The "Smart City Project Graz Mitte" is intended to be a premier, demonstrating new urban energy technologies for a smart zero-emission quarter offering great quality of life. Innovative developments in terms of buildings, energy networks and mobility will be linked up to form an urban whole. The integrated holistic planning process involving all relevant players will make smart urban development tangible and come alive.
Project duration:2012 – 2017
Financing:Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Smart City Fit4Set
Project management:
Stadtbaudirektion Graz
Project partnerships:
Institute of Urbanism, TU Graz
Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning, TU Graz
Institute of Electrical Power Systems, TU Graz
Institute of Thermal Enigneering, TU Graz
Institute of Technology and Testing of Construction Materials, TU Graz
Energie Steiermark AGEnergie GrazHolding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbHMarkus Pernthaler Architekt ZT GmbhHans Höllwart – Forschungszentrum für integrales Bauwesen AGSFL technologiesAVL List GmbHECO World StyriaStadtLABOR Graz – Innovationen für urbane LebensqualitätSOT Süd-Ost Treuhand Gesellschaft m.b.H.City of Zagreb, City Office for Energy, Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentWissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt, Agenda-BüroAlfen Consult GmbH