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CSBME Newsletter

Provided by the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
newsletter.csbme@tugraz.at | Follow us on Twitter


Webinar on Data Management and FAIR Data
01 July, 10:00 - 12:30 a.m.
Hosted by the Open and Reprocducible Research Group (ORRG) in close collaboration with Data Stewards from TU Delft, the webinar will give a hands-on introduction to principles of FAIR data management including data management plans. The webinar will take place online (the link as well as registration details will be provided in due course). Register via e-mail to Stefan Reichmann. Places are limited!

Faculty News

New Master's Curricula Computer Science / Software Engineering
The new Curricula will come into effect on 01 October 2020. You can watch a presentation on all changes by your student representation on YouTube.

Merit-based Scholarship and Promotional Scholarship by our Faculty for 2019/2020 now available.
The Faculty awards merit-based scholarships once a year to students who have achieved above-average academic success. In this way, the scholarships serve as recognition of outstanding academic achievements.
Promotional scholarships are awarded twice a year to degree students to provide support in writing academic theses. The prerequisite for being awarded a promotional scholarship is good academic success.

Jobs, Grants, Open Calls

Academic Staff

University Assistant (post doc, 4 years) at the Institute of Health Care Engineering (HCE).
Apply until 01 July 2020.

University Assistant (post doc, 3 years) at the Institute of Medical Engineering (IME).
Apply until 01 July 2020.

University Assistant (prae doc, 4 years) at the Institute of Medical Engineering (IME).
Apply until 01 July 2020.

University Assistant (prae doc, 3 years) at the Institute of Software Technology (IST).
Apply until 15 July 2020.

University Assistant (post doc, 4 years) at the Institute of Neural Engineering (INE).
Apply until 31 July 2020.

[NEW]  PhD / Postdoc position for research on brain-inspired AI and Machine Learning at the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science (IGI).
Available until filled, apply now!

Project Assistant in Data Management (post or prae doc) at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science (ISDS).
Available from 01 September 2020.



General Staff


Full-Stack Software Developer at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science (ISDS).
Available from 01 August 2020.

Senior Software Architect / Lead Developer at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science (ISDS).
Available from 01 August 2020.



Grants, Open Calls


BioTechMed Lab Rotation Program for Master students. Apply until 28 June 2020

[NEW]  Code4Green: European environmental data hackathon. Win 10.000€! Apply until 03 July 2020.

Workshop: Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen – Deep Learning: Wie Computer Lernen. Apply until 13 August 2020.

FFG: Big Data in der Produktion. Open until 20 August 2020.

Best Collaborative BioTechMed-Graz Paper Award 2020. Submit until 06 September 2020

Mind the Gap – Diversity Award for including human factors in engineering and science. Submit until 08 September 2020.

Doctoral Examinations

Info: Candidates can take the final examination (presentation and oral exam) online via video conference call (e.g. Webex) if all parties involved agree. The requirement of publicity can be ensured as follows: Candidates may distribute the meeting link; requests to participate in the video exam can also be sent by e-mail to the chairperson of the exam commission.

Samuel Weiser – Enclave Security and Address-based Side Channels
26 June, 11:00, WebEx

Alexander Grabner – Single Image 3D Vision for Objects in the Wild
29 June, 15:00, WebEx

Tiago Filipe Teixeira dos Santos – tba
30 July, 09:30, tba

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Next Newsletter: 30 June 2020 | Editorial Deadline: 29 June 2020, 8:00