Research Profile Tobias Schreck

I am a Professor and head of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization at the Faculty for Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering of Graz University of Technology. My main research interests are in Visual Data Analysis and in applied 3D Object Retrieval. The research questions we are tackling in our group include, among others, how large collections of data, e.g., high-dimensional and spatial-temporal data, and 3D object data, can be visually explored and analysed for data understanding and decision making. We are researching how users can interactively search for visual patterns in data, assisted by similarity functions, visual quality measures, and novel search interfaces, including approaches based on user sketching and eye tracking. We are interested in how to interactively visualize and steer machine-learning approaches like clustering and regression analysis by users, supporting effective and scalable data exploration. Our considered application areas include among others, data exploration for engineering and industrial applications, in research data repositories, and digital libraries.
In my research team in 2023, we work with two Postdoc researchers,  three full time PhD student researchers, external PhD students and a student research assistant team. I am a principal investigator in several funded research projects. I recently served as papers co-chair for the EG conference on Visualization 2022 and 2023.  I have served as papers co-chair for the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology in 2017 and 2018, and as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2018-2021. Please also see my profile on: Google Scholar, DBLP, ORCID.

Ongoing Research Projects

Completed Research Projects

  • FWF Project Crossmodal Search and Visual Exploration of 3D Cultural Heritage Objects (2018 - 2022)
  • FFG Project Virtual Reality for Cognitive Products and Production Systems (2018 - 2021)
  • Key researcher in project on Visual Condition Monitoring for Automotive Applications within COMET Competence Center Pro2Future, Area 3 (2018 - 2021)
  • Key researcher in project on Visual Analysis of Ultrasonic Testdata in Aluminum Production within COMET Competence Center Pro2Future, Area 3 (2018 - 2021)
  • Supervisor with the Joint PhD Degree Programme between Graz University of Technology and Nanyang Technological University (2015 - 2020)
  • EU FP 7 Project PRESIOUS - PREdictive digitization, reStoration and degradatIOn assessment of cultUral heritage objectS (principal investigator, 02/2013 - 01/2016)
  • EU FP 7 Project CONSENSUS - Multi-Objective Decision Making Tools through Citizen Engagement (principal co-investigator together with D. Keim, 10/2013 - 03/2016)
  • Research Project on Visual Search and Analysis in Research and Open Data within the Juniorprofessor Program of the State of Baden-Württemberg (principal investigator, 02/2013 - 01/2016)
  • Research Cooperation with Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt on Visual Analysis of Large Time-Dependent and Relational Data (principal investigator, 01/2012 - 12/2013)
  • DFG project Visual Feature Space Analysis (principal investigator, SCHR 1229/1-1, 02/2009 - 01/2012)
  • Coordinating Senior Researcher for DFG LIS collaborative project PROBADO (03/2009- 03/2011)
  • Coordinator of work package in collaborative Leibniz project VisInfo, together with TIB Hannover and Fraunhofer IGD (01/2010 - 03/2011)
  • DFG German-Chile research cooperation on 3D Object Retrieval (principal investigator, SCHR 1229/2-1, 01/2010 - 12/2010)
  • Co-supervisor in DFG Graduate School on E-Learning at Technische Universität Darmstadt (10/2007 - 06/2010)

Previous Academic Positions

  • Assistant Professor (W1 Juniorprofessor) for Visual Analytics with University of Konstanz (2011-2015)
  • Head of Visual Search and Analysis Group with Interactive-Graphics Systems Group at Technische Universität Darmstadt (2007-2011)
  • Full-time research assistant with Databases and Visualization Group, Department for Computer and Information Science, University of Konstanz (2002-2006)

Committee Work

  • Associate Editor
    – IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2018 – 2021)
  • Program Chairing
    – Papers co-chair for EG Conference on Visualization (2023, 2022)
    – Papers co-chair for IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (2018, 2017)
    – Short Papers co-chair for EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) (2018, 2017)
    – Program co-chair for ACM Web3D Conference (2015)
    – Posters co-chair for IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (2016, 2009)
  • Organizing Committee
    – Co-organizer for EG Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (2020, 2013, 2011, 2010)
    – Co-chair for IEEE VIS Publicity (2011), IEEE VIS Panels (2015), Workshops (2012 – 2014)

International Experience

  • University of Konstanz, Germany
  • Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
  • University of Chile (several research stays)
  • Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, USA (2005, 2004)

Selected Research Examples

Obtained Degrees

  • Dr. rer. nat., Computer and Information Science Department, University of Konstanz, Germany (11/2002 - 12/2006). Thesis title: Effective Retrieval and Visual Analysis in Multimedia Databases
  • Master of Science in Information Engineering, Computer and Information Science Department, University of Konstanz, Germany (10/1999 - 10/2002)
  • Dipl.-Volkswirt (corresponds to Master of Science in Economics), Economics and Statistics Department, University of Konstanz, Germany (10/1993 - 08/1999)

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