Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

The aim of this research project is the scientific investigation of the behavior of chassis by mapping real situations in abstracted dynamic principle tests.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Desiree Kofler
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.12.2024
Ende: 30.12.2025
In addition to the electrothermal properties of battery packs, this project also aims to analyze aging will be analyzed in order to map and further develop battery behavior over the entire service life.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Eva Heider
Dipl.-Ing. BSc BSc
Beginn: 31.12.2024
Ende: 30.12.2025
The aim of this research project is to investigate the possible effects on the performance of a selection of modern protective devices in the event of an electric car crash using FEM simulations. The focus here is to be on the total weight and the changed mass distribution of the impacting electric vehicle. electric vehicle.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Gregor Gstrein
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.12.2024
Ende: 30.12.2026
The SMADBatt project is based on the final demonstrator of the BioLIB project as a study vehicle, with the aim of developing ecologically and economically sensible solutions for the choice of materials and the design of battery housings.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Georg Baumann
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 30.09.2024
Ende: 29.09.2027
The aim of the FairOSA research project is to investigate whether the different seat belt routing for men and women contributes to the fact that women have a higher risk of injury and to derive concepts to ensure better protection regardless of body size.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Christoph Leo
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Beginn: 31.08.2024
Ende: 30.08.2027
The aim of this project is to characterize the mechanical behavior of round cells under varying load directions, load conditions and load velocities. In order to analyze the mechanical load limits, it is essential to determine the different influencing variables on the reaction of the traction battery in the event of a crash load by the test and different framework conditions, such as the state of charge such as the state of charge, load direction, load speed and intrusion geometry . The research experiment is intended to generate data on the safety of future electrical energy storage systems in order to either validate simulation models or verify the further development of new battery concepts.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Lena Neidhart
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 14.07.2024
Ende: 30.03.2025
Analysing the behaviour of innovative battery cells under various kinds of load is essential in order to guarantee or improve the safety of electric vehicles in defined safety critical load cases. Constantly evolving cell types with innovative cell chemistry pose new tasks and problems for research in the field of battery safety. In this project, the main focus will be on pouch cells and further, pouch modules. The aim of this research projects is to analyse the thermal runaway behaviour of the batteries and to investigate the thermal propagation within pouch modules.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Christian Ellersdorfer
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.06.2024
Ende: 29.06.2027
The “UVER” project aims to create opportunities to better understand bicycle traffic (surrounding traffic) and to better describe real, critical cycling scenarios better.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Christoph Leo
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Beginn: 30.04.2024
Ende: 29.06.2025
The focus of the experimental research is the detailed experimental analysis of the limit range of the handling and saturation points. The aim is the basic mechanical characterization of the battery cell used in the research project and the implementation and validation of the innovative test concept developed in the K2 project.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Stefan Grollitsch
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.01.2024
Ende: 30.12.2026
The focus of the experimental research is the detailed experimental analysis of the limit range of the handling and saturation points. The aim is the basic mechanical characterization of the battery cell used in the research project and the implementation and validation of the innovative test concept developed in the K2 project.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Stefan Grollitsch
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.01.2024
Ende: 30.12.2026
The project's aim is to characterise and analyse the mechanical behaviour and safety of next-generation battery cells under realistic confinement conditions.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Markus Fasching
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.12.2023
Ende: 30.04.2025
The aim of this research project is to increase safety on the basis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for lithium-ion batteries by means of experimental tests.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Patrick Höschele
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Beginn: 30.11.2023
Ende: 30.03.2025
Many studies show that there are differences in the risk of injury between male car occupants compared to female occupants. The reasons for this are not fully understood now. The aim of the DIVERSE project is to analyse injury patterns for women and men under comparable boundary conditions and to derive measures for the optimal protection for all. This is done on the one hand by means of detailed reconstructions of real accidents, and on the other hand based on simulations with the latest generation of finite element human body models.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Corina Klug
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.09.2023
Ende: 29.06.2025
The central goal of "CarryMeHome" is to bring people and shopping goods to their destination as energy-efficiently, energy- and time-savingly, safely, seamlessly and barrier-free as possible. At the same time, the urban quality of life for visitors and residents is to be enhanced by traffic calming. At the same time, there should be no loss, but on the contrary, an enhancement of (commercial) usability. The neighbouring rural zones up to a distance of at least 10 km should be connected by soft or active mobility.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Florian Feist
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.09.2023
Ende: 29.09.2026
The project serves to further develop innovative solutions for traffic monitoring and active vehicle safety tests.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Corina Klug
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.04.2023
Ende: 29.04.2025
NEMO project aims at advancing the state of the art of battery management systems (BMS) by engaging advanced physics-based and data-driven battery models and state estimation techniques. Towards achieving this goal, the consortium tends to provide efficient software and hardware to handle, host, process, and execute these approaches within high-end local processors and cloud computing.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Christoph Drießen
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Patrick Höschele
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Beginn: 30.04.2023
Ende: 29.04.2026
The project objective is to develop design guidelines (referred to as NSK design guidelines in the project) for the development of sustainable, safe and cost-optimised EPTW traction batteries. The NSK design guidelines contain proposals and guidelines to comprehensively improve the sustainability, safety and costs of EPTW traction batteries already in an early development phase. The application case of an electric motorbike is considered.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Markus Fasching
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 28.02.2023
Ende: 30.08.2025
In view of the growing quantities of discarded battery systems, the development of highly automated recycling facilities will be essential in the future. However, the progressive diversification of battery systems poses major challenges for the recycling processes. A major problem is that there is currently no mandatory labelling system that provides information about the composition of lithium-ion batteries. As a result, the lack of labelling leads to impure fractions. In practice, there are three main recycling approaches - pyrometallurgical recycling - hydrometallurgical recycling - direct (mechanical) recycling Mechanical recycling in particular offers a high potential to generate a high-quality, sustainable and recyclable material stream. The research priorities planned in the BATTBOX project include technological research and plant engineering concepts that should lead to an increase in the degree of maturity in the mechanical recycling of lithium-ion battery systems. The research project aims at a multi-stage recycling process, whereby a broad spectrum of possible processes is to be developed due to the non-existing standardisations (chemistry, design, dismantlability). In each recycling process stage, a diagnosis of the exposed components is carried out with the aim of checking them for reusability according to economic and safety-critical aspects. Components that are classified as undamaged or reusable are discharged from the recycling process and not processed/dismantled any further. By splitting end-of-life components and reusable components, a significant product intensification of the original battery is achieved. High-quality and unmixed raw material fractions or components are obtained that are suitable for reuse in the production process.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Florian Feist
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Franz Haas
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 31.12.2022
Ende: 30.12.2025
The central goal of the project is the production of components for conventional road vehicles and aircraft from largely bio-based resource-efficient wood-hybrid materials.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Florian Feist
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.11.2022
Ende: 29.11.2025
Wood shows a wide range of strengths. Under longitudinal tensile loads, hardwood - such as birch - has a strength of up to 140MPa. However, under shear loads (‘rolling shear’), it only exhibits a strength of around 4MPa. Especially with materials made of rotary cut veneers, this failure is provoked by production-induced damage (so-called "lathe checks"). In the case of plywoods or laminated veneer lumber, rolling shear failure therefore frequently observed - in particular when the plywood features high-strength face layers, e.g. of GRP or CFRP. In civil engineering, the tensile failure of concrete structures or the transverse tensile failure of wooden structures is tackled by inserting tension rods (reinforcements) or bolts. Though tension rods could prevent rolling shear failure and delamination in veneer laminates, a similar approach was so far not adopted here. The "Stitch!" project is investigating whether tension rods can be inserted through sewing-threads. The research hypotheses of the project "Stitch!" are: can be avoided or delayed. This significantly increases the bending strength and also the energy absorption in the case of bending impact loads. The sewing of veneers is already used in furniture design as a joining technique or for aesthetic reasons. In "Stitch!", the targeted strengthening of materials through sewing of veneers is investigated.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Florian Feist
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.04.2022
Ende: 29.10.2025
The project aims for developing and optimizing novel manufacturing technologies for hybrid metal-wood components in automotive car body design.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Josef Domitner
Ass.Prof. DDDipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.
Florian Feist
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Beginn: 30.04.2021
Ende: 29.04.2025
BreadCell will develop a sustainable foaming method utilizing non-food wood polysaccharides to produce renewable low density energy-absorbing structural foams with ecological advantage. We propose a radically different platform technology capable of producing high porosity materials from forestbased renewables that cannot be produced by other existing scalable technologies. If successful, BreadCell foams provide a sustainable and ecological alternative to current synthetic foams.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in von mehreren TU Graz Instituten
Wolfgang Bauer
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Florian Feist
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Stefan Spirk
Assoc.Prof. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat.
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Georg Baumann
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Jana Bianca Schaubeder
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. BSc
Markus Wagner
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 31.03.2021
Ende: 30.03.2025
Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) are regarded as the key technology for battery storage and are finding an ever wider first life application as traction batteries for vehicles. Their continued use in stationary or other mobile applications ("Second Life") is becoming increasingly important for reasons of sustainability, but also for economic considerations: whether in e.g. electrical energy storage systems or in industrial trucks. In addition to many advantages, however, LIB has a not inconsiderable hazard potential (e.g. fire) regardless of the area of application. To ensure the operational safety of LIB over its entire life cycle, however, there is currently a lack of sufficiently detailed understanding and knowledge. This includes the safety-relevant evaluation and qualification, but also the improved early design of automotive LIB (A-LIB) for their reliable use ("First Life"), reuse (especially after an accident) and further use in another application area ("Second Life").
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Christian Ellersdorfer
Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Stefan Vorbach
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Martin Wilkening
Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat.
Beginn: 31.03.2021
Ende: 30.03.2025
The CD laboratory will focus in the design of high performance alloys by means of thermomechanical processing. These materials are usually exposed to high temperatures and loads at service condi-tions, therefore requiring a tight control of the microstructure in terms of homogeneity, grain size and precipitation state to assure their performance. On the other hand, damage produced during pro-cessing such as pores, cavities, hot tearing, shear bands and cracks, decrease drastically the proper-ties of any final product. The damage conditions must be identified and avoided. Non-ferrous metals for (1) light weight design and (2) high temperature applications will be analized. The main objective of this laboratory is to get a deep understanding and sound descriptions of the microstructure evolution of non-ferrous alloys during thermomechanical processing to design high performance products. To achieve this, experimental, modelling and simulation tools will be required (1) to characterize, describe and model the physical phenomena that take place in metallic materials during their industrial processing as well as at service conditions, and (2) to develop simple physical based multi-scale models that can be generalized for various materials and processes. Additionally, the modification of traditional processing routes will be oriented to reduce the energy involved during metals processing.
Konsortialführer/in bzw. Koordinator/in bei Kooperationen mit externen Organisationen
Maria Cecilia Poletti
Assoc.Prof. Dr.techn.
Projektleiter/in an der OE
Georg Baumann
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Teilnehmer*innen / Mitarbeiter*innen
Ricardo Henrique Buzolin
Eng. Mestr.
Stefan Fortmüller
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Ranganada Kasyap Pradeep Godavarthy Anantha Venkata
Franz Miller Branco Ferraz
René Wang
Dipl.-Ing. BSc
Beginn: 30.04.2017
Ende: 29.04.2025
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