With the Science-Industry Collaboration, we network companies in selected courses at the Institute. Companies can participate in teaching in order to discuss problems with students or to receive support in finding solution approaches.

We offer various opportunities to do this:

1.) Scientific Work

We offer the possibility to solve smaller problems in the company as part a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. We also provide scientific support that enables larger, new topics to be addressed as part of a dissertation project. You can download the general procedure for bachelor’s and master’s theses here:

  • Bachelor’s thesis procedure
  • Master’s thesis procedure
  • Dissertation procedure (to be agreed upon individually)

2.) Detailed Discussion of Case Studies

We offer the possibility to discuss a company case (4-5 hours) as part of a course at the Institute. If the company case will be developed further, the Institute can evaluate and process the results together with the company.

3.) Student Projects

In student projects, you have the opportunity to engage a team of students to work on your problem over a long period of time. The team receives our support troughout this process. This support can be offered, for example, in our course "Strategy & Business Model Lab".


Contact Christiana Ropposch for more information.