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto Boano, Thiemo Voigt, Nicolas Tsiftes, Luca Mottola, Kay Uwe Römer and Marco Antonio ZunigaMaking Sensornet MAC Protocols Robust Against InterferenceWireless sensor networks272-288Show publication in PURE
Alexander Bernauer, Kay Uwe Römer and Silvia SantiniThreads for the Programmer, Events for the MachineEuropean Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks77-79Show publication in PURE
Andreas Genser, Christian Bachmann, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidEstimation-Based Run-Time Power Profile Flattening for RF-Powered Smart-Card SystemsProceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and SystemsShow publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißTOSPIE2: Tiny Operating System Plug-In for Energy EstimationProceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks410-411Show publication in PURE
B. Ostermaier, Kay Uwe Römer, Friedemann Mattern, M. Fahrmair and W. KellererA Real-Time Search Engine for the Web of ThingsInternational Conference on the Internet of Things---Show publication in PURE
Simon Mayer, Dominique Guinard and Vlad TrifaFacilitating the Integration and Interaction of Real-World Services for the Web of ThingsUrbanIOT 2010; Workshop at the Internet of Things 2010 Conference (IoT 2010)Show publication in PURE
Nicola Bicocchi, Matteo Lasagni, Marco Mamei, Andrea Prati, Rita Cucchiara and Franco ZambonelliUnsupervised learning in body-area networksProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Body Area Networks164-170Show publication in PURE
Josef Haid, Christian Bachmann, Andreas Genser, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißPower Emulation: Methodology and Applications for HW/SW Power Optimization8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE) 2010Show publication in PURE
Martin Godec, Christian Leistner, Horst Bischof, Andreas Starzacher and Bernhard RinnerAudio-Visual Co-Training for Vehicle ClassificationProceedings Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance586-592Show publication in PURE
Christoph TrummerAutomated Simulation-based Verification of Power Requirements for Systems-on-ChipsProceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems1-4Show publication in PURE
Stefan Kraxberger, Bergler Bernd, Reiter Andreas and Christopher PreschernCost-effective Routing for a Greener InternetIEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and CommunicationsShow publication in PURE
Alexander Bernauer, Kay Uwe Römer, Silvia Santini and Junyan MaThreads2Events: an automatic code generation approachWorkshop on Hot Topics in Embedded Networked Sensors1-5Show publication in PURE
Martin Krammer, Federico Clazzer, Eric Armengaud, Michael Karner, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißExploration of the FlexRay Signal Integrity using a Combined Prototyping and Simulation ApproachProceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems111-116Show publication in PURE
Michael Karner, Eric Armengaud, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißHolistic Simulation of FlexRay Networks by Using Run-Time Model SwitchingProceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2010544-549Show publication in PURE
Johannes Loinig, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Ernst HaselsteinerIdentification and Verification of Security Relevant Functions in Embedded Systems Based on Source Code Annotations and AssertionsInformation Security Theory and Practices. Security and Privacy of Pervasive Systems and Smart Devices316-323Show publication in PURE
Andrea Leitner and Christian Josef KreinerManaging ERP configuration variants: an experience reportFirst International Workshop on Knowledge-Oriented Product Line Engineering (KOPLE 2010)1-6Show publication in PURE
Junyan Ma and Kay Uwe RömerBalancing Visibility and Resource Consumption for Long-Term Monitoring of SensornetsACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems435-436Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Grießnig, Roland Mader, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA CPLD-based Safety Concept for Industrial ApplicationsIEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) Proceedings3027-3032Show publication in PURE
M. Günes, K. Schleiser, O. Hahm, Stefan Fischer, Daniel Bimschas, Horst Hellbrück, Alexander Kröller, R. Mietz, Max Pagel, Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Uwe Römer, Torsten Teubler and Sándor FeketeReal-World G-Lab: Goals, Current Status and Future PlansG-Lab Status Seminar---Show publication in PURE
Christian Bachmann, Andreas Genser, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß and Josef HaidAn Automated Framework for Power-Critical Code Region Detection and Power Peak Optimization of Embedded SoftwarePower and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, 20th International Workshop, PATMOS 201011-20Show publication in PURE
Michael Thonhauser, Christian Josef Kreiner and Andreas LeitnerA Model-Based Architecture Supporting Virtual Organizations in Pervasive SystemsFifteenth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems249-252Show publication in PURE
Anilloy Augustine FrankModel-based Variability Management for Complex Embedded NetworksICCGI 2010: The Fifth International Multi-conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology305-309Show publication in PURE
Markus Zoier, Roland Mader, Eric Armengaud, Jost Bernasch and Gerhard GriessnigCESAR - Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systemsProceedings of the 3rd Grazer Symposium Virtual Vehicle1-18Show publication in PURE
Marcel Carsten BaunachCollaborative Memory Management for Reactive Sensor/Actor SystemsThe 35th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 20100-0Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Karima Hein and Reinhold WeißEnergy Conservation with Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Crossed Information FlowsI-SPAN'09: The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and NetworksShow publication in PURE
Leander Bernd Hörmann, Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA Wireless Sensor Node for River Monitoring Using MSP430 and Energy HarvestingEDERC 2010 - European DSP Education & Research Conference - Proceedings140-144Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißDesign, Simulation and Measurement of an Accurate Wireless Sensor Network Localization SystemProceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks1-8Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan OppermannInferring Technical Constraints of a Wireless Sensor Network Application from End-User RequirementsSixth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks MSN 2010169-175Show publication in PURE
Philipp Maria Glatz, Leander Bernd Hörmann, Christian Steger and Reinhold WeißA system for accurate characterization of wireless sensor networks with power states and energy harvesting system efficiencyPervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on468-473Show publication in PURE
Kinga Kiss Iakab, Felix Jonathan Oppermann, Oliver Theel and Jens KamenikExploiting Semantic Quorum-Based Data Replication in Wireless Sensor Networks9. Fachgespräch Sensornetze der GI/ITG Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme55-58Show publication in PURE
Felix Jonathan OppermannEnd-User-Requirement-Driven Design of Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, Algorithmic synthesis of reactive and discrete-continuous systems, AlgoSyn 201055-55Show publication in PURE
Harald SporerEchtzeitkommunikation im Bereich virtueller MotorenprüfständeShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Philipp Maria GlatzTOSPIE2: Tiny Operating System Plug-In for Energy EstimationShow publication in PURE
Ernst Stefan Stelzmann, Gunther Spork, Christian Josef Kreiner, Richard Messnarz and Frank KönigPractical Use of Agile Methods within Systems EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Helmut Aschbacher, Ernst Stefan Stelzmann, Ernst Kreuzer and Eugen BrennerUsing Agile Systems Engineering for Improving a Company‘s Handling of ChangeShow publication in PURE
Michael ThonhauserA Model-Based Architecture Supporting Virtual Organizations in Pervasive SystemsShow publication in PURE
Michael ThonhauserECQL: A Query and Action Language for Model-Based ApplicationsShow publication in PURE
Carlo Alberto BoanoBody Sensor Networks as a Robust Tool for Medical ResearchShow publication in PURE
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