Digital Libraries (2VU)


Since ages, libraries and librarians have developed and applied techniques and practices for selection, acquisition, description, accessing and preservation of information to foster education and research and to preserve cultural heritage. In Digital Libraries, we are looking at techniques how library services can be realized using modern information and communication technologies, and how novel services can be devised for new document types and user needs. Besides covering techniques for handling textual documents, a focus of the lecture lies on non-textual document types (e.g., multimedia data and research data) as well as visual-interactive approaches for document exploration and user search. In the associated AK (selected topics) course, we focus on selected advanced aspects of Digital Library systems, e.g., Visual Exploration of Document Collections, Visual Relevance Feedback for Search, and Social-Media and Library Services.

Topics and Exercises

  • Tasks and models for library services
  • Text documents and text search
  • Metadata and knowledge structures
  • Collection and long-term preservation of documents and data
  • Introduction to multimedia retrieval
  • Support for research data sets
  • User search and exploration
In the accompanying exercises, students implement and apply selected techniques for Digital Libraries. Recent examples include harvesting and analysis of metadata and visual search and analysis for research data repositories.


  • M. Lesk: Understanding Digital Libraries. Morgan Kaufmann; 2nd edition (2005)
  • S. Rüger: Multimedia Information Retrieval. Morgan and Claypool Publishers
  • White and Roth: Exploratory Search - Beyond the Query-Response Paradigm. Morgan & Claypool 2009
  • Endres, D. Fellner: Digitale Bibliotheken - Informatik-Lösungen für globale Wissensmärkte. dpunkt.Verlag, 2000.
  • Witten: How to Build a Digital Library. Morgan Kaufmann; 2nd edition (2009).
  • Hey, Tansley und Tolle: The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery. Microsoft Research, 2009.
Photo credits: © Tobias Schreck // Wikimedia commons // L. Shao, M. Behrisch, T. Schreck, T. v. Landesberger, M. Scherer, S. Bremm, and D. Keim. Guided sketching for visual search and exploration in large scatter plot spaces. In Proc. EuroVA International Workshop on Visual Analytics, pages 19-23, 2014.

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